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Everything posted by TheUniverseIsLove

  1. @Moreira @Angelite ?
  2. @Leo Gura and others.... What is that gut guiding feeling that seemingly makes us choose what we SEE. Why this plan?
  3. @Meetjoeblack Thank you! ?
  4. My boyfriend broke up with me last night. There is pain, but also I see the beauty of it all. Such is life. We ended up driving to the top of a city building. We were looking for a spot that we had previously been. It was funny, because we couldn't find the spot, and we ended up driving to a random parking garage. When we arrived at the top, and viewed over the city, we noticed that the spot we were looking for was just across the way. You may not get what you seemingly want. But you will get something just as high up. Just as beautiful. And, hey, now you know how to get back to the first spot, if needed. The universe will get you where you need to be because that is all there is. Love and now. Forever, with Love. ?
  5. @Leo Gura You seem to know a great amount about a lot of topics, however, in my experiences so far with your content, your approach towards a woman's ideologies in life tend to be pretty generalized, close minded, and one-sided. I am not saying your comment about women is inherently false. But, as constructive criticism, sleeping with a guy from a cold approach does not make one look like anything, except someone who slept with a guy from a cold approach. I am a woman who would sleep with a guy off a cold approach as long as the vibe felt right. I have no fear of being called a slut, or looking like a slut. As constructive criticism, please check your generalizations about women before you give advice on women.
  6. @the-philogynist Creativity IS a skill.
  7. Sex does not take skill. Great, amazing, mindblowing sex DOES.
  8. As a child, the concept of Santa was my first glimpse into "illusion" and enlightenment, and perhaps a peak into infinity sharing itself with itself towards love. I love Christmas because of this. Merry Christmas!
  9. @Inliytened1 I Feel like Love is the starting point that breathes itself into every moment, negative or positive. It is the fabric. All atoms are neutral. Love is neutral. Everything is love, sharing itself with itself. Neutrality IS. What I want to explore more are the negative "illusions" ( I think there is a better word still) of love. Suffering in its many forms. While pain is also love, and neutral, why did the universe evolve to seemingly create it as if it was something other than? Why share the "illusion" of suffering with itself when it could just constantly be sharing the illusion of smiles, and orgasms? Also, I saw something the other day about how the color Magenta doesn't exist. Our brain simply makes it up from two other "existing" colors, Red and Blue. It fills in the gaps. The gaps become magenta. Gap= (C) Magenta= illusion = A+B (Red +Blue) A= illusion, Red= illusion, Suffering= illusion B= illusion, Blue= illusion, Joy= illusion Love= A+B=C My question I guess, Why Red and Blue in the first place? Why suffering and joy? Why the illusion of A and B to create C when it's all just love anyways? Why does the infinite share itself with itself at all? As Love. Yes. For Love. Yes. But, since the Universe IS love to begin with, why do the illusions even seem to exist? Why the supposed stucture? Why these specific illusions?
  10. @Leo Gura Love. ? "To share itself with itself" is a way better description of my interpretation of "spark" and "interaction." How do you define illusion? Why did these specific illusions manifest as such? Towards love? Would you describe Love to be synonymous with Harmony, and Balance? Or an entity alone? Is Nothingness PURE Love? *Also, thank you for your time, collective thought, and input. I really enjoy the "illusion" this forum brings as I share, and everone else shares there parts (Basically God/Universe be Sharin' collectively). It helps me get a deeper understanding of Love and feel more connected to the whole. ❤?
  11. Why does the infinite imagine itself as a trillion finite selves to make creation? Does it? Would it not create without this illusion, in and of itself? I almost feel as if you are assuming the illusion of the finite. (Not accepting it, but assuming it) There are no finite selves at all. The illusion does not exist. There instead seems to only be observation and momentum. The whole observes itself in every aspect of itself expanding. I, the whole, observe myself as "you," and myself as "me" happening as interactions. Moment. Moment. Moment. CONSTANTLY. "I" simply am what I am. Forever expanding observation. Not illusion. Illusion implies falseness. Illusion: "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses" What is happening as the infinite in it's observations is not simply IS as the whole. (I think that's how duality and non-duality debates begin. Duality is not interpreting falsely. Duality is simply the observation of the non-duality. Both are observation and moments.) The Infinite purely seems to be growing, and as it grows it simply fills itself with observation of what it has now become. That observation appears and expands into many, many, moments. Time. You are not you, and I am not me, we are simply moments of the whole. We are evolving time. We are the universe. We are happening as one whole entire energy. Observation of the infinite flow IS the forever expanding spark of nothingness.
  12. @Aaron p That's the thing though. I don't have trouble doing it for an hour, really. Sometimes 5 mintues, 10 minutes, 2 doesn't feel all that different. Sometimes the time files by, and sometimes it seems to last forever (Did my timer stop?!?) Time is a strange beast. I will try the just jump on a cushion thing though. ? I think I may know my defiance. I don't feel much different meditating than I do doing basically everything else. I can be in meditation mode whenever I go, whatever position I'm in. Time feels the same in every instance. I'm feeling those vibez in everyday life, in most moments, so inner self is like, "why do both." ?‍♀️ I just get distracted from the day to day life, and I think the meditation sessions remind me and make it easier to "clear my mind." Zen. Balance. Ying. Yang. Also, Non existence is a strange beast too. I think meditation focuses one on the idea to truly just be in the moment fully. Non-existance is just being and doing fully. That's all there is. Nothing and Being. When you BE and DO... ? percent, You get lost in time with all there is, all there was, and all there will be. You get lost in the love of the now, without even knowing you're there. That's why, though VERY long winded, I think Leo knows what's up. I also think Psychedelics bring about the same. All being and doing. Just like, more thrown in your face. I'd argue that more perception change puts someone fully in the moment too, like meditation. And psychedelics I guess it would depend on the new perception strength though.
  13. Lately I have been struggling to meditate. I still do it and appreciate it, but I keep putting it off until later in the day. Sometimes, because of this, I fail to get in the full hour I aim for. Not bad, just noticed. Tibetian bowl sounds seem to help me get motivatied, but then I find I want to only meditate with them, even though I appreciate what both versions offer. However, I also find a pull to want to incorporate more "silent" sessions. Do any of you use Tibetian Bowl sounds, and if so, how do you split your practices between sound and no sound? Do you find a difference between the two? Sometimes getting up early to meditate doesn't seem as easy as, "just wake up and go," even though I know it IS that simple. How do you all start your day early, do everything you want to accomplish in the day, and get enough sleep? Also, do you think other activities could be subsituted for meditation if they created similar experiences? If so, what activities? Thanks!
  14. Look up Vocal Training/Warm up YouTube Videos. Look up Fitzmaurice. Look up the Alexander Technique. Find and Do the exercises or find someone who can help teach you in your area. Or find a local Acting 1 class. Invest in yourself! ?
  15. I really like this. Collaboration of ideas at it's best!
  16. Today as I was driving my car in the city I noticed the rain drops tapping gently on my windshield. I could sense my niche in the world, and in that moment I felt eternal. I felt my relationship to the world co-exist with it's relationship to me. Non-Duality at it's finest, I suppose. I feel these moments often. I feel them while reading, while meditating, chatting with friends, with a lover, while tripping, while buzzed, with animals, on a hike, at the gym, while deceivingly overwhelmed with something unimportant, in times of stress, in pain, in avoidance, in acceptance, while feeling low and while feeling ecstatic. I feel the beauty in the relationship of the parts to the whole, in the being, and it brings me gut wrenching, intuitive, peace and happiness. The rain drop, the city scape and I... We were all eternal, together. We were spontaneously creating uniformity out of precise chaos. We were filling our niche in the moment, and I noticed. However I also noticed that lt was just a moment, and I felt a pull towards something more. Our combined niches felt like drops accumulating towards a puddle, towards a lake, or an ocean, or a flood. My questions to all of you now elude to the idea of the niche. 1. Is the niche something a thing fills in a single moment, or is it an eternal purpose? Is it just the drop or is it going to be the puddle? 2. Why do some niches feel more powerful than others? What is that? Why are there drops, oceans, waves, and floods? 3. Can you intuitively know if you are not "correctly" filling your specific niche to the whole? Can you feel the energy of a tsunami? 4. Does it matter if the drops turn into an ocean or a flood, or a tsunami? Is there a difference? Do they fill different niches? ??❤??