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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. So this it what consciousness does: It imagines infinite boubles of realities or worlds in each infinite variety of ways with different complexities to reach the Truth, and its all just a game, just because he can Writing this while listening to "Parallel Universe by Solar Fields" quite trippy.
  2. Doesn't matter how consciousness puzzle the game, it's all just a game anyway designed by The Architect.
  3. It's not about pursuing abilities per say but the fundamental part of his work is those practices he offers promised to distance you or free from your genetics and elevate your consciousness, And you said no ammount of spiritual practices are going to get you this, which questions his main teachings, so at the end do you think he is genuine or not? Or how you see him and his teachings? What do you think he is? Having studied his work and watched many of his videos seeing him in hospital is actually shocking cause that means he himself is not there yet or he just tell stories and his methods probably doesn't work.
  4. @Leo Gura Please let me know what you interpret from this video of him talking about Avadhanis, someone how unlocks his minds capabilities to perform 8 actions at the same time to whoping thousands actions he calls Sahasradhani. He talks quite a lot about yogis with extraordinary capabilities. Just watch a few of his vids, not sure how one can misinterprete such obvious clear stuff he talks about.
  5. @Leo Gura So you think he is full of BS? I said all that based on studying his materials and videos, not my personal believes.
  6. You can find lots of his videos that he states you should be in charge of your chemicals and basically whatever you want to experience with your body, he always says all these practices are to free you or distance you from your genetics and elevate your consciousness, This was shocking for me too to hear that something like this happened to him and more shocking that he took painkillers and sedatives, Plus you can find much more radical claims about his capabilities in his exclusive vids, There's something wrong or Sadhguru is not truly what he portrait himself to be, I dont know. BTW there's no doubt that there are some true genuine super conscious yogis out there, they have been around for thousands of years but most likely you won't find them in youtube or Instagram but in mountains, meditating 24/7.
  7. But the whole work of yogis like Sadhguru is based on puting on some practises to elevate ones consciousness to go beyond normal human consciousness, if we take claims like this to be BS then he is a fraud.
  8. Yogis always state that the reason for diases in the body is just imbalances in chakras and energies, so based on this, a powerful, experienced yogi like Sadhguru got imbalances in his chakras??!!
  9. So yogis are not simply people who meditate to be happy, peaceful, you gain some level of control over reality with those yogic practices specialy your own body, energetic system, and Sadhguru does make some radical claims to have extraordinary abilities in his exclusive vids, so either those are all nonsense and he can get sick and die like any normal person or theres something wrong I dont understand. @Phrenic any thoughts?
  10. Guess what's the first thing you do after enlightenment? You're right, make that damn "ask me anything" topic, you fucking instinctively will do it, no way enlightened dudes can resist it, you just gotta do it man lol
  11. As a kid, all you have is a desire to enjoy yourself, be playful and alive, The vibe and energy that you have is very close to your true nature Kids are very spiritual to me... untill they lose it all when grown up develop an ego and suffer it.
  12. @MellowEd Total nonsense, a place called hell doesn't exist, would you torture yourself for seeking, needing love? You think someone who commit a crime is a monster, evil? Everybody in anyway are just looking to get love, loved.
  13. @Princess Arabia Remembering in a mechanism of the mind to create a sense of time and past and future illusion in the present moment, because past and future doesn't exist in the now, that's something consciousness made up, so no.
  14. @Razard86 Wasn't really clear I was joking really? Why too serious, chill out guys. Btw the OP himself was recently one of those enlightened dudes and did make such a topic actually, now he sound a bit less enlightened lol
  15. @Enlightened please enlighten @Unenlightened One so he could become @Enlightened @Enlighten Me this guy need help too! Lol
  16. @James123 Dude! I'm enlightened as fuck, I was just about to make the "ask me anything" topic, so no ego for me for sure lol More work is needed here to be able understand it, need to see it from the Awarness's eyes which is beyond what the mind sees and projects to fully understand this whole thing.
  17. Yes where is it? See, the investigation is not to find anything but to help you be free from your mental imaginations ideas you formed by seeing nothing but your true self as ever shining presence ,existence, awareness, truth. Once you go beyond it, see yourself totally free from all your imaginations the whole structure breaks down. Intellectual understanding of all these helps achieving this too.
  18. What is nothing? The distinguish you imagine between nothing and everything is just in your mind, and is another duality which should collapse too to see the truth,from Awareness's POV nothing=everything .
  19. I see you are unable to see through these, and get it, making it personall. It doesn't matter what appears, appearnces within the consciousness is irrelevant to what consciousness is in nature. Truth, Awareness, Consciousness is beyond it's imaginations.
  20. Ego doesn't exist, if enough investigation done, you see there's no second to you, but only your imaginations, and once stopped its all clear for you, you see that you've been always the self, yourself. But where does the sentences come from? Well I could ask where does the consciousness come from? It doesn't come from anywhere, same as everything else, the source of everything including the intelligence that works to make these conversations possible is nothing, it comes from the self.
  21. The duality between anything collapses once you stop imagining that there is. A drop once back in ocean dissolves and no longer a drop but the whole ocean. Ocean (infinite) cannot see individual drops (any possibilities) but only can be itself as a whole.