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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. Ego will melt and die in the Love of the cakes, having resistances is normal! But eat the cakes slowly in some meditative states, you shall be fine! Be connected and let go of everything! ?
  2. It just shows one part of the thread, please manage to have a lovely Leo inside the photo also! ?
  3. Everything is energy, you make your energy loving! Your love can be felt by everyone! It'll spread everywhere, it'll change everyone's life around you in some positive unimaginable way! ? ♥️
  4. Lets sense and feel your sweetness, love inside! Open your heart! Shutdown the mind, let the Love blossom You! The physical appearance are done by the higher forces, and everyone is beautiful in some way, you complete the work by making your energy also loving, beautiful, sweet! Its all in your hand. Itcan be felt even just by looking at your photo! The amount of Love can be felt by looking at the Anandamayi's photo is amazing! Thanks @The Buddha for sharing!
  5. Some people are just too much "man" or "woman", please don't be, it's good to have a balance, its even better if you are just your'self'. Contemplate.
  6. beautiful outside but is also beautiful inside? how sweet, beautiful, loving are you inside? it matters a lot more, IMO the only thing that truly matters, the appreciation of the physical appearance is just temporary, you wont remain beautiful for a man who is exposed to the devil inside! the physical beauty will be unseen.
  7. Nobody said that! you seems like having hard time understanding what absolute infinity means!!
  8. If we say God is Love that means that God was always Love, are always Love and will always be Love (he is eternal being beyond time) , God never choosed to be himself which is Love over being for example evil!! how God could choose this if he is eternal being and never borned and is beyound time? he is absolute infinity and he is just himself which is Love!
  9. But to God being you and a shit is really no difference! Since its all God if there's difference then it's not infinite! Infinity cannot choose or prefer certain aspect of himself over some other aspects! But when you're in a finite form, it doesn't work the same way!
  10. Can God really have any preferences to "choose" ? Because when we choose, that means that we prefer something over something else based on our preferences. But does being infinite work the same way?
  11. His videos lacking that amazing intro which is: "Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this is Leo for" which he was doing for eternity! Leo is not conscious how he is not himself anymore without the magical intro! He really needs some awakening!
  12. She really needs to start his youtube channel then, somebody tell her to reincarnate again please.
  13. you can experience that ____ but no you don't know what it is! experience imagining a simple apple in your mind, you can experience imaging but what is imagination really? where it happens? how it happens? what's the content of the imagination made up? fucking mystery.
  14. well then as long as you are happy, nothing else matters!
  15. What's your direct experience of "the vibrational universe" when you just sit and get relaxed and stop thinking about anything including the "vibrational universe" ? nothing! you just believe in it that's all! it's so obvious as long as you believe in the "objective physical world" you'll stuck in it! the world is mental! so your beliefs make your own world!!
  16. Its just a belief. You'll know zero complexities if you just stop thinking about it! Mind likes to make everything as complicated as possible! your imagination is as real as everything else, but it's still imagination right?
  17. Lol! How do you know that?! When you wake up from a dream, is it still continues for you or just disappears like never happened?! What's your direct experience?
  18. "Reality is Imagination" But the way we act on our daily life and interact with others is just like ordinary people who believe in "objective outside physical world"! Same awareness, but still for us, an apple in our imagination is different than "physical" , "Real" apple which we can hold in our hand. Maybe that's the issue, maybe we really need to see the reality as the way it actually is. When we imagine stuff the moment we stop imagining it in our mind it would actually fucking cease to exist for us anymore, obviously because its just Imagination, and no "real" right? But do we really believe that when we close our eyes and stop seeing, anything that we were seeing just some moments ago, become none existence just like our simple Imaginations? Not really. So doesn't just takes some steps we do at practical level, to conquer the Mind and understand it for the exact reason that "Reality is Imagination" and mental? I'd say we really need to contemplate these.
  19. let's forget about God, does the absolute, the pure awareness, knowingness the silence which you can 'be' when the mind is silence, have the ability to be anything other than itself? when the mind is silenced there's just nothing! it's just quiet! there's no God, no I no body, nothing! so i'm starting to deepening the realization that everything including God and it's doings, is just pure imagination right? so why would we strive to access those different states like God or infinity states at the first place?
  20. Exactly, and it's something when mind is really silent can be realized, but IMO it seems like there's confusion between God and Awareness, even though they are fundamentally the same, but awareness or pure knowingness is the ultimate reality! in all states of awareness from ant to God to human it's the changeless awareness which remains itself forever no matter what!
  21. so the better question would be, will you remember your true nature and who you really are in all next dreams after you truly realize it?
  22. Does awareness have memory to remember it's awakenings? no it's just pure knowing! so what would stop awareness from dreaming all over again? and so is permanent enlightenment is really a thing?