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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. @James123 you are clearly not there yet if you cant understand self-realization is not a special mystical state that you'll gain in future. Before and after enlightenment is just bunch of fantasies in your mind. Stop fantasising and and just be.
  2. In fact you can never have any separation from yourself that later would enable you to be closer or farther from it. You can only be in ignorant of it.
  3. Talking doesn't need internal dialogue at all. I do things and talk mostly when my mind is silence! A Silence mind doesn't make you stupid, it makes you wiser! Those who can silence their mind understand this.
  4. Go and do the work and stop messing with your mind and judging others! I've never said there's no path.
  5. Dude! Go and do the work, and then come back to talk about, the self or awareness, witness or anything you like! I said all I've realized with my direct experience and contemplation! Realization is simple, don't make it complicated. Much love ♥️ Peace.
  6. of course there's path to self-realization but it's the first time I've heard of path of "nonedoership" ! are you really in path of "nonedoership" or path of self-realization? you ultimately wanna realize who you are! that's it. why messing and playing with words? dude!! what are you talking about? who said the self is imaginary? the self is that which imagines! pay attention to that which exist in all states. don't care about states, that changeless stateless witness which is you are reality. very simple. again if you contemplate the nature of imagination and how it works you'll get it. Peace.
  7. there's no such thing as path of nonedoership!! what is this? Well I agree! have i said anything against what you said? i said our 'self' is changeless reality, real in all states. it seems like you've got more work to do in the path of your self-realization! you don't know what is awareness. in your thought process there's still unconscious belief of physical outside world apart from you which is false. everything is imagination means everything is literally imagination. but from a materialist's perspective objects have their own independent existence apart from us, you need to contemplate what's awareness, and what imagination literally is. sit and contemplate the difference between an apple which you can imagine in your mind and a "physical", "real" apple which you know. think about how you experience both.
  8. you are talking about the ultimate stage so yes as you progress ultimately you'll realize your true self, and the sense of doer ship is no more! the rigid believe in I am who doing everything will be gone. even in ultimate stage you are just yourself, changeless, nothing can change about your 'self'. body, universe, divine, God that you know about are all imaginary, you don't have any body nor know what divine, God, or universe is in sleep, so better not pay so much attention to our imaginations! we do lose the whole universe including our thoughts about our body every night we go to sleep or better to say we just stop imagining it! so why even caring about it.
  9. Simple spinal breathing, which you imagine the flow of energy going up from the base of spine to the top of the head, and down. Also did a lot of meditation on the center of forehead which is related to Ajna chakra or third eye that results in seeing swirling purple light in meditations. After some time i started to hear primordial "OM" sound, which was very weak at the beginning, but then i just meditated on this sound until it became stronger and more clear, obvious, then in one of the meditation sessions, a strong flow of energy automatically entered my spine (probably activated Kundalini), it was painful and pressure was great, but i kept the meditation for good 3 hours, after this, the flow of the energy became automatic, and i could feel it all the time, specially in meditations, mostly in hand and spine. These days the flow of energy is way more stronger and is everywhere. Specially if i do energy work. Good to mention that i did all these practices in a silent environment living alone and not with too much distractions.
  10. You doing nothing results in mind sinking back to its source. Which is awareness of course, you need to realize in your direct experience how you are the source of everything including mind, thoughts etc. Its just simple activities of you. When you are not aware of this and rest in awareness is when you sleep.
  11. No you don't eliminate or fight, Thoughts just won't arise anymore that much when you rest in awareness and eventually disappear! Effortlessly! People have hard time understanding simple stuff.
  12. You don't force it to stop, you don't fight with your mind, but experiencing much less thoughts is the consequence of a proper peaceful meditation. And eventually gaining control over your mind. You'll eventually realize it with your direct experience.
  13. Ohh wait a minute... Neurons??? Wtf dude!!!??? ?
  14. Of courses it's possible to reach to a level which thoughts are very little and minor and have almost zero power on you, don't be so interested and identified with them and they will lose power and eventually disappear, I'm talking from my own experience.
  15. Yes just because they only think, they are dumb and unconscious as fuck! Haha
  16. Maybe because of their materialistic view? because they think consciousness is something brain produces and so they never can understand.
  17. don't try to explain your own egoic mind and ideas to others.
  18. You'll definitely get better trust me, but if you feel at some point in your practices that you need to stop it and pressures become intolerable for you, immediately stop all practises and let the system have some rest and recover and then later continue when you feel ready and fine. About depression: something needs to break in you in order to end it, you really need to realize it in your direct experience that that shit which thinks and suffers is not you, having realized this will end the sufferings.
  19. Ohh man, I've been through a lot of headaches at first months also too much pressure on center of forhead, but eventually you'll get stronger and stronger, headaches won't last more than one day usually, these days the amount of energy and vibrations i can feel is really much stronger than like a year ago which i started, but the body is also gets stronger so no longer headaches or intolerable pressures at all, These days i still do energy work also, but if i do 'Do nothing' meditation the energy automatically flows to my head. The energy is intelligent AF, so i do nothing and let it do all the necessary works Practicing all these energy work is good but my main accomplishment in terms of awakening to my true self and seeing who am I really done by self-enquiry and not Kriya yoga. I can feel that the strong flow of these energies eventually will lead to some extraordinary mystical states which would be nice to experience About having a guru, not all of them are considered good guru's you really need to do research a lot to put your trust on somebody. I like to go on my own way and use my intuition.
  20. Basically with energy work practices you learn to control your prana energy, you can silence your mind and heal your chakras, remove blockages, so it can flow easily in your body. You can also gain some healing abilities. You may not feel anything at first practicing working with your energy, some people don't feel anything for a good year, you shouldn't be disappointed if you didn't feel anything at first, i could feel after 3 days of pranayama practice. After some time, it was all automatic, i stopped practicing it since the energy started flowing everywhere in the body automatically specialy in the spine without me doing anything.
  21. See, you yourself are truth, reality, changless, anything else is illusion, imaginary temporary, therefore are not real, that's it.
  22. But how much does it affects your baseline consciousness? In terms of gaining any level of controling over mind? Doing Self-enquiry and meditation and Kriya Yoga stopped my sufferings and thought process for me, literally saved my ass from years of suffering, sadness depression. Seeing your true nature when you are not high will have life changing results that will stick to you! But again no doubts psychedelics will have so many benefits for you. My experience with mushrooms was really positive and the love I've felt was beyond anything i could imagine, but psychedelics is really different than pure sober awakening really.