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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. People don't even understand what deconstructing mind even means, so I cant even say that, people are so lost in their mind that to understand these stuff first they need to gain a little bit of consciousness and wake up to the distance between them and their thought process so they can later understand that you are not mixture of thoughts, emotions etc. Some times people around me are acting so unconsciously that I really wanna ran away from them to some fucking cave or something and just meditate or die here.
  2. well about rootbark it's possible but not in any legal way! Unfortunately DMT and LSD is extremely rare and almost impossible to find in my country, but mushrooms is ok, I do my mystical consciousness explorations with mushroom. how possibly does it work with mushrooms?
  3. @XeRnOg I cannot access DMT in my place, how can I reach breathless state, what practice do you recommend to reach such states drug-free?
  4. See, reaching God consciousness state and abiding in that state is different than just thinking that you are God, when you are mildly conscious or not conscious at all that you are God then telling yourself that you are God is just an idea or thought just like all the other thoughts, and here meditation comes in handy to first empty your mind of all these disturbing ideas and thoughts and then try to connect to the source it works for me. and it's really great!
  5. How do you feel when you do this btw? when you let go of all non-duality, ideas, concepts, and just with an empty, silence mind trying to connect to a higher power, God and feel it in your heart? it's really really beautiful and loving for me, even though I realized I'm God I really really enjoy and want this type of connection too beside all mediations and spiritual practices etc.
  6. Are you talking about body self-design? Leo always talk about? Well you can't have certain preferences as infinity include every possiblity, so yes your current avatar is a possibility out of infinite one. You didn't design it in your spare time while your were busy also working on the rest of the universe haha Consciousness is experiencing every possiblity for eternity. It's insanely insane. Not even God knows how God can be this insane.
  7. Yes in this plane of existence you are supposed to feel a lot limitations and things can basically be very gross. If you are interested feel free to have a trip to the astral planes, it is subtle and a lot of limitations in the physical plane don't exist there. Yogananda's guru, Sri Yukteswar explained these planes very well in details in the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" in one of it's latest chapters it's called "resurrection of Sri Yukteswar". You'll find a lot of interesting information regaring this topic.
  8. Yeah in this super insane world, being sane is so fucking weird man, just ignore them and happily, carelessly practice whatever you wanna practice.
  9. I haven't seen that video, but I was talking about his actual experiences similar to these! not just he being more open minded to these kind of stuff as a result of God realization. he mentioned a few times in the forum too that his DMT experiences is not like other people's experience or he never encountered a DMT alien. simply because what you truly desire is not anything like these so of course you would never experience what Terence McKenna experienced or probably vice-versa.
  10. @Tim R And you don't even hear once, not even once Leo talk about encountering an Alien, time traveling, going to another dimension of existence or anything like that too other than merging in the heart of singularity of existence, Interesting right? But you hear youtuber @Psychedsubtance talk a lot about these experiences too. Probably because you get what you truly desire or maybe ready for out of these substances. Also maybe he had lots of oneness or enlightenment experiences, which obviously he had but consciously ignoring these experiences out of whatever reason (lack of interest maybe? ?).
  11. Have you heard about brain interfaces like Neuralink? I think such huge improvement will be totally possible in future with these brain implants. You might find this video interesting:
  12. I totally agree with what you said. I hope some day he go beyond his ego-mind, sober, to see all these corruptions and transcend it and go back to reside in his real home which is the heart rather than the mind.
  13. lol, he is def not, btw it's quit normal to feel this way and it's not you actually, it's your ego-mind and it's self-deceptions, which such claims is the consequences of not transcending your ego (to some good extend) before going for such intense experiences. plus every time he says his new experience is even more infinite than previous ones, that means no matter how much he trips he will always remain in ignorance of possibilities even beyond his most infinite trips.
  14. And when you realize it's all just a game is when your "realization" is complete and you'll finally relax and flow with it and have fun while you are still around!
  15. He keeps teasing bout it, not sure when he'll finally share something, also no any new vlog for a long time.
  16. basically that means there has to be something other than God's self so that God can know about, when there's only God, there's only one, that means that God doesn't know shit right? God is purely everything, no subject object relationship into existence so we can say God doesn't know anything. what's your thoughts on this?
  17. That's not true, Ramana Maharshi said a lot about God also, you welcome to read the book "Talks with Ramana Maharshi".
  18. @Tim R I think the point is there's no center which knows about everything else (no duality of subject object) this relationship doesn't exist, everything is self-aware, everything is equally God.
  19. @fish what the fuck are you talking about? You just realized that about this tiny place? All consciousness is doing is mental masturbation, why? Cause there's nothing can stop it.
  20. Kundalini experience, yes on 2grams of lemon tek golden teacher, ended up experiencing so much love and bliss beyond words, the amount of joy I experienced on every part of my body was beyond my imagination, and the experience literally opened my heart chakra. But I've had a lot of meditation and Kriya Yoga experiences before that trip. if you know what you are doing with psychedelics, these substances are amazing tools for accelerating your spiritual growth really.
  21. If your nervous system is weak and you take a very high doses of psychedelics and that ignites a full blown Kundalini rising, there's a chance that you burn your vessel this way.
  22. Search for breatharianism, there's people who purely live of of Prana. meaning they don't eat anything or rarely some fruit juices here and there, and some don't even drink at all. their body adapted to only use the universal life force energy as fuel. This guy is one of them:
  23. Don't know if somebody posted it here or not, quite enjoyed it, thought why not share it here
  24. @dlof Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences with us, really appreciate it ??