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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. @Someone here Notice that you badly want that peace and good feelings back but your mind doesn't allow it! Because when you are in that state the mind is no mind! All these thoughts and resistances towards God, are because when tou are connected either by abiding in your self or praying to God, mind dies out or goes back to its source. mind wants to stay, to survive through thought process, something you loose when you are connected! This is the only reason it's so hard to just ignore the mind and thoughts try as hard to convince you it's a foolish act and to not do it.
  2. @Someone here Yes because all deities or Gods are avatars or symbols of God, that's why all works. It's like gravity, gravity do exist right? We can know for sure that such force exist by the effects of it.but what's gravity itself, or where does it come from? Is there anywhere which we can point to and say we find gravity itself? No. Same goes for this type of connection with God. You can know it indirectly the same way you know about gravity.
  3. If it doesn't exist then why the hell in the world there's nothing like literally nothing like praying to God feels so good and peaceful? Start praying and check if you feel different after or in the middle of prayer even if you not sure it exist or not, your feeling will tell you that the prayer works! All the time!
  4. @Someone here Those who don't abide in the self, meditate on God outside themselves, whichever works for you is fine. If you don't like to meditate or turn within then prayer is totally fine. Pray to your higher-self which is taking care of you from the moment you entered this world. God is inside not outside or vice versa is just bunch of thoughts.
  5. @Cepzeu Sadhguru is a realized yogi! if he wants he can easily stop sleeping or eating or even breathing or even it can go as crazy as leaving his body and let it get rotten and recreate it with cosmic atoms! forget about that, you and I just like a normal person need 7 8 hours of sleep everyday to be able to have enough energy and mental stability to function well throughout the day.
  6. We have the necessary physical and astral equipments (chakras, life force energy etc) to become awake! And that is being done and managed by infinite intelligent and not humans! Electricity going through bunch of wires won't bring consciousness! Lol
  7. Ego-mind knows that, that's why people are always running away from themselves and turning within is something considerate unhealthy or bad in society and being extrovert good (always wanting to be around others avoiding to be alone, easily get bored when there's nothing to do etc) ego-mind fully knows that when you turn within and and reach a level which you find the source of joy pleasure, happiness, it's done nobody like literally nobody would seek worldly pleasure once he hit the source after that.
  8. You guys think that bunch of codes can create awareness or a self, That's a very silly assumption!
  9. Dude! ? I am awareness! If you take everything from me, my ideas, thoughts, body, ... I'll remain as awareness and I am self-aware. Being exposed to billions of words, thought didn't create awareness! So there can't be awareness behind an AI, even though awareness is behind everything but you know what I mean..
  10. I say no matter how much DMT you trow at a rock it wouldn't suddenly start talking about God, infinity, love etc ? A rock supposed to remain asleep even after 1 trilion years..Even thou it's consciousness or manifestation of consciousness. Same goes for an ai, no matter what you fed it and how it responds you, none of it comes from consciousness, impossible, thou it's consciousness or God.
  11. Ok what do you mean by all this? the AI gained consciousness?
  12. The programmer just had a DMT up his ass just before programming this part of the AI lol
  13. I understand what you mean, but we are not zen masters, they affect your consciousness too in very negative way something you don't want at all when you work a lot to gain some consciousness.
  14. See when you are surrounded by unconscious people, it takes great amount of energy and mental clarity to stay conscious the level which you'd normally be at when you don't have to deal with so much stupidity and unconscious behaviors. Of course you should feel compassion and love towards everyone since everyone is divine and deserve love, but it takes great amount of energy to also embody these not just to understand!
  15. Thanks my friend, and nice view on this whole thing ? I wish people could see the potential we see in the regular meditation as a super important daily practice to gain that mind strength, peace and stillness necessary to be able to do anything you can imagine in your mind literally! ? All my friends find meditation boring AF and a waste of time unfortunately (I've very few friends btw) I couldn't even convince my mom to sit and meditate to be able to control her anger and negative thought process and unconscious behaviors! She thinks I went crazy with all these indian things! Lol
  16. Thanks a lot! yeah since I experienced it in mushroom I can see the huge potential and how life chaining it can be to be able to induce those experiences drug-free whenever you want to! awesome thanks!
  17. Damn man, any resources to learn about jhana? It'd be absolutely amazing to induce such explosive experiences drug-free.
  18. I actually got to the point which I can induce a blissful joyful experience with help of my imagination and energy something I couldn't do just a few months ago and it's very good and happy about it but still it's mild compared to that experience. I don't know about jhana and have no experience with it, but you mean it can actually produce that explosive experience?! did you actually experience it?
  19. I don't know man but I don't think meditation at least without many years of experience can get me into a state similar to my first mushroom experience which was 2grams lemon tek, the amount of love and pleasure on every part of my body while I was conscious that I'm God I experienced in that trip was absolutely beyond my imagination and out of this world like I was in fucking heaven man. after that Trip I worked a lot with my life force energy and meditated on my heart chakra a lot but no, nothing even close. the closets to that experience was the bliss and joy I could induce with Microcosmic orbit meditation but even that is far far away from that state. any meditation you know that can get me this high?
  20. ? That's very true actually.
  21. I think they're multi dimensional beings, they're not always in material forms and we'd never be able to see them if they choose not to, and to me the current silly footages are only they fucking with us, they still don't wanna have an actual contact with us.
  22. @Someone here Microcosmic orbit meditation! It may not work for you immediately but it got me to the point which circulating energy in those pathways brings a lot of joy and bliss for me, also makes me very sexually aroused too sometimes.