There are numerous ways people can choose to have relationships. For people to believe that being in a poly/open relationship is "less than" compared to a monogamous relationship, is extremely close minded. Monogamy is a relatively new dynamic, within the last 10,000 - 20,000 years. My partner and I have experimented with many different types of relationship dynamics, and for us personally we have found that being emotionally monogamous yet physically non monogamous is what works best for us. The key to any relationship is complete honesty, the ability to communicate effectively, and owning your own shit. Your feelings are yours. If you agreed to be in a particular kind of relationship dynamic and your partner is being open and honest with you, it's up to you to work through what's upsetting you so that you can grow, or leave the relationship if you've determined that's not the right dynamic for you. It may also be very helpful for you to find a therapist who is familiar with poly/open relationships to help you navigate through all the emotions you are feeling. Good luck to you.