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Everything posted by ShardMare

  1. @ZenAlex but how do you apply all that? U build them in an exercise or make them practical? F.e. i get the advice from leo that go to the gym. I dont forget it its pretty easy to just go to the gym. But another advice i get is lookout for self-deceptions. There are lots of them how do i apply them?
  2. There are thousands of self-deceptions i make. How i actually realize that im doing a mistake there and there? I think ive already made a post on this but i dont understand it still. How do i deal with forgetfulness? There is a day where im happy and literally i can manage my own mind but there are days where i dont realize im just playing with my mind
  3. @Razard86 this is hard to understand for me. Why improve anything at all then? How do i find scary or new things? I feel like i experienced almost everything. @gettoefl yes. Everyday when i wake up my mind is clear too and going with the flow is sometimes good. @Leo Gura leo can you help what mistake am i making @Razard86 can you write it down in a longer text, please?
  4. @Judy2 yes im already doing that. I read principles every single morning. In my opinion this is the most important thing if you want to improve yourself. I dont see why people dont comment on this post. I mean this is much more important than meditation or anything really. Most people would gain huge improvement if they would read their principles every single morning. Or should i say read their philosophy. People on this forum learn a lot of principles, ideas but how many are they actually using?
  5. When it comes to socializing humour is really important, thats why i want to improve it. However i dont laugh very often. I dont take life seriously but i also take it seriously. What causes seriousness? I find it really hard to laugh at jokes. How to be more reactive?
  6. @gettoefl so u think humour also stems from high energy and good mood? Thats why u say running, right?
  7. Seriously kill yourself just you arent hot? Cmon its not that deep You have a higher chance of getting a gf, you would get more attention, respect maybe but so what? You can do things to be more attractive and just try more, if it takes hundreds of approaches to find a gf then it takes that much. Dont be a victim. In my opinion take it easy.
  8. @Someone here view it as a stage in your life. Everybody will have depressed episodes in their life. Accept the pain when you do your tasks. It will help tremendously. Why it has to matter? Why is it bad that you dont have goals? Life is meaningless and there is nothing bad with it. I dont mean dont build goals, its somewhat important but dont take it too seriously. You recognized your addictions, then go in baby steps towards improvement. You will feel bad that you do it slowly but if u go fast u ll just come back where u were And again whats the big problem with having no gf and friends? I dont have too, its really a mindset how you think about it. Its a skill you can build up. It will be hard but its natural to feel like trash when you start it. Again, a mistake u say uve tried almost everything. The thing is that u dont try it few times but actually stick to it. The ultimate thing is self-deception. Realize this. You are deceiving yourself. You are mental masturbating.
  9. I feel like theres nothing to do. Everything its fine. U know i feel bored sometimes, i dont have to do much a day. But you know there is nothing wrong with boredom
  10. @EternalForest @VioletFlame i made the decision i was gonna focus on stage orange stuff. On fun, socializing, money. Im going to get a job in this summer do something with that
  11. @Hello from Russia yes it might not work for everyone. But i already have pretty good discipline. I just realize the emotion and my desires that they want more. And i realize im being a bitch and thats it Its about fixing your mindset, accepting more suffering
  12. Just make restrictions, u shouldnt go cold turkey. Go like ok i will watch 2 videos right now on self-help. Same with video games. Say ok i ll play 30mins. Ive done with this with nofap and its so easy. First i used to fap every other day then every third day then every fourth day and so on... Find what you can do outside of youtube? Meditation, going outside, gym, programs in ur city, making music, books, journal etc. Constantly reducing it the key
  13. @VioletFlame no i've worked my way through emptiness. I dont know why i wrote emptiness and numbness. I just have this anxiety trigger. When i watch a film i start to become more quiet and emotional and not confident. The weird thing is i cant even watch 5minutes of a film because its so umcomfortable for me.
  14. I have anxiety and i feel upset or weak idk how to describe it when i see a movie. It doesnt matter what type of movie it is. There are just too many emotions. I like to be serious, i cant be that emotional. What causes this?
  15. Im currently in highschool. Its summer break, i want to go somewhere with my friends but they all just finding excuses There are lots of teens here in my town but they are not outside. The only time u can meet them is when you at a party. Also there are no programs here. I should go travel with bus to a bigger city do something there but my friends dont go The only place i go here in my town regularly is gym
  16. I dont quite understand it. One trap of this work is: Distracting yourself from facing emptiness, negative emotions, loneliness, and ego backlashes. I was taught that i should be doing things that make me in a better mood. Why are negative emotions arent bad? Or why not run from it? Isnt its a sign that im doing something wrong when i feel a negative emotion?
  17. @Gesundheit2 but how do i face my emotions? Yes i start feeling them but what after it? @TheOneReborn if i recognize that one part of my body is tense then what do i do with that? And how do i know that it stores that or the other type of emotion? This is weird
  18. I dont have clue what is money or how to make business anything. Im 17. What books should i read to get something to understand?
  19. @Aleister Crowleyy yes i agree contemplation and philosophy and consciousness should be taught from your birth. But u have to admit not everybody is at your level. When looking at spiral dynamics there are people who stay at one level for their lifetime, they cant change. Yes there are problems with psychologist but they get educated based on average peoples needs u kno Tbh ive been following this path for a little while but not much because i feel that it doesnt suit for me, im not ready. I just feel and think that i should do these stuff. Master this stuff first. I was closedminded when i read your comment and i thought u wrote a joke. I still think that young people should focus on basic needs
  20. @Aleister Crowleyy In my opinion you look at this in a very bad way. Take a look at people under 30 who consume spirituality and philosophy, so many depressed folks there. They cause their own depression with their thinking. There are hundreds of traps in this work. You should be openminded about the stuff i mentioned above. Theres a difference between partying here and there while consuming philosophy, self help etc. Vs going every week and drinking. This is an idea that came to my mind it might be false but i think you repressed these needs in your life.
  21. I had a really good talk with my psychologist about this stuff. There are lots of posts, and adolescents that talk the same stuff as you. Its a paradox. You should be playful and also serious. You should consume philosophy, psychology, meditation. You should consume sex, relationship,money, materialism. You cannot sweep away your human life. You have needs. Go to that party, strike up random conversations to girls, go to gym, learn about money etc. You should not contemplate god and reality at this age. Be playful
  22. This is an addiction i realized in myself. I always want philosophy and theorize and think. I always think ok what can i do to improve myself? While i should do these, i also shouldnt do them hard. Its stupid
  23. But how do i know i should learn from eckhart tolle? Im 17 year old. People either say work hard thrn will be happy, and other people say there are no problems we just imagine it we are fine etc There are paradoxes everywhere But ive made the choice to be more practical do more but also dont take it tooo seriously. I should work hard.
  24. @Batman i feel i could feel better. Theres a need to improve myself. If i have good mindset i can do whatever i want @itsnutsandbolts yes i actually take actions. I dont procrastinate