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About ShardMare

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  1. @Javfly33 thank you. but what is collaborate to the entanglement of Karma? and also getting something out of it means getting it because of the joy. i think what is right is getting into it because why not, or to help.
  2. @Hojo yes i understand the first paragraph you wrote but what are you really trying to say? Why is loneliness the last feeling i want to feel? @Buck Edwards yeah but im thinking about is it necessary for happiness? thats the question @Emerald ok yeah its important to have more than 1 person on earth because of reproduction. but why are we talking about maslows hierarchy? thats not a rule of the World, just maslow created by it. Is happiness dependant on love and connection really? @Ero From what fear it stems?
  3. @Hojo Do you mean God gives emotions to things in this way: for example a persons significant other dies. And God gives this thing sadness, to this particular situation because thats what he wants. And also another question what do you mean by the void never will be filled until you give away all emotions? If God gives away all emotions then hes empty. Not lonely. Loneliness is a bad thing. I dont get this giving away or sharing thing u say I get this but what is the void? And why do we run away from it, why do we fear it?
  4. I definitely made a post about this question earlier but i still dont understand this. It came back. Im thinking about what is actually loneliness and why does it happen? It doesnt seem logical to me why do we always want social connections. Its like another form of stimulation or addiction. We always want more, you know we are together and hanging out, socializing with other people but hours later its gone. Sometimes we feel so great and also just emotionally connect well to each other but next time there is nothing. If i get in a relationship and i really love that person and connect with her emotionally deep then breakup happens then simply neurotransmitters drop down because there isnt enough stimulation. What is the difference between relationships and achieving goals, working towards something, hobbies etc.? But also there is the longest research on what makes people happy and by far relationships are the most important thats what they say. Relationships, love seems like a distraction. What actually is it?
  5. @cireeric do you mean self-actualization in Maslows hierarchy or idk self development? Why does self-actualization in maslows hierarchy means "being creative and being unique"? @buck Edwards but it doesnt answer the question. I can distinguish myself from any other person. And also making things colorful doesnt necessarily lead to anything. More stimulation? Or why do uniqueness is important? @adrian colby but why not create the same experience? @noselfself so this can be also a matter of wanting more control i guess. @letho thank you, you too. @princess arabia so we want to always create somethign new? But why dont just sit down and do nothing? i aint gonna lie there are so many thoughts and comments i dont even know is it worth it to get the answer of this while spending few hours journaling and thinking, questioning. @Sincerity i think what XXXXXX said. I and other people want to feel unique because then most of the time we will get attention and we feel like we are "more" or better than other people. And feeling like we are average means that we are not that important
  6. Simple question. Where does it come from? Do leo have a video about this? Or why does ego develops in this way that first it wants to be in a group and feel the same but then it also want to be unique and feel different
  7. @Wizardking im watching now for 5 minutes and i was thinking why do people think oh what about my job? You know most jobs are replacable. And also back in the day when bunch of jobs were replaced for example from people working on farms we went to 1 guy doing the wheat harvesting. I think its the goverments job to make sure people dont die of hunger, they will handle it. If the government wont handle it then just wars going to be the solution. People will want to kill the richest people and the people with high status etc. But how will this unfold really i dont know, basic universal income will be here i guess
  8. The purpose of work is survival. Back in the day you had to hunt in order to survive. As years went by new professions got created to enhance the rate of survival. 100 years ago most people worked on the farms. They grow vegetables, wheat etc. They worked a lot but at the same time not that much as some peole today. They worked a lot one day, the next day they rested. Ok they had pain in their body for a lot of physical work i get it, its worse. But would i just do farmers work instead of being an average factory worker in china? Where you just work to the point that its not necessary and you just make the employer more rich? No. You will get much more money by doing just farmers work. Nowadays if you get a job that requires more studies, expertise and also not a lot of people can do that job and people are willing to pay for your job then you get lots of money. Most people get more money than they need for basic survival and needs. And from that money they buy video games, pay for youtubers, movies, onlyfans, sports etc. For this reason for the last years jobs that are unnecessary rised. Im not just talking about the entertainment work field that got lots of unnecessary jobs, there are lot of examples. In my opinion in the next years as there will be ai automatization people will have the choice to "work" more unnecessary jobs. Also i think there will be universal basic income. And in the week we only have to work a few days. There will be a lot more jobs on climate change.
  9. In the new episode at 1:07:47 Leo says something that he regrets spending or focusing too much on spirituality at young age and in your 20s 30s 40s you should focus on money, socialization, relationships, business etc. Although Leo just said the trap is focusing too much on spirituality at a young age i still think we can somewhat put philosophy and psychology somewhat close to spirituality. The thing is that you want happiness. Not success and women and these things. If you only focus on these things you might become a type of self-help junkie young man, for example: You get so immersed trying to get rich and on success thinking that if you achieve this or that then you"ll make it(=be happy), playing the social game of who is more succesful, feeling negative if your colleague makes more money than you or have more status. Or you constantly listen to people who are not educated in the finance field and put a lot of money on really high risk stocks. Or spend so much time on forums and consuming dating content or you can actually make yourself depressed just because you are virgin. You feel lonely and start thinking that once i'll have a partner then i'll be happy.
  10. I was wondering why people say i cant be happy if im single or i'll be happy when i get married. And i asked is love a stimulation too? I mean companionship or friends are stimulation too- they are not happiness itself but they will stimulate you a little bit and thats it, when you are done socializing u feel fine, and while u socialize u feel fine. When you earn a goal and you feel success you feel good for a few days or weeks or maybe even for few hours and then thats it, u want more. Same with money or whatever. Now, when we are in love with our partner that high-feeling usually lasts around 6months-4years lets say. And after that your partner kind of feel like a best-friend but you all are not hyped up. So thats when from lust, attraction we go to kind of bonding. Bonding is when we can share each others feelings and we are close together. But that is too stimulation. You will get used to it and want more and its not happiness, right? I was also thinking about what if im simply at work or cant spend time with my partner then what, im gonna be unhappy? no. Or what if 1 day my partner breaks up with me then i have to find an other partner. You might think that its just simply a wrong idea that only this is what happiness is based on of course. But im trying to debunk that whats the problem with it? this is a mind-opening video about stimulation and happiness
  11. Im reading a book about myths of happiness. Theres a part saying: "I'll be happy when i get my dream job". The psychologist talks about hedonic adaptation. We get used to our jobs too: the pay, the stimulation(maybe we get bored and we want more and even harder challanges). She writes about people who work at Google and they have lots of games to play with, they can bring their pets to the job, really good food food free, high-pay,etc, but they still find a thing to complain about. get it why success wont make people happy, lots of times we crave bigger after the few hours of dopamine. But like what about a person who likes drawing and he is and artist? He just gets joy from painting. Does he get used to the joy of drawing? Is this joy or stimulation really just an additional thing for his happiness? Because another time he will want more stimulation from painting? Why shouldnt we think this way that "I'll be happy when i will have a job that i enjoy"? Why is it false? We shouldnt base our happiness on external things?
  12. Why does our emotions constantly change? And our happiness is limited? Why do we randomly feel more "negative" feelings throughout the day for no reason? ( i mean you could say its because of created negative thoughts by ourselves BUT even if you control your thoughts you are still have a feeling of being pulled back to just feeling normal or feeling a little bit bored)
  13. @Princess Arabia but why should we try to be happy if we are depressed? Why do anything at all? And also should i listen to this advice? Because you are much more developed consciously and maybe i shouldnt apply this stuff. @Raze i've only watched the first episode. I think being, mindfulness brings calmness and some contentment. It depends how we define happiness.
  14. Dr K said and also i've read a book on happiness that we always want more. A successful doctor, banker, lawyer who has lots of money and could retire still works, still wants a bigger position and more money. And they said these things dont actually make you happy they just keep you in a wheel. Also a weird stuff is that Dr K said in an interview is that when he was 22 year old he was ready to go for the spiritual path but his teacher was like no, u should go to university, get a doctorate, live a material life. Then let go from these things. I dont understand why. Even if you know it wont make you happy u still should go live a material life, make lots of money, experience lower conscious rewards? And also should you just go for balance and just have fun, do whatever if happiness comes from inside and success and outside things wont make you happy? If hoarding knowledge, being loved, thinking etc. can be an addiction then is the ultimate goal is to be content with being? Should u be happy just by being? Or is the mix of love, money, carrer, friends, thinking(or knowledge or spirituality) is fine?
  15. In my opinion forgetfulness is the most important thing on this journey. (After self-deception. But i dont have clue on how deep self-deception is, im a regular person and I think for most people on this journey forgetfulness is the most important) Journaling down stuff is the most important stuff. After you have done lots of this work its not enough to understand it because you can forget it. For example: (these are some of the things that comes to my mind right now) -You've lived hundreds of days like this, nothing bad will happen -be grateful of how much your parents helped you -be grateful, chinese people work from 9am to 9pm -Ask yourself right now how do you feel? What thoughts did you have before reading your notes? -Dont rush, why? I made this post a while ago: Razard86 talked about acceptance. But im not on that consciousness level like a buddhist to accept whatever that is happening. Why am i trying to improve myself? What about if its about suffering? Sometimes i just sit down and try to brainstorm ideas. Actually applying ideas are really important. But sometimes its better to just remind yourself of these thoughts. Because u will forget them if you only do visualization, affirmations, meditations etc. Because maybe you've read online that lots of people regret working too much and you have problems with workaholism. Then this thought helps you. But maybe few months after workaholism comes back. (Maybe this example was bad because you actually have to question yourself more deeply why do are you actually workaholic) What do you think?