Richard Alpert

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Everything posted by Richard Alpert

  1. Are you serious Leo? Like wtf? How off can your radar be? Even though half off the stuff you say is bamboozle, Teal and Bentinho are full blown bamboozle. Has been as long as they have been in the scene. I could put all the crazy lines they have said here, but you can do the research yourself. Teal is an alien and has said that her life is like 24/7 ayahuasca trip. I didn´t make that up
  2. If you want to follow an alien who decided to take human form, then by all means go for it
  3. I did relapse somewhere around day 20. It was kind of conscious relapse I couldn´t get sleep and i thought to jerk off so that i could fell asleep. I won´t be trolling here anymore so you can relax.
  4. Kind of
  5. Day 18? mood swings from frustration to peace. meditations have been good lately.
  6. Day 15? I drank quite a lot of alcohol last night, which i very rarely do nowadays. Now i remember how terrible hungovers can be. I microdosed shrooms last two days. I have had a bag of unused mushrooms in my house for months. I thought that i could trip this weekend (it has been at least a year since the last time), but i aint tripping on hungover.
  7. HSV-1 is the least worry in my life. it´s fucking nothing. I recently started in new workplace and had terrbile flu which also brought herpes few places in my lips. Nobody gave a fuck. 25% of people have genital herpes, so you are lucky if you only have one herpes
  8. Sounds like you are in perfect spot. You are becoming intelligent. what you thought (mind,books,gurus,teachers) would bring satisfaction and happiness wont workout.
  9. And to Igor: i think you are overthinking. Just commit and stick to your decision. what are you triggers? for me they would be a) negative feelings b) boredom. I mean i am not feeling negative most of the day or bored, but sometimes when i spend times in the evening alone it would be easy to jerk off and release. But it is easy to catch myself, because i know what the triggers are. I bet you have patterns too. When have you fapped, why and where? When you answer to those it is pretty easy to avoid those spots.
  10. Day 11? Nothing new here. I work 7-9 hours a day and i now try to workout pretty much at least 6 days a week. Usually in the winters i have dropped exercising to 4 times a week in the last 3 years. I feel my energy is pretty good now and i have energy and motivation to do 6x/week. I live in Finland, it´s dark and cold in the winter and in 2-3 months there is usually not much sun shining. I usually go maintanance mode between november-january. When the daytime gets shorter and darker, the energy levels usually go downwards. I just started watching True Detective season 3, it seems very good. Season 1 was epic, season 2 not very good and after 4 episodes the season 3 looks very good. It´s similar in many ways to season 1.
  11. Day 9? I felt pretty good today. My overall mood has improved and not much cravings for the last 2 days. I have never been one of the guys who makes claims that nofap gives some superpowers. But at least for me, complete celibacy gives more stable mood, more energy and overall uplifted feeling.
  12. Day 7? To be honest, i want to fuck somebody or punch someone in the face. But i will put the energy to somewhere else.
  13. Day 4? for me. I actually wanted to fap as soon as i got home from work today. Lol. My tactic is becoming aware when i want to release and quickly move the energy to something useful. I either go do sports, or start reading or meditating. Stress and boredom are the things to be aware of. I try to cut out caffeine starting tomorrow also. that one i am addicted to, but i might as well quit that shit at the same time. Let´s go Igor!
  14. I will join you for 180 days. I have been on/off nofapper for maybe 2 years? Somehow always end up relapsing at some point. Longest streak was somewhere between 2-3 months.
  15. I appreciate that he is trying to wake up people from the trance and from the bozos.
  16. yep, sounds like kundalini. it will probably go away. I had similar experience which lasted only a day, but couldn´t sleep and had to skip work. You are not going crazy although the experience feels like you are on mushrooms or something.
  17. Trust me, most of us have been there at some point of our life. You have no idea how common it is what you feel. And if you come from abusive household maybe you are allowed to feel what you feel? You have not fucked up in anyway. Can you lower your expectations? You seem to project into the people you look up to. Guess what? You dont need to be like them. Maybe you need to take time off? sleep, relax etc. the body is not stupid, it will go to exhaustion for a reason.
  18. i really really really hope you listen what i suggest. Raw veganism is nice for detoxing, but at least 80% of people go crazy and develop mental issues in the long run. Look at youtube, pretty much all of them end up having mental issues. You dont get enough nutrients plus you miss essential fats for your brain.
  19. All channeled materials are bullshit. Half truths at best. And they are not channeling, it´s all a show. Sorry.
  20. it was psychotic episode. If you actually have an awakening you dont have the need to go yell people that you are nobody