Richard Alpert

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Everything posted by Richard Alpert

  1. excercise, video games, online poker, gambling, weed, porn, internet, nicotine, coffee I have been addicted at least to those. Nowadays probably internet is the only one. But i still feel yoga, meditation, sports are still a lot of times method of trying to get "high". But arent we all looking pleasure or good feelings some way?
  2. Im dont want to make you feel bad, maybe you had some consciousness shift but its very likely not enlightenment. I´ve had one Satori experience in my life, it was instant BAM! and i was in totally different state of consciousness. I was the trees, the lakes and everything, there was no-self, i was everything. I had 0 thoughts going on in my head. Lasted maybe 10 seconds (not sure), i thought i was going to die (which i was psychologically), and then the ego kicked in. Ive had many epiphanies after that on meditations and mushrooms but nothing like this.
  3. You might try herbs like maca or tongat ali. But do youre research
  4. He doesnt really read the books, he spead reads them and takes few notes. He even told it on some video. But i guess that is cool too, if you do it everyday.
  5. What do you mean legit? He is a succesfull businessman, he is also the sneakiest sales/marketing guy. He is the king of clickbaits. He´s been accused to scamming a lot, he had very suspectfull online dating businesses and people have complained a lot.
  6. Just make a good preparation and practice youre set several times and youll be fine. If i was able to do it back in the day, so are you. Whats the worst thing that can happen? Youre not gonna fucking die, and the audience knows that public speaking isnt the easiest gig, so they arent that judgemental because they understand it can be little exciting.
  7. little water and short yoga session, then im ready to take over the world.
  8. You attract what you are. End of discussion. Stop judging and blaming people. Theyre all "god", youre mind just puts labels
  9. For spiritual stuff i like, David R Hawkings - Power vs Force, Letting go, Healing and recovery
  10. I love to Listen Alan Watts breaking down the universe. The voice and the charisma are crazy.
  11. I dont think this is true. I dont know who is enlightened and who is not, but for example Chogyam Trungpa was a boozebag, Alan Watts was a drunkster, Ram Dass did never become totally sober guy, Ekhart Tolle smoked a joint couple of years back. Watts definetly wasnt enlightened, the other may be. Enlightenment doesnt mean that you become a great person
  12. I dont think, Its not all that black and white. I think most "great men" are not 100% non alcohol. For myself, few times a year is okay, but not more.