Richard Alpert

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Everything posted by Richard Alpert

  1. by realising there is nothing wrong with you. And accepting the so called dark sides of yourself. Im not a big fan of buying "self help" programs anymore, but i got this one because i was invited to take a part. the program is pretty much spirituality 101 and escaping matrix thinking. Solid stuff but nothing new for a many people on this forum.
  2. Im in. i will do 3 day juice fast.
  3. It is more than that. Society and whole culture is programmed so that you shouldnt be appraoching strangers. It all went into to us as child. What did everybody tried to do to you when you were first attracted to the opposite sex as a child? Shame on you.
  4. Dude, have you tried to approach a guy/ guys who do you find attractive? Im sure you would do fine. We (guys) are pussies and afraid to approach random women. If you would go to bars/clubs im sure people would approach you. But they are likely drunken douchebags.
  5. depression etc. are completely normal in the spiritual path. How the hell it would not be? The ego will hear new things that will challenge everything it has learned previously and it will fight for it´s life. If you were drowning on a water, would you drown without resistance?
  6. The biggest cause of mental illnesses is toxicity in body. i recently heard we are exposed to over 100 000 new chemicals in the last 20 years. that´s pretty fucked upd. what is mental illness? Mind is a concept and no one has ever been able to show were it locates. So there is a weird behaviour which is considered as mental illness. Im sure with proper detox specialist, 80-90% of mental illnesses would be curable in few months. But about no-one is doing proper detox. And gut is the place where health is. 80-90% of serotonin is produced in the gut, so fucked up´d gut = depression, anxiety etc.
  7. Dont take those timelines too literally. Those can be a mindfuck for some people. For ekhart tolle it was one night etc. It could be for you too if it was for ekhart. It probably wont, but it could..
  8. my diet is pretty clean, but if every once in a while i eat junk food, i can easily feel shit the next day. socializing can be sometimes taxing for introverts like myself. So yeah, i get what you are sayíng.
  9. let go of the want and you might get it
  10. This is ego talk. good luck trying to get rid of ego through ego. the effort of "trying to kill the ego" is egotistical
  11. This book is fucking gold.
  12. 46:23 john bergman is amazing man. People should checkout his videos. He´s deep out of the matrix.
  13. Has anybody read this yet? Im only 40 pages in, Been busy lately so i have read like 3 x 15 minutes. I feel Ralstons books are the kind you will have to read several times in order to deepen the understanding. It´s not easy stuff.
  14. Althought i think psychedelics are powerfull, i dont feel drawn to drinking something that tastes like absolute shit and puke and shit my pants. There are easier ways. Just take a larger dose of mushrooms and go to the nature. I would actually be down to take ayahuasca privately with shaman if i was in a peru or somewhere. No interest to trip with a group of people i dont know.
  15. YouTube Dr John Bergman. He is a chiropractor and a complete genius
  16. Just pull your dick out and start to make helicopter move with it. Like someone said, you will see in 0.5 seconds in her eyes if she is interested.
  17. i am an enlightened guru level 7000
  18. i ordered it online, so it should be coming in post next week
  19. Fapstronauts muahhhahha
  20. It´s published. Bought it.
  21. Start bjj. You will get ur arse kicked like a motherfucker and you dont want to have a pointless fight after that
  22. I took lsd for the first time last weekend. I started to think some chemistry shit and how we can cure aids. Didnt saw that coming.. the funny thing is im the worst chemistry student ever so i probably didnt come up with a cure
  23. ruw31r328år
  24. Dont think, feeeeeeeeeeel. Okay, Bruce. I try to mix the soup here a little bit. This is gonna be short first post. There will be spelling mistakes because english is not my native language. Im a guy who just turned 30. Been interested and studying "self-development" for about 6-7 years. It started with introduction to cannabis and somehow ekhart tolle´s power of now ended up in my hands. it was the first "self-help" book i read and this was 6-7 years ago. I had no interested in personal develpoment or spirituality before i smoked weed so i guess drugs are all not that bad, mmmmkay I will be writing on such topics as: yoga, meditation, psychedelics, martial arts, running, soccer, nutrition, books, psychology. And lots of other stuff that doesnt come to my mind right at the moment. Im on holidays now and leaving to a vipassana retreat in two days. I am nervous and little scared because i have never done anything like that. The longest i have meditated in one day is probably 2,5 hours. 10h meditation / day will probably be a pain in the ass, but i have done a lot other crazy shit in my life. After i am coming back from the forest, i planning to test acid for the first time. I will post tomorrow before i go to the retreat. Maybe i write about weed, because i probably would not be on this forum without that plant.