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Everything posted by trenton

  1. October 24-25 2020 Sorry for not typing as much as usual. My hours at work are spiking up again around the holidays. I needed to get up around 5 a.m. Two days in a row. I slept terribly and woke up around midnight. I didn't get back to sleep and I was very stressed all day. I noticed suicidal thoughts coming up in these cases as well, but I knew they were not true so I didn't act on them. I was operating on very little sleep for two days in a row, indicating how much my health influences my thoughts over my direct commanding. I was exhausted after work, but I typed some of my notes for the counselor. I noted all of my serious psychological signs including self manipulation. I noted a few events which made me feel guilty and I hurt myself a lot for them. These are possible causes of psychological trauma. I also mentioned how I was diagnosed with depression. I don't think there is one clear direct cause. I think it is many factors that all play into each other. Once I clean up my psychology I can think more clearly about my life purpose without the additional layers of self deception. Maybe I won't reach liberation yet, but I will be set up to get closer. Next I am going to type more about self deception, the content of my racing thoughts, and maybe a few good things about myself. By the time I'm done, I will have shared a lot of information about myself that my family never knew. I might share it with them as well if they are willing to read it. This will significantly reshape how my family thinks of me if they are shocked by it. One interesting note is that I attempted to compensate for self bias and white washing my memories through clinging to the worst memories. The fact that I think if them as true creates a lot more psychological tension and can contribute to Making me hate myself. I have a hard time pin pointing what exactly is dirty about this, but something is off about focusing on my worst memories in this way. I think this is a source of selfish pain. As I deeply analyze myself I can continue to heal from a lot of trauma that can be contributing to my sleeping problems, suicidal thoughts, self manipulation, and more. I am ready to grow myself.
  2. October 23, 2020 I had a day off of work but I stayed in bed trying to sleep even though I woke up early. I didn't get up until around 10. I meditated in the woods for a little more than an hour and I wrote about hatred. I don't know that love makes you feel more powerful than hatred, but it is definitely healthier and more in line with reality. I only pretend to hate things because the selfishness feels empowering for a short time, but is actually dirty. I ended up sitting in bed a lot again. I had time to type more notes on depression for the psychologist, but I forgot about it. Now I have to work an early shift and then see what I type after I get off. Occasionally I still go between joy and peace and depression with thoughts of killing myself. I can't think clearly about a life purpose under these conditions. This depression has been going on for a long time and I'm sorry I am not as productive as I would like to be. I don't want to run so much anymore because my legs want to rest. I want to create a more solid foundation for a peaceful and happy life. Spirituality is doomed to fail if an unhealthy ego must be transcended. I will do what I must.
  3. October 22, 2020 I am getting over worked again and I did not keep up on the blog. I am already tired and did not sleep well last night. Today I woke up at 3 and needed to be at work by 7. I did not get back to sleep. After a long day at work with another 8 hour shift I was hyper and not sitting still. I became hyper in reaction to bring tired back in school. This has become problematic and needs to be resolved. After these two 8 hour shifts I had a lot of racing thoughts and did not call down. I don't think I can trust my judgements and thoughts as well when I'm like this. It is hard to think clearly and focus as well as I would like. After work I meditated for a bit, but then went home for dinner. I may be talking to the psychologist soon, but I did not finish writing about depression. I will have to tell him everything about the unhealthy signs. If I have more time tomorrow I can continue my paper. Please do what is needed to give yourself the life you deserve.
  4. I am not sure what happened. I had a couple of long days at work and had almost no sleep two nights in a row. The most sleep I managed to get was a one hour nap yesterday. I struggled to get another nap today. I think I have a constant psychological problem concerning sleep. I have a lot of racing thoughts again in spite of the increased dose of anxiety pills. I am contradicting myself a lot and my mind stopped making sense. It results in major mood swings such as crying tears of joy to intense irrational hatred. I don't even know of what. This makes me feel lost, unproductive, and confusingly angry when this happens. I don't know what to do, but I hope to see this through. I realize this is temporary and the resolution will come.
  5. October 20, 2020 I am back to a lot of old habits again including watching a lot of entertainment, ice cream, and laying in bed a lot. By pushing myself to stop this, it feels bad and it backfires. I tried to meditate in the woods, but the rain flooded the creek and I did not have a good spot out there today. Instead I just did some walking and writing about my life purpose. I clarified some of my life purpose, but did not finish the exercises yet. Toward the end of the day I started writing some notes for my psychiatrist. I intend to write down as much about myself as I possibly can. This includes, epilepsy, autism, guilt, sexual issues, self deception, existential questions, family, childhood trauma, and anything else that takes away my peace of mind. I could share my book with him if it helps him learn more about how I think. I tried playing chess, but my results are nothing interesting. I am not as engaged in playing right now. I remember feeling a similar burning in pushing myself to do more chess. I constantly feel some inner pain in pushing myself to do anything. I don't want to just do nothing though. I keep trying my best, but I don't know anymore. My unstable emotions and results make me very confused and I need help. I hope whatever is necessary gets done. Good luck.
  6. @LeoX8 one thing that might cause me to rush is the idea that I am not good enough. This makes me so everything I can to be the best person I can possibly be, but I often end up feeling stuck anyway. I think if I found a way to stop manipulating myself because I think I should be better, then I might be happier. Currently it feels depressing and it makes me confused. All of this leads to me pushing very hard toward what I think is good. Deeper down I feel a painful manipulation at play when I do this.
  7. October 19, 2020 Today I felt depressed even though my mind was quiet. There are some confusing signs being out out such as mood swings and I think I am supposed to see somebody in about a week. This has actually been going on for a long time and I remember the suicidal thoughts started in high school. I want to resolve these psychological problems as they are creating a glass ceiling on my personal growth. After work I was in bed most of the day. I don't want to keep swinging the pendulum toward many different directions or I will confuse myself. I don't want to contribute to my family drama to distract me from my own which is why I contributed to some of my fights. I'm sorry for this confusion and I don't seem to be making a lot of progress now. I do have a day off tomorrow though. I must see somebody about this.
  8. @Ananta that is correct I do feel impulsive. I just lay in bed paralyzed by intense emotions as I have suicidal thoughts. It is worth noting that the next day I feel fine and peaceful. This makes me confused because I am oscillating between feeling peaceful, happy, and focused and depressed, suicidal, and hateful. I also discovered that I swing the pendulum a lot based on what I think is good. This makes me confused about what to do with my life.
  9. October 18 2020 Today was not a fun day. My mind flew off the wire again. It Finally boiled up that I was completely confused with what to do with my life. This is what leads me to becoming ideological about things that are harmful to me anyway and I don't even like. My mind is making constant irrational thoughts and judgements about itself. I tried to use the life purpose course my evaluation of myself keeps changing. I had a lot of paralyzing anxiety coming up along with suicidal thoughts. I did not feel like getting out of bed. Granny said that she would call someone to help me tomorrow. My mind is currently telling me that spirituality was a mistake and I confused myself further by pursuing consciousness work. Before I wanted to become a chess master. My family wanted me to go to college so got stuck on what to do. I felt like I was being turned into some kind of lifeless zombie in the process of going through college. I am confused with what to do with my life and I am working at Kroger because of it. I can't use spirituality for a life purpose of value if I am as lost as I am. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. My last try is that times like these is when self love is needed most. I wish the best for you in finding your life purpose. I'm sorry I hurt you with my arrogance.
  10. I was temporarily happy again with no serious problems. Today it came up that I am confused about what to do with my life. This is associated with suicidal thoughts and related to how I feel about working at Kroger. I am currently taking the life purpose course, but I am getting stuck because my mood swings alter my evaluation of myself significantly. My grandma intends to call a professional tomorrow. I have a lot of irrational thoughts and don't feel like getting out of bed. This is related to "I need to live up to my potential.". I was perfectly fine yesterday when I didn't take the medicine to reduce anxiety at all, but I still some up early.
  11. October 17, 2020 I woke up early and did some stretching. My body was popping and it feels better without the tension. I then needed to go to work early. My thoughts were related to my clinging to power and control. I create more misery when attempting to claim truth. This is similar to claiming potential rather than being potential. I am also noticing that I am more peaceful when not caring about truth to much to feel high and mighty similar to beating myself for not being good enough. If I am conscious of what I am doing I discover I have more choices than I thought and I can use these additional options to maximize self love even though I have resistance now. I think resistance is my current identity coming into conflict with a new identity. It can burn and be painful, but I resolved some problems by doing this. I can improve my inner peace, joy, self love, body, emotional mastery, and more. This affects my entire way of thinking about life purpose and I am getting curious about perception. It affects everything I do. For example a threat is perceived relative to my present identity. The slippery slope is that fear is relative and it can be changed or removed through changing the identity creating the perception. This includes my fear of the truth to my family. I am worried that they will judge me. Instead I am currently texting a lot to my grandma to explain what comes up in my self reflection. I explained a lot of emotional trauma and how I am made more miserable when hating others. I would be happier loving my sister instead. I am grateful for my capacity for self reflection and I am becoming more tolerant of threats. This can improve my mind and body.
  12. I have been doing a lot of self reflection lately and after a lot of burning, muscle spasms and tension, and some suffering, I have managed to unwire some toxic and harmful values. It came up that my motives for seeking the truth were very selfish. Like politics and religion, the function of idealizing truth can be to make me feel high and mighty which is hilarious. It was actually a painful process though. This relates to a lot of psychological trauma and the burning that came with my unconscious valuing of power. This creates an addiction to anger which leads to poisoning oneself. Making a claim to truth leads to pain. I think this superiority feeling leads to projections toward people who may do similar, but I am not really happy doing this. I remember that this was related to morality as well. I also am noticing how I cause myself to go against my interest because I think the truth is good and I would be doing a good thing. I am getting interested in the question "what is perception?". It affects a lot of my behaviors, reactions, emotions, and thoughts based on how any object relates to my identity. This is truth for truth's sake because I'm curious. It would also be helpful for understanding how I act and why. I have less of a desire to judge other people, but it is still there. The reason I am putting a lot of effort into consciousness work is because I think it can recontextualize how I think about my life purpose in a powerful way. This includes self improvement and self reflection in order to help me change the thoughts I have as a consequence of my identity. My mind is much more peaceful, joyful, and clear. My body is also less tense. Maybe someone out there can find this helpful. I think humility is useful for dealing with the source of the inner burning, but I still feel it to less intense degrees.
  13. October 15-16 I started off with deeper levels of self reflection. My consciousness has been improving and I am seeing good results. After meditating on the woods for a bit and meditating outside the store, I kept an eye on devilry. It was too much to explain, but there were so many ways in which thinking can be used for devilry. I would be much happier if I could not sabotage myself with my own mind. My mind is a powerful and unique gift that consciousness helps me to master. After work I went to visit my grandma for the night and I did not access this website while there. I types a little bit of my book, best star wars galactic conquest on elite mode, and wrote a political song. At first I thought it was funny, but I tried to describe the emptiness and the lack of fulfillment beneath any position I ever have. If I actually make the song the political forum might tell me that it would start a religion, so I need to be careful of I continue. I meditated more deeply at Nanny's as well. It occurred to me that I have nothing better to do than love myself. Logically how else would I be happy and fulfilled? This makes me much more peaceful and happy. I am choosing joy and peace over what I have been doing. I think personal development affects how I think in a positive way. This gives me the ability to plan more clearly what I want to do with my life. If I continue to grow myself, or I find a way to maximize joy and peace, then making life decisions can be easier. I have to work early tomorrow. Good night, and don't try to claim truth because that is selfish, but the truth is selfless.
  14. October 14, 2020 I did a lot today in terms of self reflection. Other things started falling off again. I needed to work 12-6. I left at about 9 or so after eating tuna. I think this improves my meditation combined with the smoothie. I am also getting tired faster. I got to the woods and meditated for a little bit. I kept my sheet and pen with me in case I decided to write. Eventually I wrote about my masks. You could call them my ego identities. I wrote about how deep down I am acting these things out and allowing them to occupy my mind because they are addicting. I feel down am not really happy with these things running my life. It leads to lying. At the root of these identities was my over thinking. All the way back when I was a child, I thought of thinking as a high form of intelligence and I over compensated. I used chess to reinforce my identity as a smart person resulting in my fear of being wrong or stupid. This came up in philosophy when I am constantly fearful that I might be wrong. My over thinking also adds to my indecisiveness and taking a long time in conversations and chess. In some regards it could make me dumber. My brain may work more efficiently if I don't over load myself with a limited form of intelligence. I would be happy to see who I become without this identity. I would probably judge myself a lot less for small mistakes and avoid perfectionism. Maybe I would be less anxious and more peaceful without my mind playing the devil's advocate. There may be much more for me to gain. Furthermore, I am considering going back to college. I would go back to college if I could use it for personal development. I can't go wrong with using college to become the best person I can possibly be. I did not yet ask anybody for what kinds of courses you should take in college for personal development. I recognize that I find beauty in logic when it works out elegantly yet can seem complicated. This points me toward philosophy, practical psychology, and maybe something else. I feel obligated to do something for money though. I don't know what I would do if I went to college for financial independence. I am indecisive on choosing my values still. I have a lot of neurotic values. I think that spirituality is helping me to untangle these harmful identities. This is why I think consciousness, truth, and love are ultimately helpful for clearing my mind for my life purpose. I no longer wish to be stuck in my head with pseudo happiness created by my drama. I want to find what truly makes me happy and I am ready to change. I think I found some hints for my life purpose. I did some yoga with my sister. I remembered how I struggled to love her more and I twisted spirituality such that I rationalized poor behavior. I don't want to do this, but I at least acknowledge it to myself. I stayed for a minute and I started loving her more. Maybe I am doing better now. I feel like there is still ego in what I am doing, but structuring my life purpose in a way that makes me a better person can not possibly be a bad idea. This can only be good. I had an intuition that spirituality would change my life purpose, and it is affecting me. I am good. I won't call myself evil, but I can improve. I am not conscious that I am God, but I can work on this. I hope to love you more.
  15. October 13, 2020 I did pretty good today. I finished chapter 3 and slept a little better than the past two nights. I still feel behind on chapter 4. I will have to work a fair by to get caught up for the rest of the week. I also plan to spend the night at my grandma's house. I can take my papers with me. I wonder how much I can possibly get done. I did a lot of work on self reflection and the self actualization. I watched the consequences of my judgements and I saw how they backfire on themselves and make me worse. I discovered many important things about myself in my writing and speaking to myself. In the process I managed to become aware of my own projections. I can only keep up my devilry if I am unaware or I ignore how I am hurting myself. My projections include Trump, religion, and my mom. I think my sister actually does have a lot of negative thinking like me. She focuses on the negatives a lot. I am not doing this because I want to say she is somehow worse than me because judgement bites. I am doing this because I want to make life easier for both of us. My projections are related to things I do not like about myself. My denial is lying. So long as I do not accept where I stand, I will leave myself stuck. I had resistance, but it is going away. I like self love because it allows me to stop lying about myself. I want to live a happy existence. It is a little painful to be aware of my projections, but I like the expanded awareness. It does a lot for building a good life. On one side note I had some point had faith that consciousness would be good for me because I was too unconscious to see the difference. That includes now if I can't see above me. When I left the woods today I started explaining how I was doing to other people. I needed a second to formulate my answer, but I told them about how acceptance helps me to not lie to myself and projection is a manifestation of my unconscious self deception. I don't think anybody understood me, but at least I answered the question "How are you" accurately. I then proceeded to continue the exercise from the life purpose course. I am still stuck because I am indecisive on determining what I want to do. I seem to have some form of OCD with jumping back and forth between answers and not trusting my intuition. I need to have a more clear mind in order to be as authentic as possible. This is a clue to what makes me happy. Have a nice night.
  16. October 12, 2020 I still did not sleep well. I need to get off soon. Throughout the day I had some intense thinking. My thoughts were racing and completely irrational. I don't know what to do when my mind flies off the wire. So far it looks like talking to a professional is my best bet. Granny refused the money for the book I was writing. I still will continue this goal of one chapter a week. I'm just tired today though. I was not very productive today. I see how my evaluation of my values is changing. I want to get a solid grasp of this, but I have a lot of negative values guiding my decisions. I tried working on positive thinking after failing to get a nap. This is when it started getting interesting. I did some self reflection and I don't need to tell you about it because external validation never works for me. In this case I am okay on the inside, and I can choose to tell you. It came up for me that I am creating what is true. This is how all worldviews are relative, but I also lie to create its trueness. The way reality works is weird, paradoxical and twisted. I am confused on how to adjust to this weirdness, but when I do, I can apply the wisdom to my entire life. The challenge is that all wisdom depends on the frame of reference and can not be made permanent. If I try to make an insight permanent, it will eventually fall apart and did anyway such that it is no longer true. This means I can't really rely on any self created rulebook I try to make in order to make sense of reality. That may include what I just said. I find more joy in self reflection than I do in judging others. I wish for you to improve your physical health and recognize the backfiring mechanism of saying I want to sleep. I do all of this as an expression of self love.
  17. @silene I do plan to see a someone about this. I can also get back to the fruit smoothies pretty soon as that and push ups through the day would probably help more than just walking or running. Thanks for the thought.
  18. October 11, 2020 I did not sleep at all last night. I then worked 8 hours and was exhausted when I got back home. Next I was unable to get all the rest I wanted and I lost the rest of the day. I think if I use the lunch breaks, then I will not exhaust myself to the point that I lose the value of the rest of the day. This is something worth considering. I had a lot of racing thoughts all day. It ultimately lead to me crying because I realized how much I hurt myself through compromising what makes me happy for other people. This is self sacrificing and it is the guiding toxic value that leads me to scenarios I don't like. I end up ignoring my intuition and I want to listen to myself more. I want to know who I would be without the self sacrificing. I understand it is a tall order and I inflicted a lot of suffering. I want to know what it would be like to live self actualized. I don't want to destroy myself. You are always good and trying your best. I want you to live in peace.
  19. October 10, 2020 Today I needed up. I continued to be a good employee by taking extra hours when ever the managers ask. I then lost my plans of typing my book, and I lost a one hundred dollar bet as a consequence of being a workaholic for a job I don't like anyway. I ultimately am losing money. I don't want to do this anymore, and I will stick to my plans when I make them. I am ultimately glad that I made this bet to keep me focused on something I love more. Apart from that, I managed to fit in a quick meditation this morning. I had plans to do more after work, but I compromised and starved myself in the process. Finally, I contemplated humility. I checked how arrogance backfires and I clarified many of my problems. In chess if I get cocky, it backfires. In spirituality, if I am humble then spiritual ego will not be a problem for me. I had a long contemplation about this for nearly 2 hours just writing about humility. I had some long answers that I will simplify here. Arrogance sets me up for self deception and reduces my peace of mind because of the deep discomfort associated with the sense of superiority. I would thus be far happier if I let go of self serving judgemental thinking, and my growth would be far greater without the glass ceiling created through arrogance and self deception. This kind of contemplation helps me to stop lying. In the long run you can learn a lot more with humility. I had some ups and downs today, but I see that I am doing well in the long run. Good job.
  20. October 9, 2020 I had a day off work today and spent it pretty well. I made it to the doctor in time for the appointment. There were no negative side effects of the medication I have been taking, but I have seen less intensity with the anxiety. I remember my grandma said it messed up dad, and my sister said it is addicting. So far it seems okay, and I will take it as instructed with the increased dose. I will be paying attention to the effects it has on me. The doctor also said that stepping up the meditation is probably helping as well. There are still some sleep disturbances like waking up early. Since my sleep improved a little the first time, he thinks it might improve more. So far everything seems okay. I continued self reflection and meditation in the woods. I did not sit still as much this time because I needed to go to the bathroom. I did not have a good spot to go this time, but I am noticeably worse when I don't go. It is because of the increased bodily tension. I also discovered Hunter cameras on the trees. I don't know If they still work or not because they look old. I then continued with journaling, life purpose, and book writing. I am keeping up on the bet and I did about 5 pages today. I think the life purpose course is very helpful for learning about yourself. I had some bad experiences in which I broke integrity and it leads to a lot of lying and fighting. I would like emotional stability and self acceptance regardless of my life situation. I also have been paying attention to my thinking about truth. It occurs in a way designed to cause more harm than help. It is stubborn if it is insisted to be true and I had a hard time dealing with these thoughts. One thing I am questioning is why must these thoughts be repeated? I don't need them and I would be more peaceful without drilling pain into my memory and psyche. I need an improved approach for these true thoughts and memories. "True" is the most painful part. It claims to be designed against self deception, but actually it is creating more suffering by using true to hurt me. If the thoughts no longer represent me, then they are not true for me anymore and I don't need them. I wish to allow myself to grow my inner strength in this process by overcoming my childhood trauma and guilt. I seem to have had a decently productive day. I'm glad that I got some stuff done. Keep up the good work.
  21. October 8, 2020 Today I am falling behind on the book because I did more on the life purpose and I had an 8 hour work day. I spent the day leading up to the night shift self reflecting about my life purpose, limiting beliefs, and meaninglessness. This one is hard for me and I want to resolve it in a way that works for me. I spent about an hour in the woods by my meditation spot. There were some dear running around, but they were no problem. I continued some self reflection before work at the cafe outside alone. While at work I had many thoughts about my plans of psychedelics. I also had plans of counseling to discuss many emotional issues and to use the resources available to me first. This is my plan for seeking the truth. The day at work was pretty repetitive. I also have a fear of being in situations beyond my control. This inflated sense of responsibility does make me feel worse about myself sometimes because it is not completely true from my point of view. I feel better when I stop telling myself I am in control of my thoughts and the outcomes I experience. Keep up your work. See your doctor. And remember the book. Good job.
  22. October 7, 2020 For the most part this day was a similar pattern. The only major differences were that I shaved my beard and played some Tetris. I typed a day in the book. I am grateful that the bet I made with my grandma is keeping me up on the book so I don't forget. I have a long way to go and it is slow progress. At least I have made a good set up to ensure that progress is happening. I continued the meditation habit before going into work today. I want to handle my inner laughter from a more mature stand point. I don't want to actively create more suffering which includes the suicide game. Usually I say it simply isn't true. If I want to become a more conscious human being, then I don't want to play these games. I want to find the best way to carry myself. I can't imagine how much better my life would be if I never actively created any of my suffering. It would be peaceful, but I would enable myself to make a more powerful impact on the world. Inner mastery thus leads to outer mastery., I did not continue the life purpose course today. I still need to make sure I am doing well in this front. I am making interesting progress, but I am not done. Continue your process and build yourself anew.
  23. October 6, 2020 I did some interesting work today. I still did not research the companies for autism. I started with my meditation habit again. I tried staring at the cup and closing my eyes. I did so for about 30 minutes before writing. I did not do this as effectively as before, but I am trying to find what affects me. It might be eating cereal instead of a fruit smoothie. My body comfort also affects it which is a reason to look for a massage. I then typed a little more of my book. I am going through some boring parts. The final copy might have boring parts edited out. The only reason to keep them is to understand how people with autism think when they are bored. Sometimes it ends up being hilarious anyway. Similar to meta ethics I can ask why is boredom boring. This creates an interesting problem to solve as I carefully observe the nature of boredom to understand it. The paradox is that boredom becomes fascinating. I then continued the life purpose course. I found some interesting connections in my self reflection as I attempted the exercises. I shared what I learned about myself from the exercise and career tests with my grandma. She is happy to see more clarity with what I want. There are commonalities in the values, but I need to find the medium I want to use. I have some similarities to business, but this is not the method I want. One interesting point in epistemology is understanding how psychology affects our conclusions. I like discovering new thinking methods and learning various methods of understanding reality. I wonder how far I can take this when learning about many perspectives without getting too attached to my own. I ended up wasting some time on YouTube again. Apart from that, I noticed that my mind easily gets hooked on political ideology. This is especially true if it is about Trump being hilariously stupid. This is a source of corruption so I need to do something about that. I also learned that one of my most anxiety provoking thoughts is that I must control my thoughts. I get a lot of conflicting information as to whether or not I control my thoughts. When I am absorbed in them it looks like I am creating them. I can also put conscious effort into relaxing the mind so my thoughts flow and let go of me. Maybe I don't control my thoughts, but I'm not sure. I am on the right track and right where I need to be at this time.
  24. October 4-5, 2020 I have not been typing as much lately. I did have work yesterday and I have been forgetting about this journal because I am so focused on everything else I've been doing. I found some organizations that are trying to make use of the talents of people with autism. I did not apply for any yet because I was continuing my life purpose course, meditation habit, self reflection, and other things. I also completed a career test to see what it said about my personality. I don't know how useful it is, but I will share it with my grandma to see what she thinks. Upon deeper self reflection it came up that I don't care about God and spirituality. I actually care about avoiding self generated suffering. I therefore wish I care about such great things that I think are good, but I don't care. It was painful but liberating. I also noticed that I am still always good ultimately. I do what is good in the moment given a frame of reference. I am only evil from other points of view. The structure of my thinking is changing. The way in which my thoughts and emotions are handled is changing. I still don't know if is delusional or not, but I am getting benefits from doing the practices. I may remain agnostic for now, but I will keep the benefits of the practices I set up. I am doing well with the life purpose course. I am optimistic about how the structure of my thinking is changing.
  25. October 3, 2020 Today I needed to work for 8 hours. I confused my hours and thought this was a four hour day. I did not take as much food, but I was okay. I managed to squeeze in a short meditation after work anyway. I followed this with writing about my greatest fears. It boiled up that I will probably have to major in business by going back to college. If my personality tests were any indicator, and my values are pointers, then it looks like it is one of my better tries along side personal development. I don't see the alternative to going back to college in an effort to get a better job than I have now. I still have writing to do because I like it. I finished the third chapter. There are some boring days, so I might have to shorten the book at some point. If writing is my alternative to business, then my most obvious choice is to keep up the bet I have going. Granny thinks I'm doing a lot. She sees me working with doctors. I plan to work with career counselors. I am going to see a psychiatrist to address the occasional depression that boils up and is associated with suicidal thoughts. I am also working on the life purpose course, meditating, journaling, and keeping up with the job. I also plan to get a massage still because it might improve the quality of my consciousness. She is aware of the book as well. I am glad that she is taking notice that I am trying. I don't want to keep stealing money from her because I can't live on my own. The reason business came up is because I don't want to be stuck in analysis paralysis. I am listening to my gut. I will continue the life purpose course to learn more about myself. I made some progress, but still have more to do. Keep up the good work. What ever needs to come up, I welcome it. I want to feel you and hear what you truly think.