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What would a rough sketch of this government look like and how would it come about? First, there should be a single military funded and shared by all nations to intervene in the event of a genocide. This would also prevent arms races with each other while banning nuclear weapons. This would be very useful for preventing water wars by properly distributing our resources, but the water wars are coming much faster than the global government. Today's world may not be the one that will create the government and the one that does may need to follow massive global conflicts over water. The United States will probably try to hoard water to the dismay of billions. Whatever the world ends up looking like after that is where it looks like the global government might begin. I don't know how many will survive, but the global government could start as a massive humanitarian effort to get everyone the resources they need post water wars. I would think that I world government would be run by all nations democratically. There would probably be a constitution about human rights including the right to life and protection from cruel punishment. Cruel punishment would have to be universal to be enforced because different nations have different standards. For the most part power would be decentralized, allowing every federal government to function like local governments. Should there even be an executive branch? I don't know how other branches of this government might work. We definitely should not have an emperor. I don't even think we should have a President. I think the collection of world leaders would be like Congress on a global scale. How would the branches of this government work?
First of all I am a fan of chess. I recognize the importance of health because without it, one cannot maintain the stress of playing professional chess. Some people get pale after playing in tournaments non-stop for just 2 weeks. I remember I once was so focused on a tournament, that I forgot to eat to dinner. I often have problems sleeping as well especially if I am too concerned or pumped up. The positive motivation for this is that it translates to chess mastery. Here is how I am starting. My family eats good from restaurants multiple times a week. I stop eating when I feel like I am getting sick off of all the fast food. I make something myself if they bring taco bell home. I am noticing that I still feel sick when I eat other fast foods as well. I understand that my diet won't be perfect if I replace fast food with more homemade food, but at least I can keep a healthy enough gut for chess. Food making me sick tends to be a very powerful motivator even though it is negative. My family just offered me skyline minutes before this post and I declined. I will note that I have already taken soft drinks out of my diet for the most part. I still eat a lot of sugar in its place though. It includes dairy, cereal, cookies, and ice cream. I would say that replacing soft drinks with water is a good start for avoiding excess sugar. One reason I get demotivated is when I look for foods with less sugar and it becomes hard to find If sugar is everywhere. For now my focus will be on creating a consistent sleep schedule and avoiding fast food. Fast food makes me feel like vomiting sometimes. There are other unhealthy habits I need to correct as well. For now the main take away from this post is that if you find a powerful life purpose that you are enthusiastic about, then it may be the beginning of a serious health investment. I can work with some negative motive for avoiding sickness for now.
I hesitate to write this because I once made the mistake of crusading and now I'm leery. I first want to compliment this forum because I learned about so many different things. I learned about gun control, factory farming, modern slavery, abuse of power, and much much more. I want to know what all of this powerful education would look like if it were put into motion to resolve the issues discussed in an individual and collective level. What are the people in this forum doing to solve the problems? When I tried to figure that out, I ended up getting everything backwards. I think a realistic goal is anti-corruption. Many States are calling for a constitutional convention to impose term limits, balance the budget, and to stop the abuse of campaign funds. These amendments, especially the term limits are very popular across the entire political spectrum. In fact some people voted for Trump because he ran on term limits. It means that there is broad support for anti-corruption and if it were put to use, it would cause a constitutional convention. I also think that anti-corruption is the only approach for those who are serious about achieving bipartisanship. Are there other realistic goals? If so how should they be accomplished? What causes should be donated to and what information should be spread on social media? (My family was against me donating to Wolf PAC when I tried. It could mean I would have to get away from them first in order to take action.) which petitions should be signed? (I signed a couple of petitions already like anti-corruption and anti-slavery.) Which public officials should be contacted and what should they be told? When is the best time to contact an official? (COVID is still preventing any meaningful contact with the government.) This is the most important lesson for me to learn if I ever hope to get conscious politics right without turning into a false life purpose. These are the questions I am most afraid to ask because of my past mistakes, but I will be brave. Any response will be greatly appreciated.
I watched part of Leo's video on going meta. In the video he mentioned meta chess. This is a game in which you get to change the rules during the game. Charlie never had as much fun as I did with chess because I won many tournaments and he did not stand a chance against me. In meta chess we were now in equal footing. Some of the rule changes included: Black moves first the fourth and fifth ranks are lava and any piece that touches it will die. The board wraps around itself on the a and h files. Bishops can jump. (This one is broken) Pawns can capture backwards. Bishops have a sniper rifle. Rooks have machine guns Knights have double range (This one is broken) Captured pieces join your side At any point in the match someone could say "it is now regular chess" Sometimes he won. Sometimes I won. Charlie learned more about chess this way and he had a lot more fun than usual. I can share the final game here. https://lichess.org/analysis/8/4k3/8/6q1/6N1/6P1/PKP5/8_w_-_-_0_1 In this position Charlie thought the position was hopeless because knights move like queens and queens move like knights. I told Charlie that he could change the rules one more time. I told him that if this were regular chess then black is completely winning. Charlie thought that he was terrible at regular chess so I told him that he should try to check mate me from this position with no more rule changes. Along the way I taught him some basic tactical tricks white could try to win the black queen. In my attempt to make a fortress, I eventually pushed the pawn to a5 with the knight on b3 protecting it. Charlie thought he had to stop the pawn, so I taught him about initiative. His queen can attack my king and pawns faster than I can promote. After this my position crumbled leaving me with a knight against a queen. I did enforce the touch move rule as if we were in a tournament. I did this because I wanted Charlie to earn it and make more fun that way. Eventually Charlie landed check mate. We shook hands and we both had fun. At this point I showed off various stalemate tricks I tried in the hopeless endgame. Charlie learned more about real chess strategy this way. When Charlie is done with exams I can train him for chess club next year. He is more enthusiastic about learning chess now and is a little more confident in himself. Thanks for the idea Leo. I can watch the other half of the episode tomorrow.
Today I noticed a lot of connections and similarities between many different corrupt organizations. Rape and other forms of sexual abuse is a broad problem that affects every religion, the military, corporations, prisons (police officers on inmates and inmates on inmates.), and entire governments. Strikingly, there are psychological similarities to humans that cause animals to rape other animals. One example is how seals rape penguins and let them live. This is a show of power to make the penguins fearful. In order to stop sexual abuse in we need to address this psychological mechanism that comes up when we have a lot of power. We think that we can get away with whatever corrupt selfishness we want when others are powerless, and in most cases this is sadly true. This even extends beyond rape and into abusive relationships which can include rape as well as other forms of abuse when one party (male or female) is too dominate. How should a society and various organizations be structured in order to stop sexual abuse? How can we ensure that those in power are held accountable given that we could be punished for trying to punish them? What would you do if you were abused by someone in a position of authority? That second question reminded me of how when I was child I was afraid to challenge corrupt adults for fear of punishment. This is all the same thing. We need to be extremely brave to call out drill sergeants, priests, politicians, police officers, and corporations for sexual abuse. The "Me Too" movement is probably here because most people are too weak and ashamed to after something as terrible as rape happened to them. The catch-22 we are dealing with is that we need anti-corruption, but those in power don't want anti-corruption because they are corrupt. As a result whistle blowers are punished and demonized and those in power will mess you up through the legal system they control if you challenge them.
What is the point of sending them to prison if that only makes their trauma worse? It looks like prison should be skipped and these people should be held on this island for ten years instead of going here after prison.
@Leo Gura Very true. A successful genocide is one that not only wipes out an entire ethnic group, but also destroys the art work and history of the group to erase them from history. If there was a successful genocide, we would never learn about it because any evidence of this ethnic group ever existing would be destroyed. Possible targets of successful genocides would be small pagan and native tribes which would be destroyed by imperialism and religious crusades. Any statues would be considered blasphemy and thus be erased from history when they are destroyed. Small, isolated native villages would be burned even if it is their only village. Some of these survived and exist to this day whereas others may not be as lucky. There are also an endless number of alternative histories which could be told if Nazis or southerners won. The U.S.surrenders when Nazi Germany dropped the atomic bomb on the U.S. Capitol, killing the president and the rest of the U.S.leadership. All children would be taught to equate Hitler to Jesus because he cleansed the world of the evil Jews. The future religion would pray to Hitler statues (similar to Kim Jong Un) and Nazi symbols rather than Jesus Christ, creating an alternative to Christianity. Deconstructing Nazism would become as difficult as a religious fundamentalist questioning the bible because they took pride in Christians killing evil Muslims and pagans as they went on conquests around the globe. The Nazi conquest would be romanticized like religious crusades. This is what relativism teaches us when we say Nazis are evil If Abraham Lincoln lost the civil war, Robert E. Lee would be the equivalent of Lincoln in future schools. If we think systemic racism is bad now, then it would be ten thousand times worse had the South won. This was of independence would be fused with the narrative of the founding fathers to romanticize the struggle. It would be socially acceptable to use the n word on place of black person because blacks would not be considered people. When Martian Luther king Jr finally emerges he would fail if he tried peaceful protest. King would have no choice but to start a slave rebellion, killing U.S. Leaders to set the slaves free. If there were a successful slave rebellion, then this would mess up history profoundly if blacks sought revenge on the whites. A slave rebellion would be terrifying for a white person in that situation. This is what relativism teaches us when we say slavery evil.
@Leo Gura I'm curious as to what the most accurate telling of western history is. Where do you think it is the most biased? A few examples are... The U.S. Was Intended to be an empire with security through expansion by committing genocides against natives. " the relationship between a slave and his master was like a father and son.". (From an actual history book.) In order to maintain its status As a world power the U.S. Must exploit weaker nations for cheap labor. An accurate history of all nations could have a dramatic impact on mankind if our worldviews adjusted for our brutal history. Where should people learn history? Maybe I should ask Europe, Asia, and Africa about the history of America.
I have a question. I think of this as an ongoing culture war to write the history We want. If MAGA had their way out history books would either never mention this day or it would say it was antifa. How many of these culture wars do you think failed throughout human history? This is white washing history in action when discussing the attack on the capital.
@Heart of Space abuse of power is the root of all political issues. The president abuses the military to commit war crimes. The wealthy abuse money to avoid accountability. The criminal justice system exploits the poor with unfair plea bargains and making it too costly to plea not guilty. Lobbying is abused to maintain corrupt corporate policies. And much much more. Corruption makes all political issues worse including but not limited to border security (sexual abuse of migrant children by border gaurds), it makes modern slavery worse by not enforcing business transparency for illegal imports, and more. If we want to solve various political issues, many of them boil down to corruption. On a positive note, anti-corruption is the most bipartisan issue and many Trump supporters are in favor of imposing term limits as well as other anti-corruption measures. This is where the most people can see eye to eye. There are spiritual and psychedelic organizations that sexually abuse people when they are unable to fight back in their altered state. Everybody is hurt because of this. Any idea what it would take to stop this?
From a higher level of consciousness you could realize evil is an illusion. In this case condemning rape and the abuse of power is a valid survival strategy even though there is nothing transcendent. You can call out anybody for selfishness and still realize that this is from the perspective of what is good for human survival. I think if we want to reduce unnecessary suffering we would need more people to have the courage to speak out against their abusers. This would create an environment in which enlightenment can more easily be achieved. It is hard to maintain an enlightened level of consciousness while Nazis break the windows and kill our brothers and sisters. The goal is to create an environment which is conducive to higher consciousness and this can be done by stopping a genocide for example. In this case stopping the abuse of power and rape could prevent psychological trauma that would interfere with a person's ability to see that evil is an illusion.
The following video is from rebel wisdom. Leo sited this source on his blog before and there are many videos there which are suitable for those interested in epistemology. They have a paid course which costs over 300 dollars. It sold out fast last time. Here is an introduction to the course of you are interested. I enjoy the emphasis on mindfulness and shadow work. This could be a course you look into after the life purpose course of you value learning.
@Hardkill maybe you are not proud of America in practice, but you do have American values even though they are not normally upheld by the government. If you want something to be proud of something it could be the continued struggle to allow freedom, justice, and equality to flourish. You may be one of those who have The American spirit that shows us how this country was intended to be. This way you think of American as the ideal rather than your location of birth. The shortened version of the pledge of allegiance is "I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all." You could say this is what it means to be an American and you could be proud of it. It is not allegiance to the flag, but rather the idea. As for other nations you can compare them with the corruption index. American corporations have too much power over the American government and it makes the country more corrupt then other westernized countries like the ones you mentioned.
I did further research on this and found that the least populated 21 states have 41 senators. These states represent 11 percent of the population. In this case 11 percent can halt the progress of 89 percent. Here is an article arguing in favor of removing it. It argues that the filibuster was abused to delay the civil rights act of 1957. https://www.gwhatchet.com/2020/08/23/the-filibuster-is-a-threat-to-democracy-and-should-be-eliminated/#:~:text=But the filibuster needs to be eliminated in,stand in the way of action is harmful. If we keep the filibuster in a way that requires a 60-40 super majority, then realistically neither side can get anything done.
As unbelievable as this sounds, the government is supposed to be much more objective and less partisan. You see the corruption of causes throughout the entire government. The supreme court is just one example of how when voting to confirm a justice, it is almost completely split on party lines. This is not productive and it is a failure to uphold the constitution every time this happens. As for the filibuster, I will first discuss arguments for keeping it. American politics is becoming increasingly polarized. If a minority does not have the ability to block bills, then radical changes from one party could be harmful. Supposing one party had a majority, they could pass any bill uncontested if it were 51-49. The filibuster is thus designed to maintain the status quo, serving as a safety net when both sides are radicalized. the problem with these arguments is that currently it is not about policy, it is about partisanship. As you are seeing right now, republicans are using the filibuster to restrict voting rights. The Republican party would be in a lot of trouble if more people could vote. This is why they must abuse every power and privilege they have to maintain power. Weakening the filibuster by requiring only 55 would make it harder to abuse this safety net to restrict voting rights. Considering that there is a reason to have this in place, it might be smart to keep it to ensure that a very close policy does not pass uncontested. 60-40 is very hard to get with how polarized we are.
Currently, every country in the world has laws against slavery. In a since you could say humanity considers this to be a universal moral principle. Global poverty and corruption prevents these laws from being properly enforced. What we need to appreciate is different levels of development. Given a different level of development, some survival strategies are better than others. This can include a violent dictator to keep a lid on terrorist factions through harsh punishment. In this case overthrowing a dictator to impose non-violent moral principles could backfire. The problem with moral absolutism is that it does not work for everybody and it creates naive assumptions and blind spots when addressing other cultures. Although a dictatorship is different from how we love in the U.S., All of it is still fundamentally survival even though it is violent. This is why it is beneficial for different countries to have contrary laws for the survival of both of them. If you are make a world government which used universal moral principles it May include the following. First, the causes of genocide include dehumanizing an ethnic group. This is why one day a world government may require religious freedom and racial equality. There is currently a lot of violence against Christians in North Africa and the middle East. In this case a world government may be asked to intervene. One problem with religious freedom is that it will be threatening to theocratic governments and they will likely oppose it. Religious freedom does not appear to be morally universal so long as mankind still has theocratic governments. Gender equality is achievable so long as women have access to modern technology. Currently women are left behind, but if they were not it would be beneficial to the global economy if women could work from home on the computer. This requires as many people as possible to have internet access and it would help the rest of the world see the value in educated women rather than making them stay at home moms who don't have an online job. Some may consider internet access a human right. North Korea would likely oppose unrestricted internet access. In the U.S. there are still rural Americans suffering from poor internet access and their education is poor because of it. This brings me to the right of education. Girls are not always properly educated because countries don't see the value. Technology would facilitate this. How should we address countries that oppose these moral principles?
@TreyMoney I put a lot of thought into this a few years back. The first thing that shook my trust in absolutism was the fact that it was emotional. This indicated to me that my survival was at stake. It was not hard to conclude that morality serves survival over truth, therefore all conclusions are suspect in that lying could be used for survival. I had a lot of emotional inner conflicts as I deconstructed all of this. The images that went through my mind when I first heard of moral relativism was a bullet going through my head and I would panic. This panic made me suspicious of my worldview. I carefully observed myself for days trying to figure out where evil comes from. Eventually I had the insight that I create all evil in the universe as counterintuitive As it may sound. Think of morality as the following. You have a base value like life, and all rules that folks serve that value. You can logically expand from this to say murder is wrong because it contradicts the base value. Next consider why people hate others for holding contrary beliefs. It is because of a perceived threat to a base value. For example, you could value God and I tell you there is no God. This threatens your entire sense of reality to the point that it triggers a fight or flight response. This has nothing to do with truth and it is only survival masquerading As moral righteousness. Once you realize that you create evil through your own principles and sense of morality, you start to get a glimpse of moral transcendence. Consider the possibility that an objective morality would be conscious that it creates evil through its own thinking and values, thus all evil is imaginary. Once you let go of morality, something very beautiful happens. You could trigger a state of consciousness in which even genocide is no longer evil because you realize that all evil is an illusion created through competing values and survival agendas. You may further experience that suffering is an illusion when you surrender to conscious suffering. Suffering turns out to be a beautiful thing. Keep in mind that it is a survival strategy to cling to moral absolutism if you do that and it has nothing to do with truth. For most people with this kind of ideology, what I just said will not compute and I will seem insane. I strongly encourage you to observe your emotions and thoughts even when very heated. This can reveal the deeper truths relativism tries to point you to. Try to wonder "where does evil come from?". Or "why is evil evil?". And most importantly, "why am I emotional and threatened?'
trenton replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pouya I think you make an important point about newbies skipping to advanced points. Maybe the actualized videos should be set into various playlists from the least advanced to the most advanced. If a newbie jumps to the most recent videos there is not a chance that they will understand it. If there were an order set for watching the videos, actualized could minimize the people taking these teachings the wrong way. Maybe there should be a playlist for the most beginner friendly material. The dangers of spiritual work should be at the beginning of the advanced playlists. This will serve as a warning for those who don't know what they are getting themselves into. The beginning of advanced teachings will make it clear not to harm the body or commit suicide. -
trenton replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Although this site has helped me to grow a lot, there are some problems. 1. The spiritual forum has too many threads which entertain the idea of suicide as a valid spiritual practice. There needs to be a pinned thread at the top to address the idea of suicide for spiritual reasons. If there continues to be discussions about suicide and spirituality on this forum it will muddy the waters and some people will fall into the trap of harming the body. I discussed suicide with somebody in this forum before. He mentioned that he did not fear death. If I did not correct what he was thinking, then he might have killed himself. Moderators should take these types of discussions more seriously and should lock threads that discuss validity in suicide as a spiritual method. These kinds of discussions should not be happening in the forum. It needs to be dismissed immediately in a pinned thread at the top of the forum. 2. Actualized.org cannot exempt itself from the issue of mental illness. Given this YouTube format with people all over the world watching, inevitably people with sick minds will watch and corrupt the teachings. In case somebody with a mental illness comes across this channel, there needs to be a greater emphasis on seeking professional help if there are any thoughts of harming yourself or someone else. This can be helpful for people who have serious trauma bubbling up during meditation. The assumption of this channel is that the listeners are mentally stable, but this assumption is clearly wrong. A person who needs mental help does not want to admit that they need it. They will be prone to the self deception that they are healthy enough to watch these videos. One thing I can compliment you for so far is that you made the description more robust in the videos. It is critical that mention the possibility of worsening serious mental conditions by misusing these teachings. 3. The most practical videos for me were emotional mastery. This includes childhood vows, anger, depression, envy, and many more. I shared these videos with my brother when he had some emotional problems. He asked "why don't they teach this school?". My brother and I both found it extremely helpful. If you want to help people ease the intensity of ego backlash and psychological trauma, you should make more videos on practical psychology. If you over emphasize advanced spiritual topics, many newbies might skip the necessary foundation set in older videos years ago. I want to thank you for your work so far. You helped me to see the value in personal development and spirituality. -
This is a very relevant topic given the recent events. In the future I expect to see a video on suicide and this topic should be included. Because of the large audience, actualized will run into people with mental disorders and they can very easily make spiritual justifications for doing foolish things. If you want to use spiritual motivations to get these people to do something helpful, then I have a suggestion. I sought psychological help for spiritual reasons. The idea was that psycho therapy can dissolve unhealthy aspects of the ego, thus making me more effective at spirituality. It made me able to deal with intense episodes of depression, suicidal thoughts, and ego backlash. You should mention that ego does not want to admit when it needs psychological help, and this is selfishness. If you are interested in spirituality, but you are having destructive thoughts, then you should seek professional help to stop you from harming yourself or somebody else. In the long run you will be far more effective in spirituality, personal development, and emotional mastery if you address this psychological trauma.
The most important part of white washing history to discuss is successful genocides. A complete genocide not only kills everybody within a certain ethnic group, but also destroys the art, language, and any historical reference to this group of people. If there were any complete genocides, they were already white washed from history and we may never know about them. Some of the possible victims of complete genocides were pagan and native American tribes. Some tribes are made up of about 100 people. They have their own unique language and could easily be conquered for control over resources. Some possible causes of successful genocides were imperialism and religious crusades. Roman Christians were brutal to pagans and some small tribes with their own gods may have been wiped out entirely along with their art. A common phase after genocide is denial. The following site has a list of active genocides. These will likely be denied later. https://www.businessinsider.com/genocides-still-going-on-today-bosnia-2017-11#the-nuer-and-other-ethnic-groups-in-south-sudan-2 No discussion of the history of white washing history would be complete without discussing genocides.
I finished Leo's episode on going meta, and I am applying this history. The reason I am curious about this is because of the culture wars concerning systemic racism and the modern consequences. This made me wonder, how do we know our history is true? What if there were many culture wars in the past, but the truth lost? The history We get taught would be white washed because it was written by people who successfully covered up their evils. This thread can cover examples all throughout human history. This will be a fascinating and educational topic. These are the kinds of topics that need to be taught in school because we are not getting the truth from our history books. Here are some examples. 1. "The relationship between a slave and his master was like that of a father and son.". This was in a college level American history textbook. 2. I would like to call out projection from the right wing in the ongoing culture wars. They argue that liberals are destroying our history and not telling the truth. This is done with a denial of systemic racism, a white washing of slavery, and a denial of the consequences of our history. The right wing is not telling truth about our history, and they often praise those who upheld slavery. 3. In ancient Egypt king Tut's funeral was rushed. This is unusual for a pharaoh and there are theories that he was assassinated. My ancient history teacher told me that he was hit in the back of a head with a blunt object and died of a concussion. 4. The boy in the right attempted to erase his brother on the left from history. 5. Another modern white wash is Martin Luther king jr. Our history only teaches us about the civil rights movement of the 60's. King had many more plans besides that and he would be opposed by modern Americans if he were alive today. This includes his poor people march, calling over priced medication an injustice, and his criticisms of capitalism which many modern liberals use. This includes his argument that capitalism is linked militarism and racism. This is threatening to American society because of our exploitation around the globe. 6. The brutality toward native Americans is often understated. The United States was founded on a philosophy of security through expansion like an empire according to Noam Chomsky. The Indians were given poor reservations where they are still kept to this day. This was supposed to be a gesture like we are nice to them, but we have them the worst land we did not want. How should we treat Indians in these reserves? 7. The violence of the workers rights movements during the industrial revolution are glossed over entirely. People were protesting against their inhumane conditions and some of them were executed without a trial. The Herrin massacre of 1922 is one example of violence to prevent worker's rights in America. To this day there are unions being busted and suppressed. Amazon's opposition to unionizing is a milder form of the violence that used to present in union suppression. Use this link to learn more about violence during the industrial revolution. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_violence#:~:text=A 8. White washing was attempted in Nazi Germany immediately after WWII and the holocaust. Germans tried to deny that there was a genocide and to this day there are still holocaust deniers. This is one of the most dangerous forms of white washing because it makes a genocide more likely to happen again. For example, Germany could blame WWII on the jews and start the genocide all over again. Neo Nazis and antisemitism is on the rise in America and Germany again. What examples of white washing history can you come up with? Do you think there are times that the truth lost a culture war? What are the implications and consequences of these failures? Consider this a lesson in meta history.
trenton replied to Lews Therin's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
We could have global laws designed to protect human life and the environment. One of the biggest threats of climate change is that the rising sea levels can cause salt water to mix with fresh waters, thus intensifying the water wars. There already are water wars starting. Unless a global government takes climate change and water wars seriously, there will likely be many civilizations torn apart by the ensuring destruction. One strategy goes as follows. There should be a city government, a state government, a federal government, and a world government. The world government would control a single military with the function of preventing corrupt leaders from starting genocides. Similar to NATO this would allow different countries to spend less and maintain protection. Currently, the government of the United States is responsible for many human rights violations because the President is the commander and chief of the most powerful military in history. This leads assassinations of military and political leaders around the world, demonstrating that this is too much power for one man to hold. If our laws were designed to protect human life, then these war crimes would be punished more severely or prevented entirely by making the federal government less powerful. When many different countries pitch in to form a global military, they can save money and resources by preventing arms races. These extra resources can be put toward environmental protection to prevent water wars. In this way human rights and nature rights can't be separated because millions could die if we don't protect nature. This needs to be weighed against the short term loss of life from not destroying nature. If humans were separate from the biosphere, then when the empire blows up the earth with a death laser, humans should be left alive in the void of space. As for poverty being a threat to human life, you could make the case of punishing white collar crimes more severely. This allows the rich to make 500 million dollars and only lose 100 million dollars in law suits. This money is obtained from people who are less wealthy, creating a threat to human life by putting people at a greater risk of poverty. Raising the minimum wage more consistently would also address this thread to human life. I hope this helps. Good luck with the paper. -
White washing in religion has been so prevalent that it affects modern Christianity. 1. Jesus probably was not white. This is something that Europe and America assumed. To this day there are stained glass windows depicting Jesus as white. This is condescending to non-white Christians who were pushed into rejecting their cultures and to assimilating into white American and European cultures. 2. In the Roman catacombs religious art was white washed into looking like men were religious leaders. In the Roman catacombs women were depicted preaching, but the people at the time drew beards on the faces of women to make it look like they were religious leaders. This is evidence that Christianity was not always intended to be a patriarchy and women had a far greater role. 3. There is also ancient art suggesting that Christianity and Judaism were not always monotheistic. There are statues of female deities that suggest that Yahweh has a wife. This is a massive contradiction to the modern orthodoxy. "But the potential widespread worship of Asherah would suggest that these religions were not always patriarchal." https://allthatsinteresting.com/asherah 4. A common defense mechanism in religion is to point out the corruptions and violence of other religions while ignoring the barbaric practices of your own religion. This leads to glossing over brutal parts of holy texts in order to make it sound superior to other religions. Muslims become critical of their faith when the brutality in the Quran is ignored. "The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims." Quran 3:56 "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help." https://www.thereligionofpeace.com Meanwhile, Christians use the modern conflict in the middle East to suggest that Islam is an evil religion and the bible needs to be taught in their schools. Historically, Christianity has been brutal to non-believers in Africa. A butcher used to cut off people's hands and genitals. There are likely many more examples I missed.
trenton replied to machiavelli's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Blackhawk do you consider murder level 100? By this logic you would kill one person to stop them from killing two people. At the same time murdering one person to prevent them from murdering one other person would be equal in terms of suffering. I am not clear how this logic applies to animals. How many animals equal one human in terms of murder? Another hard situation comes from people who like pain and suffering (believe it or not). In this way suffering itself is not an inherent evil. If you struggle to deconstruct morality, I have a method. It comes from self observation until you discover where good and evil comes from. You appear to believe that evil is created in the world outside of you. In my self observation I discovered that good and evil is something I create through imagining it. One way to create evil is by imagining moral values against suffering. If you did not imagine that it is good to reduce suffering, evil would not exist for you. So long as we imagine moral values, that which contradicts our goals will be labeled evil. This includes life. If we did not imagine life to be an inherent good, then death would not be something bad, therefore murder would not actually be wrong. Morality can be a difficult illusion for people to see through and you may feel threatened when you deconstruct it. If people get pushed too far they can have certain reactions. Notice if you feel heat in your body, or become defensive and prone to rationalizations and insults. This is a fight or flight response. It reveals how emotionally attached we are to our sense of reality. If you make a lot of self observations like these, you will let go of morality. Of course morality is still useful for serving our survival, but evil is not something out there, it is in you. By letting go of morality, we cease to create evil through our imaginary values and ideologies. I hope it helps.