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Everything posted by trenton

  1. Replacing people with robots sounds more realistic. In that case a better approach to business than the one I mentioned before would come from engineering. I don't know how soon low skill jobs will be replaced with AI.
  2. As of 2018, there are about 600 white supremacist organizations in the United States. Despite being a clearly foolish ideology it continued to be enforced after the civil war, especially in southern states. White supremacist groups were responsible for lynchings with about 70% of the victims being black. A notable example of violence comes from the Wilmington insurrection of 1898. White supremacist democrats killed as many as 400 blacks, forcing them to flee to swaps as the biracial Republican party was forced out of office by him point. I am not clear as to when the democrats and republicans switched sides on systemic racism. Systemic racism was originally used by democrats to maintain power. Currently there is voter suppression by republicans in Texas to prevent black communities from accessing polling stations. There are still statues standing which honor the men who participated in the violence I described. Josephus Daniels was not taken down until 2020 after the murder of Floyd. I'm not sure if there are some white nationalists who are inspired by how these men are depicted. White supremacy is a persistent and sneaky ideology which can survive in many forms. A common tactic is to appeal to impoverished whites in order to pass legislation that would economically benefit whites at the expense of blacks. This is systemic racism and it can cause blacks to live in polluted environments, making them disproportionately affected by sicknesses caused by factories and air pollution. It is a nicer face that more people find appealing, and not everyone realizes that it is racism because a narrow definition of racism only includes people who use the n-word. What else do you think causes white supremacy to be common and persistent? It seems that it can be caused by white poverty, so what would happen if the United States addressed its homelessness crisis? Maybe a lack of understanding history allows white supremacy to continue into the 21st century as history is being white washed by those claiming to protect it for the benefit of white supremacy. I think the main reason is that politicians depend on any means necessary to keep their power and white supremacy is effective at achieving this goal. This results in an absence of political will to correct out history books that tell us "the relationship between a slave and his master was like that of a father and son."
  3. @Terell Kirby it is disappointing, but critical race theory is constantly being straw manned to the point that it is hard to have a coherent discussion with the right about this important theory. It has nothing to do with an attack on your moral character. It is not the fault of white children that the pollution of factories disproportionately affects blacks as a consequence of hidden biases in the legal system. It is no longer made explicit in the law that the goal is to hurt blacks and this makes denial that much more persistent. Without explicit racism, many assume there is no racism, but in fact our definition of racism is too narrow and it does not allow for the possibility of racism by outcome, regardless of your personal biases.
  4. I have some trauma which is contributing to negative values. It is not nearly as serious as it once was, but it can still get better. The scenario I will give you demonstrates the lessons which I have yet to learn and must learn in order to stop unnecessary emotional turmoil. I am looking for a positive and empowering message. This takes place all the way back in elementary school. I was frequently verbally abused by the teachers and my mother noticed that I was more emotionally sensitive than most. It is worth noting that I have autism and it contributes to abnormal behavior often assumed to be bad. In one instance the children were being scolded again despite me being on my best behavior as usual. I was often punished with the group. I then had the thought that I can think what ever I want and nobody can hear me. This leads to stirring ones own emotional state through negative thinking about others while ruminating about how they are mean to you. Later in life I continued to have self esteem issues in which I blamed myself for my uncontrollable emotional conflicts. It is worth noting that it all stayed in my head but the dark thoughts would not stop. Eventually it got to the point of suicidal thoughts. In many situations I ended up feeling hurt and powerless. If I find the appropriate lessons it would solve a significant chunk of emotional trauma experienced through my life. My brother also has suicidal thoughts and he finds it very helpful when I share various coping mechanisms for weakening suicidal thoughts to the point that they don't bother me anymore. We come from parents who beat each other and abused drugs if that is any indication. I think it has to do with taking all of these things personally. I could take verbal abuse, domestic abuse, my own emotional problems, and my sister who keeps attacking my moral character all personally. When I do, I feel powerless, angry and prone to ruminating. It would be liberating if I did not take these things personally. It makes me want revenge when I do. If I could let this all go I would not be stuck in my own world all the time and I would be far more peaceful, almost like that world did not exist.
  5. @Leo Gura I checked your blog and I found the Nazi Bible. I watched the video and it said that the book does not explain why these people hate the Jews. It assumes that you are already in agreement. It looks like Jews are just scapegoat who never actually did anything to them. This might be similar to men getting angry when they can't get a relationship with women at which point they blame women for being sluts. These prejudices are not really true but they make us angry when we treat them like they are. This turns us into victims. You also mentioned that the lack of a life purpose has the default position of a toxic life purpose in which people can derive joy from hurting others. This reminds me a little bit of the religious argument against nihilism because the lack of any sense of purpose can become self destructive and depressing. I did get some good insights from the life purpose course though. I can't really guess why Jews are the scapegoat and not somebody else. Supremacists hate Jews, Muslims, and any race other than white. If they think of other religions as other races, then they pretty much hate all of humanity anyway. It means they also hate atheists and anybody from a different nation. Maybe a good answer for why they hate Jews is because they hate everybody and will turn anyone into a scapegoat to blame everything on. In that case they really would derive joy from hurting others.
  6. @Leo Gura Please expand on this. I would like to understand why people find this appealing. Maybe it is because the undoing of systemic racism feels like the oppression of whites. If whites feel like they are being oppressed, then they might frame an anti-white bias as a white genocide. For example, if somebody believes in the conspiracy theories of white genocide in Africa, then movements like BLM end up being viewed as black supremacists. I still have no idea why white supremacists blame these things on Jews though. Apparently, they think Jews are a different race of humans who are responsible for giving blacks civil rights. Anyway, the reason white supremacy seems obviously toxic is because of the terrorist attacks it inspires based off of conspiracy theories. It is worth noticing that entire nations like Nazi Germany fell for similar conspiracy theories. I guess it wasn't obvious to them, but why?
  7. @Natasha it is probably too late. But anyway, I think a toxic behavior in politics is placing short term profits above human rights. This involves modern slavery, poverty, starvation, and financial terrorism. Big corporations like Apple are responsible for overseas riots in factories because of a failure to pay workers a minimum wage. The United States imports over 91 billion dollars a year In electronic slave products due to the lack of business transparency in the production of these goods. Grocery stores are responsible for throwing away tons of food rather than giving it to the homeless. In fact there are sometimes armed guards hired by companies to protect dumpsters from homeless people through the threat of violence. There is also a repetitive assertion that people are in poverty because they are lazy and morally deficient. Private militaries are not held accountable for war crimes in the middle East or for vandalism in the United States. Private militaries might tamper with cameras in America or shoot civilians in other countries because profit is frequently placed above human rights. This leads to imperialism and the ones profiting from it are also lobbying the government like exon mobile. According to Trump America should bomb the hell out of Iraq in order to pay ourselves back with oil. Sorry it is late, but I hope your essay was good anyways. Demonizing and fear mongering are also good things to focus on. An example would be Ben Shapiro comparing the democrats and the left to terrorists. This was when he was arguing that republicans were only chipping away at the progress made by the left and it results in a net gain for the democrats when they encroach like terrorists with human shields. Other conservatives criticize Shapiro for making his audience scared to death of the left. I find it insane to think that he actually thinks that badly about the left. I would have to dig to find this particular example of fear mongering, but there are other examples anyway.
  8. @Leo Gura I hear this a lot and there was strong support for taxing corporations to pay for infrastructure. I am curious as to how much you think the rich should be taxed and for what purpose. How much could we pay for it a wealth tax were added? How high should the wealth tax be? After all of the taxes are out on the rich, how much money should we plan on having? "According to the latest Fed data, the top 1% of Americans have a combined net worth of $34.2 trillion (or 30.4% of all household wealth in the U.S.), while the bottom 50% of the population holds just $2.1 trillion combined (or 1.9% of all wealth)." This is just the top 1%. I think if there were high enough taxes on the rich while closing various loopholes, we could pay for expensive projects like infrastructure and free medical care for all. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez thinks there should be a 70% income tax on anyone worth over 10 million dollars. Currently, it is only 37% and Warren Buffett thinks the rich should be taxed higher. Raising the top income tax rate is,70 percent tax on earnings above %2410 million.
  9. @Flowerfaeiry I am definitely working on that. One thing I notice is that if I focus to much on negative habits and why I have them, it tends to amplify these emotions without a clear reason as to their purpose. I go on walks and play in a chess club now. Sometimes we are better off over powering negative thinking and emotions with love. I am here to learn other possible coping mechanisms which I have not applied.
  10. I think a very simple example is modern slavery. There are children born in unstable countries in the middle East and Africa who are forced by ISIS to become child soldiers and fight US troops. Other examples include people captured by human traffickers who never escape, the upcoming famine in North Korea, the Israeli Palestinian conflict, lead and arsenic in the baby food and more. You get the same results out of life assuming an equal effort on equal footing.
  11. These sites discuss funding of terrorist organizations through Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia describes their efforts to prevent funding of terrorist organizations in their denial of the allegations. There is an on going case in which Qatar is being accused of funneling money from the United States financial system to terrorist organizations. Qatar is accused of funding terrorists on several occasions for nearly a decade. This last site describes some of the accusations toward Kuwait and the measures they have taken to prevent funding for terrorist organizations. It is hard to tell if all the allegations made toward these countries are true or not because there are ongoing lawsuits.
  12. I will be making some threads which seek to understand modern wars. Many people will tell me that it is over oil, but this seems simplistic. It might be hard to understand modern wars objectively because they are ongoing, we are stake holders, and we are bombarded with fake and partial news. If you are up to the task, please share some of what you learned about modern war. This first topic is about private militaries. It sounds extremely corrupt, but here is my research. Oil companies buy private militaries because they seek protection from terrorists in places which have oil they are drilling for. These private militaries still commit war crimes and sometimes kill civilians. If you want to start your own private military, you can check out the following site. Where are these private militaries? How are they held accountable for war crimes? Should they exist? How much of the war on terrorism is the United States military fighting terrorists and how much of it is the private militaries trying to maximize profits? most importantly, Which wars are actually necessary to stop terrorist organizations like ISIS, boku harem, Al Queda, and others?
  13. @NoSelfSelf By "pm" do you mean send private messages?
  14. I watched the video. I know the tactic he is talking about. Allegations of sexual misconduct were used to smear Kavanaugh when he tried to become a justice. These accusations are used at opportune moments to destroy people's credibility. These accusations are the liberal equivalent of spinning baseless theories of widespread election fraud. I don't know how to go about changing liberal discourse to prevent baseless accusations. If this runs its course then people could be desensitized to these accusations to the point that they are not taken seriously. One of my childhood vows is that I would not have relationships with women because if I get the opportunity to run for a position of power they will accuse me of sexual misconduct if they don't like the relationship. To this day I am still a virgin. There could be a case of mistaken identity anyway because of the concerns of rape culture. So far my strategy for not getting accused of these things worked.
  15. Similar to SOCOM, deploying US troops in Mexico could be counterproductive. When the US attempted a similar plan on Columbia, the results were that the drug cartels moved to other countries. One detail I found is that Mexican citizens support training and weapons, but no troops. I think it would help if various countries legalized alternative medicine. This includes ibogaine to treat alcohol and heroine addictions. If drug cartels become less profitable due to fewer people being addicted, then private militaries would become unsustainable. Mexico already did this, but it can't solve the entire problem on its own. Other substances like LSD are more effective anti-depressants when compared to traditional medicine which leads to drug addiction in many cased. This would also make it more difficult for drug cartels to profit off of these substances. Leo mentions some this in his correcting the stigma of psychedelics videos.
  16. That is a critical detail right there. I did a quick Google search. Multiple sites confirm that ISIS is one of the wealthiest terrorist organizations in history, making as much as 3 million dollars a day. It is interesting to note that ISIS pays benefits to the families of militants. This encourages impoverished and starving people to join. It explains why do many people join if you account for global poverty. The more I research the weirder and weirder it gets. According to cnn, ISIS makes over 1 million dollars a day selling oil that is smuggled into Turkey. The U.S. mainly targets the financial assets of these militants because they understand that if they don't have all this money, they can't run a military. It is interesting that the United States targets oil refineries to stop ISIS and maximize profits at the same time. ISIS also makes money from ransoms. They have made hundreds of millions from this. European countries pay the ransoms while the United States does not. This is how more US citizens are more likely to get beheaded when compared to European citizens. This leads to debates over whether or not we should pay the ransoms. I think we shouldn't because they will use the funding to hurt even more people. There are other ways ISIS makes money, but you can just look at the sites. According to this site ISIS also has wealthy donors. "The governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait also covertly provide millions in aid to radical Sunni groups fighting Assad.". It is very frustrating that countries keep giving weapons and money to terrorists. I will need to do more research into why countries are giving so much money to these organizations.
  17. It is my understanding that these organizations are terrorist insurgencies which are not operated by any government. I read about ISIS. I found that their goal is to enforce what they believe to be the original and one true interpretation of the Quran without any innovations or corruptions. They are willing to kill anyone in the world who does not share the same interpretation. If you can expand on the significance of them being private militaries, that would help. Perhaps you are implying that private militaries are essentially terrorist organizations because they are not held accountable for war crimes. That would be very hypocritical of the US.
  18. This site mentions more disturbing facts about private contractors. It mentions that they are not charged for war crimes such as torture and 85% of interrogators in the CIA are private contractors. If I can figure out how many private contractors there are, I would have a rough idea of how much of the war is for resources. According to this site, in 2019 there were 53,000 contractors from US companies and 35,000 US military troops. More contractors are killed than US troops as well. This would imply that the majority of wars in the middle East are for maximizing profits. Less than half of the armed conflict is the United States fighting terrorism. Furthermore, politicians are misleading because contractors are not considered "boots on the ground.". There are politicians who sound like they are opposed to the war, but in reality they could easily pull out troops and replace them with contractors. It is rare to find a politician who is truly anti-imperialism even if they say "we need to pull out troops out of the middle East."
  19. @FoolsGold another question I have is in regard to the Mexican drug cartels. If the United States wanted to stop terrorists which could be motivating people to leave Mexico and go to the United States, then how much military aid should be sent to Mexico? I think this is an example of fighting terrorism for the sake of security rather than resources. I will try to figure out how much of the war is terrorism and how much is resources.
  20. I go for a lot of walks around my neighborhood. This is what I see from my experience rather than just from the news stories. The area I live in is generally very peaceful with no civil unrest. It is a suburban area which I feel safe walking around in. There is still crime in this area. My parents abused drugs, there were shots fired at stores as evidenced by the broken glass I found, there were people abusing drugs in the public bathrooms as evidenced by the fact that the bathrooms were shut down when I tried to use one and more. Harrison avenue is more peaceful than the street I am describing. My dad was a gangster. I ran into a homeless guy on multiple occasions. I can't tell if he was a fake homeless guy or not because sometimes people beg for money so they can get drugs. I ran into a few people who asked me for a lighter. There is an addiction to smoking which affects many people in this area. I have not seen anyone die because of it, but there was a man who told me that he feels like he has less energy and he is not breathing as well. Alcoholism affects my area as well. I went to alcoholics anonymous once and heard about some of the horrors people experienced because of the addiction. There was also a middle aged man who hit on my teenage sister at the park. In my schools I witnessed a lot of sexual harassment and sometimes I was the target. Many students, myself and my brother included, at some point had suicidal thoughts. I developed various coping mechanisms to help me, my brother, and others in the community deal with these emotional episodes. One of my coping mechanisms comes from enlightenment through the deconstruction of morality when we think of ourselves as bad people. Through realizing that these judgements are fundamentally false, we do not need to hold guilt against ourselves as this is unproductive. I encountered a trans woman on one of my walks and my cousin is a trans male. These trans people are fed up with the intolerance of others and argue that some trans children are encouraged to commit suicide because of it. They are dissatisfied with democrats and republicans because neither of them appreciate the complexity of the issue and they are just doing what they think is good. I can relate to trans people through autism. People often assumed ill motives because of my abnormal behavior. The suicide rates in autism are also very high (granted I googled the statistics.). In any case I never felt like I belonged in my community and some people could be driven to suicide because of the prejudice of our community. The common factor between transgenderism and autism is the negative reaction toward mental abnormalities. Abnormal does not mean bad, just different from normal. At Kroger I have a co-worker who was a victim of predatory loaning when she tried to go to college to learn about criminal justice. She lost all of her credits when the school was shut down and she was left with all of the debt. This student loan debt is unfair and I think it should be completely forgiven if a college gets shuts down for predatory loaning and you lose all of your credits. I ran into some Mormons and atheists. The Mormons asked me on multiple occasions if I would convert. I declined every time because religion is a paradigm lock which can prevent me from seeing the world from various angles. I don't want to limit myself to one way of thinking. As for the atheists, they argued that religion was superstition and none of it was based in reality. I told the atheist about what I read in the bible about Christian rituals and he thought it was insane. I also ran into a non-relgious spiritual person who thinks that we know through not knowing. This is the guy I am drawn to the most. He had an abusive girlfriend and my mom had an abusive boyfriend. Most people in this area obeyed the mask mandates. There were a few people who refused to comply when my job was to ensure that everyone wore a mask. Nobody was belligerent, they just ignored me. I also saw a lot of Trump propaganda because of the Trump train outside my Kroger store. The state of Ohio when to trump during the election although I voted for Biden. I asked some trump supporters why they liked him and they said it was because of the economy. They argued that Bernie Sanders wanted to put us in communes. My grandma is a Trump supporter who thinks Biden ruins everything. She is anti-trans because God created adam and eve. She also doesn't like gay people and she is racist. There is also a lot of construction going on constantly. The streets and sidewalks are torn up a lot and rebuilt. There are some new buildings being put in place, and electric poles being replaced. My family often argues about racism, abortion, and other issues. I do research into these topics and I discovered arguments that both sides in my family often overlook. I am interested in political discussions when they are educational, but they quickly devolve into emotional games of manipulation and lying. I suspect my mother used the n word to intentionally provoke people. I prefer listening more than speaking when there is something of value being said. My second grandma is much more conscious than my first grandma and my mom. Most of the issues are beyond my control, but there are a few things I can do like convince people not to commit suicide, fact check the fake news people fall for, educate myself on the discussions people have, and more. This is what is going on in my community from experience rather than just need and research. I probably forgot something, but it is a start.
  21. First of all no. I will not repeat that just because you told me too. Secondly, the changes I have in mind are the abolition of American imperialism as well as our responsibility in modern slavery such as our cell phone sweat shops in which workers are not paid a minimum wage and the right to unionize is not protected. Our economy is fundamentally broken so long as wide spread human rights violations across the globe are necessary to maintain a position as a global super power. Thirdly, the knowledge I am missing is greater clarity on why the United States wants to start a war with China. We need people to call out corporate greed in advance of any armed conflict so that we stop the cycle of constant war by moving from Syria to China when we bomb civilians. Racism, imperialism, and capitalism are all tied together and the more clear I am on how, the better. Anti Asian and Muslim rhetoric is designed to plant the prejudice necessary to make us feel justified in exploiting other nations for their resources in order to maximize profits while remaining a global super power. Fourthly, no such revolution can occur from within the government. There is a conflict of interest which prevents anti-corruption measures such as term limits from being implemented. If we are serious about bipartisanship, then the government needs to become functional through anti-corruption. After this, corrupt politicians can be removed from power so that systemic change can take place. This can only occur through massive action by many people. The government does not want to do it. Maybe I need to start telling people about the constitutional convention as our only way forward. This can reach people anywhere in the political spectrum. Finally, as for independent thinking, it is one of my values and I will do my best here. I have this life. I just appeared in existence one day without an explanation. I already knew English and that the woman looking at me was called "mom.". Life is amazing to the point that I can't comprehend it. This is why I want to do something incredible that accurately reflects the value of this life I have. The question I need to answer is "what best reflects the value of my life and how does this compare to how I am currently living it?" Life is more than money, more than sex, and more than me. (Note that anti-money or anti-sex as a moral dogma does not work, it is transcended through a higher vision.) If I ever hope to accurately reflect the inexpressible wonder of this life, it must be put toward something bigger than me. Life is more selfishly surviving.
  22. I am very curious about personal development and how it relates to politics. Considering some of the greatest leaders of all time, how is it that they were able to rally tens of millions behind a common goal? How would ordinary citizens like us have to change in order to become the next great leader? I understand that many of King's goals have yet to be realized. This includes reforming the medical system, eliminating global poverty, eliminating systemic racism, and others. King was also opposed to the Vietnam war arguing that capitalism and militarism were inseparable. A modern example is the American attacks on civilians in the middle East. According to Donald Trump we should take their oil to pay ourselves back. If the next Martin Luther King were to emerge, what would he or she have to do in order to unify millions behind a common goal? I think a good attempt would be to get people from all across the political spectrum to support a constitutional convention to impose term limits. Currently many conservatives and liberals support the idea. If something does not change, then mankind will fail to stop the water wars and the damages caused by climate change. At one point in my life I considered becoming an activist, but I felt that there were no realistic ways to realize the goals I had in mind. Using King as an example, which goals are realistic or not realistic? His goals often seemed unrealistic, but we would have been wrong. I have a hard time distinguishing between being realistic and limiting beliefs in this case. I think being realistic is a limiting belief, but at the same time we might fail if we pursue such ideals.
  23. @AtheisticNonduality what do you think would be the most fitting way to start a peaceful revolution? What changes should we be calling for and how should they be actualized? What knowledge are we missing?
  24. @Willie sounds like a start. What exactly is charisma? I don't think I have a lot of it. I guess so long as the ideas resonate with people, it should bring about some progress even if the dream or goal is not realized in this life time.
  25. I learned about this in my environmental courses in school. Water wars are already starting and they are expected to get worse with rising global temperatures worsening droughts and wild fires. The threat of water wars is what originally made me think of the importance of a world government in order to prevent this deadly collapse. This source mentions the harms of building dams. The nile is a good example because it runs through Africa. If a dam is built upstream, then all countries South of that will begin to suffer droughts. These man made structures can cause a lot of serious tensions in the future. It is already starting and without a global government this crisis is inevitable. Given how slow mankind is to fight climate change and destruction caused by excess stage orange, I don't see how mankind can realistically evolve to the point of building a global government before the water wars. This issue makes me pessimistic about the future of mankind because the wars and droughts could lead to some countries collapsing completely. If we want to fight water wars, then I have one idea. Government corruption is the root of many political issues. If term limits were imposed on the house, senate, and supreme court, then new, younger people would have a chance to express their concerns of climate change and have a greater influence. This makes me optimistic because even trump supporters love the idea of preventing people from serving in Congress for 30 years. If this keeps up, then mankind's evolution will be too slow to stop some of these crises. Some states are calling for a constitutional convention, but we need about 15 more if I remember correctly. This is the key to unifying America despite its division and polarization. I think it is the only way forward in the developed world.