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Everything posted by trenton

  1. @Leo Gura I think you did an excellent job on your two recent videos. I was pretty glued to the video because I really want to understand healthy forms of stage blue and orange. Sometimes it can be hard to find because like the left wing, the right wing excessively demonizes And straw mans the other side. I think you have covered most of the oversights from the left pretty well. I had two points of disagreement. One would be how you discussed conservative blacks. According to Pew research studies blacks are more likely to vote Democrat than whites on a national scale. You seem to mean blacks in southern states, in which case it makes sense. Apparently, there are some blacks who are fed up with BLM creating a victim mindset and becoming unproductive. This seems like an interesting topic. The second point is trans issues. I think you made a good point that to most people who are not LGBTQ these issues are not relevant for improving their lives. Sometimes other people seem bothered that I'm a straight white male. Somehow there is a stigma to not being a victim in leftist group think. Of course I could be a victim in other ways like a bad family full of drug addicts. This might make conservatives close minded to psychedelics as it did to me initially. The problem is how you placed a gender transition next to a transition to another species of animal. You seem to misunderstand the actual position of most leftists on gender issues. In the case of women, sometimes they have y chromosomes that did not develop as they normally would. Some leftists distinguish this from transitioning to another species arguing that the difference between a man and an animal is more fundamentally different than the difference between a man and woman. The left does not think of gender issues like the South Park episode in which a man became a dolphin. Comparing gender transition to a unicorn transition or an animal is believed to be a misleading comparison in leftist thought. I'm not saying I agree with the leftist position on all of this, but this seems to be the actual position.
  2. @Carl-Richard thanks for confirming. I genuinely could not tell because there are some cults which act completely insane.
  3. @Carl-Richard is this really a thing? I am having a hard time believing that these people are serious. They look like actors. Are they like this for real?
  4. Satanists are stage orange. They react to the excesses of stage blue, arguing that they don't like the self deception of wall papering over their doubts. Some people become Satanists after being sexually abused and they see how fake the whole institution is. The most common reason people have a crisis of faith is because others in their faith were cruel to them and they felt betrayed. Although they do not literally believe in Satan, Satan is still used as a symbol of man. This is man as an animal. Stage blue commonly misunderstands The religion, assuming they literally worship the devil. This continues to prevent some countries from recognizing Satanism as a religion. In reality they are atheists who do charity. The church of cannabis is stage green. I went there in vacation. They believe that wisdom is in the questions we ask and not in the answers we give. The church reacts to the dogmatism of stage blue. They had a video game room downstairs which was pretty awesome and I got a high score on galaga. They had a light show upstairs which have my brother a headache. My epilepsy used to be much worse as well. The goal of these light shows seem to be to mimic the effects of psychedelics.
  5. @Heart of Space I would like to point out that the Japanese have a much higher IQ than Americans. This difference is accounted for by the food industry in both countries. In Japan they eat a lot of sea food which is far better than the standard American diet. Many of the ingredients in the food we eat are carcinogens, heavy metals, and heavy sugar. This adds up to the point of brain damage. Brain damage certainly explains the difference in IQ. If Americans had a better food industry then the average voter could have an IQ about ten points higher. With this in mind, I eat a lot more sea food and it helps me focus with sustained energy. I should further add the life styles of world chess champions. Although genetics is a factor in Fischer having an IQ of 180, Fischer also believed that body and mind could not be separated. He often went swimming. Kasparov did a lot of push ups. Carlsen plays soccer. Interestingly, Carlsen is also a vegetarian. I don't believe that diet can make up the total difference in IQ. Then again, IQ tests could be measuring intelligence in a poor way. Maybe pattern recognition can be practiced and improved. Maybe there are other ways to measure intellectual ability other than pattern recognition. Maybe I'll look more into the actual data on test scores by race. There have been some fights over possibly racist teachers who argue that blacks objectively score lower than whites on graded tests.
  6. @Hatfort thanks for the update. I was waiting for the situation in Kherson to clarify. It seems that the Russian army is preparing to retreat. Ukraine is likely to take back a significant amount of territory in the region over the next week. It is not immediately obvious to me why the Russian army is using its kamikaze drones And cruise missiles to target civilian infrastructure. It's possible that they are planning to weaken Ukraine's defense in Kyiv before invading through Belarus. Ukraine has its northern border fortified in case this happens.
  7. My thoughts on this video is that it was definitely needed and Leo did a great job on this video. Many of his points match my personal experience. I have two sisters and a cousin who are very progressive and they often argue with their parents and grandparents over politics. I always felt skeptical about judging people from hundreds of years ago for slavery. One thing I would add to progressives is the weaponization of spiral dynamics. I tried to teach others about the model, but stage green interprets the model as being more developed than conservatives and therefore superior. The stage green ego has a hard time appreciating the significance of these models. telling progressives about spiral dynamics will make them double down and continue judging people as racist bigots. My sister is a feminist who uses models of the brain to prove women are superior to men. Stage green is close minded to research when ever it seems to validate the conservative perspective. For example, mom started talking about how some slaves used to be white. I was open minded and looked at the research, but my sisters refused to look because of mom's racist agenda. As a result I agree with progressives on many points, but they are only open minded when my research validates their current perspective. The fundamental misunderstanding of conservatives is the result of constant demonization. I manage to stop a lot of these arguments simply by sharing my research. This demonstrates how much conflict is created through misunderstanding. If we had a news station that just reported the facts without a political agenda, then this would solve a lot of problems with polarization. Usually the facts favor progressives, but a higher level is possible. Excellent video. I hope this forum benefits greatly from this balancing of our political views. This video helps see the difference between stages green and yellow.
  8. I would prefer to avoid the implied yelling through typing in all caps. On the other hand I have a question. I've heard of the water wars caused by climate change induced droughts and Saudi Arabia is already talking about water wars. In fact the drought in Syria crippled the economy to the point that it partially motivated the civil war in the region. I haven't heard of wars for rare metals. Where did you hear about wars for metals and what metals are those? Do you know the function of these metals?
  9. I think this forum would benefit from understanding conflict between stage green and yellow. I remember how heated the issue became discussing the possibility that stage yellow could support the death penalty arguing that the compassion of stage green is misplaced on those who would happily exploit it. If most people don't appreciate how rare stage yellow is and why this is so, then there will be many heated discussions that seem to go nowhere on this forum. It often boils down to assuming biased or partisan motives in those with whom we disagree. If this forum is about personal development, then I encourage everybody to check their knee jerk reactions especially if they are heated. By taking our opinions too seriously it can make it harder to detach ourselves from our beliefs. If this forum values open mindedness then we must realize that inner peace comes from not knowing. At the same time I understand the importance of educating ourselves on many perspectives. So far I see a lot of partisanship based on nationality.
  10. The survival biases present in this war are so strong that they appear on this forum frequently. The knee jerk reaction you get when trying to understand a radically different worldview is people doubting your motives and agenda. Once I start to understand someone's worldview I will realize that from their point of view they are the good guy. In this case Leo starts to sound like he has an agenda when he argues that in Putin's worldview he is good and it provokes many negative reactions. This is a common source of misunderstanding in politics because the propaganda we are exposed to makes it hard to imagine that someone isn't acting out of cartoonishly evil intentions. Even in a Jihadists worldview they believe that they are freedom fighters in opposition to American imperialism and defeating the economic parasite will be for the glory of God. Life is not a battle of good versus evil. Life is a battle of good versus good. This reality is very difficult for ego to accept because it is easy to justify killing people when we think they are terrorists, crazy dictators, Nazis, or whatever else. Knowing the deeper truth that everybody is good does not serve the egos survival agenda, but it will raise our capacity for love dramatically, silence our judgements, and humble us.
  11. @Hatfort if the war is framed in terms of control over has and oil, then Russia has some moderate success. By controlling areas with gas reserves in Donesk And Luhansk Russia has made some clear progress. Although the propaganda claims it is about denazifying Ukraine, this is absurd and requires the total annexation of all of Ukraine. This was attempted in the beginning of the war but Ukraine repelled the attack on Kyiv. The scale of the objectives have since been cut down significantly. I'd rather not speculate on who blew up the pipes and the rail roads. The reality is that I don't know and it can easily become the basis of conspiracy theories. By the way there is a major update. Russia just launched 83 missiles at Kyiv. The Ukrainian air defense shot down a little more than half of them, but their defenses were still overwhelmed. The target was mostly civilian infrastructure. This is a waste if these missiles are not being used in military targets. We will see soon if Russia plans to follow this up with another attack on Kyiv or not. Other than that the war is presently a stalemate with the stabilized defense lines by both sides.
  12. After gaining a lot of ground, the Ukrainian forced have begun the liberation of Luhansk with a few villages remaining in the Karkiv region. There were massive losses in the counter attack near Kherson on both sides, but the lines appear to be stabilizing after the Russian battalions blew up a bridge. The Ukrainian army continues to struggle with kamikaze drones. Their air defenses have managed to shoot down 60% of them, but the damage left by the drones is still devastating. The United States is partially responsible for this because it sold microchips to China unaware that China was passing the chips to Iran to build drones to send to Russia. The United States can stop it by not giving China anymore micro chips. Recently, a major target has been hit. This is the Crimean bridge that took Russia there years to build. Somehow a train exploded, destroying the bridge along with a major Russian supply line. Because Russian troops often struggle to get the proper supplies to wage the war, there is potential for a mutiny. The morale is constantly sinking as commanders abandon their troops and Ukraine regains much of its territory. I'm not worried about the potential for nukes. This is covered in another thread.
  13. @Revolutionary Think I was literally about to send that video. Basically, NATO is so vastly superior to the Russian army that it would be suicidal to start a nuclear war. The threat of nuclear war is a common talking point just to provoke the kind of panic we are seeing right now. It's never a good idea to actually do it. If people think you might, then that helps to manipulate them and provoke concessions. North Korea did this several times already to force other countries to send aid. If Americans are scared because they think Kim Jong Un is crazy, then they want to get out of the situation immediately. In reality, Kim Jong Un is smarter and he knows how to manipulate other countries masterfully. North Korea must do this because they are constantly on the brink of total collapse, famine, and mass death. In either case the main goal is to make people scared of nuclear war without actually doing it.
  14. @Tefikos Putin keeps bringing up the possibility of using tactical nukes. He bluffed like this several times, but many speculate that he will do this out of desperation. The fate of mankind can be shaped dramatically by this war. For example, the relationship between Russia and the European union is pushing mankind toward green energy. This is an unintended consequence of the invasion, but Europe does not want to be dependent on Russian gas and oil. Meanwhile it appears that Putin's true motives are to control the oil and gas reserves in the Donbas region. All other motives like denazifying Ukraine, stopping the expansion of NATO, or liberating Russian territory make no sense whatsoever. NATO is expanding because of the invasion as Finland and Sweden switched their positions on neutrality. The stated political objectives have clearly failed on every level. If the war is over oil and gas, then Russia might have a chance because they still control the donbas region of Ukraine. Breaking news. The Ukrainian forces have finally broken through Russian defenses North East of Kherson. The next week or so may bring serious questions to the 25,000 troops in the region. Although Ukraine is seizing a lot of territory, it is not inflicting as many losses on Russian troops as it needs to in order to compensate for its smaller army. The morale is high, but there is a chance that Ukraine will be overrun by the sheer number of conscripts being thrown into the meat grinder. They hold out some hope as they capture Russian vehicles, forcing the army to use older, less optimal models. Ukraine argues that the troops will be poorly equipped And their battle hardened army will outperform the conscripts who don't have up to date weapons, don't have food, don't have first aid kits, and don't want to be in Ukraine as Putin's propaganda falls apart in the eyes of Russian civilians who are increasingly skeptical of his lies.
  15. The Ukrainian advance continues with the successful encirclement of Lyman. Russia used referendums that were so fake that they didn't even force people to vote yes. Instead they counted blank votes as yes resulting in over 99% approval for Russian annexation. Although Putin recognizes the new territory as part of Russia, much of it is still violently contested at the time of these referendums. Germany plans to supply Ukraine with more air defense systems and America plans to send more HIMARS in a few months. The delay in weapon delivery to Ukraine could be bad news for them. The Russian army hopes that the winter will slow the Ukrainian advance as the defense lines are stabilized. The infighting with The Russian public continues because there is constant good news in the propaganda, but it does not reflect the reality of the massive bloodshed in Lyman. Protesters risk their lives as news stations are abruptly and ominously silenced when they start telling bad news about the invasion. The Kherson front remains a long bloody stalemate with thousands of deaths from the constant bombardment of artillery fire. Ukraine hopes that once the country is liberated, they will join NATO in a couple of years to prevent invasions like these from continuing. Moral is high for Ukraine as the momentum of the counter attacks continues. The forces forces in the north are advancing toward Svotove to cut off the supply lines while the forces in the South advance toward Severdonesk and Lysychansk, two major holdouts for the Russian army.
  16. @DocWatts wow. I learned a lot from that. You do a great job of tying the consequences of history together. I take it that because the West is biased I was blind to many of the ways in which it exploits the world. This is a very significant one I didn't know about. This is probably why nobody cared when Gorbachov died. Now the modern geopolitical situation with Russia makes much more sense. Unfortunately short term profits seem to matter more than the long term well being of all parties involved. As a result of this selfishness the West continues to pay the cost to this day.
  17. The reason I care about politics is deeper than the surface level arguments. Yes there is a lot of fighting in religion and politics, but it is understanding conflict that interests me. A lot of the conflict in the world is created through attachment to ideology. These ideologies blind is to deeper levels of understanding. What you are trying to do is take out the fighting and focus on deeper levels of understanding. In doing so you may understand metaphysics, but you miss understanding conflict, ideology, the consequences of different levels of consciousness, an more. There are deeply spiritual aspects to politics, but these are hidden by the competing ideologies on the surface. It makes sense that you don't want to contribute to fruitless fighting. Why ruin your relationships over such things? If you want to understand reality at a deeper level, then then it makes sense to understand how humanity evolves. Most of humanity is not interested in such an understanding, thus you are the fighting between stages blue, orange, and green for instance. Understanding conflict actually requires a deeper understanding of politics than what most people have. Your understanding will come from a place of nuance, open mindedness, and detachment from ideology. When people are not interested in deep understanding, they get caught up in the culture war and stay in their current stage of development. Politics evolves more slowly because of a lack of interest in deep understanding.
  18. At the moment the Ukrainian forces are attempting to encircle Lyman city and force a further Russian withdrawal from the region. Most of the remaining Russian occupied Karkyiv region is not as strategically important as capturing the supply lines on the way to Severdonesk. Most of fighting is otherwise a standstill in various regions where defensive lines are begin held by both sides. Nothing really profound, but I am learning more about how wars are fought and what kind of tactics are used. An interesting one is getting a woman to pretend she wants to have sex with an enemy soldier over social media in order to trick soldiers into giving away their positions for air strikes. Police officers are being bribed at border crossings. Some of the officers are being drafted into the Russian military, and this could make it harder to keep a lid on the protests against the war. When I look at how Russian citizens live, I know not to take my freedoms for granted because I say so many things that could get me killed if I lived in other parts of the world. I don't feel as alarmed as people speculating that Russia will nuke Ukraine. I won't know until it happens and I doubt it will happen now if it never happened before. I could easily be wrong if I'm predicting the future, but I don't think it does any good for us to predict nuclear wars.
  19. There have been even more major updates. Russia is attempting to draft as many as 1.2 million men. Although poorly trained, the Ukrainian army could be over run if the drafting works. There have been massive protests because many Russians are against the war. Millions are trying to flee the country in an effort to avoid the draft, but many of the citizens are being stopped from leaving. Situations like these seem to show that Russians are desperately trying to control their lives, but they can't. Putin always had the bigger military to rely on for the war, and it looks like Ukraine is more likely to win through Russia's internal collapse. This would include the declining economy and the many Russian soldiers attempting to abandon the war zone and become a non-combatant. Some of these soldiers have lost faith in their commanders because of the logistical failures throughout the war. I see a problem with discussing war in that it is constantly open to uncertainty and speculation. I try to see some deeper spiritual aspects that are present like the illusion of control. Many of the soldiers don't want to be soldiers, but if they don't then they will be pushed out the window. Only time can tell if all Russia's problems will add up to a loss in this war or if Russia's bigger military vastly overwhelms Ukraine to the point that it wins in spite of all of the logistical, economic, political, supply, and morale issues.
  20. Firstly, I would like to compare Leo's video to my experience. I have seen many times throughout my life that socializing has lead me to mimicking people's behavior in unoriginal ways. I will make a few. Laughing about sex as a kid. This was a way to score cheap laughs and make other kids want to be my friends. In fact I deliberately planned jokes in advance to make a good first impression when I was in school. My best joke was the admission that I am not really funny person with original jokes. I was just memorizing jokes I heard before so you would think I'm funny and want to be my friend. This was my Most original joke and my Most hilarious joke. This lead to more authentic friendships after a few weeks. Another one is how I pretended not to like girly music because I didn't want people to think I'm gay. Actually I like Justin Bieber. Noticing conformity is all about being more authentic. I see a lot of conformity starting when we are children especially in gender roles. The battle of the sexes starts with cooties. As I got into middle school I became more skeptical of conformity. First of all my parents were a terrible example because they were drug addicts and dad fled the state to avoid paying child support. I decided that I needed to think for myself and decide what was right and wrong or good and bad. My parents were not an option for understanding life and reality unless I wanted to become a drug dealer. This lead me to becoming more conscious of self deception. Even so I still made all kinds of mistakes with ideas like suffering is wrong. These misguided ideas have lead me to the constant struggle for self understanding which continues to this day. Today I look conformity in spiritual communities. I know that a question people are encouraged to ask is "who am I?" I am skeptical of these practices because people are following all the same questions in self inquiry. Therefore, they would reach similar conclusions. I think it is better to ask questions which we are most interested in and then expand from there, otherwise you will just be copying some other spiritual teacher. A question more interesting to me is "why do I want to understand myself?" Why am I so interesting to me? What do I feel I am missing by not understanding myself? I am observing my thoughts and emotions constantly because I am seeking self understanding. Why is self understanding so important? Maybe if I frame my questioning this way I will make better progress than if I copy the inquiry of others. Sometimes sitting there asking "who am I" doesn't do anything. secondly, I liked Leo's interesting decision to skip criticizing religious fundamentalism. I am not very vocal about my criticisms, but I see them happening in my thoughts when I see how foolish this behavior is. To me something feels off about criticizing religious fundamentalism. I have a few ideas why. Maybe although my criticisms are correct, it is not the direction I want to take in my life. It makes me feel heated on the inside and maybe many of these people will never change anyway. I have checked myself several times for hypocrisy surrounding religious fundamentalism to make sure I'm not projecting. Another interesting question is why does it feel dirty and off somehow to be criticizing people like these? Maybe my energy is better spent elsewhere just like in fruitless political arguments that change nothing. In my case I am actually careful to avoid heated arguments with my family and I instead share my relevant research in a non judgemental way. This actually stops a lot of arguments and clears up misconceptions while bringing my family closer together. I have done all but get my grandma to admit that Biden won because she is close minded to any evidence I show her that Trump did something wrong. She has admitted many of her biases and false beliefs though as my research chips away at her angry rants. I have taken action. I picked up more journals because I ran out of space in my other journals for contemplation. I also typed my questions into YouTube and I was stunned by the results. One question I am interested in is "what is a good education?" I have a lot of radical ideas about what education could look like. It should teach children how indoctrination works and the history of white washing history to legitimize pre existing power structures. The goal should be open mindedness, creativity, original thinking, critical thinking, and more. The YouTube channel I stumbled into by doing this search talks about raising our consciousness, ego development, ego death, non duality, and how psychedelics can change your life. It talked about all the same things I heard from I think asking the questions we are most interested in and pursuing them is the key to personal and spiritual growth. I think this might be the best way for me to live my life and discover the beauty of reality. Conformity provides us with a false sense of comfort because it keeps us on the trodden path with an incomplete understanding of life. This curiosity and our desire to know is what pushes us outside of the box. When people lack the desire to know, they fall into conformity and they hand wave these things away as mere philosophy. Sometimes my sister gets annoyed with me because I am too abstract. Seeking truth and becoming abstract can make it hard to socialize if most people lack the desire to know. I get bored of small talk fast so I ask a lot of questions and my family gets annoyed by all of these questions. Sometimes strangers have a lot of fun with me by asking a lot of questions and wondering about reality as we become curious. We talk about how the definition of insanity changes over time and how only an insane person would never question their sanity. Good video
  21. I think this would be a good educational thread that aims to disillusion is from many common mistakes. One of the interesting things about politics is that it is part of a mass self deception in which millions of people create an identity and cling to it. Collecting and discussing common false beliefs could help us to deconstruct our own worldview as well. I hope to learn something interesting when users point out less well known mistakes. These are beliefs we take for granted and don't question. to get a couple obvious ones out of the way. 1. The belief that Trump won the election. The accusation that democrats were cheating is analogous to an abusive relationship. The Republican party accused democrats of cheating to obfuscate their own cheating and the results of the election. 2. Vaccine conspiracy theories. These include vaccines cause autism, there are little robots spying on us, and more. Common False religious beliefs 1. The belief that Satanists worship the devil. In reality most Satanists use Satan as a symbol of man as an animal. They are not literally blood cults. 2. The belief that religious beliefs are sacred. Big one. There are thousands of sects created by the many translations of holy texts. The civil war is an example of a major schism in Christian caused by the issue of slavery. 3. The belief that Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Big one. Although most sects of Christianity are monotheistic, polytheistic interpretations have existed throughout history. One argument is that the old and new testament are incompatible because one is written by a wrathful and righteous father while the other a loving and forgiving mother. Some archaeologists argue that God has a wife, but it was edited out of the bible. Although monotheism is universally accepted today, it was not always like this because polytheistic sects have existed in the past. 4. The belief that religion is nothing more than superstition is common in those who commit the pre-trans fallacy by lumping together Other forms of spirituality with the same dogmatism. Other interesting examples 1. The belief that Hitler was Jewish. This is preposterous, but people believe it anyway. Hitler publicly supported Christianity, but in private he acted differently. I am not sure if he was faking it or not. 2. The belief that school shootings are a form of retaliation against bullying. A popular, but misguided assumption. In reality, school shooters fire into the crowd. Their targets are kids in the wrong place at the wrong time. 3. The belief that "murder" or "human being" can be objectively defined even during issues like abortion. If this belief is false, then the implication is that human beings are imaginary. Big one. It is very common for a human to believe that they are a human. 4. The belief that the leaders of enemy nations are insane. One example is Kim Jong Un. He launched a nuclear weapons program, causing Americans to fear him. This is a common stunt by North Korea given the unique political situation. Kim Jong Un acts crazy to make his enemies fear him and make them desperate for diplomacy. This forces concessions from other nations such as giving aid to the starving population. These stunts are not crazy, they are calculated and North Korea has a history of doing these sorts of things. I will be interested to see what the rest of you come up with.
  22. @gettoefl in my heart I do feel that way. I see the profound tragedy taking place and my mind is trying to find way to stop this horribly depressing thing from happening. Maybe most people don't value independent thinking and they are happy without this freedom. It is painfully sad and no matter how long the list of criticisms it will not make this sad reality go away. I'm grateful for my freedom and my heart goes out to the less fortunate. This is what lies beneath my apparent dislike. I wish nothing but the best for them. Of course I never hold these things against individuals. They were indoctrinated And they do what they were taught. It is a collective issue and no individual is to blame. "Forgive them father for they know not what they do." This describes religious fundamentalism perfectly. The criticisms my mind comes up with prevents me from fully surrendering to the sad reality that not everybody can be helped. By the way I have met these people in a nearby church. They were giving out soup to the poor. Clearly they mean well and they are doing their best to be good. I understand that everybody is good no matter these tragic limits.
  23. I would like to see more public debates on the effectiveness of debates when getting to the truth. It would be more meta to start debating debating. First of all, in debates people often resort to dishonest tactics in order to win. This could be gish galloping, cherry picking, and so on. This results in constant doubts about your intentions and your opponent's intentions as soon as you start to disagree. You can take the presidential debates for example. Most people already knew who they would vote for and only six percent of the population was tuning in because they weren't sure. This is evidence that debates are not about truth, they are about slamming your opponent and looking superior. I used to watch right wing hosts because they were good at winning debates. I stopped watching when I realized that they won through deception. Debates are about convincing people of your viewpoints and to hold your beliefs. I started distinguishing between belief and truth when I became more skeptical of debates. You can use legal debates in a court. It is not about what is legal, it is about who can present the most convincing legal arguments. You can see this in poor people who can't afford a lawyer and end up losing because a defense attorney does not have as much time to prepare arguments for you. Again this is about winning, not truth. How would society be if in a presidential debate the sides were arguing about how untruthful and misleading political debates often are? Leo has a video about this on his blog. Conscious people don't like debating because it's an ego game.
  24. The video mentioned that Scandinavia still has a recidivism rate of 1 in 3. This is a low rate compared to the United States because there are more job opportunities to help people get into a position where they don't need to commit more crimes for survival. Even so there are still those who fail to rehabilitate. The evidence is in the video that dangerous offenders could still hurt you once they leave prison. On the other hand Scandinavia seems safer because they have a very low rate of imprisonment. This is about 3000, a low percentage of the population compared to the United States with millions in prison. Maybe the United States would be better off with this kind of system, but it would need to fix the fact that repeat violent offenders are leaving the system. Maybe the death penalty could be used for repeat offenders once it is made obvious that rehabilitation isn't working. That should deter some of these crimes, keeping the prisons with as low of a population as possible. This should definitely be combined with preventing crimes through providing for the poor and using other social safety nets. Do you think the death penalty would improve this system?
  25. One of the reasons they loved the queen so much and didn't want to abolish the monarchy was because the queen worked alongside them during the second world war. When she was a princess she drove trucks and ambulances as she worked as a mechanic. I went to the palace on a tour and I was told that although the queen is expensive And the economy would be better off without her, the people love the royal family too much to get rid of them. Otherwise they would be better off without it.