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Everything posted by trenton

  1. Repressing your feelings can tear your life apart. It can lead to intense self judgement, bodily tension, and it can easily sour your other relationships due to the damage caused to yourself. It causes a lot more than anxiety attacks and depression. It can reach the point of constant suicidal thoughts, paranoia, muscle spasms, speaking on tongues, memory loss, racing thoughts, sleeping problems, and much much more. You may be driven to taken medicine, but it is a band aid on a festering wound. Repressing our emotions is a root cause of mental illness that medicine often fails to cure. I want you to be free and happy. It can be scary to let your feelings flow, but look at the alternative of repressing your feelings. Being truthful seems like the better option for your mind, your body, and your relationships.
  2. There is more progress being made. With my previous identity being torn down with all of the stirred up trauma, I started having a jumbled mind. My previous mask had fallen apart because it was sweeping all of these emotions into my body. I felt a lot of confusion and frustration as I wanted to recreate a cohesive identity. I didn't see a need to be attached to all these theories and intellectual positions anymore. I didn't see the point in holding onto these mental constructions. I remembered who I was as a child before all of this trauma and over protective attitude. I wasn't always like this. For example, people with autism have the stereotype of being introverts, but the reality is that many of them are more naturally extroverted which is suppressed due to bullying. Likewise, I used to be much more open as a child. I used to be good at remembering people's names. As I became more withdrawn and afraid of the outer world, I started getting worse at remembering names. I didn't care as much for others felt because I was dissociated and living in my head. At first I thought had more control over my thoughts and feelings, but in fact this illusion fell apart as well. My feelings worsened as I stayed hidden for fear of being hurt. I am starting to open up more with other people again. I am getting better at remembering names again like Anthony, Randy, and Margie. It helps to know that I'm not alone as I reconnect to the world which I had come to fear. I have been struggling with various dysfunctions in my body and mind. The tension in my body is linked to various self judgements. As my self judgements ease and the suicidal thoughts subside, so too will the tension in my body. It often led to twitching, strange noises, and saying things like "I hate myself" out loud. I know these judgements to not be true because I am fundamentally good. At the moment, my body and mind is partially in this old attitude still. I am focusing on my body and mind as I release the painful tension throughout both. These strange outbursts continued as I went to a movie with my brother and sisters. I was struggling with inner bodily tension and various thought patterns. My family often looks at me like something is wrong when I suddenly make these outbursts of gibberish. They usually brush it off and overlook it. I know them to be rooted in self judgement, and I hope to free myself in This process. Beneath the tension there is an authentic inner joy. This inner joy is love.
  3. @tadpole Coincidentally, I have been contemplating this recently as well. All my life I have been struggling for control over my thoughts and feelings, but our control over life is very limited and it hurts as we try to control life. My thoughts and feelings happen to me. I never chose to be a human who experiences thoughts and feelings. Judging thoughts and feelings in such a way that it attacks your sense of self love and self worth is very damaging because as humans we over estimate the control we have over life. As we allow our thoughts and feelings to flow, they happen to us and they change. You don't let go of thoughts, thoughts let go of you. Likewise, self reflection is happening to me as insights come in and my feelings continue to change.
  4. I wish I could put a million likes on this video.
  5. I see no better place to document the transformation that forgiveness has allowed. All my life, I have been over protective. I was afraid and wanted to avoid trauma and being hurt. This over protection is what caused most of the suffering in my life because I was afraid and trying to avoid suffering. The only way for me to experience love would be to take off my armor and be vulnerable, but this was the last thing I wanted to do. I was protective in my family life when I avoided them by staying in my room. It didn't help that my older sister and mother had anger issues, nor did it help that there were episodes of domestic violence between mom and step dad who were drug addicts that stole my money. I was afraid of making any small mistake which would set them off, so I hid. I was protective in my school life. I was afraid of the other kids who were bullying me. In response, I isolated myself from the other kids, but this backfired. I became an easy target because I was alone. I needed to double check everything to make sure the other kids didn't steal from me or write fa* on my jacket. Instead of keeping my backpack by my side, I moved to keeping it under my feet. This over protection in school was reinforced through the sexually inappropriate behaviors of other kids. After what happened with my sister, I became very closed to sex and judgemental of sex, not because of sex itself, but because of the punishment associated with it. I saw the other kids as fools as they constantly got themselves in trouble with humping other kids, drawing penises on the walls, and other childish behaviors. I used to laugh with the other kids about all of this myself, but I had changed because I was afraid of punishment. Sexual harassment didn't help. There was one girl who grabbed my penis twice and another girl who followed me around trying to get me to have an orgy. I was immediately uncomfortable with any girl attempting to make me look or feel slutty. Deep down I wanted a relationship in which I could express my authentic feelings, but it seemed to me that it was not possible. I stayed closed. I have been protective in my hyper vigilance when it came to any selfish thought or impulse. I judged myself very harshly and didn't want to hurt others. This included the possibility of using autism as an excuse to get away with selfishness which scared me. It included making people uncomfortable with my weird behaviors no matter how hard I tried to be good. All of my judgements paralyzed me as I feared doing anything remotely wrong. This led to all kinds of "what if I do this?" The fear of not being able to control myself made me more protective as I created fears which didn't exist. I am prone to catastrophizing and coming up with scenarios that lead to suicidal thoughts. This includes the paralysis that I feel when attempting to approach a woman. I see millions of things that could go wrong because I don't trust myself to be a good person. My defense from strong negative emotions include repression, dissociation, and isolation. I have constantly wanted to remain separate from others as I lived in my own little bubble trying to be safe. In fact my over protection led to suicidal thoughts. I therefore tried to protect myself from over protection by being more protective for fear that I would kill myself, or cause harm to others. In truth the solution was to drop my armor, which was the last thing I wanted to do. I was ignorant and did not understand how to cope with all of my fears as I did my best to avoid trauma. This over protection is what traumatized me the most. In a way the possibility of suicide was comforting. I constantly felt like I was not in control of my life no matter how hard I tried. The ability to kill myself and eliminate all the suffering I didn't understand helped me to feel easier about my life. Suicidal thoughts are therefore a defense mechanism for strong negative emotions such as fear, shame, guilt, self hatred and others. There is a visualization I like to do in exercising forgiveness. I visualize the child who is acting over protective because he is afraid. He is ignorant and is struggling to cope with fear. Deep down he wants love, but struggles to love himself. He has several issues with depression and anxiety as he tries to protect himself from trauma while doing his best to be a good person. Although he tries to be a good person, he cannot help but fail and he blames himself harshly. He is afraid of his own selfishness and is unable to love himself, even though he tries to. all he wants is safety. I see the weakness and vulnerability in this child. I give him a hug as I tell him it's okay to be scared. I'm not mad at you. You are only trying to be good and you deserve to be loved. It makes me cry when I do this visualization, including now. This is the child who needs to be forgiven. Part of me still feels the need to be protective because I'm scared. I notice the tension in my back and shoulders dissolving, but then coming back. I don't want to be hurt, but in doing so I block out love. This makes me feel conflicted and unsure as to whether or not I should stop being protective because of my doubts and fears. I might need to ease into being less protective.
  6. I feel like I no longer stand by my initial position on incest. I now feel like it is silly to be making all of these arguments to begin with. I look at the arguments and wonder what's the point. I don't see what it would accomplish if society accepted all of this. They could just look at all of these arguments and say so what.
  7. @Realms of Wonder thank you for the support. I feel more brave because of the exercise, which I have now done twice. This time my mind started flowing through a lot of little things. I even recognized how my ignorance and unconsciousness lead me to making this thread. I have dissolved the resistance I felt before. I have been hyper vigilant all of my life, thinking I was doing good. I have been scared of every selfish impulse. Part of this may have to do with autism and hyper sensitivity to strong emotions especially as a child. I was terrified and sad a lot to the point that I hid in my room most of my life. The process of forgiving this child makes me cry.
  8. Update: I talked with my sister and my mom. Apparently, my sister was so young that it is hard for her to remember the event. Mom vaguely remembers it. I thought I was around 7 or 8, but I might have been 6, I don't remember. Maybe my sister was 4, but I don't know how many months. I just don't remember how old we were. I wanted to help Jordan heal before I could forgive myself. Jordan didn't seem upset at all. She and mom were more upset because of how upset I seemed. I told them that I felt like I didn't deserve to be loved. I put my hands over my face and started crying. This has been making me feel horrible forever. It was probably Jordan who was rubbing my back, but I didn't look. They felt bad not because of the event, but because I felt horrible all this time and they didn't know how hurt I was. Mom told me to say three good things about myself. The first one was that I loved Jordan because she deserved to be loved. The second was that I am fundamentally good and when I hurt people it is inadvertently. The third one is that I choose truth over self deception, the first example being that I refused to call this a nightmare, and the second being that I deserve to be loved. Mom asked if there was anything else I needed to talk about. She asked if I ever did it again or wanted to. For a moment I thought about saying I wanted to have sex with my sisters. I was conflicted inside because I couldn't tell if I really wanted to have sex with them or not. In the moment I was too weak to come out and say I want to have sex with my sisters. I told mom that for a moment I just thought about having sex with Jordan. Mom and Jordan said that it was because of the memory we just discussed, but I had doubts. Eventually, mom left to make dinner. I stayed upstairs with Jordan as we watched a streamer play chess. I analyzed the game as they went along. I explained to Jordan my calculations and thinking methods along the way. White could have checkmated black much more easily. I told Jordan that weaker players have this tendency to just grab material immediately when they could end the game with checkmate. In the game, white just took the black queen instead of just killing the king. When I look at the board I intuitively look for checkmate patterns when attacking the king. Otherwise the game drags on and on when you could just rip off the bandaid. Jordan often struggles with finding checkmate even when she is clearly winning. I told her that she could just study some typical endgame mating nets. These patterns are second nature to me. During the game I started frowning and felt like crying again. I notice this beginner tendency in myself, but in a different form. When I see an aggressive or promising move, I often fail to consider more powerful alternatives. This is why I often get a good position, but I fail to convert and I get a draw against strong resistance. In fact it ends up taking more mental effort when you don't put in the extra effort up front to find a more powerful alternative. Paradoxically, I often need to trust my intuition and playing alternatives often leads me astray. After the game was over and white finally won, I asked Jordan if she had any games. We started looking at games, but then I started thinking about having sex with her again. I felt movement in my penis and was worried that I would violate my sister. I felt too scared to stay, so I wanted to leave. I was about to tell mom that I wanted to have sex with my sisters, but she was busy cooking dinner and the dog was back in. It barks at me a lot and it is loud. I decided to leave and eat at the other house. I understood that today I was too weak to tell the full truth. I got home and ate some BLTs. I didn't eat a lot, but I felt stuffed again and had a hard time eating. I've been losing my appetite. Finally, I went back to my room. I texted mom about my sexual feelings toward my sisters and my suicidal thoughts. She told me not to tell my sisters yet, because it would make us both very uncomfortable. She texted back the following article. I read through it and a lot of it describes me exactly. I am diagnosed with ocd. It worsened with bullying at school as other kids were stealing from me, punching me, sexually harassing me, one girl who grabbed my penis twice, writing fa* on my jacket, stealing my homework and lunch, some girls following me around, and a boy who made me very uncomfortable at the urinal and I have been afraid to use the urinal ever since. I use the stall whenever I can. I have a lot of suicidal thoughts that I never act on and I constantly think I'm a horrible person even though I know it isn't true. I struggle with uncertainty a lot. I am worried that I will hurt other people. I want to be a good person, but I am scared of any impulse to be selfish or hurt someone. The thought of killing myself came back. Anyway, I should probably do the exercise again, but I'm tired and I have work tomorrow. I know I still need to cry, but I'm exhausted. In any case I love myself whether in strength or in weakness.
  9. I know I was just an ignorant child who didn't mean to hurt my sister, but I feel like I don't deserve to be forgiven. I have a lot of resistance to continuing the exercise. I felt like I didn't deserve to be loved. I think my sister deserves to be loved, but I don't deserve to be forgiven. I don't know when I will force myself to do the exercise again. I feel like when I do these exercises and listen to these videos, they are only for me. I think I have to take some kind of action before I can continue forgiving myself. I think I need to apologize to my sister for inadvertently traumatizing her for the rest of her life. She deserves to be loved and I cannot forgive myself until the weight of my actions are lifted off of her. "I want to die" was a thought that flicked through my mind for a second. I note these thoughts when they happen.
  10. Update: I am ready to try the exercise again. I already am crying. I feel very bad. Because of me, my sister had to live with this. I don't know how much I hurt her. I'm sorry for hurting my sister this deeply for the rest of her life. It makes me hate myself. Part of me doesn't want to go through this again, but I have nothing better to do. I want to be strong and love myself. I feel like I am too weak to love myself, but I will try anyway.
  11. Update: it was not over and still isn't. I did the exercise in forgiveness. It was emotionally exhausting. I cried, wet myself a bit, and eventually tasted dead skin from my mouth which was gross. I started crying in the morning again. I plan on doing the exercise again, but needed a break. I picked up more tissues from the super market, so I should be fine. All my life I have been trying to love myself, but I couldn't do it. I was too weak and afraid. I punished myself for years believing that I did not deserve to be loved because I am too weak to love the ignorant 8 year old. I felt unlovable. I noticed my inability to love myself. I did my best to love my inability to love myself. This made me cry a lot. the hardest thing to love is our own selfishness. I'll spare the rest of the details. I just feel cold. I want warmth. I will lay down in bed before I do the exercise again. @Leo Gura thank you
  12. @Leo Gura anyway, I did the exercise. I'm exhausted, so I'll explain the results tomorrow.
  13. Before I watch the forgiveness video, I will note that a suicidal thought popped up for a second again as I started thinking about everything I would have to do in order to get a better job, get my own house, and ultimately get a girlfriend. A fleeting sense of hopelessness was felt for a moment.
  14. @Leo Gura I am still cooped up at home, so it probably isn't over yet. I have been too uncomfortable with watching the how to get laid series. I never finished episode one. I still don't have my own house and I am very uncomfortable when trying to approach girls. So far I have never attempted to flirt with any girl in life. When I tried to push myself to approach a girl I was paralyzed by anxiety and didn't make it passed "hi" before I nervously made weird clicking noises with my mouth and walked away. If my family knows about all of this stuff, then maybe they would be fine with me dating in place of everything discussed in thread.
  15. @Leo Gura At the moment I am laughing my ass off because of how confused my penis is over my transgender male cousin. I'll do the exercise anyway though. If I remember correctly, you eventually start talking about how if someone experienced non-dual states of consciousness, then you realize that nobody hurt you. Psychologically, you can heal the wounds somewhat by seeing the similarities we have in others, but this is far removed from realizing all is one. I know not to abuse the exercises like a woman in an abusive relationship.
  16. Update: I did some writing with the intention of sharing it with my family. My back, shoulders, and neck are less tense then it previously was and it feels good. I previously had some problems with getting an erection, but it is starting to get easier again. I could masturbate, but I don't need to. I am now hyper active and I struggle to sit down and focus. I noticed that I had also been suppressing my inner child. I am actually very emotionally sensitive and I feel tempted to use it toward selfish ends by being a crybaby to get what I want. I was afraid of this because I know there are people who use the excuse of autism to try to get away with selfishness, and the thought of doing that terrified me. I would be hurting other people in the process. I noticed that my suicidal thoughts were simply a cover for guilt. I never acted on the belief that I hated myself because deep down I love myself and I don't want myself to do something that I would regret. The facade of self hatred has lifted along with my suicidal thoughts. If a person discovers that suicidal thoughts are masking guilt, then this may trigger the insight that you actually love yourself. This is when the suicidal thoughts let go of you. Furthermore, I have a cousin who is a transgender male. I don't want to be rude so I use the pronouns he/him. Sometimes I feel conflicted because I see feminine qualities in his face and in his voice. I start thinking like he is she. I then start to think that he is cute. There is a slight sexual desire resulting from this like with my sister. Although I am hyper active, waking up early, and maintaining this energy throughout the day, I am not assuming it is all over. There is probably more to what will happen to me after this episode of hyper activity. I slept easily last night, but woke up around 4. I think a helpful technique I started doing is writing out prayers. It sounds religious, but I what I am doing is writing out what I want. I wrote how who I wanted to be and how I wanted to change as well as what I wanted for my family and for the world. It is about becoming happier in my body and mind it is working. Of course there is a bunch of minor trauma, but I won't post it here. Is anybody familiar with the phenomenon I'm experiencing? What should I expect in this process?
  17. @Leo Gura Yes, I actually did do something with my sister. I was pretty young and so was she. We ended up in a ton of trouble with mom. After the fact I started telling myself it was just a nightmare, but I was aware of the self deception. We put our private parts in each other's faces. Ever since I had tons of issues with self trust, anxiety, and more. For some reason I hated myself and I felt a ton of weight from that event for pretty much the rest of my life up until this point. I spent some of yesterday just laying in bed crying over everything that happened. I am doing my best to trust myself and stop doubting myself. The constant anxiety and underlying depression is painful and I don't want it to translate into suicidal thoughts which it often did. My therapist knew about all of this, but for some reason we never discussed it, so I probably need a different therapist. After I was done crying, I felt better for a moment and then suddenly thought of all of this. This was my younger sister. My older sister is the one I sometimes think about having sex with, but I never bring it up because that would make everything worse. I started thinking I should kill myself for a moment again. So, yes I want to fuck my sister.
  18. I have been struggling with anxiety for years. It feels like a surge running up my spine and into my brain. It is painful and causes my brain to start shaking. I started doing some kind of exercise of mind and body awareness. I combined this with writing prayers and I started generating fewer surges throughout my body. I started to feel very tired and I no longer had the same energy that I usually have for walking. As I relaxed I started experiencing intense feelings of indifference and sadness. My mind started getting much quieter, until I started having suicidal thoughts. I sat in bed for hours wanting to kill myself. I started looking at the suicide hot line site. I probably should have called them a long time ago, but I still haven't. It is partially because I am back to happy and sometimes I feel amazing. I should probably mention that. Eventually, I found a tool on the site for thinking traps commonly associated with depression. I took a test for depression and I got moderately severe. I took one in the past and I thought I had mild depression. I took one with a psychiatrist and she told me I was depressed. I'm not sure how depressed I am. Here's the tool for reframing negative thoughts. I am critical of the percentages assigned to the think traps, so you might have to scroll. I think writing my own reframes is the most effective. I hope this makes you happier.
  19. I know someone with ESP. I visited my grandma's house and her friend came over. I would have to ask her for the name. When I walked out in front of this woman she looked at me quietly for a moment. She then told my family that I either had or still have a girlfriend and I think about her all the time. I was a bit depressed over it. I didn't want to say who it was. The rest of my family was shocked because they didn't know I had a girlfriend. Suddenly, the woman started saying the letter A. My grandma then started saying who is it? Abby? Abigail? I didn't say. The psychic said that I was hard to read, but I either have or had a girlfriend whose name started with A. I turned around and walked downstairs. About a half hour passed and suddenly, the psychic said the letters A, L, I. The psychic went downstairs with my grandma. She said that although the front of my head is hard it read, she can see it in the back of my mind. When she saw the back of my head it allowed her to see A, L, I. My grandma was excited. She asked is it Alicen? I told them that it was Alice. So yes, super natural powers are real. As for developing them, a woman mentioned it to me on a ghost tour. She had a friend who has psychic abilities and could feel the presence of spirits. Apparently, it is possible to develop the ability, but she was unable to do it.
  20. I want to argue against a common mistranslations in the bible. First of all, the term "homosexual" never existed in biblical times and nobody thought like this back then. In fact homosexuality was broadly accepted. The word "homosexual" had to be added later because The word did not exist in Hebrew. The preacher used the term "sodomite" as he condemned gay people. In fact this term was intended to refer to gay people, but rather 'sellouts.' That is priests of false gods. Female priests were referred to as harlots. Because the meaning of the words we use change over time, a literal word for word translation of holy texts will inevitably lead to falsehood in that the intended words do not carry the intended thought. The word 'sodomite ' carries the thought 'homosexual' but should mean false priest or sell out. Furthermore, although Leviticus is the most commonly sited, the Hebrew text from which it originates is in fact very obscure. The translations of the passage very significantly. A German version of the bible interprets it as shrine prostitution and therefore reads "men shall not lie with youth" rather than "men shall not lie with men." Shrine prostitution explains most of the examples which are interpreted as homosexuality. In my opinion, the hardest part of the bible to argue with on the grounds of translation issues is Romans chapter 1 in which Paul appears to condemn women having sex with women and men having sex with men. I could not find the Hebrew text for this section of the bible, so the best I can find is Greek. An alternative explanation is that Paul is condemning sex in a temple, and not homosexuality in general. Of course I don't believe in the bible, but I find it interesting to read into some of this anyway. What do you think of Romans chapter 1? Is this a clear condemnation of homosexuality or not? Specifically 1:26-27.
  21. @Hibahere The common position you see on this forum may be a consequence of men who fear losing autonomy and freedom through commitment. Being okay with cheating appears to give these men more freedom. I understand that most people feel betrayed because of cheating, and I would respect these feelings. That said, I see the limits of this mindset. First of all, I don't need to hold onto these morals to stop me from cheating. I would have to be an idiot to leave a happy relationship just for the thrill. I see no need to deceive my partner at all. Secondly, the socially conditioned rule that we should not cheat commonly leads to violence. It removes the possibility of unconditional love by allowing your ex to live more happily. There are countless stories of murder and rape that resulted from cheating or the belief that there was cheating. This paranoia alone already rots a relationship because of the lack of trust. There are healthier ways to deal with cheating, but the insistence on such morals backfires horrendously.
  22. I have had a few friends who were atheists. I never really argued with them and instead preferred to listen to their perspective. Given the most charitable view of atheism, I would say it is simply a reaction to the dogmatism of religion. My friend Noah hated his name. He was raised in a close-minded family that made him go to Sunday school and they were very controlling. Atheism is an expression of the frustration people especially if they are rebelling against their parents who want you to agree with them on everything. Atheism is deeply emotional and circumstantial. Atheism is a simple consequence of basic skepticism. The church commonly condemns skepticism because it undermines the Christian ideology. Atheists want to have the freedom to be who they want to be and they are frustrated with the indoctrination that is pushed under the guise of religious freedom while actively undermining it. Some atheists are open to spiral dynamics and I have used it to explain that there are more developed forms of spirituality than what their parents taught them. Because many atheists are ignorant of these different levels of development, they are prone to the pre-trans fallacy. Instead they see the excesses of religion and they are unable to see a higher level of development than what they are currently at. Atheists are almost universally skeptical of the fairy tales in religious texts. They question every little issue and throw the baby out with the bath water because they are resisting religious dogmatism. God is commonly compared to Santa Claus. Noah's brother forced himself not to masturbate because he thought it was a sin. Atheists are skeptical of religious morality because it is obvious to them that humans are inventing morality. From my point of view atheism is a logically flawed ideology because it makes no sense to assert that there is no God when you haven't explored the entire universe. I have felt that the agnostic perspective was the most open, humble, and wise since I was a child. It seems to me that "I don't know" should be the default position of any existential investigation and then you seek the truth , what ever it may be. Simply put, atheism is a reaction to religious dogmatism and depending on your life circumstances, it is easy to create an entire identity around the pseudo rational belief that there is no God.
  23. The book of Ezekiel has more insights. They didn't have internet back then, so they used paintings for porn. Such artists made a ton of money. She saw men portrayed on a wall, figures of Chaldeans portrayed in red, with belts around their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like Babylonian chariot officers, natives of Chaldea As soon as she saw them, she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. 23:19 continues Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.
  24. I have been reading the bible, and it inspired to make this post. I found a weird sex scene in which a lot of old and obscure compliments were used. It is making me wonder what other wierd, obscure, and ancient pick up lines there are across history and across cultures. Here are a few I found so far. According to Song of Songs, How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone. Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate. Your neck is like the tower of David, built with courses of stone on it hang a thousand shields, all of them shields of warriors. Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies. (This one was inspiring.) How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume more than any spice! Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue The entire chapter is like this. People will probably seem very thrown off and confused if you give them These kinds of compliments. They might even sound like insults. I wonder how they would react if they knew the reference. Do you know obscure pick up lines like these?
  25. I would like to discuss my least favorite thing about the criminal justice system. It seems ludicrously unfair. It has to do with labels like 'felon' or 'sex offender.' When a person is found guilty of a crime they might have these labels put on them. Sometimes a person is later found innocent and their criminal record may be expunged. However, the label cannot be removed causing innocent people to live the rest of their lives labeled a felon or a sex offender. Being registered like this makes it hard to get a job because although you are innocent the label will always implicate you. To me it seems like a reason to commit suicide if I have to live the rest of my life as if I am a felon or a sex offender and people will constantly treat me harshly throughout the rest of my life for something I never did. I bring this up because my friend is a registered sex offender. He claims it was a case of mistaken identity, but he had to go to jail anyway. I find it unfair that a person has to carry the label 'sex offender' forever even in cases of mistaken identity because you look similar to someone who did commit the crime. Furthermore, anger damns the innocent. Although the natural reaction to a false rape accusation might be to get angry and defensive, the appearance of being belligerent will make people think you are guilty anyway. Being calm is seen as a sign of innocence even though the opposite is often true. Even professionals mix this up. The solution seems obvious to me. Innocent people who have their records expunged should also have the label expunged. Why is this simple fix so difficult? What am I missing? Is there something I don't understand? This just seems completely stupid that our society treats innocent people like trash and not giving them a chance to defend themselves. Even if someone was guilty in the past, maybe they could change through rehabilitation. If someone carries a label like that forever, then that could easily serve to mess them up even more leading to recitivism. I profoundly disagree with this permanent punishment. Jail or prison is one thing, but to live the rest of your life like this is asinine. I would rather die than carry a label like these for the rest of my life.