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Everything posted by Dazgwny

  1. @Yimpa Of course you can see it like that. Him like that. But it is wrong! It is genuinely wrong. We can say for instance, Einstein, hitler, putan, Shakespeare… Elon musk. Jesus Christ was not one of these manifestations in the same way as what we would call these people. These people are neither to be fair. But the Jesus Christ believe has to go. As a living human being it has to go. When Leo talks about God realisation, all that has to go. The whole lot. Including your mum, your dad, whoever you imagine, have to go. The issue with Christ though is that he was never one of these manifestations, he was your mind, your being, misrepresented and misinterpreted as a man. But… even that has to go. It all has to go, until you realise you made it all up, alllllll of it. I’m not going to argue or debate this. There’s reaches of realisation that can be reached, and whether you like it or not, they do not include Jesus Christ
  2. Correct. And no one’s direct experience experiences a ‘man’ called Jesus Christ! You’ve got to get this, you’ve got to get this at some point! If you don’t, then you are lost. Everyone seems to give up anyone and everyone, apart from Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, the so called human being, is a block to God realisation. Like it or lump it, is what it is
  3. Can you not see through your own biases here? You’ve already decided that Jesus is a someone and that ‘Christ’ has a pathway to somewhere… so you’ll believe anything or near on anything and create a belief in what salvijus says. You ignored me because you didn’t like my response. Alls you want to hear is crap about Christ helping you. You’ve got to see through this. Too many people don’t understand to any depth what the mind is doing. Question everything, until there is no question, there’s just an answer without a question. It’s clear to me you have a bias toward an answer that is somewhat saying Christ is your saviour. You’re digging this out for yourself and you’ll make yourself believe by any means necessary. Search your own mind don’t look for validation from ‘other people’s’. Salvijus is an idiot. Might be a nice person, but will feed you shit. You’ll run around in circles for the rest of your life by searching outward in this manner. The search goes inward, then you realise the outward, was always just what was within
  4. First mistake! How can you respect or even accept this? Maybe Jesus is not what you think he is. Maybe he was never a living human being at all. I’m not going to give you the answer to this. I’m 100% convinced without doubt what the answer is to this. But you must question this belief
  5. I’m going to suggest that it has no opposite. Some might think hate is the obvious candidate. All possibilities of a supposed oppisite are within love, which is overarching to them all. They are all couched within love. With love being total as one, having no opposite. They of themselves on that list have their opposites. And are in some manner just a twisted form of love itself. Relatively what us humans call love, likely has its opposite as in maybe hate. But that form of love is not love brought to its full, it’s limited and restricted. It’s biased towards one thing and not another. But as far as true love goes, infinite love, it’s absolute and has no opposite
  6. Happy birthday ?
  7. ????? a very humorous statement. Probably the best I’ve seen ?. You might want to check that again from a different perspective
  8. Makes me appreciate the the BBC and ITV so very much more even though they’re full of shite too. ?? ?
  9. Suffering is part of the design of duality. It’s part of the perfect design, the perfect design that allows you to live a life in duality. Extreme suffering is just the opposite of extreme ecstasy. Up down, left right, out there in here, good bad, you name it, including suffering and non suffering. It’s designed, and the design is perfect
  10. You can do this now during this life. By having a substantial awakening
  11. Maybe your mirror, is completely correct. If you look out as far as possible, right up into the sky, that endless void we call space, the universe, out there somewhere, completely empty, void of anything. Maybe that is your very own reflection, that thing, out there, which you can’t see, that completely empty void… you looking at yourself, you looking back at you, at your very own reflection. From nothing to nothing. Ever thought about that? Maybe if you look deep enough you’ll just see yourself out there, looking straight back at yourself. Pure void, pure emptiness, hallucinating a grand load of shit in between
  12. I have not encountered this. When all breaks down I am left with just this. There is nothing else. Other than what seems to be in that moment. From this/that one vantage point. The only way another exists is if I become it. There’s nothing else going on at that point. When I say ‘ if I become it’ I don’t mean if my ego turns into you, I mean if God stops being me and becomes you. So my point is that yes it’s all there, but it’s sifting through it all. It’s sifting through being me, to you, to whoever, whatever. So yep multiple points of view, but your pov is my pov, same place same time. Conceived differently creating what seems like a different life, another being. So is Hitlers or bin ladens or whoever and whatever else you want to name. But from our pov right now, they are completely imaginary, until you as God sift through it. Maybe we are somewhat on the same page but we’re having difficulty communicating it. I’m not sure, I’m certainly not arguing anyway??. But our interpretation seems to differ when expressed
  13. This is wrong. And you have never experienced another pov coinciding with your own pov. If you have then it’s only been within your pov. You can change self to experience another pov, but that does not mean that another pov is going on separate from your pov. It’s very possible to flick through different selves, becoming other points of view. But still this does not confirm another pov going on from another vantage point than your own. Alls it confirms is that other pov exist, and you as God can take on any of them. All in the ‘now’. Your pov is not happening anywhere separate from my pov right now. It’s a hallucination from the exact same place of nowhere, and at no particular point in a stream of time. Before, and after are completely imaginary, no matter how well it seems to be put together. You can actually confirm my pov. But you will have to become it, then you will be sat here as I am now. In this exact state of consciousness that has me sitting here where I seeming am right here right now. It’s all God, in one moment, one time, eternally changing states. Everything is just a state of consciousness. Yours being one, mine being one. We are literally the exact same thing/no thing, in the exact same one and only spot. You are not something different to me, Leo or anybody else, you are the same, in and as a different state of being. The same one being conceiving itself differently, creating what seems like a separate different moment and life
  14. Ya know, this goes without saying really. I know there are some people, maybe many, who do need this sort of confirmation reinforced. And I’m sure it’s healing for yourself in many ways to reiterate it and put it out there. It’s nice to be nice, and when it really is genuine too. I’ve never been on the receiving end of a personal outburst from yourself. All communication has been very positive indeed. But of course I have seen responses to some towards the more negative end of the spectrum. Thing is though, it can’t be hidden how much you truly do care for everyone’s wellbeing, by the work you put, how much you share, and certainly during those moments in a video when it’s clear your emotions are taking a grip on you. I saw it again in the latest happiness video. It can’t be hidden, its in the face, its in the delivery, it’s clear to me that this is a guy trying his best, both for himself and those he’s trying to communicate with. It’s easy to fly off the handle a little when interacting with people on a forum, especially when they’re not known personally. When people can be gaslighting, and just taking pops for arguments sake. It’d rattle anyone’s cage. Maybe you could go easier on some sometimes, as you’re well aware everyone has their own unique reactions to whatever can be. Some people are weaker mentally, others are stronger. On a forum that can be very hard to distinguish until a reaction has been made. It’s just part and parcel of this type of thing. Anyway I’ve said my piece, my own experience of actualized.org has been nothing but positive. From what I’ve learned about living a good human life, and for how it’s helped guide me spiritually to the realisations and understandings I’ve personally had. As always, take care, and keep up the good work ??
  15. I thought this exact thing when I saw will smith in a film with a younger version of himself a few years back. Can’t remember the name of the film but it was a popular one. Thinking actors could eventually be replaced by like you say a computer generated dead or past it actor or just completely made up characters altogether. Or not haha
  16. You can’t deny though that sometimes we do need to be told we’re full of shit in no uncertain terms. The mankind is the bullshitting animal episode really hit the spot with me back when was released. He was listing all these things that were full of shit, and I was to myself laughing my ass off, yep yep yep yep, full of shit, and then he ended the list with, ‘and YOU… are full of shit? great line. But it opened my eyes and I couldn’t help but laugh and say to myself, oh yea, I really am full of shit. Sometimes these things just need to be said to get the point across
  17. It probably isn’t even a trick. It could be just having a recording of yourself being in that state from your own perspective, then having the viewer also in a massively altered state of consciousness whilst watching it. In an ordinary baseline human state of consciousness someone is likely always going to see a human Leo from their perspective because that’s the state they’re in. But if in a radically enhanced state themselves whilst watching, maybe they’ll see just what it is Leo is perceiving himself to be on the video recording. Providing they can still view some sort of tv set whilst in the alternate state and it hasn’t disappeared or something?. That on the other hand could be claimed that it’s just hallucinations though, from a materialist perspective. But if one understands consciousness to a relatively good degree they would also understand what hallucinations actually are so that would undermine any such claim. Who knows ey? That’s my best guess at this time and as far as I’ve gone with my own work it pretty much makes sense to me about how that would be achieved. I could be very much wrong though
  18. It’s called contemplation not complication? your making it much harder than it is. Light as an independent source causes nothing. There’s no such thing. You are the light. You are the cause
  19. @bazera I was in your very same position. You’re in for a treat. It was a great starting point for me. Opens your mind to the fact there is much more to reality than meets the eye. I just moved on when other opportunities for further expansion and realisation opened up. You got me thinking, I might try and have a play around again tonight?. Anyway as I said, good luck ??
  20. Hmm well it helped me realise that I am not only the body. But it lead me down a path of thinking I was an entity inside of a body, that could leave the body. It has that flavour to it. So in a sense yes it can shatter the belief of just being a physical body. You understand that there is more to you than just the body. But as I say, not to get lost in that, because you are so much more than what astral projection shows you also. But that may take some serious awakenings. That of the likes of what Leo teaches here. Certainly will expand what you already think yourself to be though there’s no doubt about that. And no I’ve never seen that starter kit I don’t really take any notice of croppers work anymore. But looking through that site there the course I used is still there. It was this one… https://yourpotential.teachable.com/p/the-10-step-conditioning-process
  21. Used to do it regularly. It wasn’t a natural phenomenon for me I learned it as it was part of my earlier development with spirituality. Before I came across the likes of Leo’s work and God realisation type of things. I continued to do it even once I realised it was more of the dream and not that I am actually an individual spirit in a body, leaving my body. Because it was fun and interesting. Certainly feels like you’re a spirit leaving the body that’s for sure. But you are the entirety of the illusion just as you are in every day waking life. But either way yea, no need to rummage through books that’ll feed you another illusory concept to go along with it, some crap about the spirit realms and all that, just buy Ryan croppers astral projection course on his website. Follow the 10 step instruction guide and hey presto, you should be off in no time. A month it took me to finally project using his methods, then I was up to it 3 or 4 times a week. Something to note though, don’t get lost in it thinking it’s the be all and end all, it turns out it’s just more imaginary stuff, like a dream, like your life. But it is a wonderful part of imagination to experience. All be it your very own imagination. There’s nothing out there, just you wandering around more of your imagination. With some extra perks that you won’t be able to do in your waking life. I sometimes think about doing it again when I go to bed, but then I just feel I can’t be bothered with remaining aware and just get myself a good nights sleep and maybe get lucid in a dream instead. On the odd occasion it happens spontaneously now, but not very often. Cropper! Easy to follow method and it works. Good luck hope you have some fun
  22. I put my life on it that Leo could make a 3 hour episode on Britney Spears and teach me and yourselves a thing or 2. More than a thing or 2. It’s such the story of everything leo talks about. As in the material world that just doesn’t work out. In a very deep manner. Maybe I’m wrong. But I bet he could talk about that situation and teach us so much about life through her situation. It’s nuts if you actually delve into it. Hey maybe anyway she’ll read my tweet and end up here watching Leo ????
  23. Spears genuinely needs teachings like that of what Leo teaches. Would be amazing if such a public figure actually followed the guy. Britney Spears has had an absolute disaster of a life, that which started out so good. An amazing example of some of Leo’s teachings. Hey, ya never know where a tweet leads?
  24. Correct. And that piece of my imagination needs actualized.org ? Britney needs Leo, she just doesn’t know it. Leo could actually sort her out?