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Everything posted by Dazgwny

  1. Naa. The crucifixion represents God crucifying itself into the body of man. To become you. You’ve already suffered the crucifixion limiting yourself as human. You are the cross, your human limited mind and body. The resurrection represents the total awakening to yourself as God, to put it short and sweet. No historical actual physical Jesus. The misinterpretations of this are scandalous
  2. You can become conscious of how your doing it. From a massively heightened state. Interpreting it with your finite ego mind is where it becomes tricky. You can barely explain it to yourself in your own head once returned to an ordinary state and that’s with being able to perceive imagery in your own imagination along with your vocabulary trying to explain it to yourself with words. Never mind trying to explain it to another person using only wording. And in an ordinary everyday state so to speak, your not conscious of it. So your going off memory anyway to start with, of something you can’t even explain to yourself properly. When in a state of being conscious of it, it’s completely obvious, but ultimately so shocking and unbelievable at the same time. You become the ‘how’. Infinite intelligence pours through you at painful levels it’s so effortlessly intelligent. I remember once holding my head in my hands not being able to take the intelligence that I was becoming aware of. Like every drop of the heaviest rainfall you can imagine ploughing right through me. And then I let go, and had one of my greatest awakening experiences to date. The release of the limitations, the beauty and awe of the design and what’s at play. But that’s so unexplainable from my limited vocabulary. It even becomes as if there’s not even a how. But at the same time you see how. Greatest thing about it, is that you know there’s even more depth to it than what I experienced. So many facets. So much more to experience. Or to be
  3. @OneHandClap I’m feeling you man! Your seem abouts as half way there as I am???
  4. It’s all a story mate. That’s the beauty of it. When u awaken, if you ever have, I’ve no idea if you have or not. Maybe you have. But all’s you’ll find is us, me and you in the exact same place. You’ll laugh at me and I’ll laugh right back at you, as you?. It’s painfully humorous. But again as I always say, I’m not conscious of this now. Next time I am I’ll give you a wave ? haha. As I hope you do me too??. Love ya’s all in that state. In this state, I’m still argumentative and full of shit. Looking forward to the sun rising tomorrow ???
  5. No. This is verifiable. It doesn’t continue! In a paradoxical way it’s always happening. But the only thing that will be perceiving it is you. If it continues for instance without the finite self that you are, seeing it, then it’s only because You, with a capital Y is seeing it from a different perspective. I.e maybe mine, or @SQAAD ‘s, or Leo’s, or whoever’s. Whatever’s. There’s no rising of the sun if you don’t witness it. Sorry to break that to you but is what it is. Not arsed about Leo’s words when it comes to that. It is what it is. See ya when I be ya???
  6. If you die tonight, the sun will not rise tomorrow. IT WILL NOT. This universe doesn’t go on without you being conscious of it. So literally, if your not conscious of the sun rising tomorrow, it will not rise. This goes for if you sleep for the next 48 hours too. You would have assumed it rose, and set, whilst you were out, but it didn’t ??‍♂️
  7. As clever as all that shit is and how it works, what’s involved, the mechanics of it and all that, which I don’t know very much about by the way, but is quite ludicrous in its own right, when I realised it was all imaginary was a hell more of a wtf moment. I knew how the phone I was watching a video on was imaginary, the video appearing was imaginary, being created in that very moment. It was clear and obvious what was going up on, even how my mind was holding the internet in place to be able to stream the video. Sat there in disbelief. Then now as I’m in a so called ordinary state of consciousness, I still feel wtf is going on there, with videos, with recordings. I have that sense of something was recorded say 10 years, in the past, and now I’m watching it. But I’ve been in states where that has melted before my very eyes and knew clearly how it was being created in that very moment. Infact in this moment, because it’s the same moment. But my daily state doesn’t allow for me to see through this, so I conceptualise the idea of it. Even though I’m fully aware I’m not conscious of it now, I know it is the case. For me though, that’s not good enough, to be conscious of it now in this very moment, and then I’ll know I’m truly getting somewhere
  8. @FlyingLotus cool. Cheers
  9. Hey I only ask because I usually take a couple of hours out of a sunday and enjoy. Try to take on some wisdom and lead what you say and contemplate it throughout the following week??
  10. The issue is here that your question seems like it’s coming from an egoic standpoint in order to minipulate. I’ve personally never consciously/knowingly transmitted thoughts, neither would I care to. I certainly wouldn’t appreciate someone transmitting thoughts directly to me. Now I’m fully aware that all communication is a type of transfer of thought from one to another. But the manner in which your framing it seems in the form of manipulation through the transfer of thoughts to worm particular situations in your favour. My thinking would be that if you were able to transfer thought in the way your asking, that it would come from such a higher state of consciousness than your currently in, that the petty thoughts your ego wants to transfer would become so meaningless and nonsensical that those thoughts are not at all what you would end up transferring. It would likely be something of a much higher and all round loving state of consciousness than anything that might benefit you personally
  11. Hahaha I knew some fucker like you would be on babbling some nonsense along those lines?. I could see it a mile off haha??. Was just genuine question though as sundays are a nice relaxing day to sit there and take in some good old actualized.org hahaha. Kinda get used to it ?. It’s great to have someone put some decent stuff to you that you truly have to contemplate. They are few and far between. I could always throw on some fool babbling bullshit haha. But that tired me for a mere 30-40 years haha. But tbh I enjoy the depth of what is usually a good bit of Sunday wisdom and Leo delivers that. Netflix it is then????
  12. Funny as I spent a couple of days the other week with similar at the top of my contemplations. I was thinking about having more senses than what we have as humans. What other type of senses there might be that I can’t even comprehend. And wondered if I had all possible senses simultaneously, infinite senses, that I would just be completely infinite without being able to distinguish any particular one, therefore all cancelling each other out, so simultaneously having no senses at all. So I concluded that withdrawing all senses would be exactly the same as having all senses. I would be completely infinite in both cases as both are exactly the same. Which made total sense to me of the notion of God, the infinite, being both everything and nothing simultaneously. It was really the perfect strange loop how I grasped it. Our senses are our limitations. But in a peculiar way the less senses you have, the more limited you become, until you actually reach zero, then you become infinite. The more you have the less limited you become, until that point where not one can be distinguished from another and you’ve come completely full circle and ended up at the exact same place, infinite. There seems truly to be no way to escape infinity. No matter which direction you head in. Ya just come full circle and it’s absolutely fucking astonishing when you really think about it. Totally understandable why God limits itself, why it has to, to experience anything at all, as in itself.
  13. This is easy as I contemplate this just about every day at some point. I’m awed at it’s ‘diversity’. So many things are possible. Infact I could live this current life over and over, in a multitude of different ways from the get go. Literally infinite different ways. I could never run out of different ways to live it even if I was this personal character time and time again. But even just during this one lifetime the diversity is unbelievable. From this very moment now in my late 30’s the variety of ways it can go from here is unnumbered. I also love the fact it can be worked out what is actually going on. What a life is. But without it being so diverse you may not be able to do that. A monkeys life is not diverse enough for it to work out what it truly is. Where as a human life is. So as much as I love working it out, it’s the pure diversity of the whole thing that I love the most. Both the good and bad possibilities. I just try to stick to my own relative opinion of what’s good
  14. No difference no. But… the difference is your imagining this so fucking hard that it’s become real. And your puny tiny little ego has no control of it! I imagine that you imagine you have some sort of control of it through your weak ass human imagination. Which you don’t?
  15. I’ve just sat there and realised. Like literally just sat there a realised. That is so nuts! Leo man! Jesus fucking Christ. What even is that? seriously what am I supposed to do with that. That is absolutely ludicrous ??. Just sit there now and be like oh ok. Never mind. It’s gone now. I’ve no idea what that was. It was just nothing. I was nothing. But now I’m back, as the tit that I am? I don’t even know what to do with what just happened to me. Other than just crack on with my normal life. That was so weird?
  16. The ego is a reactionary machine. It reacts to happenings. The happenings are happening, but the ego will spin any narrative it wants to the happenings. It reacts, it judges, it claims, and it objects. Sometimes it agrees, even applauds. But it’s always ‘I’m here’ and ‘that’s there’. And it on auto pilot! Like you say it not an expression of free will, but it certainly feels that way. It feels that way because what it does is create that sense of being separate, therefore believing it is making choices of its own accord relative to something or someone else ‘over there’. But all’s it actually doing is reacting, chatting, and yapping shit within ones own mind. And the yapping it’s doing is behind what’s happening. It’s like something happens, then ego responds. It can feel like it’s ahead of the game, making choices before a happening. But in actual fact what you can see with heightened awareness is that there’s a happening, and ego is always one step behind, reacting. So it can never actually unite, with your true nature, because it’s always playing catch up. Therefore it’s only option is to fall away, and then you will just be. The ego is though an absolutely wonderful construction. It builds and builds upon itself through experiences, solidifying, creating its concepts and beliefs, hence you have your solidified believable, material reality. And your seemingly separate self. I experienced it unravel, and reconstruct itself, and being privy to that process, I’ve nothing but respect for the miracle that it is. Its powerful. And it’s ability to deceive is near on endless. But when it does collapse, it’s seen as what it is, an illusion. But a fantastic one at that. Life wouldn’t be worth living without it first being there to breakdown. And it’s such a brilliant construct that you can break it down, then it’ll come back, break it down again, then back it comes. Powerful. The aim of life is to break that thing down, and keep it broken down where it has no power at all to be able to reconstruct itself. Then you are awake. And that is job done
  17. The issue with these is they can rub people the wrong way especially normies because they don’t appreciate the altered state of consciousness. They have no idea what’s going on and don’t have a any clue what consciousness even is to begin with. So what they believe they see is a man high as a kite of his rocker claiming this and that. They believe their own state is ‘THE’ state. And because of their state what they see and perceive is so rigid it does just seem like a man babbling bullshit. A general lack of awareness and inexperience within someone own consciousness, and a closed mind doesn’t allow for the true message to reach them. Understandable why Leo has given up on such videos as great as they are
  18. Just watched this film called ‘free guy’. Came across it accidentally and thought I’d give a go. First 10 minutes I was sort of like ahh I’m not sure about this it could be a bit daft. But then it really started clicking and was very enjoyable. A good comedic side to it with good depth to the story. Reminded me of when leo uses the example of super mario. Worth a watch
  19. Yea was miffed by that bit to be honest but really liked what was said proceeding that
  20. Duly noted. Watched the first video there very impressed. Great share cheers??
  21. Around abouts a 30 second lag for a page change on both the forum and actual site itself, other than that access itself isn’t a problem
  22. I’m not convinced. Genetics likely do play a roll to a certain degree. But through my experiences I find it much more to do with the power the ego. I find it reasonably easy to have awakenings on psychedelics. Some so deep I’ve thought well that’s that, there’s nothing left to do, it seemed absolutely complete, then I’d find myself next time round in an even deeper place. So what I thought was absolutely total, was not. Even though it seems that way. The nature of infinity I guess. Then sometimes I trip and wouldn’t class as awakening, just very deep insights but not totally surrendered. Anyway, point being, on one particular occasion which I’ll never forget, is when I’d totally surrendered, complete loss of ego, then observed my ego reconstruct itself. This was impossible to stop, I observed in sheer disbelief as my mind was reconstructing all its dualities, at mega speed, building upon one another, creating this ridiculously tightly nit construction that encased me. And there I was, back, completely absorbed as this character I see myself to be. Totally seeing and understanding how it had done it, but in no way able to deconstruct it once back in it as the trip wore down. Back, lost in it, but with a great inner understanding and respect for the ego construct. It’s so powerful. And in a sense that’s right, because the devil is extremely powerful, and that’s essentially what the ego is, that’s what the devil represents, but has been ludicrously misinterpreted. But the power of God can overcome it. Which when this happens is literally an awakening. Even though it’s all God but just for the purpose of this subject matter. Never at any point have I felt genetics will hold me back, or even help me prosper with awakening as such in ordinary everyday life, I personally feel it is power of the ego, it’s mesmerising construction to hold you in place within it, to deceive and delude, which is its purpose. A wonderful wonderful construct. Breaking that down, on a permanent basis is what holds people back in my opinion, something I feel nowhere near, but working on, much more than any genetic trait. Although I don’t disregard that some people’s genetics may be just set to make this much easier, but I can’t confirm
  23. You’ve gotta realise ya know, that u have created the whole lot. One way I have come to understand what I’m up to is this. Imagine I gave you 1000 words. 1000 words, from hello to goodbye, and another 998 in between. In any order. And told you to write as many stories as possible using those 1000 words. You’d write one story, then the next, then the next, then the next, forever and ever, until all stories were written. That’s limited, it kind of seems infinite but you’ve actually only 1000 words so the amount of stories you could create, is in the end, finite. But imagine the amount of stories you could concoct with those 1000 words. More than you could ever believe. Now try to understand everything that could ever possibly exist. Mix all that up, the scenarios are absolutely infinite. There’s actually no way to shut it down, to close it up, it is what is is. That is what your doing right now. You have created an absolute mish mash of all that can ever possibly be and came up with your life, and your whole backstory of history and everything. And somehow, the Mechanics I’m not exactly sure of yet, but I have watched them in action, but I don’t quite know how it’s doing it. But it is what it is, you’ve made it up, and when you end this dream, you will be more than capable of creating something with a complete different history. No hitler, no Jesus, no Buddha, no none of that shit. Just anything, you can make anything up, so long as you believe it enough then you actually believe it! It’s so subconsciously set, that you truly do have to jail break your mind to realise what’s going on here. You have made up your whole life. All people, everything. And you’ll do it over and over again. Correct me if I’m wrong anyone??‍♂️