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Everything posted by Dazgwny

  1. Strange really why someone would get angry at God/infinity. I mean it’s infinite, it’s not like it’s a choice to be infinite, it just exists and that’s what it is. Infinity contains all of anything and everything that can exist. So if what your doing is exploring your own infinite nature, then you are going to come across these things, from every possible perspective. Count yourself fortunate that your current perspective has you watching from an outside point of view rather than being in the firing line. You can only really get angry at God if you don’t know what God is. If you find yourself angry at God, then the God your angry with is a fantasy in your own mind, a delusional idea of God, something separate from yourself, man in the clouds or something like that. Maybe not man in the clouds, but your idea of God, whatever that is, will be incorrect
  2. There is not another universe going on anywhere that you are not taking the central active role in. Although those scientists are more than free to ‘imagine’ that there is
  3. Because your limited and acting from a limited nature and mindset. Detached from your true nature. That’s part and parcel of being a finite limited being. Become infinite and this desire fades into oblivion. The issue is when you become infinite will you remain in an infinite state? Likely not. So you’ll be back searching for your outside love. Unless you accept your infinitude 100% completely as a finite being. Then the searching will stop. But then you won’t be finite. You’ll be infinite, and there’ll be no one else to love. Gods dilemma. Hence, here you are ?
  4. I went through a phase beginning about 15 years ago or so. Long before I moved toward spirituality type things. Bare in mind I’ve been into spirituality and only really known about it in the sense I do for abouts 5 years. This 1111 started popping up out of nowhere. To the point where I started telling my mates and I genuinely began to get a shiver of fear down my spine when I saw it. It was everywhere. Literally everywhere. 6-7-8-10 times a day sometimes. It was freaking me out. So I googled it and was gobsmacked that there was so much about it. This went on for about 4-5 years before I just accepted that I see it. I’d read all this bollocks about angels and spirit guides an all that sending messages. I was a materialist and it just didn’t cut it for me. But in the back of my mind it still freaked me out. It was too persistent. But I let it go yet still seen it over and over, but without consolidating a belief around its appearance in my awareness. I did try play with it mind. If I saw it and there was a decision to be made, I’d take it as a sign I’d go with the ‘yes’ side of the decision. This ended up being a 50/50 positive outcome and I decided it was bullshit. Since being into this work, the spirituality path, and having my own awakenings, I came to realise it for what it was. I had spotted it in my awareness, and subconsciously clung to it without realising. Low consciousness behaviour. Very similar to when you decide you like a girl, then start seeing her everywhere. Unconsciously creating it. It goes very much deeper than this, and something that only truly came to me through awakenings. Awareness and the focus of your awareness and how that shit works. Simply put though it’s all a load of crap from an unconscious mind. It’s not spirit guides and it’s not angels, it’s no shite like that. It’s focusing on a stand out thing that becomes repetitive because you focused on its oddness in the first place. But again it goes so much deeper how and why you focused on its oddities in first place. And a good deep trip for that insight is probably needed. Maybe some can notice this stuff through meditation and the likes, but I can’t. I know though how and why this 1111 happens and it’s a bit beyond my sober human mind to be able to fully explain. It’s more of a realisation of how your mind is working in its ordinary state. Which needs a higher level of state to understand it. Otherwise you’ll just fill your head with bullshit theories
  5. Lock this thread Leo. You know full well the depths that have to be reached to realise solipsism. You know it. And u know this guy hasn’t it! You know how mental, how crazy and how off the chart that realision has to be. I’m not totally there myself yet but the realisations and stages or however you want to put it that have to be reached, are ludicrous in their own right. A guy doesn’t wake up from reality by listening or watching your video. This is becoming embarrassing now. Time to lock the thread
  6. I’ve got a feeling that psychedelics are going to kick your ass mate where you then realise that you havnt yet awoken to solipsism at all. When you have a true psychedelic awakening of a solipsistic nature, this what you think you’ve awoken to here and now will be put into its true perspective. Your in for a shock bud no matter what it is you think your getting at the moment. It’ll cut through this gibberish that you’ve convinced yourself of. And for the record I’m not saying that what your saying is not truth. You’ve talked the talk, I just don’t think you’ve walked the walk. To my mind this is completely conceptual with you. You say your conscious of it. But I’m not having it. You understand the concept, and believe it with 100% conviction. And no doubt had some decent insights. But insight is not awakening. In a sense I’m feeling a little sorry for you. Because I just don’t think your conscious of what you think you are
  7. I can explain that. I can watch a video or read a book and completely understand what is being referred to. I can conceptually totally get it. I can use my mind and conceptually think this into a belief, but I don’t. I can look around right now and put myself in a frame of mind where I can make it seem completely obvious. Yet I am not conscious of it. Therefore I would just be bullshitting myself into believing I had awoken to it. My conclusion is that this is the case for you. You’ve tricked yourself that you have awoken. I genuinely would like to think not, but the way you’ve portrayed this seeming awakening leads me to believe you have. I think your at the total other end of the spectrum as to why Leo took the video down. One end is of those who could potentially have a mental breakdown and the other end is the likes of you, who have taken it on as a belief and created a false awakening from it, which could be as disastrous as the other end of the scale. Just a personal opinion. Take care man
  8. Has he though has he? Or has he just realised and understood what Leo was trying to convey? Like realising he understands what the map is saying but not yet entered the actual terrain. A true realisation is monumentally life shattering and full realisation of solipsism is right at the top end of realisations as such. It’s one thing to understand that what’s being said could seriously be true, a bit of a wtf moment, it’s another to become directly conscious that being the case. I don’t know maybe he has, but my intuition tells me he hasn’t. Would be nice if he has though
  9. When I dream at night there is no loss of this ego. I can sense it’s this exact same ego structure at play. Yes some crazy things might sometimes go down environmentally and circumstantially during the dream, but it’s certainly my waking ego structure that’s at work as the sense of self in the dream. And especially when becoming lucid, that is when my ego really takes over. The dreaming self for me is the exact same self that walks this earth each and every day
  10. Interesting. The only thing I would say is that spira has to have become conscious at some point of another finite mind. Which clearly he hasn’t. Or he would just say so. This means spira is yet to confirm whether there is or isn’t. So he’s going off a belief that there is. Sound to me like he’s gone very very far, but not far enough. I don’t know the absolute answer to this, but most of my deepest awakenings have been very solipsistic. So I’m leaning towards Leo’s revelations. But yet to be totally confirmed without a shadow of a doubt. Which is strange because during my awakenings there is no doubt. But then I come back and my ego creates doubt. What spira suggests is that there’s stuff going on outside of your consciousness. That to me still suggests a sense of separation no matter how subtle, but it’s still there. Up unto now, that goes against my own discoveries
  11. Just because this guy puts it in a post that seems like it can be understood, make sure you don’t believe it. If your not conscious of it, it doesn’t count. It’s easy to say yea that makes sense. But a lot of things make sense. Just because it’s framed well doesn’t make it true. It very well could be true. But until one is conscious of it them very selves, it’s not. Your reality is constructed through beliefs so don’t just be adding another one to it. I’m not saying everyone is, I’m just making sure everyone doesn’t. You know full well when your conscious of something and when your not. If your conscious of something it’s 100% no matter what you want or what feels good or bad to you, it just is what it is. But if your not conscious of it, then it’s not the case
  12. I did actually make the point to nahm on here a month or 2 ago that he was always speaking in riddles. I didn’t have a clue half the time but I wasn’t sure if that was on me or on him. Confused me. Seems like a nice genuine guy though and never had any issues with him. Just I didn’t get a lot of his responses. Got to the point where I’d see him respond and I’d instantly just project an image in my minds eye of the riddler from Batman ?. But there’s no doubting he’s a good guy
  13. You just started imagining shit. And then you believed it. It is as simple as that
  14. This is just so tricky. Because to use infinity and time in the same conversation just does not commute. You say then surely you’ll ‘end up living the lives of those I interact with at some point’, so that implies a reference to time, as in one after another after another. But infinity is timeless, it’s one eternal moment that contains the notion of time within it. So it’s not like you will end up this or that, it’s more a case of you already are, right now. You can’t be someone else after you’ve been you. Because this ‘after’ your thinking of, doesn’t actually exist. It will be now, same time, same place, same moment, with the illusion of there being a before and after. I don’t know if this helps with your solipsism question to be honest. I know what I’ve discovered about solipsism and realising the sorts of thing I’ve just mentioned has helped almost cement my current understanding on whether I think it is the case or not. I feel 99% certain of what I think to be the case. But I’m not 100% so I feel it necessary to delve further before an undeniable conclusion is reached for me personally one way or another. I’d like to definitively tell you the answer. But right now I can’t. Good luck with your TOE
  15. Same happens when looking at your own face in a mirror. This is a point when it becomes completely obvious that you are everyone that has, is, and will ever live. And the seeing it in another makes it completely obvious that you are hallucinating every seeming other person in the moment. And everything else that goes with it. There’s nothing really there. But at the same time everything is there. Consciousness solidifies it in an ordinary state, constructs it all so perfectly and consistently. That’s why it’s so hard to see through from an ordinary human state of consciousness. You see and realise you’ve never ever really moved anywhere, that you are infact the whole thing, morphing and changing that creates the seeming moving around moment to moment experience. And a lot lot more but that’s kind of a short way of putting it. I’m guessing though that you already know all this?
  16. Completely speculating here but from an outside perspective it seems like Leo may have outgrown his own creation, as in actualized.org. I don’t mean outgrown teaching the radical things he teaches, but outgrown the current structure and format of the website and his channel. I mean launching these things out for free so any Tom dick an Harry can latch onto them and cause both themselves and him a multitude of bother might not be the way to go abouts this anymore. He did claim in his statement ‘people’ so not necessarily those who are avid followers of the true work involved. But when he says ‘people’ he’s not wrong in saying that, as we well know that 99.9% of the worlds population are genuinely not ready for these sorts of teachings. And his latest deleted video was available, for free, to that whole 99.9%. Maybe, it’s time for a total restructuring of the website and channel, where these deeper more advanced things can be taught. Not exactly sure how that would be done or what the format would be, as I’m no computer internet whizz but I’d imagine it would have its difficulties and would be quite a lot of work. As I said I’m just completely speculating from an outside point of view, I don’t know the guy or any of his thoughts on the matter other than the statement he wrote. One things for sure though that one of, if not his most satisfying thing in life, other than awakening himself, is the teaching of it to HELP others the best he can. And he does a damn good job at it too. Either way, however he decides to move forward is completely his decision and I’m all for however he wants to move the channel forward, if at all. Because what I’ve already gained from it is 2nd to nothing in terms of not just spirituality but also many aspects of life in general. So whatever video is next, it doesn’t really matter, because the guy is free to make whatever choices he wants, as each and every one of us believe we should be able to make whatever choices we want
  17. Whaaaat? This is a travesty it’s gone before I even knew it was there. Can’t argue with his choice though. It would have been nice to have some extra pointers and explanations to use with own realisations and possible future realisations. Just means that this particular subject is going to have to be completely worked out by the individual without some form of help and guidance from leo. It’s always eventually the case anyway it’s all on the individual to verify everything for themselves so I guess no one is really in any a different spot than they were to begin with. With all the work and videos upto this point anyway there’s more than enough to help lead one to clarify the solipsism issue when it arrives during awakening. But the extra video would sure have been good
  18. There’s a really weird peculiar type of awakening you can have. It’s where you see the entire supposed outer world as your very own reflection. So reflective that it can not be explained until experienced. You can’t look at the walls of your home, certainly not other people in the eyes and see anything other than yourself. So your ‘I’ becomes everything, all inward all outward seeming things. So it collapses in and of itself there’s nowhere to look nowhere to go other than just… well that’s an experience, but something that you probably can’t even call an experience. It just is what it is. Your ‘I’ so collapses in on itself that you realise you were never an ‘I’ but that you are the all, and then paradoxically you find yourself as the ultimate ‘I’, the only ‘I’, ant then what the fuck do ya do??‍♂️?. Here you are, doing this, being this. Until you give it up completely. It’s a choice. You don’t realise it’s a choice. But it is. And you choose the dream over the infinite bliss or however you want frame it. Your ‘I’ is the only ‘I’, hence ‘ I AM’
  19. Give over guys. Fuckin hell you don’t have to like the guy to get a monumental gift from the teachings. Personally I’m all for the straightforward nature of these teachings. No beating abouts the bush and when things get self verified time after time you realise that it’s that direct manner that was needed to get you to whatever point it’s helped get you to or you could very well still just be scratching the surfaces and dithering around the edges of particular realisations. The being triggered of his attitude and responses may well be that of a weak mind not up to the challenge. He could be more polite at times and mollycoddle people I guess. But he isn’t, so you either like it or lump it. It is what it is. Use the teachings or don’t. But there really is no benefit to moaning and whining about his presentation or his own revelations. If you can’t verify particular things he teaches, then don’t believe it, if you can, then the verification answers and teaches itself. It’s an individual choice to take in teachings of someone in any walk of life not just spirituality. If you don’t like your sports coach you’ll get away from them and find another one. Simple as. So rather than all this moaning, just get on with it, or don’t
  20. @Vynce Agree. Incorrect wording from me. Let me rephrase. Rather than ‘creates THE profound silence’ should be more along the lines of ‘can create A profound silence’. A silencing of the questions and contemplation is more of what I meant as I was aiming my response at the particular issue at hand. Certainly that silence can be filled with everything you mentioned but that filling of the silence is with freedom to fill it with such things and not monkey mind or questions and contemplation that are zipping through your mind pretty much uncontrollably. Because you have answered all the questions ??
  21. This so obvious. I find it difficult to understand how this sentence cannot be understood. The ultimate understanding creates the profound silence because there’s no more questions to ask. Hence the silence
  22. Only if your referring to ‘you’ as a mere human mind and form. If one has awoken to the true expanse of what ‘you’ truly refers to then it’s clear that ‘YOU’ are the only conscious thing in existence. As you are consciousness itself and not just a part of it, but the whole. So it’s not misleading, it’s true. It only seems misleading until you’ve gone deep enough to realise that the only misleading thing about the phrase is when your misleading yourself