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Everything posted by Dazgwny

  1. But Leo. Can you actually sit in a bar or something, anywhere for that matter, where there’s a number of people, and be conscious that they are you? Or you are them? Same thing. During what I feel to me to be massive awakenings I can see how and why this is the case. But back in my normal state, other than using memory from awakenings, or the dream analogy, I just am not at all conscious of this. I can create in my mind that this is the way it must be, but I do not seem at all to be genuinely conscious of it
  2. Jesus Christ mate you done that quick, already here you are, as me.. I’m stunned ?
  3. Well tbh I don’t know Leo well enough to make a claim that he’s awesome. The 1% I do know of him through his videos is pretty damn cool though to say the least. And that latest video poetic description was certainly pretty damn awesome. Deep and right up my street
  4. As far as I’m concerned I’ve barely began imagining you, never mind stopping imagining you. To me you have no form, and likely never will. Nothing more than a mere member name. Everything I possibly think about you, other than the member name you use on here, is completely and totally in my imagination. Yet even that is so strong in itself it takes some powerful deconstruction to realise, that everything I hold about what you are is purely imaginary. And if you were actually in front of me a solidified human being, other than the form itself of you, everything I think I might know of you, is still purely imaginary. Just what I’m perceiving you to be from my perspective. Go even deeper and even that form is realised to be completely imaginary, including my own, and everything else about me
  5. One has to be the main frame. One has to take priority. It has to. You’ve got to ground yourself in one of them. This is the one you have. If you don’t ground yourself in one then you would be all over the place. Then from the grounded one, dreams can take place within dreams. But don’t forget, this is also a dream. You imagine yourself within this dream in the same way you imagine a self in a nightly dream. When you wake from a nightly dream, you realise you weren’t actually the individual self that you thought you were within that dream. You were actually the whole dream. So you were both the dreamt and the dreamer. Sames going down here, you just need to step it up a notch and realise from here that you are the dreamer. But also the individual self being dreamt. All in all though if you do step it up that notch, which is a massive notch to step up, you will realise you are the dream as a totality. Not just the individual in the dream. Therefore being the whole thing. Being God. And that’s the totality of reality. You’ve either got it going on or you havnt. Either a formed reality or an unformed. In either case you still just exist. Either as the whole of reality, whether you recognise it or not, or as a completely unformed pure singular infinite consciousness, with no form. Nothing, nowhere, no when. Pure awareness with nothing to be aware of. Until you dream up a seeming something to be aware of. Which in reality, won’t really be another thing to be aware of, it’ll just be you. Being aware of yourself, recognised or unrecognised
  6. I’m gonna counter this slightly. Because if there ever is a formed reality the awareness of that reality is the same awareness that you, or @Someone here currently are. So in a sense it is still you. Only of a different configuration you could say of your ego/limited consciousness, therefore giving a completely different sense of ‘I’ from an egoic perspective, basically a seeming different person to what you currently are aware of being. Once expanded to infinite levels it’s all the same one singular consciousness. So in reality it is ‘you’ which was scared of that video as you put it, just under a different configuration, conditioned so differently, completely uniquely, that you wouldn’t recognise it to be, until once again expanded to levels of infinite consciousness
  7. There is no next, no after. Time is a construct that your ego mind is holding within it. Your egoic imagination will not determine any so called ‘after life’ activity. Because that will be obliterated. What you will be imagining in that seeming ‘then’ will be right now, in this very moment, the one and only moment that has never moved forward in time. The one timeless moment. And it won’t be affected by a finite @Someone here limited imagination. You as infinite consciousness will just limit yourself again to a new, or you could say different form of limited mind until that expands and awakens to itself again back to the exact same place of no place, time of no time. Hence never having even moved or zipped through time in the first place, just limiting and tricking itself into believe such. Expand contract, expand contract, forever and ever, for eternity
  8. Someone’s finally been able to dissect some of what there is to be taken away from the show ??. I think some people must be trying to watch it blindfolded whilst on mute ?. Either that or they just look at the tv gazing through the thing without being able to read into the storyline and read between the lines to take in the meanings the show intends to project
  9. Yea actually one of the things that drew me towards Leo is the fact he kept telling me/us in his videos things like I’m full of shit?. Sometimes we just need to be told in no uncertain terms, and it really made me turn round and look at myself. And low and behold, there I was, full of shit? still am tbf but not quite as much haha
  10. Tbh it’s kinda out there on its own really I can’t relate it to any show I’ve previously watched. It was only a couple of seasons if I remember correctly won’t take you too long to run through. Just give it a go
  11. Top top quality show. He mentioned it in a video years ago and I couldn’t find it so I enquired and he said it was on Amazon to watch. Definitely worth the watch. It’s likely not rated highly because the people rating it lack a good level of consciousness to be able to see it for what it is
  12. No I’ve seen it mate. What I meant was that what Leo is saying that your confused about is some serious shit. Seriously deep deep awakening
  13. Yea, well, that’s some pretty serious shit. Awakening to a degree that’s not going to be explainable on a forum, or through a video
  14. Lsd is my weapon of choice you could say. More so because the others have so far been unavailable to me as of yet. I understand what your saying to a degree why you find it difficult to understand how people don’t have the realisation. But they need a reference point to go from, and the majority of lsd users arnt even aware of awakening in the first place. They are generally stage orange type who can not for an instant fathom such a thing. So they are just tripping you could say, in a backward type manner. Stage green too but more hippy style, you ain’t gonna get a truly god realised hippy to be honest with ya. I’ve had many god realisations, and many others into reality and it’s construction, my construction etc. A total feel of awakening, yet still I know that it’s limited, I realise the limits of lsd, they are there clearly. The 5meo’s are surely to be a step up
  15. Sounds like you could do with watching his latest video on being decisive. It’s seems like your dithering too much and pondering on this i.e not going full throttle. A decisive decision needs to be made. Your either going to do it, or your not. Make that decision. I was pretty awe struck on how that video spoke to me, I sat back and realised how lately I’ve been taking my eye off the ball, coasting, lack lustre in my going abouts of things, in many areas of my life, including meditation. To sit there and watch an listen to that episode helped me realise that lately I’ve been going nowhere, resting on my laurels, partaking in activities that do me no service other than make me stand still, even possibly taking backward steps. So decisiveness is necessary, and in your own situation too, as far as I can tell. Oh and welcome!
  16. And how exactly from what I just said do you work out I’m missing that? I wasn’t even talking about that. I was making a point about a completely different facet. I’ve had my whole reality collapse to the point where it’s clear all form is absolutely nothing, one in the same. Although I’ll openly admit I’m not conscious of it right now. Your response was poor. Because it has absolutely nothing to do with what I was on about. Makes it clear to me you have absolutely no idea what your on about. Full of shit comes to mind. I’m out of this threads conversation now ta-ra ???
  17. It is so obvious though that this is the case when your reality unravels during a massive awakening. It leaves no room for others. Obviously depending on the nature of your awakening because there’s so many facets. But when you awaken to how others are constructed, down to how they even look the way they do as in their physical appearance, the reflective mirroring relative to yourself. And I don’t just mean reflective to your own physical appearance I mean reflective to every aspect of your mind, producing the mirrored reflection of everything and everyone you perceive. Others can only be the way there are in every single way in relation to what you yourself have cemented an perceived yourself to be. Then when back in your ordinary state you try to comprehend this, it’s like your hitting a brick wall. You try to figure it out with your limited mind, and in the realms of separation and duality it just doesn’t work. I accept though that I’ve seen right through this, became conscious of it, and can put a mental image still to what my direct experience was. Even though I’m not conscious of it now. Only memory serves me with this understanding and not my ordinary everyday state… until I become conscious of it again. Somehow somewhere though in my mind I’m not accepting it, I’m aware of the fact I’m truly not somewhere deep down, my ego must be fighting against it every second of the day, to cover up what I actually know deep down. Otherwise I’d be directly conscious of it right now, which I am not
  18. It’s actually tremendously consistent. That’s one thing you realise when you do wake up from it. That’s the genius that Leo and many here talk about. Just how consistent and genius the construction is. That’s why your having this conversation right now because you can’t figure it out due to how consistent it is
  19. He is right though isn’t he! Everything is consciousness and with anything the only ever present with whatever form may be there in front of you is consciousness. So all is consciousness. It just seems he added unnecessary layers onto it, beginning with calling it an actual substance hence creating a duality between form and formlessness. As in he initially has it correct but too much conceptualising has made him drift away from truth
  20. Anyone that mentions this clowns name to me in any sort of spiritual discussion whether it be for humour or on a serious note is not worth my time. Good night
  21. Look mate, it’s infinite, get over it. Completely eternal, forever. If you think your going to skip over something as God when God is forever then you’ve got a big surprise in store. Not everything will be manifested for the character RMQualtrough, that character, that finite being is limited. But as God your gonna manifest the lot. RMQualtrough being one of those manifestations. If it’s a possibility, then your doing it, end of. And why not, you’ve forever to do whatever ??‍♂️
  22. Backwards. The actions one acts out are determined by the state of consciousness one resides in
  23. Can’t express how correct this is. During a serious awakening that’s exactly how it feels, it just unravels. Only you realise that the scarf wasn’t badly knit it was knit to perfection. Your whole seeming life, everything just sort of unravels from around you. It’s like you’ve been mummified your whole life and someone just starts unraveling the linen from the top and it loosens, then unravels completely from around you. It’s like you’ve been mummified but not wrapped in linen, but wrapped up in your own bullshit. Completely and utterly deceived yourself with absolutely everything, every single thing you know, or think you know. A complete spiral of bullshit from top to bottom. You’ve been wrapped so tightly you’ve become lost in it, lost to it, and created this life with nothing other than your own mind. And when the state begins to subside you can actually feel it wrapping you back up in it, solidifying itself around you again, the ego regaining its grip with all its distinctions and dualities. Until here you are, right back where you were smack bang in the middle of the dream. Only with a realisation to try and integrate back with your limited mummified mind. Certainly expanded though to a degree after the direct experience of something so jaw dropping and profound.
  24. I can not explain in words, I don’t think that’s possible. As leo said you can’t conceptualise it. But encountering eternity is to this very day the most freakish, I say thing, but that’s because I don’t know how else to express it, but it is for me upto now, the most freakish thing I’ve ever encountered. Can not put into words how odd, in comparison to what you think has been going on your whole life, what a true realisation of eternity is like. And the dawning of the fact that you are eternal yourself is the strangest thing