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About Dazgwny

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  1. One thing i do know, and i dont know if has been mentioned here already, because i cant be bothered reading through😂 is Leo’s post with the morphing faces… I’ve seen that I’ve been that. The fluidity of consciousness. Not quite to the extent of completely other faces of being, but to the extent of all the possible faces and beings of this one I am. It’s freaky as fuck but all possible ‘me’s’ as in this me, I’ve seen them all, everything. And they ain’t all good. I mean everything. Young, old, good, bad, the lot. Morphing like on Leo’s blog post. All images, along with emotions, every single thing possible from the being I am. It seems infinite. Everything. The fluidity he talks about. Me the proud man, me the humble man, me the successful guy, me the sportsman, me the murderer, me the rapist, me the absolutely everything that I could possibly be. I’ve seen this, the fluidity of consciousness when it’s not solidified. It’s crazy. But in those moments true awakenings happen. You realise you are all. You realise what’s going on here. In a way that is unexplainable. It has to be seen and experienced to believe. Then to be believed isn’t even recognisable, because it just is what it. You see all versions of yourself. But it can go further, I saw my head turning into my brothers head. I realised that I am not just all versions of me, but I am all versions of everyone else too. I as consciousness can take on any of these forms, myself, my brother, or anyone else that can possibly be. And all variants of type too. Everything. It’s always you. Just being a particular way, and you will create the rest around you from what you be. All yous are around me from what I am, and vice versa. But I can be you, if I choose. I don’t know how the choosing happens, but I know as consciousness I can take on the being of Leo and be that, and all and any variation of him. Essentially, everyone is just a variation of the one being, that’s why there’s no particular one, just variations. Hence you me and all. I’ve no idea why I feel like this one and you feel like that one though. Still a bit of a mystery. But I know I can become anyone of you, and it will just feel like it’s me, because it will just be me being you. Correct me if I’m wrong. But let’s face it. I’m not. I as consciousness will be all you, as you are all me. We genuinely are one. That for me is the beauty and teachings of lsd
  2. Clever episode. Well constructed and plenty of food for thought
  3. @ExploringReality 👏🏻 correct
  4. @Leo Gura Cheers for this. It’s got my mind going. It always is, but it’s the way you’ve framed it, I needed that thrown at me. I know what it feels like when these type things click during awakenings under the influence. As you say the ‘ordinary’ just don’t see this, it doesn’t click. That’s where I am, I’ve never claimed to be awake I’ve only ever claimed to have awakenings, which as you know are tremendously difficult to retain, no matter what you’ve learned. I refuse to delude myself. In my every day ordinary state I am though circling around this, just not quite getting it to click. I always have to revert back to trips, past experiences you could say rather than my present state. This has helped no end, and at some point I will just grasp it without the use of psychedelics and make that shift. It’s like I know I know, but I don’t. You’ve given me a new little spark with a couple of what seemed straightforward questions. And a response to work with. Cheers
  5. I feel it would be easy to say to the first question ‘nothing’. But it feels that would be a mistake. Because there’s still one thing, that of whatever it is that is there, with no distinctions. This doesn’t seem right or quite deep enough to be nothing. It’s seems this would still be one, total oneness. But then for there to be one, it seems by this questioning that oneness, as weird as it sounds, is still a duality. Contemplating the 2nd question is what brought me to that conclusion, because I was initially going to answer ‘nothing’ because it seemed so simple a right. It’s actually the 2nd question that seems for me, to break down the barriers, and bring me to nothing. It’s like there is no answer to this, no explaination, because it’s nothing, it is actually nothing, no thing. Which in turn, is infinity, infinity and nothing is identical. This breaks my mind, it’s like a can’t think about it, yet I’m trying, it won’t grasp onto it, like I can’t get a hold of it, it’s circling my mind but I can’t grip it. And that to me would make total sense because of the nature of infinity. I’ve been this during awakenings on my trips. But with a sober mind it’s a lot more complex trying to wrap my mind around it, rather than tripping and awakening and just becoming it. Maybe I’ve gone too far here and tripped myself up, but those two questions gave my mind a good beating and my response is where I’ve ended up. It seems like the right train of thought. What seemed like simple and obvious questions to answer at first, threw my mind round like a rag doll😂
  6. I guess this could explain that dress thing that was a big thing a few years back and a deeper level. Some seen black and blue and others white and gold. What are we saying here? That both would be absolutely true? It means I couldn’t actually argue the point against my brother that it is black and blue because that’s what I could see? Where as he saw white and gold? We’re both correct? Or one is right and one is wrong? Hopefully you remember what I’m talking about here😂 I don’t want to go into all shit about that dress btw I’m just using it to try garner more of an understanding about what you’ve said here
  7. I don’t agree personally with this. I’ve never found an episode too long, and if something needs the time put into it to get the teaching across I’m all for that. There’s absolutely no reason anyone has to watch the episode in 1 sitting. Split it over 2 sittings over a couple of days if you do not have the time or have the attention span or whatever reason. To split it yourself is no different to when Leo makes a part 1/2/3 for a series. I see no issues with video length. And seems so many have moaned about a shortage of video releases over the last year or 2, then a longer one when released should make their day, split it yourself watch one half one week and the next half the following week and you’ve 2 videos for the price of one. Which may I remind the whiners is FREE
  8. People taking this ai chat shit a bit too seriously. I could have told you this, as someone who has truly experienced such awakenings, an actual living human being. Yet people seem to find it more profound and marvellous when a fucking computer spouts back some wording to them. Sad state of affairs
  9. 25 minutes that’ll do for me. I’d forgotten just how much shit Campbell chats. This shit will distract you from awakening. Fun and games absolute fantasyland. Data streams and all that shite. You won’t find God with this garbo. You’ll just prance about in consciousness as deluded as you’ve always been. The real work takes you away from this stuff. At least he does know though that consciousness is reality. He just doesn’t know what’s going on. Consciousness has him by the balls and has twisted them up with all that as it does with our physical lives. He’s unravelled nothing, same shit different games
  10. Couldn’t be truer. I know you’re not a superhero man Leo😂 but sometimes I lucid dream and literally turn myself into superman, suit and all🤦🏻‍♂️😂. But am severely limited by what I can do even being able to pull off all those superman type acts. It’s a strange phenomena to actually become superman and live and feel it in a lucid dream for a few hours as if it’s real. But as you say, utterly limited still. It actually helped me understand God even more by taking on that role in a dream as odd as that might sound
  11. It’s quite clear that is a place you don’t want to go, you would not survive that trip
  12. I slipped cracked my head about 6 months ago. Similar situation, drunk, fell backwards and cracked my head on the concrete. Big split pouring with blood. Fully conscious the whole time not knocked out or anything. Went hospital, they cleaned it up, stuck 8 staples in it to help close up the cut and sent me packing. I had no issues with headaches or spinning or not even really any pain if I’m honest. Bit of numbness around the area. But it was quite the whack and the cut was pretty big, couple of inches, as 8 staple suggests. This was on the back to crown sort of area of my head. The doctor obviously saw no reason to run any tests or anything. Couple of weeks was all closed up healed and fine. Have never had any issues. As Leo says, boxers are getting knocked out all the time, mma fighters look at the whacks and cuts they get to the head. I’m in agreement the body heals itself tremendously well, just give it a bit of time. 6 hours sleep after a night on the drink likely is playing a major role in a spinning head too. I’d say if things still don’t feel right after 2/3 days then maybe get it checked out. But your likely to feel something still even then from a bump in most cases. You’ll know if something feels seriously off though I’m sure
  13. To quote Leo, ‘ You’re sitting here imagining thinking your in the 21st century, your not, your imagining the 21st century,’ This I have become conscious of on so many occasions now, so forgive me if I don’t jump on the bandwagon wishing everyone a happy imaginary new year. Ah, what the hell, happy new year people🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. None. I feel as though it would be very difficult to seriously absorb yourself in this work with children. Or certainly any of an age where they are reliant and dependent on you. I have no idea where the time would be found