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About Dazgwny

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  1. People taking this ai chat shit a bit too seriously. I could have told you this, as someone who has truly experienced such awakenings, an actual living human being. Yet people seem to find it more profound and marvellous when a fucking computer spouts back some wording to them. Sad state of affairs
  2. 25 minutes that’ll do for me. I’d forgotten just how much shit Campbell chats. This shit will distract you from awakening. Fun and games absolute fantasyland. Data streams and all that shite. You won’t find God with this garbo. You’ll just prance about in consciousness as deluded as you’ve always been. The real work takes you away from this stuff. At least he does know though that consciousness is reality. He just doesn’t know what’s going on. Consciousness has him by the balls and has twisted them up with all that as it does with our physical lives. He’s unravelled nothing, same shit different games
  3. Couldn’t be truer. I know you’re not a superhero man Leo😂 but sometimes I lucid dream and literally turn myself into superman, suit and all🤦🏻‍♂️😂. But am severely limited by what I can do even being able to pull off all those superman type acts. It’s a strange phenomena to actually become superman and live and feel it in a lucid dream for a few hours as if it’s real. But as you say, utterly limited still. It actually helped me understand God even more by taking on that role in a dream as odd as that might sound
  4. It’s quite clear that is a place you don’t want to go, you would not survive that trip
  5. I slipped cracked my head about 6 months ago. Similar situation, drunk, fell backwards and cracked my head on the concrete. Big split pouring with blood. Fully conscious the whole time not knocked out or anything. Went hospital, they cleaned it up, stuck 8 staples in it to help close up the cut and sent me packing. I had no issues with headaches or spinning or not even really any pain if I’m honest. Bit of numbness around the area. But it was quite the whack and the cut was pretty big, couple of inches, as 8 staple suggests. This was on the back to crown sort of area of my head. The doctor obviously saw no reason to run any tests or anything. Couple of weeks was all closed up healed and fine. Have never had any issues. As Leo says, boxers are getting knocked out all the time, mma fighters look at the whacks and cuts they get to the head. I’m in agreement the body heals itself tremendously well, just give it a bit of time. 6 hours sleep after a night on the drink likely is playing a major role in a spinning head too. I’d say if things still don’t feel right after 2/3 days then maybe get it checked out. But your likely to feel something still even then from a bump in most cases. You’ll know if something feels seriously off though I’m sure
  6. To quote Leo, ‘ You’re sitting here imagining thinking your in the 21st century, your not, your imagining the 21st century,’ This I have become conscious of on so many occasions now, so forgive me if I don’t jump on the bandwagon wishing everyone a happy imaginary new year. Ah, what the hell, happy new year people🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. None. I feel as though it would be very difficult to seriously absorb yourself in this work with children. Or certainly any of an age where they are reliant and dependent on you. I have no idea where the time would be found
  8. I had serious problems attempting to access this so called part of reality. My deepest meditations, astral projections, breakthrough trips, never enabled the arising of any such domain. I’ve seen and experienced many many strange phenomena due to spiritual experiences and awakenings. Including the super imposition of actualised and potential reality, hard to describe, like in a flickering sense, any possibility flickering away but not stabilised as reality. This akashic records thing is no man’s land for me thus far. I’ve heard many descriptions and explanations and personally nothing I’ve experienced correlates with the claims. Not that I’m saying it’s not there to be viewed or experienced in some form, but it mostly seems like new age types that rabbit on about it and I generally find they end up seemingly, unknowingly, full of far more shit than truth
  9. Just buy Ryan croppers course online. New age dude. On a different wavelength to what Leo is upto and trying to teach and lead us toward. As new agers are a bit away with it lost in a lot of fantasies, your typical new ager. But.. his astral projection course is masterful. He’s genuinely a master of astral projection and worked for me within a month or so, then could project on a regular basis. Went from zero not even believing it was a thing, to 2/3 times a week maybe, can’t remember but was something like that. It lost its appeal for me after a while though the novelty wore off. Just more games, I prefer to get down to the real business that this channel aims towards
  10. I feel this has been ghosted over too easily. Unless there’s more about it elsewhere on the forum I’ve missed, which I very well could have as not been on as frequently of late. I just think it requires a more substantial in depth explanation. I mean like, what the hell were you actually getting upto in these awakenings to cause these effects Leo? Shattering windows and blood on walls?
  11. Well you could always try other psychedelics. But be sure you can always potentially face ego death on those too. A good likelihood infact if you’ve been following this work. It’s a case of do it or don’t do it. 2 choices that’s it there’s no in between. Because the in between options as I say could very well dissolve that ego of yours too
  12. We all know to conquer a fear is to face it and plough straight through it. Make of that what you will
  13. Sounds to me like your attempts to distance yourself from the body and be freer have backfired and whatever you’ve been upto has had the opposite effect, gluing you more to the body and suffering with with even more restricted consciousness hence the anxiety and such. Maybe you just don’t quite know what you’re doing with this work properly yet. Who knows
  14. Luck isn’t real. It’s completely relative. Whatever you perceive as good if it happens to you or someone else and you don’t really know how or why it happened you call it lucky. And vice versa with bad luck. What’s seems to to you may be perceived as very unlucky to someone depending on their circumstances. You may claim so and so is so lucky to win the lottery, yet from their point of view it could end up the worst most unlucky thing they’ve ever felt happened to them, if for one reason or another it lead to breakdowns of relationships, breakdown of one’s mind, depression, unwanted fame, all sorts whatever shit can come from it. It’s so relative that it’s so blatantly obvious to anyone who’s done a slight bit of introspection, that there’s actually no such thing as objective luck. It’s a crock of shit that you have invented
  15. Patience. These sorts of things are tremendously difficult to achieve, certainly of a high level and anything of any value. It’s not like he’s got some massive team of experts behind him. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to make a game, especially one that’s any good