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Lifting up base-line consciousness with psychadelics
Lifting up base-line consciousness with psychadelicsWell isn’t that obvious. Off course psychadelics have their own challenges which require internal strength, wisdom and experience.
That’s why you slowly build up if you are a beginner. Overtime you fear decreases and your ability to surrender increases.
Awakening GIFs - What Awakening Feels Like
Awakening GIFs - What Awakening Feels LikeWhen you try to remember as many insights as possible from your recent awakening
Grasping infinity like...
When you realize the one trying to find itself did never exist in the first place
Summary of the spiritual pathway
Is the pursuit of enlightenment a self-bias?
Is the pursuit of enlightenment a self-bias?Yeah it's selfish and biased, this is what you need tho. Don't feel guilt about wanting enlightenment. Non-desire and all that shit will really happen properly after enlightenment. You are selfish until YOU are not.
Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self Exam
Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self ExamI do not deny the existence of preferences. Because, preference is the very nature of being - but within these, there are further dualities, with boundaries, however imaginary, that can be ascertained to a degree, according to the levels of your perception --- and these are pushing you towards something that you are inadvertently attached to. The key point here being - comprehending the nature of the intricate dualities of the concept of preference.
An 'indifferent existence' is an oxymoron. It cannot, and will never exist together. Existence can never be indifferent - it can masquerade as that, in an illusory form, hidden underneath some sort of deeper, and most probably, egoic manifestation - giving an idea that you are being indifferent - where in reality, you just aren't, and never can.
As you said, total indifference cannot exist beyond concept, and therefore, is not a pre-requisite to this discussion, altogether.
Did watch the video, and it does stress upon the point that I tried to put forth, ab initio -
Leo talks about something called the 'Emergent Phenomenon' - that the randomness coincides with the non-randomness, too - there is a complex order to it, and variations do tend to have a very real effect.
The point with the free will debate is not that people become hopeless (hint: egoic love for self, and the consequent loss of it masquerading as indifference), but that people comprehend the nature of ego and Nothingness, in the first place. This was one of Leo's first few videos on such topics, and what he is trying to say, in facile terms, is that it's all God - and that free will requires the acceptance and realization that it is all Oneness - and there's nothing quite outside you - for Everything is you, and you are a product and the manufacturer of it. That, an 'I' is not solely responsible for all that happens to 'themselves', because in the greater picture, 'I' work in tandem with the vastness, unbeknownst to my egoic self that strives for rigorous separation.
He talks about these 37 trillion cells working for us, and not the egoic 'I' - and that is what it is - there is something working, that is not so arbitrary. We cannot shun it by saying that nothing makes sense, because quite evidently, there is some sort of meaning that we are able to give. Moreover, one cannot give meaning to things that do not make sense - the meaning and the cohesiveness of a certain thing have an inter-dependent relationship.
He gives the example of being seated in a car, and realizing that you have no control since you are not the one steering the vehicle towards its destination - the idea behind this is that while you may realize that your illusion of control has been broken, it doesn't completely erase the fact that you are in a car, and are actually going somewhere. Therefore, understanding the concept of free will, in my opinion, means that while I may be walking the path, it is not the 'I' that is walking the path --- but anyway, both of it does mean that the path does exist, and is being travelled upon.
As Leo put it, it is the mind that constructs preferences and thereafter makes the decisions - and each decision has a consequence. With the example of Google that he gave - if just because Google considers itself an input, no matter how deceived it is, it will never cease being an output - it is a something, and the something has real functions and is striving in some regard, and will behave in a particular, predictable fashion if certain buttons are pushed.
The free will debate just juggles around the concepts of ego vs surrender - but it cannot deny the existence of things and or the functions attached to them - that is, once you have realized that ego is at play, and that it likes to take all the 'credit' - you, as an enlightened being, will try to not include it in the actual play.
Preferences do have mechanical elements to it - if one needs results, they need to train and try - and that's a very coherent process of this reality, as well, that would be absurd to deny. The results are the attachment. And if something is mechanical, it works by cultivating 'practical' relationships that need to be honored for its effective completion, without which the goal will never be reached. To be honest, we are all seeking something, and that, by its very nature gives it a mechanical touch.
The very concept that surrendering gives the feeling of 'power', is somewhere, in itself, a subtle sort of attachment. Now that I think of it, haha, existence is nothing but a series of infinite attachments, glued together with love or whatever we may call it - that we can just accept through becoming enlightened through empathy; nonetheless, the lack of judgement, coming back to your original question, cannot happen in this finite, human lifetime, because judgement is the very core of your existence. The path is the judgement - that requires attachment for its effective, mechanical completion - with its own set of consequences based on the levels of 'personal' conduciveness.
The path has a lot of choices, which you are not making, but You are making - that cannot be completely controlled, but regulated, for components of it are mechanical, and in the human context, limited.
Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self Exam
Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self ExamThe questions seem more like: are u yellow?
However I well understand your point but you are also clinging to the no-attachment of reality, see? That is why it is not that easy. It's the game of the mind, the prison of the mind, wanting reality to be one way not another. So by saying don't get attached to anything you are getting attached to that perspective of the world. The only way out is full desire, in other words desire all reality (unconditional love) or not desire anything at all (neither desiring not to desire), if desire nothing the it is also unconditional love. So the way is not saying this is like this or like that, or u should do this or the other, the point is that doesn't matter you love what there is now, even if it's dual or non-dual, materialistic or idealistic, you see the illusion in all and trascend in loving whatever there is. See this is the problem when u realize Conciousness and Truth but not love, that your understanding gets deluded. Don't wanna sound cliche but love is truly the answer. Who doesn't want to love? The problem is that to love more and more you have to be selfless and lose yourself. The problem is that the ego loves to be someone who knows and is concious but the Light of love destroys all ilusion. It is the same as when u love someone, and u start meeting... there is a point where your union is maximum. It is at that point where they both want space. Why? because the love is uniting them so much that they are losing themselves, their individuality and identity. We want this perfect love and orgasmic existence of full ecstasy but we don't want to lose ourselves in this universal Love. But see, there is no choice beloved. The love of God is all being and the reunification will happen even if u want it or not, u will experience death, so universal justice will be done and Love will be all you are.
A few thoughts on ambition
A few thoughts on ambition(1) An ambitious life can take many different forms. We are accustomed to thinking that being ambitious is equated to starting a business and buying a mansion after a few years of hard work. Ambition is about going beyond what you think is possible, even when the subject is not business. One can be ambitious about having a great family or raising amazing kids. One can be ambitious about growing the most colorful flower they can grow, and this is no less ambitious than anything else.
(2) Ambition by itself doesn't make a person special. You can dream or claim to dream about being the richest person on the planet and think it means something when it doesn't. Big dreams or claims of ambition only matter when followed by action and results.
(3) The world remembers those who have turned their ambition into life and world-changing results. Not those who prided themselves for being big dreamers. The ability to dream is not a gift given to a handful of us. The ability to dream is a program installed on every human being at birth.
(4) Ambition is a fire that gets lit when the mind begins to divorce itself from its own self-limiting beliefs and gets extinguished when self-doubt becomes one's default mode of operation.
(5) With ambition comes a natural feeling of optimism. The world is your jungle and the possibilities are endless. You know you can do and have more than you do because you know in your gut that you can become more than you are.
(Bonus) The first step to becoming a more ambitious person is to develop a growth mindset. The more you grow the more you can do, and the more you can do the bigger the dreams. You dream bigger because you know it takes only you to make it happen. Not a miracle.
For those who prefer video to text:
What do you think?
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)Its been a process of dissolving the ego through meditation. After that, you must journey through acceptance and fully incorporate it. By the time true surrender comes, there is not enough of an ego left to be much of a problem. If you are going to use powers for your own ego, that is not much of a surrender.
I was concerned about some of this also and asked the divine how I would know when it is ok to use the power. The response I got back was, "if you are truly my faithful servant that is surrendered, you will know". I believe it is a part of my evolution to make the decisions to use the power for the Divine Will. I will answer for it if I use it incorrectly, assuming it is even possible to have power if it is attempted to use incorrectly.
If you have a direct relationship with the divine, why would you need a guru? The divine will tell you all you need to know.
The stages are like this:
1. Total Acceptance (aversions and attachments)
2. Total Surrender
3. Start building a relationship with whatever you are surrendering to (that is for you to find out) through prayer, devotion and offerings.
I cannot begin to explain where this will take you. To say it is amazing is ridiculously understated.
The power is in the surrender. No surrender, little power. Big surrender, big power. Also, the surrendered are protected.
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)Every time I post something about the Occult, I get personal messages of people asking for resources to know more, how to talk to spirits, how to manipulate physical reality according to your will, psychic powers, astral projection, etc.
I know quite a bit about witchcraft, chaos magick, Wicca, etc. I also have put a lot of thought into what constitutes "black magick" and "white magick".
Ive created spirits that serve my purposes that have shown themselves to me and others and have moved physical objects. Im projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered into her ear (she is a clairvoyant that has projected herself into my room also). She told me that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I said. I could go on and on about what I have experienced that would make me sound like a lunatic. My point is that the occult is very legit.
Its a path that turns someone from a human with a spiritual experience to a spiritual being with a human experience. That statement makes a lot more sense when you start operating on the spiritual realm a lot more with effective power.
Many people that have studied eastern traditions reject the occult because they reject the physical realm as unspiritual and think developing power is egoic. This is especially weird when people kiss the ass of gurus that wield occult powers yet adamantly reject these same powers for themselves. Somehow people assume that you must be weak and live in poverty to be spiritual.
I think that is an unhealthy relationship to power and reeks of inferiority and unworthiness. The occult, trantric, taoist and kabbalist philosophy is that all realms are divine and we should master them all on the path of our eternal evolution. They recognize non-duality without the rejection of duality.
A good example of why power is needed, and shouldnt be rejected, is Ghandi. He was motivated by love but effective because he had personal/internal power. Love without power is impotent. Power without love is evil.
Power is like a hammer. You can build a house for the homeless or you can kill somebody. Ultimately, power manifests ones values into the world. If your values are love, beauty and truth, the world is better for your power. The Gita says its not what you do, but why you do it. Gaining power is not the problem. Its why do you do it.
Anyway, if anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer
Resources on Magic?
Resources on Magic?Your wish is my command
Here go some exercises:
- First imagine isolated pitches. Make sure that they sound concrete and defined, not ghosty or faint. And that you can hold them as much as you want without involuntarily changing them. For example: Play C3 on your instrument and then recall it on your mind for 5 minutes. Do this with high and low pitches.
- Imagine the same pitch on different instruments. For example: C3 on piano, guitar, violin, different singing voices, etc). This will teach you to separate the timbre from the pitch. It's also useful to practice the opposite, making a pitch higher and lower without changing its timbre.
- Imagine ascending and descending intervals. The easiest way is using songs which contain that interval and which you remember, then isolate it on your mind and imagine it on different pitches.
- Imagine harmonic intervals. Start by just two notes and then move on to triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspended), tetrads, etc. Remember practicing with high and low pitches!
- Using the first and the fourth excersise you can develop a pseudo-perfect pitch by memorizing each note in association with all of its perfect octaves. For example: Memorize C3 and then use your harmonic Imagination to associate it with C2, C4, C5, etc.
Hope its helpful!
Resources on Magic?
Resources on Magic?I studied magic for some time too, and IMO, a calm mind, strong intention, imagination and energy manipulation is everything to a good really need to be able to relax and calm your mind, develop strong intention and will power, good imagination and being able to feel and connect to your energetic body in order to manipulate it based on your desire, I really recommend Robert Bruce Energy Work book for energy manipulation you can find it on amazon, there's a free old version too, which is good also, i can share it if you want. John Kreither's "Magnum Opus" is also good read for magic.
Practice meditation and imagination, you will be able to manifest everything you desire in your life.
Resources on Magic?
Resources on Magic?I'm not sure to what type of magic u are refering. The Magic that there is in life is the trascendence of what we believe to be magic and non-magic. For example isn't u being alive in a body, in a giant rock sipinning in itself and arround a fucking ball of fire all that spinning also in itself while travelling throw the universe magic? I'm so confused about people acting normal about existence. Like wtf is even this shit u get born here with a name a race and a ideology and everyone like this shit makes sense. Anyway, magic u could say is also watching life with the eyes of a 5 year old kid. Do u see that face? that is pure magic. Also a cat seeing an amazing incredible thing and getting crazy about it is also magic.
If u are refering to more practic magic I recommend u to check Damien echols, The Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley as well as alchemy. Those are people or groups of people that understand or study magic.
What is creativity ?
What is creativity ?Following your intuition to detect beauty and using reason to organize it.
Do higher ego developmental stages indicate that you have your shit together?
Do higher ego developmental stages indicate that you have your shit together?Great pointers bro ?
I'd say you can't create something remarkable unless you have open loving heart and clear mind. If you do things out of loving, life takes care of you by itself. Worry not.
Am I Addicted To Music?
Am I Addicted To Music?Just the fact that you think that you need music to survive your day, that means addiction, but it's up to you how much do you have to worry about this.
As a composer myself who dug so deep in personal discoveries about the science of music, music is a very powerful tool for altering human's state,
1 - There is music for emotions (Contrasting Chords & Modulations), 2 - Music for the body (Beats and Rhythms), 3 - Music for the mind (Story, dogma, and melodic complexity), 4 - Music for spirit, mood and focus (Ambiance, Sound design, Textures and pads),
A good composer is the one who knows who to balance these aspects in music to achieve a certain goal, And powerful composers can mix these elements in one epic track that can make you feel complete.
The fact that you listen to emotional music, that could be a sign that you need some emotional balance in your day, maybe you need to do an action regarding this and find an activity or a GF, or someone to set with who can bring that balance back.
The fact that you listen to body music (percussive), you need physical energy and excitement, maybe you can replace it with dancing, sports, running, skydiving, racing etc..
The need to listen to music for the mind means you need mental entertainment, maybe you need to hang out with cool friends, or go for adventure, play video games, or you can use it for beneficial aspects like doing intellectual habits, scientific research or find the thing that you really love.
The need to listen to Ambient music is a sign that you need focus. you probably yearn to have some alone time away from annoying people and distractions, maybe meditate, read, study, go to nature, Make your Arts, or watch a documentary about insects and birds.
See? you can take the music you wish to listen right now as a sign that you need to do something right now, you can replace Music with different activities, it's the same energy but it's up to you and your will to pick how do you want to convert that energy.
I'm not saying that music is bad, it's never ever, Music is a sophisticated body hacking tool and form of art, sometimes you will willingly choose to listen to music because you don't want to hang out with friends or do physical activity so you can free your time to do other things, in addition that listening to music that beautifully combines the four elements can bring a great inspiration to your life, dreams and future if you know how to focus during listening.
Music is a very powerful tool to achieve any kind of state, if you master what kind of music you need to listen to right now, with the right pitch, waveform, amplitude, and speakers positioning, you can literally hack your entire body, mind and emotions and make you alter your day and to help energizing yourself to help fulfilling certain tasks during your day, at a much deeper level, music and sounds can even be used for healing if you push the right buttons, it has the power to even alter physics and chemistry on an atomic level.
But when Music is your only savior when your life is empty, you make a slave out of yourself, maybe it's time to discover some other activities.
Feel Lost And Empty
Feel Lost And EmptyHappiness is the wrong motivation. That's a petty, selfish desire.
The right motivation is Truth for Truth's sake. Because you want to know what reality is. Don't you?
You should be willing to die for it.
Think it through. There is no human activity or experience which can compete with understanding the source and totality of reality.
Break out of your daze and just commit to Truth.
Meaningless Reality and Solipsism
Meaningless Reality and SolipsismIt just requires surrender, and dropping all sorts of old ego expectations and desires.
The ego-mind is transitioning from living for survival to living from Being. This is a radical shift and the ego-mind has a hard time coping with it.
The freedom that comes from meaninglessness is very radical, but also beautiful. It is an acquired taste after decades of living in a conceptual fantasy land under all the artificial meanings that society programmed you with.
Just give it time. The depression will pass and give way to emptiness, joy, freedom, and being-love.
To truly awaken you are going to have to change your entire attitude towards life. Basically, life as you knew it will end, and a new life will begin. You have to have courage to surrender your old life. If you cling to it, that will produce suffering and depression.
With awakening, you must go ALL-IN. Half-measures will produce lots of suffering.
To try to awaken but keep your old life intact will produce lots of suffering.
Just remember this: depression is ALWAYS temporary. It's something the mind is ACTIVELY doing, and the mind can't keep it up forever. Use this little bit of truth to weather the storm. Keep reminding yourself that this is just temporary. The ego is just acting up like a child.
Zen Devilry
Zen Devilry@How to be wise enlightenment is about truth. it's not about becoming a better or happier person. at least that's my current understanding. maybe they are by product
Transcending Relationships and Sex
Transcending Relationships and Sexi used to be here. I didn't necessarily want relationships or sex at the time but my body and mind said otherwise.
My advice is if a relationship comes your way naturally and helps you grow, by all means have at it. But if you feel like its just fulfilling a need and is not something you actually care that much about experiencing and what your really after are the fruits of deep spiritual work, then keep meditating, if it distracts you too much, masturbate or something and use as much time as possible for spiritual work, reading books, contemplation or whatever personal development work you do.
Like just about anything, relationships can either help you grow and make you even more conscious, or they can also be a distraction from the work.
Transcending Dualities worsening your life
Transcending Dualities worsening your life“Balance every thought with its opposition. Because the marriage of them is the destruction of illusion.”
― Aleister Crowley
Transcending Dualities worsening your life
Transcending Dualities worsening your lifeWhen you realize that you are just playing a part in a story, you're able to go about pretending as if there's you and other characters, but you know deep down that it's not real. You just have to learn to be a good actor, that's all.
You can be anyone you want to be. You're writing the play as you act it out.
Zen Devilry
Zen Devilrymental, emotional, behavioural patterns that are not brought to peace and are running unconsciously in someone. doesn't matter how exactly you call it.
Zen Devilry
Zen Devilry@How to be wise Enlightenment will not remove every selfish tendency deeply wired in your mind.
Far, far from it.
What actually is the ego?
What actually is the ego?@Aakash Way too much theorizing.
As I already said, ego is a contracted state of consciousness. Changing the state makes it go away.