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Everything posted by Intraplanetary

  1. I feel like the more I go into that place where there is no 'me' I feel as I'm losing the ground. How practical this is? Detaching and letting go of my story, surely befits me in many ways. Frees me from negative habits and labels I attach to my emotions. But how do you relate with people? Should I be worried about it at all? Should I just do what I do - embrace my solitude and concentrate on my life rather than trying to relate with others? Honestly, I think I'm just seeking some reassurance because it's getting pretty damn weird and confusing this journey of spirituality...
  2. When I'm alone I can understand that every person I think of is purely my imagination. They actually don't exist in this very moment. Is this a solipsism everyone is trying overcome on this forum or am I on the right track? I also don't get whether someone that I think/imagine doesn't exist in just my perception or at all? But then when I have a direct experience with someone I don't see them as my imagination. I feel I have experience with another being just like me. This is super confusing. Thoughts/advice, anyone? Thanks
  3. Last year, I had 3 mind-body insights. I experienced them in a really significant way, hence they stuck with me. I say mind-body, because first, there is a profound realisation, hence knowing about something + I get bodily sensations. Once it pierced my whole body and I felt aligned physically with a new realisation. Other time, for example. I felt it more in my upper body; like a gentle pang. These insights are subjective rather than being some general truths. They felt very profound and nothing as coming from my ego. However, I still want to question their validity and ask your advice on what do you think and maybe share your similar experience. So one of them was about money or broader, well-being in a material sense. I was moving places and spending quite a lot of money on deposit, etc and I was just in my room doing some chores and started thinking that even though I'm just finishing university, maybe I should start saving money. And then BANG it hit me hard. This insight of the absolute knowing that I'll have not to worry about money in my life. It's hard to explain but it's nothing like having some thoughts. This insight is not a though, it's not a belief. it was like a deep feeling and knowing. Another one happened when for quite a while I had been contemplating Tat vam asi / I'm that which I seek. I understand that I'm God (had direct experience through ego death) and that I'm seeking that which I'm already are. So I was on my desk thinking about it again and I felt this instant urge to lay in bed. I laid and my whole body from head to feet was pierced with energy while I was enlightened this unquestionable knowing that I'm that which I seek. This was so profound that I'll never forget. The third one happened when I was walking and thinking about my passion and creativity. I used to have a lot of self-limiting believes. But while walking, I was hit with this profound realisation about fear being an illusion and I felt a pang in my stomach, while at the same time, I felt enlightened with fearlessness and courage to do what my heart desires. I felt this cosmic support and boundless love. It really changed me in a way that I literally have way less fear to follow my creative nature despite the circumstances. Sorry, my explanations do not do justice to the profundity of these insights, but what do you think? Am I going to have material security? Get enlightened in this lifetime and live my passion to create, as these insights have shown me? Or this is something I should not rely on? or even dismiss? Maybe these are more intuitions than insights? Then, what's the difference? Thanks
  4. Can you please elaborate on this? I really would like to understand the difference between the plurality of insights and intuition? But there can be many intuitions about something as there are many 'somethings'? Or you mean that something can have various insights but there can be only one way of intuiting the same thing?
  5. Oh wow, thanks for saying this! I now feel complete haha I've been forgetting to not be needy for certainty. Letting go of the need to know for sure detaches me from these insights and I can be more open to anything happening. Brilliant. Yes, of course. What a great reminder.
  6. Thanks! These are very good points. Makes sense on an intuitive level.
  7. Thanks, it really makes sense. Yeh, doing it all ?
  8. Thanks for sharing. But don't you think that enlightenment and reaching the highest states of consciousness actually clear out all of these assumptions that solipsists raise? I would rather say that you could see it for yourself and could have answers to these questions? Is solipsism being discussed within the context of non-dual traditions? Why not?
  9. Could you share your insights and experience on how spiritual/consciousness work has influenced you for playing/creating music? For example, does it help you with discipline? / make you more passionate? / make you more creative? Or maybe it has no effect at all?
  10. I heard Leo quite a few times saying he has the realisation of him never been born. He said this insight also occurs in the construct-aware stage. Can someone with the direct experience explain this? As far as I grasping it... okay, so, me as the self is imaginary. Everything about me is an illusion such as my identity, cultural conditioning, personality and the like. These are just agglomeration of thoughts that creates the self. But what about my physical body? Have I sill born as a human being??? So when Leo says he realised he has never been born, does he refers to the illusion of the self as I-thought or also his physical body?
  11. Yes! This is an awesome insight. Music is about expressing emotions. And spirituality allows you to learn, understand and feel your emotions in very nuanced ways.
  12. What methods have made you more creative? Psychedelics / meditation / something else? What would you say is the best method/s to increase your creativity out of many that involve consciousness work?
  13. It's an awesome way of looking at a song ?
  14. I second that. Personally, I had a mind-body insight into understanding that all fear I have, about doing what my heart desire, is illusory. This really changed me by removing the mental stories and limiting believes. I don't feel fear about creating and not being recognised or earn money out of music. I'm detached from the outcomes and feel confident enough to create just for the sake of creating.
  15. @Inliytened1 Thanks ?? When I sit now alone and imagine others, they don't exist for me alone or at all? What about hearing cars passing... obviously someone is driving so it can't be that others don't exist at all? Is it then correct to say that we all exist as separate perception bubbles in one field? And I'm that field?
  16. So, basically, whether I think, hence imagine, or have a direct experience with others, both ways this is imagination from a God's perspective? However, I don't have a POV as God, at least not yet. So from my current stage of development, is it normal to have what I'm having as I wrote in the thread? Or this is somehow a distorted way of looking from my perspective?
  17. @alden Thanks for sharing. What do you mean by fear-based? How have you written and produced based on fear? What has been the fear about?
  18. Does the dream exist when I awake? No. Does life exist when I 'die'? No. Niiice.
  19. What does then? / what are your methods of increasing your baseline state?
  20. Psychedelics actually allow you to experience the illusory nature of beliefs. What you thought is real and unchangeable, you can see that it's actually malleable and not fixed. I don't get new beliefs from my trips. I get rid of them slowly. What I get are insights about my nature and life which are different from beliefs.
  21. But the birth still happened, right? That's how I came about as this body? It's just that all of this had happened within this imaginary reality we call life? This is very very helpful. I actually remember when I experienced ego-death. It wasn't only my identity that died but the whole reality merged into the void. When I came back I didn't realise I have a body... I had to touch and see myself to rediscover I have a body.