Evil Raccoon

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Everything posted by Evil Raccoon

  1. Red?! Are u serious??? Also blue, he was a Jehova's witness in the 80s I think.
  2. @wwhy I see your point but I dunno if NoFap is a sustainable lifestyle man.I don't know if I can resist porn and masturbation forever, one day I'll probably gonna break.And then what? I'll have to do all this work all over again to master NoFap and keep doin the same shit forever? But at the same time I don't wanna go back and undo all my progess, so yeah, I'm a retard.
  3. @mandyjw Haha the famous chimp episode!
  4. You can be a mixture of different colors of the Spiral, I’ve never said I was 100% orange/asshole.But what I do believe is that I’m MOSTLY orange.
  5. How's that even possible?? You're the ONLY person I know that doesn't get negatively affected by porn then.
  6. Oh cuz you don't think not rotting your brain with porn wouldn't help with spirituality?
  7. Imo that's too dangerous and will backfire on you.
  8. MJ was so green.Always loved him tho.
  9. Sex isn't bad and porn isn't what sex is supposed to be.
  10. I wanna do the whole "getting laid with as many hot girl as possible" stage orange thing. That depends what type of woman u're talking about, which again brings us to Spiral Dynamics.It's your VALUES that determines what u want in life.(in this case the type of partner you're looking for, which is just a reflection of your own values basically). Agree on that one. You know all this shit cuz u're more spiritually evolved than most ppl I guess.Most girls are not into this whole self-actualization thing therefore they themselves are toxic and are blind to all this.I still think I should't listen to girls when it comes to dating tho.
  11. @Gesundheit Illusioned and disillusioned? What are u talking about?
  12. I know, I've mentioned it in my post.Plus, I've had a period in my life when I was more stage green (I was a vegan, eating healthy, detoxifying from mainstream culture etc) where I wasn't an asshole but I was still learning on how to become a better man and everything.More a hero than an anti-hero (at least that's what I thought I was).But then I've had an ego backlash and I'm back to the Dark Side ever since. Hell yeah. I wud say undesired, misunderstood, angry and sometimes sad.
  13. I've NEVER said I wasn't a needy guy.I said I was a badboy.Being a badboy ALWAYS masks insecurity.But it has its qualities and it's better than being a stereotypical nice guy (who is also needy minus the balls).
  14. Nah. Sure, so that no one knows how to interact with the opposite sex and we end up with a population with no sex life like what's happening in Japan?
  15. Yes I'm a chimp like I've said. Well most people are unauthentic, that includes girls.And also me of course.
  16. @mandyjw I don't mean to be misogynistic or anything like that, but I don't think I should listen to you regarding this topic.(it is said in the dating advice world that women are not the proper people to get advice from when it comes to knowing what women want in a man since they don't have the same understanding of their psychology as a man needs to have). Sorry Mandy, I luv you tho.
  17. Isn't that what ALL successful players do? How can inauthentic women smell my inauthenticity?
  18. Sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll at its finest! There you go.
  19. I don’t think it’s possible to use porn and not be addicted to it.It releases WAY too much dopamine.That’s because reproduction is crucial to our survival on a primal level.Sexual desire is too powerful homie.
  20. I’ve already said it was multiple streaks of a few months (and also weeks but I don’t really count weeks as streaks).I relapsed MANY times on my journey, it was awfully hard man.(no pun intended)
  21. That wasn’t really true for me.Let me explain.Back in my PMO days, what motivated me to go seek girls WAS porn! Except that what I didn’t know is that there’s a difference between porn and real sex and that’s why I couldn’t have an erection in bed unless I was thinking about porn yet wanted to sleep with girls 24/7 cuz I was a fucking pervo with all these dirty fantasies in my mind.In summary, I expected real sex to be like porn but that never worked and now that I’ve had experienced my real sexual desire instead of porn images in my head I understand why.Porn and sex are two different experiences. I know bro I’ve learned how to do pick up and shit.But still, NoFap is supposed to make you even MORE attractive than the average player.
  22. @Chumbimba I know homie...Can u tell me about your experience with NoFap? (streaks, changes you’ve noticed etc)
  23. @Someone here Honestly, yes.There’s a lot of information about semen preservation all over the internet that made me believe that.Ppl who are claiming they’re doin it and getting results are stage green ppl why would they lie?
  24. Well, if it doesn’t give me the benefits I expected why should I keep going?