Evil Raccoon

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Everything posted by Evil Raccoon

  1. By stage blue dweebs yes, to orange and above no.
  2. @EntheogenTruthSeeker No.
  3. How to have sex without busting?
  4. @mandyjw Comedy often goes hand-in-hand with vulgarity/profanity/chimptum imo, look at Howard Stern for example.
  5. By "most girls" I mean girls that are either orange or orange/green (but who are still chimps) and even blue/orange ones that are modern enough/not too religious. I thought that by being a badboy I wud get all the chicks but it dosen't seem to work since most girls are either not interrested in me or find me obnoxious/too arrogant.And I have game, I'm not just savagely hitting on girls like a fucking ape without any pick up techniques.Of course some girls like me and shit (I'm no dweeb, I've got laid before) but I'm still far away from being a Casanova.Why is that? Don't nice guys finish last? I know that you don't have to either be a total asshole or a beta nice guy but since we live in a society that is mostly stage orange (thus glorifying that badboy/alpha male image of masculinity) isn't being a douchebag the most effective way to get laid? Plus, since I've decided to be a chimp and not persue the Hero's Journey, I feel like not being bad wouldn't be authentic to me.So what should I do? Pretending to not be sexually thirsty/faking being a nice person just to get some pussy? To me that's even WORSE than being an asshole!
  6. LMAO u made my day homie.
  7. @Rasheed Ok.But dude I’m scared of ejaculating by accident while having sex and I’m scared of watching porn by accident while being drunk since I’m planning on doin the whole sex, drugs and rock’n’roll lifestyle.
  8. Then why have u stopped doin it??
  9. Then why am I being rejected like a piece of shit?
  10. Used to do that a lot when I was a teenager.
  11. @Amandine Not really, I'm more preocuped with getting laid, success and other material shit like that. It's still interresting to me tho.
  12. @Amandine I don’t necessarily wanna be where he is and I honestly don’t see the point.It would probably take me my whole life anyways.
  13. @Leo Gura I feel like the more “angelic” a person appears to be, the more fucked up this person truely is.
  14. @Leo Gura Well, if he really did these things I didn’t know it was possible for a person to have colors from the spiral that are that far away from each other and seem so opposite (in this case red/green).Like how could someone molest kids and then sing Heal The World/We Are The World/Man In The Mirror and do humanitarian things and shit? Looks schizophrenic to me.Maybe human beings are more “weird” and complex than I thought..
  15. Are u 100% sure? Like I’ve u done research and everything about that whole story?
  16. @Leo Gura He didn’t really molest children.In short it was a plot made against him by the parents of the children (who were fucked up people) for his money.
  17. @Etherial Cat I’m 24, why?
  18. @Etherial Cat I know that’s why I precised what type of girls I was talking about (their position on the spiral).
  19. @modmyth A jerk basically.Arrogant, vulgar, macho, cocky, super confident (at least from the front), brash, extremely sexual and so on.