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Everything posted by Kshantivadin

  1. @Adodd Deadlifts and squats.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation! I solely got the impression that there is either repression of Red qualities or simply not seeing how beautiful movement in the form of a duel (and duel itself) is.
  3. Duel-type activities are deeply masculine. I don't understand how you're missing it. Related to the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKRQBl8cap4
  4. @PurpleTree this photo is one of the most influential photos in history
  5. Experiencing a similar stream at the moment. What comes to feel even truer is that nothing ever was. Painfully hard to wrap your head around. Then I come back to believe in the old habitual, ingrained grasping patterns. Ignorance hurts.
  6. Thank you for this post. Good video.
  7. @bloomer love the vid hahahahaha.
  8. @Salvijus Keep cumming and we'll keep killing it in life when you get bored and see how much fun we're having, come join us
  9. Have you done 90 days of "hardmode" (no sex, no stimuli, no touching, no fantasizing)?
  10. Semen retention has been done by spiritual masters for thousands of years. No debate there. Most debate is merely a justification of attachment to pleasure and comfort and a rationalisation of unwholesome habits and a lack of discipline.
  11. I took a quarter of ar last year but I have no referential experience as I've only done MDMA. It was very intense. I went into a green environment to meditate. Psychedelic.
  12. 1 hour before bed, make a good infrastructure for it (tech off, reading light on, brew yourself some tea, sit in your "reading chair"). works wonders. you don't have to read every minute of the timeframe. just show up. it will brush off on your entire reading life, not just in that timeframe. you will read a lot more 3 months from now if you try this.
  13. I was referring to the mindset that's the godlike mindset
  14. NNN is every month of the year. No need to hold up because we've already overcome it!
  15. AYYYYY NEW LEO DATING VID DROPPED time to burn through some sexy karma
  16. 3 months vegan and it's simple as this: eat more you skinny fu...n lover! Peanut butter is easy protein high calories. All types of nuts too. Tahini. Soy meat. I train hard and people consider me jacked and I certainly don't lack protein. p.s. store-bought tahini makes no sense and both tahini and PB are way cheaper homemade.
  17. Every month is NNN. You're not alone.
  18. @Carl-Richard Think of it like this. A new, substantially different experience enters the dynamic system (eg psychosis, mystical experience, qualitatively different states of mind). If Blue is not exhausted regarding occult phenomena, that's where it will lock itself in and will interpret it through the lense of Blue. Spiraling up the stages must be holistic, otherwise it's a house of cards. A person can be "100% Green" with absolutely no shred of the lower stages in familiar experiences, then bam, shit hits the fan, something completely new happens - and the person is not evolved enough to have a Green experience of it.
  19. @silkcat Some argue that it's practice for the moment of death. You are the truth on the absolute level, but vastly different levels of consciousness and different levels of attainment exist on the relative plane. What Leo said - do you want a good life or a shitty life?
  20. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  21. This isn't transmuting. It's putting a lid, deadening sexuality. Transmutation means free flow of energy. This is a common trap us retainers tend to fall into. I know how hard it can be to tame the beast, so it's best to just shackle it, chop its head off. Not a healthy attitude towards sex. Vibrancy is allowing your sexuality to breathe, its blood to flow. Otherwise, you will just feed the beast. I wouldn't even write this comment if I hadn't felt that it was very important to tell you that this attitude can be dangerous. A healthy attitude towards sex and sexuality is even more important to us who don't have a means of release. Please consider this, even if just for a second.
  22. Massive respect for starting the work this early. I started around your age too. I feel like the following period of your life is going to be a period of massive changes and transitions, especially if you're doing personal development, so much that the "searching for yourself" shouldn't be your priority. Instead, I would visualise the 30 year-old you and what he would want the current you to do. Which problems would just dissolve if you knew who you were? To find the authentic self, layers have to be peeled. Parts of the work are straightforward (but not easy): you encounter a thought, a feeling, an action that doesn't feel right. It doesn't resonate with your being. You examine it and where it comes from - is it family conditioning, society, trauma, or something else. Ask yourself this: who do I need to become to know the answer to this question? Go and do those things. Experience is invaluable. A relationship might, for example, get you to know yourself and what you want more than any personal development work. Best of luck and much love!
  23. @EntheogenTruthSeeker I lived alone for a year and now I'm able to live with my family again. Consider this. The factors of personal growth, the distance, time off, them being happy to just have you back again, etcetc all add up to a pretty decent cohabitation atm Battling your family is mostly battling yourself. But, a change of place is non-negotiable . Just know that it doesn't have to be permanent unless the family is super toxic. The downside is that you can't have naked girls walking around your house when you come back