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Everything posted by Germo

  1. One who has sugar addiction cant very much drink "juices of fresh fruits " its a plain sugar, what detoxing is this?
  2. I dont know, she looks not so healthy, why would i take advice from her? Maybe she is vegan?
  3. Is this place scam, or many of these "detox" clanse programs? Like heay metals and such, i havent read any experience that seem trusty, some payd testimonal videos online. Anyone experience?
  4. There are so much those "setox" programs, is it really legit? And whats ur experience on the cleansing on heavy metals- I dont know, its all huge business on sellin supplments that makes us "super human" - Would be nice to hear real stories, any trustful sources? Most of them drink "juice" that is sugar, so its like they take orange and squeeze out the liquid and calling it "detox" protocol... ohh
  5. Ahh its all "buzzword". Why isnt anyone taölk about it, if that really make world of difference? For some reasons, people always quote someone elses experiences online. I also want to hear that is everyone actually done "detox" on heavy metals and so on? And i did read this superman diet page, and it seems too good to be true. Maybe iam overly sceptical, ofc its needed.
  6. Find your meditation seat - Nadi Sodhana (3 - 12 rounds) - Ujjayi Pranayama (6 - 12 rounds) - Talabya Kriya (10 - 20 rounds) - Om Japa out loud (3 rounds initially) - Om Japa mentally (3 then 6 rounds finally) - Concentration (10 - 20 minutes) Is this the right scedule, and how long i gotta do that before moving to 1 kriya? Or how the all practice should look like for beginner? Should one perform all the preparatory excersises at minimum reps ?
  7. @Conscious life EFT & Matrix Reimprinting?
  8. Hi actualized family!! Can 5 tibetians excersises can be done combined with kriya yoga? Or in other form of yogas, 5 tibetians excersises can be very powerful. If anyone has experience, let me please know
  9. Do you like video games, i think they can be fun sometimes. I dont play any videogames myself, iam gym rat or whatever other distractions we find .
  10. What type of neurofeedback?
  11. Hmm, how do we do heavy metal detoxes? I have heard about that, but not sure what is that all about ?
  12. Seems intresting
  13. What has being I see these kind of fiction videos youtube all the time.. Being vegan makes you spirutal and all that ... So much identification takes to the extremes... Actually when i seen vegans, they look kind of exhausted and tired, note those who have followed 5+ years. And its actually quiet high carb, sugary way of eating, i dont know if thats healthy + all the stricting and its like some kind of religion.. But what i have read and heard on internet, carnivore followers claim to have good health and mental clarity:) Seems intresting
  14. Start with maybe cutting down the need for surfing online, social media checking, and need for " reasearching more" . Coz what i feel on my experience, the more i do these things, my mind gets more distracted and unfocused. Too much stimulation "crap" we but in our minds.. its hard to get that crap out ..I mean, as example : how many books do we need to read about meditation, or self improvment really? We gotta but work in and experience, feel it, concrntration will improve, if we dont obsessively look for information, thats my 2 cents..maybe u disagree
  15. Its a topic that is intresting and ofcourse its very individual. I want to ask if everyone is experiencing the same. Since i am doing different forms of meditations, Whim hof breathing, and also cold shower i tend to sleep less between 4-6 hours. After waking up i feel fresh and rested. I also do use mouth taping at night, and try to be conscious of my breathing in daily basis (nasal breathing), where i just slow it down and then pay antention on exhaling (pause). Okay, so these small changes can cut down sleep quota. I know that some people, or even science claim that we "need" to get 7-8 hours of sleep. And some people are worryng how to sleep more. But it would be intresting actually how to rest and spend less time on sleeping, while getting rest and feel good. And yes, diet or time shceduled eating can have huge impact on sleep, when we consume less calories, or doing intermittent fasting. Anyway, if we keep it with ease, we have more energy and resources, it means less sleep is needed, right so? I hope it makes sense, my shitty English skills ... Greetings from Finland !
  16. Try out yoga nidra excersise, its guided meditation, and its very effective to calm down the nervious system. There are some guided yoga nidra videos on youtbube.