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About Denys

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  • Birthday 10/01/1991

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  1. Where did hi say that?
  2. @Sincerity @UnbornTao don't you know guys if Leo is working on a paid course? He has gone with no explanations, he could have posted at least 3 minutes video on what's going on. Yeah, I'm re-watching his videos but I'd like to have new ones
  3. I've watched all of them, some for several times. Really waiting for more. Regarding Ken Willber: I notice that my understanding of his works goes in layes/degrees as I reread his books once in a while.
  4. Leo, just feed us quickly with another video please, and we will be ok))) We were waiting for a month for you.
  5. So you actually saying Ken is wrong in this case? And if yes, then why? I think you might use the word "metaphysics" in a different meaning, though.
  6. Well basically it says that instead of thinking that there are something that just exists and we may discover it (yet interpret in many ways), we should consider that there are nothing but perspectives. That means in order to get something we should take a specific perspective and look at specific "realm" then, we'll "summon" a looked phenomena. I'm probably using not authentic terms as I was reading in not in English language and need to translate. So Willber says that ontology is substituted with perspectives and epistemology is substituted with prescriptions (steps one should take to see a phenomena).
  7. Hi guys, hi @Leo Gura. Ken Willber in his book Integral spirituality suggests a new concept called Integral postmetaphysic. He claims that it helps to get rid of ontology and epistemology (and not needed baggage of metaphysic). But can this concept be itself considered as another epistemology? After all, isn't it a new way of getting knowledge?
  8. Why do you even take this shit then... oh... Okay, this is a rhetorical question. But Leo, 5-MeO is fucking strong. What about mushrooms or LSD? How come it sometimes doesn't have affect? Does it affect you at this point?
  9. Leo, guys, thanks a lot for answering. I think I got the main idea.
  10. The thing is I know 2 enlightened masters (turquoise level of spiral dynamic + causal and non-dual states). One of them tried psilocybin mushrooms 2 times and they didn't affect him at all. Another one said that LSD didn't affect him. I have no more information (about doses, etc). They explain it by saying they already have the same state of consciousness the LSD and mushrooms can give. Is there a better explanation?
  11. I'm rewatching Leo's videos about dualities. In part 1 he gives some nice examples of how some dualities collapses to something of higher order, and it becomes Absolute. Like Absolute Love, Absolute Beauty, Absolute Should etc. And now I'm a little confused, cannot solve the next thing: those Absolute things seems to be dualities too, right? Like Absolute Love is distinguishable from Absolute Should, and it is a duality. So, it seems like in this logic, an Absolute becomes a duality. Dual Absolute, how come? @Leo Gura thanks for an answer man and all your work, it changes my life.
  12. Well but it seems to become circular logic. So we say there is nothing to prevent Nothing to transform to something. And then we say that there is also nothing to push Nothing to transform to something. But again, why it transforms then? So we got to the first question: why Nothing becomes something? On the one hand there is nothing to limit it but there is also nothing to push it. Well, I don't even pretend to be fully conscious of Nothingness of the reality, not my level yet, really. But I just want to understand your logic here, Leo. Since this is the first video where I kind of doesn't agree with your logic (and your logic is perfect in all other videos from my point of view). And I really want to understand it
  13. Leo has an amazing video called "Why there is something rather than Nothing": I got a brain orgasm from his inside - when there is Nothing it means that there is also nothing to stop or prevent Nothing to become something. But then I got a second thought that doesn't allow me to sleep since the video was released. And my thought is: what would push Nothing to become something? So according to Leo logic, when there is Nothing, what would push Nothing to transfrom into something? Why wouldn't Nothing remain Nothing?
  14. I live in Kyiv. I tried to order from Poland, they said they can't send it as Ukraine won't allow to import it.