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Everything posted by Maxman

  1. I know what my life purpose is. I want to be a yoga teacher. But working on that first requires a lot of learning and practice myself. Till then, how do I start earning? I have two options. 1) A secure 9 to 5 job which gives me steady and good pay. So maybe I can work on my life purpose in the remaining time of the day and weekends. 2) Freelancing/passive income methods like blogging or youtubing/business/stock trading - Here I'll have to start low. Learn new skills. The pay won't be steady. Chances are some months I won't make enough to survive. Also learning stuff about my life purpose requires money to attend classes, coaching etc. Not sure if I'll be able to make that much through freelancing. So the dilemma is : What is worse? Lack of time and freedom as is in the case of the secure job or lack of steady and good pay (enough to pay for my learning expenses)? Though I know even in freelancing if I work smart and take wise decisions and learn from my mistakes, I will be able to make more money that I would in the 9 to 5 job. But then again there's the risk of failure. I don't want to get so caught up in survival when freelancing that I don't get money and even time to work on my life purpose. I am 24 and this would be the first time I'd be working to earn. Would I have enough energy and time to work on my life purpose after I come home from my 9 to 5 job? If I choose freelancing, will I be able to earn enough money and would I be left with time to work on my life purpose? What do I do? Which of the 2 options is more conducive for me being able to work on my life purpose?
  2. What videos of have helped you deal with OCD?
  3. This is what I was needed to be reminded of. I keep forgetting that this is the way I should be going about it because I am hijacked by sexual urges and desperation most of the time.