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Everything posted by Adodd

  1. Do you know why? Its because of the NUTRIENTS that we could easily get ahold of during winter by hunting and eating meat while crops and whatnot weren't growing. No doubt it was a very important time in human evolution but I dont think anyone is talking about back then. It is now 2021and we can get ahold of any nutrient without animal products with a quick trip to the grocery. We can eat bananas in winter now! It's amazing really. Such a sad mindstate? You can help stop countless amounts of suffering and potentially irreversible destruction to the enviornment. But it's EASIER to do what your used to. Think a bit deeper about it.
  2. Einstein mentioned every moment of time happens at the exact same time but we look at it totally differently. If all moments are the same moment there wouldnt need to beginning.
  3. @Ernest Werbel I just watched and enjoyed this whole video but the 3rd question on this is related to what your talking about.( I think) Check it out.
  4. Fuck. I've been really busting my ass lately. I wake up earlier. I run 5 days a week(started maybe a month ago). I'm taking Leo's life purpose course finally after procrastinating about it so long(started maybe a month ago). I have been reading regularly. I have quit cigarettes (2 years) and alcohol (1 years). I have been more mindful. My love for life has skyrocketed. But the last week ive been feeling like shit. I feel insignificant and stupid. Sometimes I even get the urge to hurt myself. I haven't felt like this since middle school. It feels like the more constructive I become and the more I accomplish the more confident I become while somehow simultaneously becoming more insecure. Should I push through this or do I need a break? I dont want a break. But I dont want to break either. As cliche as it sounds its almost like I'm split into two identities or personas or something and theres no telling which one I'll identify with at any given point. I can simultaneously be the most confident ive ever been and be the most insecure ive ever been.
  5. @aforalegria you seem to have a strange view for someone who was vegan for years. You're definitely right about it being sometimes aggressively pushed but this can be said about most things. There is a difference in the horrible cycle of constant unnecessary suffering and killing due to the overconsumption of meat. High Meat consumptuon is the main cause for heart disease(worlds most common cause of death) making it the number 1 reason for death of animals AND humans. If we all stopped eating meat and started eating vegatables we would NOT use more land man. Almost all of the fields and land used for farming are used to feed and raise the livestock raised for our meat consumption?. In the United States alone, 56 million acres of land are used to grow feed for animals, while only 4 million acres are producing plants for humans to eat. Yes death is a part of nature. But show me anywhere in nature where one species of animal enslaves, entraps, mass murders, abuses AND mass breeds other animals all while destroying the planet's land, oceans and air. Thats not natural, Cabbage IS natural. Has nothing to do with "fearing death".?
  6. Use the machine if you are vaporizing. Why do we hear so little about N N dmt but so much avout 5 meo?
  7. How does one experience Samadhi? What practices are helpful?
  8. I'm sure ypuve heard people pn this forum mention using OneNote. I recommend the same.
  9. All of my friends are gone now. By my choice I cant relate to them as much anymore and quit enjoying being around them. As far as finding new like-minded friends I think depends a lot on location. Its probably much easier in India than a small city in Indiana or whatever. If you have yoga or meditation classes around you, that might be a good way to at least meet new people. I have been friendless for a couple years now and just enjoy the company of my kids and wife. It also gives me a chance to enjoy time alone occasionally. They say if you live to be 100 years old you will be able to count all of the real friends you ever had on one finger. So dont spend to much time worrying about having friends.
  10. It depends. I agree with the stoic views on suicide. The best end to a good life is a good death. If I am ever at the point where I ACTUALLY have nobody who is dependent on me and most of my family is dead and i get something like cancer I beleive i would head down to a woods or something and just appreciate how great life has been and take myself out while I'm still in good mind. Ending life with no recolection of it and in intense pain is always another option.
  11. Read The War of Art.
  12. You should make a seperate post about how to properly use psychedelics and how to avoid the potential traps. Surely a lot of people on this forum cpuld benefit from that. Maybe myself included.
  13. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would've recommend 2 grams at first.
  14. @cle103 if you make it yourself you will know whats in it. *Also I am NOT telling you to make your own unless it is legal where you live and you know what you're doing.
  15. You are correct only if you are assuming that the doctor is a good doctor. Where I live methadone and suboxone are handed put like candy. Everyone here quit doing heroin and started doing them because its a similar high to heroin but provided for free by a doctor. Seriously people have stopped overdosing on heroin and started overdosing on this "helpful" legaly acquired "medicine". Yes it can be used to get past the heroin/opiate withdrawal but what ends up happening is people just end up withdrawing on the meds instead and im pretty positive the withdrawal from heroin is MORE mellow than the subs/methadone that are supposed to get people better. What has happened is simple. Big pharma has became a dependable drug supplier. They know things are like this but will not stop because they are making too much money. Idk i think it must be more popular where I live.
  16. Sounds a LOT more like he died from mixing drugs. Horrible story to hear but seriously just from reading her post I could comfortably assume that there was more to it than he just hit 5 meo once and fell over stone dead. Sorry but a girlfriend mourning the death of her boyfriend and trying to make sense of everything would probably not have the most objective theory.
  17. Scientific fact: Train-Meet virginia is on EVERYONE'S playlist.
  18. "I am responsible for every aspect of my life." @X_X Have you seen Leo's video on affirmations?
  19. I ALWAYS feel great after a jog. I do t have any woods near me but i have a school with a quarter mile track close by. I like to go late at night. Its quiet. Just me and the track.
  20. After telling myself I was going to run a mile(no matter what) all day and getting dressed to walk to the outdoor track at a school close to my home it started pouring fucking cats and dogs(around 9pm). Thunder, the whole deal. 45 degrees and windy. I went anyway. The excuses were bountiful and easy. But I went anyway. It felt liberating to to choose to do something even though it couldnt have been easier to talk muself out of it. I will do that more.