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Everything posted by Adodd

  1. @Alissa worry about toothpaste less. Btw the flouride is in you water also.
  2. @Preety_India random and off topic but did you draw your profile picture?
  3. Ok i gotcha. Misunderstood you. I get that marriage has to be legal. Thats all marriage is. Which brings me back to the question of why a couple simply involving themselves in this legal marriage system would somehow make both partners less likely to suffer from depression. Seems strange that it has any effect at all.
  4. So having laws that can cover childrens ass on case of divorce is the reason married people experience less depression. Idk. Doesnt make sense to me. And of cpurse I'm talkong about from an emotional stand point I'm talking about depression and love. Idk. I just dont see it.
  5. EXACTLY! Its just legal. Who needs legal recognition to be commited to someone they love? I'm not saying your wrong btw. I think im the odd one and most would agree with you. Just dont get it. I would say if someone cant be fully commited before the government recognizes their relationship they shouldnt even be considering marraige to begin with. I do plan on getting married. Not becuase I want to commit or want her to be commited to me but because we already are!
  6. @Preety_India@ Hmm. This is not my experience. definitely not always? I have none of this. I kind of agree but why? I'm trying to imagine what it is about signing a paper and getting a ring that would make an already commited relationship stronger
  7. Ive gotten into Sri ramana maharshi and h9s teachings lately. nto I can quote the greates yogis and could explain it well with pretty words to others if I wanted to. Ive read the books. Blah blah it all does me no good really. How can reality not be a subject-object reality? I am thinking to much I know but I havent been able to think about anything else for a few days. What is my sense of self than? My sense of self doesnt fit in with this at all. And this sense of seld is undeniable even when deep in meditation... On the bright side, I am motivated to start a kriya yoga practice now which i have been procrastinating about for months.
  8. Do all of the Hindus and buddhists who claim enlightenment seem to realize this truth.
  9. Universal perception perceiving itself/ its self? I haven't seen that one. I'll watch it tonight.
  10. Who's sense perception? "My"sense of perception? How is this not seperate from your sense perceptions?
  11. @Mason Riggle I understand your explanation. I understand the concepts. But its so difficult to really make much out of the explanations when an explanation has to be of things like cups or other outer things that I see as seperate from me. I clearly understand the outside and inside of the cup are just two labels I came up with for the single cup. I still dont feel like the cup. I guess I'm trying to understand nonduality from a dual perspective. Idk.
  12. @Moksha Sounds beautiful. How did you expand your consciousness to the point of this direct realization? Yes I have listened to Leo talk about some practices that can help. What did you do? Something different? Meditation? Psychedelics? Just curious. You say that afterwards life is different. So when you had this realization you kept it permanently and it was NOT a fleeting experience? I have had experiences where I would think "AHA I KNOW THE TRUTH NOW! THIS IS IT!" And within hours it's gone and I am speaking of it in the past tense.?
  13. @Leo Gura If I said anything right now besides "I don't know" I would be lying. I find myself stuck in the middle lately and don't know what the fuck is really going on anymore?
  14. As have I. Have you directly realized this truth?
  15. @impulse9 hmm. Gonna have to THINK about that ??
  16. I'm not a scholar. The king James bible translation is enough to give me a headache. So preferably something simpler to read. Paramahansa Yogananda's translation was both recommended to read and recommended to stay away from.
  17. Does this necessarily mean his translation of the bhagavad gita isn't accurate? Serious question.
  18. @Eternal Unity holy hell? what a story! Thank you for sharing
  19. I have had 5 stays and I didnt get treated inhumanely but i witnessed the inhumane treatment of a couple other patients and this was in a teenage ward. Got forced a ton of medication every single time though.
  20. @Eternal Unity isn't that ABOUT the Bhagavad Gita and not an actual translation of it? Or have I been misinformed?