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@SgtPepper You know I cant really prove any of that. Dont get me wrong in not making it up, I could come up with multiple articles that back up what I say all day but I could also find articles that say the opposite. Me stating these things is based on one side of the research and personal experience. I cant get you belief or understanding from personal experience. Give a try and get personal experience is all i can tell you. Go vegan for 1 month and I'm confident you would agree with at least half of those things. If I'm wrong rub it in my face. Of course these things are so case by case that we probably wont agree on them all and im.not claiming going vegan is a Guarantee for every single one of those things for every single person. Excluding good health. If you are eating a proper vegan diet (proper! Not Oreos and processed food) you will have better health. What do you think being vegan is excluding from your diet? Cholesterol, not much else.(unless ypu have certain underlying health problems of course)
Haha fair enough. I guess I didnt explain myself well. I dont really think being vegan "raises" your consciousness . I think that veganism is choosing to acknowledge the suffering, health problems, and damage to the planet that we are causing with our diets. I think ignoring these things because your culture told you too or because you don't care is a low conscious decision. Leo is doing neither of these things he is aware of what is going on but has health problems and he has different health and nutritional needs. I am glad he is finding what works for him and happy for anyone else in a similar health situation as him. But thats not most people. I dont think the world should become vegan thats ridiculous. But most of us in developed countries certainly could become healthy vegans and make a huge difference to most life on the planet in doing so. You see no trolling from me anywhere on this forum.
@Gregory1 @Danioover9000 @Farnaby @DefinitelyNotARobot Also in case im the only who heard, the untied nations just released a code red for the survival of humanity and animal agriculture is the main cause. Willingly contributing to this because you want your diet to be less healthy and more dependent on suffering because your culture programmed you this way doesnt seem very much like "high consciousness behavior". Please call me out if I'm wrong. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2019/04/04/meat-and-agriculture-are-worse-for-the-climate-than-dirty-energy-steven-chu-says/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiytZfspr3yAhXNVs0KHSrhA4IQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw00NtPdqDSb3wXxhKEskKdq&cf=1
@SgtPepper Less chance of depression Less stress and anxiety Better sex life Slowed cognitive decline and lower chance of dementia Better physical health No these are not the same as consciousness but raising your consciousness will surely be a bit easier for if your less, stressed, depressed or physically and mentally not the healthiest you COULD be either.
@Gregory1 So you will completely ignore leo talking about his unusual health problems that stop him from eating a vegan diet that he said would be the ideal diet if he could? Whos really ignoring facts to make a point here?
haha? @hamedsf Where did you get this info? Lmao you are joking right? I know this is just an online forum man but quit spreading false information. Theres plenty of that floating around already. You clearly have very little understanding of nutrition.this is a common misconception because soy contains plant estrogen but plant estrogen is different at both the molecular and clinical levels from the human hormone estrogen. Stop lettting your gym bros convince you they are nutrionists. And while I dont know you so i may very well ve speaking out of my ass but id bet if you and I went to the gym youd have a hell of a time trying to keep up with this soyboy ? https://iamherbalifenutrition.com/health-and-wellness/soy-for-men/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://nutrition.arizona.edu/news/2018/08/3-soy-myths-debunked&ved=2ahUKEwiYwcTGnr3yAhUIFjQIHRM2B5U4ChAWegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1fSt0Px4th5WcgBcmleDxb
Supplements cause more acute liver failure cases than all other reasons combined. Workout and weight loss supplements are the main culprits and a lot of even the big brands also contain heavy metals like arsenic and lead . RESEARCH your supps!
I have been having insights about my childhood and uncovering memories from my teenage years and after breaking through some big barriers I find myself stuck in the same mindset i had back than. Depressed, dark awful thoughts. I react to everything. I feel like exploding over things that I wouldnt normally care about. I thought that I was past these things and thought having these realizations would help in this area. It's like I had a realization of something from 8 years old and now I'm feel like im 8 again. Not age wise but how I felt emotionally at 8. At least now I am aware of it unlike back then. Has anyone else had this experience.
Adodd replied to Adodd's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting. How exactly is this excercise helpful? I've been doing quite the opposite. -
According to him all addictions root from the same place so it makes it even more odd for an ex addict to say not to trust someone who is an ex addict because they arent known for their wisdom. Maybe it was just a quick response not as deeply thought out or as condescneding as it seemed but it does seem that way.
Adodd replied to Adodd's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@taotemu you're so right. A couple weeks ago while deep in thought I realized theres nothing wrong with me and that really kind of fucks with me. It was such a beautiful experience when i uncovered it. I realized why I always thought I needed to change who I was and how i felt as a child and teenager and even now as an adult. Even though it sounds great to realize I'm not broken, it is scary in way. Because i dont know what life is like with this being a known truth. Its like I'm having thoughts that i dont even think, just to convince myself that I'm wrong and there really IS something wrong with me. Yes i know how assbackwards this is but I dont know. It changes so much and I know I'm trying to stay in my comfort zone of feeling broken. I'm not saying I WANT to be broken but I want to be in a familiar space and for me feeling fucked up is what's familiar. I cant think of any priar point of my life where I didnt feel that way. I know thats fucked up but I can clearly see it. I'm just trying to fight it I guess -
Adodd replied to Adodd's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm sure this is temporary but is this going to happen everytime I break through a barrier? That makes me unsure about continuing. -
@EntheogenTruthSeeker What are you passionate about?
So is it safe to assume you're activity level is pretty low? Id say adderal and cigarettes and caffiene frequently are a sure fire way to never have lasting energy. You need the natural energy but if your used to stimulants to make you move when you dont have them you dont want to move. Start weaning off of them. You will have no energy but every week force yourself to do a bit more than the week before. You will backside but thats just a part of it. Its a hard rut to get out of but nonetheless pretty simple
Adodd replied to Twega's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Twega do you mean the whole trip only lasted 40-50 mins? Did you feel any lower than normal the next day? LSD makes me in a very low mood for a few days after. I wonder if this would potentiate that as well. -
Adodd replied to Twega's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Works great with dmt and doubles the effects of psilocybin in my experience. Wont help with lsd though? -
@Twega has the right advice. Daily creatine is safe and cheap and can be taken in pill form or a flavorless powder form which is easy to add to drinks or food. As he said it is the most researched supplement and I highly doubt you will have any negative side effects UNLESS you dont drink enough water. You should really be consuming a bit more water on creatine.
Bingo. Thats why I say people who have never had to attain that wisdom just to live are lucky. Its a kind of a mixed blessing Proud of you for recovering! And now helping others achieve that is awesome. Its always inspiring to see that.
@The0Self Exactly. To become free of a hard addiction takes a unique learning and understanding deep things about yourself that most people dont have to learn. I live in a place with drug abuse everywhere and I've seen it first-hand. Of course most are never able to get that far and die as addicts. The ones who break free live with a certain knowledge/wisdom that most are lucky enough to have never had to obtain just in order to live.
@Leo Gura He doesnt seem to be making wise choices in this area and maybe he just isnt a wise guy. I have no idea who he is so im not sticking up for him really but why should we EXPECT someone to not be wise just because they were once an addict? You come off as more condescending every month that passes the last few months. So much more of this than usual. So many people seem to be feeling the same lately. I have always been one to actually understand you when others would get offended by you or whatever but damn. There's surely recovering drug addicts on this forum. Surely some wise ones as well. What's been going on lately Leo? GENUINLY curious. Not being hateful, just disappointing amd confusing to see if I'm being honest.
@Twega are you taking workput supps? I am taking vitamins I just do research first but am havong a tougher time finding any third party testing info on preworkouts and protien powders. I'm specifically interested in avoiding heavy metals and BPA because I will probably be taking them fairly long term.
Guess we were actually both wrong. "prescription and over-the-counter drugs (OTC) and dietary supplements cause more acute liver failure cases than all other reasons combined" acetaminophen is the most common of these drugs so your right not over half. Thank you for pointing that out. Still an important talk. One study of over 100 different suppulements finds 55% of products are contaminated with toxins like BPA and they virtually all contained heavy metals!
https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/sometimes-drugs-and-liver-dont-mix#:~:text=Data suggest that prescription and,damage caused by dietary supplements. https://www.consumerreports.org/health/liver-damage-from-supplements-is-on-the-rise/?fbclid=IwAR2nG2GRzbSOkQyaBlIgQRPHVg4KqfnuPXE-XL0aW_Xdj5xPljIxoZG4LpE https://www.consumerreports.org/dietary-supplements/heavy-metals-in-protein-supplements/?fbclid=IwAR1sWdlBw8DkHT-o1j5AhQZe3e-2eN8jfiL0GvSfIG3FaL94mQr-S8DoCjE
@Jacobsrw wow dude that leopard is fucking crazy A doodle of mine. Not as good as a lot pf you guys yet but I'm practicing. Creating makes me happy
Martin seligman talks about a study on happiness and love life. This study finds that married people have the least chance of depression and never married people the next least. Followed by people divorced once and THEN people cohabiting. The only group more depressed than people cohabitating is people divorced twice or more!!! This is really surprising to me (been cohabitating with my girlfriend for almost 5 years). What is the difference between marriage and cohabitation really? The government now recognizes you relationship and your credit scores can mesh now? Me and my other half have the same bills, the same bank account, a lot of same interests, and a lot of pther things that getting married would not change. So why such a vast difference between these two groups?