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Everything posted by Adodd

  2. @LSD-Rumi harmalas will not have a synergizing effect on LSD. You will just feel the effects of both. Harmalas synergize more with dmt or mushrooms and potentiate them a lot depending on the person. They also slow the breakdown of the molecule causing a longer trip. I just did this with mushrooms around a month ago and tripped for probably 10 hours. The peak lasted probably 3 hours or so. Be very careful mixing them with dmt or shrooms. They will synergize and create a totaly different experience. Dont assume that just because you can handle mushrooms or nn dmt that you will be able to handle mushrooms or nn dmt and harmalas.For you own sake START SMALL!!!! Also never combine harmalas with 5 meo dmt. Potentially deadly.
  3. I quit smoking weed a month ago after a couple years of daily use. Dont let stoners fool you, the addiction sneaks up on you and it IS addictive. Weed makes me, as well as most people I see who regularly do it, extremely lazy, dull and unmotivated. Do it once or twice a year and youll probably be fine but if you can stay away from it for that long your probably on the road to addiction.
  4. Guys... PLEASE check this one out... Somewhere down the way, there's a hidden place that anyone That all of us could find But our maps have failed, so venture through the veil and realize That these roads are intertwined Far beyond those walls, gleaming black and white Further than our false schemes of wrong and right Is a field where we can walk Leaving all our names behind I will meet you there, beyond the pines Templed in twilight or dawn The light and easy air Tracing the lines on our palms Somewhere down the road is a place that we can go where everyone And everything is divine And when we're all awake, we can finally make and end of these Divisions in our minds
  5. The multiple selfies on his social media asking women to rate how sexy he is... Thats what kinda threw me off. Haha This was a few years ago though. Maybe He's grown. Idk
  6. Trying to ignore strong emotions.?
  7. @SQAAD since going vegan i have not really changed the amount of money I spend on food monthly. It can be more expensive the first month or two if you are using imitation products to help transition. Start vegetarian. Do a lot of research. Don't rush yourself. Remind yourself why youre doing this. Watch documentaries. It's okay to start slowly to make sure your doing something that is going to stick. You will have to try new foods and new recipes. The first few months were a bit overwhelming for me. Its like new territory but dont get discouraged. Youre doing something powerful and compasionate and no longer relying on suffering for food.
  8. I didnt watch the video but what do you mean by healthy? It has whey and casein protien and calcium if thats your definition of healthy. Of course dairy farmers and companies making money from milk sales will tell you its healthy. A lot of studies that claim it is healthy are also funded by these people who live by making money from milk sales. The other studies dont show the same thing and that's probably not a coincidence. A lot of people think they should drink milk or eat dairy for the calcium but the protien in milk is highly acidic. The only acidity neutralizer in your body is calcium so the calcium you get in from milk mostly gets leeched from you system to netrualize acidity. Its not a coincidence that the highest milk conusming countries are also the highest countries in bone fractures, osteoporosis and calcium supplement sales. Tons of good objective research on this out there. I would comfortably say under almost no pbjective circumstances is it healthier than certain plant milks. Also the cruelty behind milk production is nightmarish. Ditch the dairy?
  9. Coming from a vegan.... Smash him instinctively and then call him a "little fucker". Followed by making sure there's no other little fuckers sucking my blood that may also need a smashing.✌?
  10. My most profound and beneficial trips were also the trips with most suffering involved. This is always the case for me. These have been mushrooms and dmt for me. LSD never does much for me spiritually or developmentally. I cant seem to help getting distracted by music or making art or something.
  11. When doing sitting meditation to increase baseline consciousness, is it more effective to do it for a longer time less often or a short time more often? For instance, meditate for 20 minutes 3 times a day or meditate for an hour once a day.
  12. Interesting. This makes sense. I am going to give this a try.
  13. Wouldn't you say sitting meditation is very helpful to pointing to this awareness?
  14. @EmptyVase So a mindfulness practice? I agree and this is my long-term goal to be in a constant state of mindfulness. We'll see what happens though.
  15. @Jakuchu I have seriously considered this. How would you recommend one schedule their days? "Meditating all day" isn't very constructive advice but that's what i normally hear when i ask this.
  16. @SQAAD you may be making an assumption based on your observations of patterns. But you are still ASSUMING based off of observations or past experience. I don't understand your point. How is this not assumption?
  17. I am unfamiliar with Bernardo Kastrup. Does anyone else second that this would be very helpful easier to grasp material for the novice/not God realized? @Leo Gura thoughts? Are you familiar with his teachings?
  18. What kind of meditating are YOU doing? Just curious. Love the user profile picture by the way. A lot of times when people focus on the breath they control the breath. When you become aware of the breath there is a natural tendency to try to control it. Dont control the breath. YOU dont need to take a breath. Watch the body take a breath... naturaly.
  19. @BipolarGrowth Do you chalk that up to a sort of ego backlash? I THINK that's what is contributing to my similar issues. I'm sorry that's how it's been working out for you man.
  20. It can be anywhere from paper white to very dark yellow depending on purity. Things like nmt content and plant fat content affect its color. But its not always yellow. Also not always fluffy. Sometimes is quite waxy depending on the same variables. The "new shoe" smell is the best way to tell in my experience.