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Everything posted by See

  1. @Roy do you happen to know whether or not Leo has tried prolonged fasting?
  2. Caffeine has a long half life in our systems - on average about 6 hours for most people. Because it hinders quality sleep I've heard the sleep expert Matthew Walker recommend that you cease significant consumption 14 hours before you expect to be sleeping. This doesn't offer a very big window for enjoying strongly caffeinated drinks, does it?! This is going slightly at a tangent to the topic, but might be helpful information for some.
  3. Are you yet aware of this proposal by Jeremy Corbyn? I've watched the first part of Leo's 'Conscious Politics' series, and this proposal is claiming to tackle many of the problematic aspects of modern politics as described by Leo. It seems like Corbyn wants to break the revolving door to lessen the links between big business and government. It's a coincidence that I watched Leo's video within the last few days and now there's an announcement of intentions to correct a large aspect of the devilry Leo described...
  4. @Cocolove mentioned a hypothetical situation where you, Leo, were running. It occurs to me that it could be worth voting for someone who won't win if the intention is to demonstrate support and raise awareness. Although this may be seen as foolish because of probable lack of actualization for the election in question, there is the long-term to think about. It could alter the balance in subsequent elections, see (), or have other unforseen affects in the nearer term if support is demonstrated. This is my first post here. I hope it's OK to revive this thread. I live in the UK where a general election is fast approaching and I've just watched the first part of 'Conscious Politics', which is how I ended up on the forum searching for the term 'voting' - I have a decision to make! It's my belief that strategic voting isn't necessarily the best option, but would perhaps tend to be. People often criticise the first-past-the-post voting system seen in many countries and I can see disadvantages with it. Doesn't it create two-horse races, strategic voting and a lack of oportunity for alternative prospects to develop? (I suppose variations in voting systems country to country make this a little tricky to discuss)