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Everything posted by Joyboy

  1. “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein Why not you trying to do the thing you believe impossible, what need to change here is your belief not other 'scam gurus'. If you wait until someone else did it, you may have to wait hundred of years like when Galileo proved earth is round. You are God and you can, yes you CAN manifest everything that you imagine, but if only so simple =))
  2. It's counter-intuitive, Truth for Truth's sake will give you the greatest Joy while Truth for Happiness's sake gonna give you the greatest suffering
  3. Are you talking about global consciousness shift? It takes centuries.
  4. But nonduality, 'you're not god' is the same 'you're god'. So what's your problem about that and also about the ignorant of someone saying that. Are we here to learn and be the best version of ourselves? Purify the ignorant instead of dismiss/disallow it. And i'm pretty sure I'm not g o d. (hope I won't be banned after this post :v)
  5. You heard alot, go SEE for yourself, the way you're asking question like a lazy ass don't have the ball to find what you want to know.
  6. thanks @mostly harmless, coin market is downtrend right now, what should we do?
  7. Revolution guys, maybe AI will be the next step of human revolutions, it will become better race . If AI is finite so what about human? Are we finite too and still grasp infinite intelligent?
  8. Be careful of your 'should', it leads to miserable things
  9. Well, are we going come back to argue/judge/discuss "is s/he X,Y,Z [enlightened/yogi/magician/fraud etc.]?" You know what it leads -> distraction from what really important. I'm more interested in "am I deceiving myself right now?".
  10. @playdoh The Truth doesn't care what you want to believe or it must be rational way for you to understand. If you really want to understand it there is only one way: sit and contemplate, get to know yourself. Then the answer will come to you, from inside.
  11. Go Leo, show the world your legs. From Vietnam with love
  12. Life will teach you to the point you do or die. From a kindly remind to the slap on your face then the kick on your ass, you know, the degree of pain is gonna increase
  13. You guys can use whatever you like, the idea is to make a book that content all of your 'knowledge'. Just do it and better tool will come along, do not get distracted.
  14. I'm using Outline and definitely recommend it for Mac user.
  15. @Leo GuraHey Leo would you make a video distinguish truth and Truth, god and God. I find those ideas/concepts are so confused.
  16. Will they crucify someone if that man behave likes Jesus 2000 years ago?
  17. You can use Outline on MacOS as an alternative of OneNote, it can import OneNote' s files too.
  18. But Leo, we have to start SOMEWHERE. So, if 'let's start a YT channel' is the step you take to find your LP, it's pretty fine.
  19. "To be excellent we cannot simply think or feel excellent, we must act excellently.” —Aristotle I find take stupid action is better than sit and mental masturbation (affirmations as you said)
  20. There is no point after all, why you must find one? Stop guessing and live your life whatever you please while you can. And people who enlightened having a big picture in their mind gonna get great advantages
  21. The man explain it all. Shall we stop blah blah blah and