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Everything posted by Husseinisdoingfine

  1. Honest to God, what the hell is this place!? One day (blog) Leo is partying and kissing girls at a night club, the other day he’s giving his followers existential crisis by telling them all that no other conscious minds are real. This is the most bizarre spiritual school I have ever encountered.
  2. This solipsism makes utterly no sense. Some other guy in the forum, was told that he was the creator of reality and is all alone in this universe. I know that if I ask this, then I’m going to be told that I solely created created reality and that no other conscious minds exist. Leo comes back and says that he’s the sole mind of existence. This make utterly no sense. So which one of us created reality? Because according to solipsist logic, no two solipsists can sit in a room together and agree to solipsism, because only one of them is the sole conscious mind in existence. And yet here we are on this forum, all being told that we are the sole conscious mind in existence. I’m sure I’m going to be told that I’m God/the sole conscious mind playing a sneaking trick on myself to think that no other people exist, but that’s exactly what someone else on this forum was told. So which one of us is the sole conscious mind, and who is the philosophical zombie? Husseinisdoingfine, it’s you, you’re just in denial. But that’s exactly what someone else on this forum was told!
  3. I agree with this, drop all your philosophies and experience for yourself, as Sadghuru has taught. I found this funny video on Solipsism, which I found funny:
  4. Wait, what? What video? Every Sunday I go to the YouTube channel to see new videos, and didn’t see anything.
  5. After doing shamanic breathing, I've noticed that my thoughts are less neurotic as I am healing from past hurts and causes of anger. Past bitterness and hatred I used to hold are dissolving, as I'm noticing myself becoming more forgiving of those who caused those past hurts. Although the negatives of doing this work was that I have noticed repressed memories emerge. With that, a wide array of emotions have arose. Including; joy, to the point of laughing outburst. Rage, and a strong desire to commit violence. Then the more mild in between emotions. The psychedelic effects are cool, but they give me the effect of not even being able to stand up properly or move my fingers. Combine this with regular meditation, I have noticed an overall improvement in my mental state, and my ability to live life effectively. As well as my thoughts being less neurotic, hateful, and less negativity clouding my thinking overall.
  6. I'm not forcing myself, I do genuinely want to be an activist. I'm simply curious how effective it will be in my goals of ascending the existential staircase, the double helix bio-psycho social model of human development.
  7. I actually am flirting with being a political activist, to burn through the SDi GREEN system.
  8. I’ve done both, they’re pretty solid. I have the required audio for both from the iTunes Store, the album cover should look exactly like the YouTube thumbnails above.
  9. I think you're misinterpreting Buddhist teachings. To live through life is to suffer (the word: suffering, is more accurately translated is ''dissatisfaction''). To constantly want, be dissatisfied, and hold attachments to things which are temporary; other people, youthfulness, etc... But we can transcend this suffering by following the eight fold path, which exists to deprogram our desire addicted brain. Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration Right resolve Right view
  10. This channel is gold. Goes back to the root of what this forum’s Conscious Politics sub forum was to be about before it got diluted with culture war nonsense, and idiot twitch streamers with their useless opinions. I urge us all to share more integral, nuanced, and second tier Political thought on this forum.
  11. That is so misleading. It is Capitalism which exploits the global south, keeping those Nations impoverished, so that the global north may thrive. And despite having stolen so much wealth from the global south, those in Capitalist Nations still needlessly, pointlessly continue to go without. And we’re supposed to give this decrepit system 500 more years before we (only in the first world) decide on a better system? What?
  12. Although, I see absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying soda or alcohol in absolute rarity. I never drink soda, except when I go on my once a year vacations.
  13. Socialism doesn’t work because last time it was tried, Sylvester Stallone personably killed one hundred trillion gorrillion people vuvuzula no iPhone.
  14. I recently read from Don. Edward Beck, that to take the view that human's are naturally good, or naturally bad, is the wrong perspective as what matters is the life conditions. The philosopher, Jean Jacque Rousseau, proposed the idea that human's in their natural state out in the wild are ''noble savages''. That society is what corrupts people and creates evil, hence civilized Europeans were more wicked than the Native Indians for whom he took the term: 'noble savage', from. This is the same view of humans the current Dalai Lama takes. But then there's the more Christian view on the matter, that humans are born naturally wicked and we must use religion to suppress our natural, genetically imprinted desires to be evil. This view was taken by Thomas Hobbes, who held the view that, humans are ''naturally vainglorious and so seek to dominate others and demand their respect''. Society does not corrupt, but does the opposite, as given the condition of human nature, life out side of society would be as he put it: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”. So, the question I'm asking here is: Are humans noble savages, or savage beasts?
  16. @Leo Gura Oh 100% agree. The very computers that twitch streamers use was indeed created through exploitive means, the very mineral and recourses used to create these computers. They use these computers to run YouTube and Twitch, empires built on wage slavery. Only from this can they espouse anti-Capitalism. It's a very twisted game.
  17. There is actually nothing in Socialist theory against amassing wealth. Socialists are not concerned with how much money someone has, but rather how they obtained it. As long as the wealth was not attained via exploitation of the working class through extracting the value they produce by owning the means of production, proper Socialists should have no issue with what Hassan Abi is doing.
  18. I do ask those answering this thread to answer the poll.
  19. Hmmm… I disagree, just consume it in moderation. Like, one Newspaper, or Internet Article reading session a week will do. And make sure to have some sort of breaking news alert system you follow just in case something serious happens, like a Twitter account or a push notification series. Staying oblivious to the world around you is not healthy or smart. But I do indeed agree with you that mindlessly consuming political infotainment YouTubers and twitch streamers is a waste of time and not conducive to anything healthy. Top 10 rappers Eminem was too afraid to diss. When is your album coming out?