Sizeable Oof

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About Sizeable Oof

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  1. there's an error on the forum guidelines: metal-masturbation should be mental masturbation.
  2. @Leo Gura Before you said there are (at least) 2 drugs, that are stronger than 5-meo-dmt. One of them was DMZ if I recall correctly. And then, you said you found something even stronger than that. What happened to these drugs? Do you still think they are better?
  3. Hi What's the best way to have a special mystical experience? Without psychedelics?
  4. Hi Leo. I think it would be awesome if you would make a video about all the super-natural/unexplainable phenomena that you experienced throughout your spiritual journey. A lot of times you said that if you'd share all this stuff, people need to be "extremely open-minded about it". So...I'm sure some of us are. Spill the beans! Let everything out! It will be fun. And it doesn't have to be a "personal growth" video, you can post it on your personal blog for that matter.
  5. @Preety_India u support trump? U support folks owning auto / semi auto weapons?
  6. @deso I can sympathize with you, I also used to be an over-thinker analytical type and a lot of my interest in spirituality was the will to feel superior to others. I was unaware of this of course, most of the time. I would advice you (and my young self, and also my current self) to embrace partiality and imperfectness. You can find growth and happiness, but ultimately, not in words and labels, not in concepts. I know how you feel b/c this is also my basic tendency: looking for either a quick fix, "god mode", cheat codes, a way to go around the maze... After enough suffering I learned - you don't get to do it. You have to go through the maze of being a HUMAN. an imperfect human with all your weaknesses and flaws and neurosis and vulnerability. The way one finds spiritual growth is not by running away from the human nature. Focus on your everyday life. Be Gentle And Honest with yourself about your feelings. i.e,. yes, look inside and listen to your deep feelings, but do it gently with compassion. Also I recommend researching the availability one has to surrender at each moment; mindfulness of breath combined with relaxation and surrendering, and the concept of "right view" - clear, discerning observation. It's a paradoxical path...But the breath is always a good anchor to come back to. Much love brother.
  7. I see what you mean. But sometimes I just wanna let someone know I really like what they said or that I agree with them and it seems redundant to post a whole message just for that.
  8. like if someone says something i liked i could ... press a like button to show the fact that i liked what was being said. also sorry not sure where's the right place to post it if there's even such a place.
  9. @Viking Yo I identify with you a lot. Like, right now I'm not like that but I used to be for a long time, and I was also detached as a kid/young adult especially. I think that it's rational thinking in a sense - why on earth would you want to make any effort in this life? Life's a bitch and for some people just getting to a place where their effort is worthwhile is in itself too much effort and not worth it. Fighting to change your thought patterns is really hard. I think what you are really is God wanting to experience being lazy and lowkey feeling sorry for yourself/being passive about life, but in a sneaky kind of way, not too blunt AND - I think that one day you will have exhausted this mindset and will start to make a change. I feel like it'll happen effortlessly for you - like, you just get to a point one day when you'll be tired with that. At least that's what happened to me.
  10. according to Alan Wallace and according to my own experience, it's good. it is the beginning of being able to discern more and more subtle tactile sensations, which is important for achieving shamatha. go deeper down that rabbit hole, I'd suggest
  11. Leo, I really want to know what's the fastest, most direct way to experience that "wackiness" of like you're talking about. You always say there's stuff you don't share cause we, the audience, are "not open-minded enough". Could you please share them? I promise not to judge. I'm actually interested in the weird, unusual, wacky aspects of consciousness and I want to access them. Thing is, I can't do psychedelics. Medical reasons you could say.
  12. @Leo Gura this just screams pseudo-science...
  13. What do you do when you wake up lazy and bored? All I wanna do today is get high, watch porn and eat sweets. And take naps. How to deal with it
  14. All the comments here changed my mind from "supporter" to "undecided". Also I supported Bernie before, just less than Pete.
  15. In my opinion, Pete is far more conscious and loving than Bernie. Pete truly demonstrates integration and inclusion of different world views, in the way he appeals to conservatives and moderates, all while supporting progressive policies like cannabis legalization, the green new deal, etc. Basically just listen to the man talk - even when his campaign responded to the woman who was disappointed finding out he's gay - it was a generous, kind and loving response. IMO he's a truly stage yellow guy.