Spiral Wizard

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Everything posted by Spiral Wizard

  1. this dude makes some good points. I like what he says about backbone at 01:03:30. When you combine conscious leadership with courage you get great heroes like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc. I love this. Why can't everyone be so authentic, socially-sharp, and capable of cut-the-bullshit-communication?! hahaha but we are the badasses who witnessed this shit live. It's truly a great time to be alive... underrated post People always look at me with a stage look on their faces when I compare Trump's presidency to economic fluctuations. It's simply a collective ego backlash. The trend is upward nonetheless. I'm from Germany and when I visited the United States a few years ago I was surprised by how proud Americans are about being American haha The national flag was everywhere I looked. It's also very apparent in speeches... this is not the case in Germany, in fact, it's quite the opposite. After WWII Germans were even ashamed to wave their flag at sports events. Why? Because we fucked up collectively, which was necessary adversity in order to evolve into the kinda stage green, welfare, etc. state Germany is today. This is what the USA is missing! This is what the USA makes up for right now with all the riots, BLM protests, Trump, late-stage capitalism, corruption, etc. Unfortunately, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. The actual horror of the past is fading in the collective memory. All over Europe, we see the right-wing coming back... Just recently there was an attempt to storm the parliament in Berlin: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/31/world/europe/reichstag-germany-neonazi-coronavirus.html Conspiracies are deceiving, corrupting, and deluding the minds of people all around the world. We need a much better education system, nuanced discussions about epistemology, and conscious leaders! #HumanePolicing
  2. it blows my mind to this day. When I first discovered Actualized.org I told my friends that I'd pay 300 bucks per month to watch his insanely valuable content... and back then I was broke af
  3. this is a great point. when using the label "enlightened" context and nuance is required. consciousness is infinite/unlimited, there are more states, levels, and realms than any of us could ever imagine with our finite/limited minds. Such a beautiful universe...
  4. you know that you are badass, don't you? consciousness is so cool
  5. WAIT WHAT?! Frank Yang is picking up chicks with RSDTyler... lmfao @Leo Gura I’d pay a lot of money to see y’all in one video hahah
  6. That blog post is so interesting. Definitely reminded me of the Nightcrawler and the new Joker movie. Have you ever encountered a narcissist, sociopath, or psychopath? What was your experience? Also, does narcissism occur on all stages of the spiral? Any other thoughts on that topic?
  7. hit the nail on the head
  8. this guy is a living meme I've never seen someone so funny and scary at the same time
  9. Interesting take: pretty much confirms what Frank said. Psychedelics are powerful tools but they can only take you so far, at some point (if you are aiming for enlightenment) you gotta focus on the old school methods.
  10. @GreenWoods and I are obsessed with Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Soul Travel, OBEs Since a lot of you are fellow oneironauts or aspire to do become one, we thought it might be a good idea to open up a thread to exchange resources, experiences, knowledge and hold ourselves accountable to develop proficiency ASAP. We can give you well over 20 book recommendations. Here are 7 classics as a teaser: Dream Yoga by Andrew Holecek The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge Are You Dreaming?: Exploring Lucid Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide by Daniel Love Destiny Of Souls by Michael Newton The secret of the Soul by William Buhlman Mastering these skills will pay dividends for your entire lifetime. Check out these threads to understand the vast possibilities that LDs & OBEs offer:
  11. I heard one should not chase magical experiences and meditate without expectations for miracles but I cannot stop my burning desire for them... any advice? Is it even true that wanting makes it harder to actually get them?
  12. @seeking_brilliance didn't expect to see books I haven't stumbled upon yet... thank you so much for the recommendation! May I ask what you like about this book in particular? What are your main takeaways?
  13. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  14. I see that y’all are hating on sadhguru and I agree with a lot of points but I feel as though there will be a change. Right now he makes really strategic decisions. This video puts his actions into context. Looks like he is playing his last rounds of politics/diplomacy/etc. to amass a lot of influence before going all out with very direct teachings.
  15. My intuition tells me that there is something wrong with discrediting meditation the way @Leo Gura did in the past. He mentioned that the duality between permanent and temporary awakening would be relative and therefore irrelevant but I would always choose permanent shifts over peak experience even if they are not as radical. It seems more valuable from my perspective... To me it feels more right to “attain” full liberation mainly through “natural” means while taking psychedelics along the way as an addition. Kind of like supplements are an addition to food. This way you know that you are not deluding yourself. You can be sure that meditation is not a trap but psychedelics can be. If consciousness is actually infinitely infinite why hurry? Isn't that another rat race? In the end spirituality is not inherently better than business, gaming, drug dealing, or anything else humans are doing/pursuing/working on. Why not chase those high levels from a solid foundation (Maslow's pyramid of needs and ego development) and a joyful emotional home (full liberation from the ego and self- or emotional mastery). This seems much more wise and healthy to me especially when reading through threads like this: What do you think? What’s your take on this?
  16. What is an effective way to build your dream (10/10) social life? How do you find like-minded friends or people that are on the same wavelength? Conscious people are so rare... The best way I found so far is to become a "high-value" person (get your shit sorted), host social events, and build a personal brand around your purpose.