Spiral Wizard

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Everything posted by Spiral Wizard

  1. I love that! What you are saying really resonates. I perceive Shinzen Young as dead and dull in comparison to Sadhguru or other yogis who overflow with joy and love.
  2. Do it! Would so epic to see a conversation between Leo and Daniel.
  3. (5:38) Can anybody confirm that it is possible to reach (all) psychedelic states through meditation? If so, how long will it take? I heard deep meditation can perpetuate your meditation progress, big time. Is that true? In this podcast, he claims that you should meditate (do nothing technique) 1h per day for at least 60 days to even start the art of doing nothing. (5:50) Here he acknowledges the power of psychedelics but explained why he still prefers meditation.
  4. After years of trying really hard to loose my virginity I recently got the chance to finally do so but I didn‘t end up doing it because even though that girl was an 8/10 physically I didn’t vibe with her at all. So for me the character was a 5/10, if that. I also noticed how my sexual desire / horniness decreased significantly since my last meditation retreat. It’s so strange that I’ve been horny for years and now that I get the chance I suddenly don’t mind anymore. 1. Question: Should I just ignore that and fuck even if I don’t feel like it? There’s another girl that is really into me. We vibe a little bit more but overall it might be a 7/10. 2. Question: Should I just get over with it and loose my virginity because it will subconsciously help me get the girls I’m really attracted to or would you say that it’s worth waiting/working for that 8+/10? PS.: I don’t intent to be judgmental with that rating system. It’s just an easy way to communicate.
  5. Pro: Sadhguru basically says that a spiritually more advanced person can run on different fuel. Con: These doctors say that it’s complete nonsense because fruits are full of sugar (no big difference between industrial & fruit sugar). This results in a fatty liver & many other issues. Vegetables are what you want to eat because they have more nutrients & MUCH less sugar. Detiled video (30 min): Short video (1-2 min) summary: What do you think? Any experiences? My 2 cents: I personally ate the carnivore diet for more than 3 months and it was really helpful in healing my chronic gut disease. Now I’m back to an evenly balanced diet because I have a subtle aversion towards meat. A mainly vegetarian diet with occasional meat consumption seems most healthy to me (IF you are healthy). Two important point to consider are that 1. there are different types and what your ancenstors are certainly plays a big role. 2. foods are NOT JUST nutrients & macros but also contain prana / life force energy. I think that some people are healthy frutarians or even breatharians but 99% of people will develop serious deficiencies doing that. I also think that this would be something you are naturally transition to instead of the ego deciding that it’s the new best diet.
  6. Lol this sounds so wrong hahahah Anyway, where do you draw the line when it comes to age and what’s socially acceptable? I’ve seen 16 year olds with 21 year old boyfriends. That’s already strange to me but then again, a lot of men in their 20s are not mature at all and stuck with their mental development. The older you get the more acceptable age difference becomes. While it’s okay that a 38 year old is dating a 24 year old. It would be illegal if they did so 10 years earlier. 10 years later it would be totally normal (34 & 48). I feel as though this is an especially sensitive topic around the 18 year old mark because that’s where people become “adults”.
  7. In the video he explains that even though this is true the total sugar load is the same.
  8. That’s actually great advice ? Thanks!
  9. Well now I don’t obsess over it anymore and I can understand why it’s overrated. I believe it’s much better when you actually love the other person. I guess that’s an argument to be made that you want to be prepared/experienced when you finally do hook up with someone you love.
  10. I like this definition: Survival is fear based Creation is love based I believe that it is possible to become so conscious and loving as a human being that there is no fear left.
  11. DAMN, holy cow, this makes me excited about our potential Mic DROP ?
  12. @Leo Gura I found it interesting how you explained that the mind creates believe systems and models around psychedelic experiences which can distort future trips and realizations. (I’m referencing your new video about infinite Gods) I guess that’s why raising the base line is so important because you ultimately want to be free from that and only speak from direct moment to moment experience instead of memory and mental constructs.
  13. First off, I gotta say that Leo’s video is incredible! It’s amazing to see the deepening of his teachings. Now, I noticed how Leo’s teachings come closer and closer to what other teachers are talking about. Especially parallels to Ethan’s & Frank’s realizations are emerging. Ethan is basically saying that everyone is an infinity and together it’s absolute infinity. In Leo’s last video (states are everything) he talked about the interconnected infinite web which Frank mentioned in this posts: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbN8V8vBsZZ/ And in the new video (new awaking) Leo talked about the holographic universe, which Frank described as a stage in his journey as well: Transcript from 34:20 onwards: “You have to do self-inquiry from the egoic mind to get to stream entry, you have to do Self Inquiry from the Godmind! To get to the Natural State, Nothing can be said about it you can call yourself God, monkey, human, it doesn't matter, in this stage you can call yourself whatever you want and you're not attached to any of the states nothing is Absolute, nothing is Ultimate and everything is Absolute and everything is Ultimate, you're nothing, everything, but also something, you're nobody, somebody ,and everybody, you're nowhere, everywhere, but also somewhere. That's true uni-locality transcending non-duality or even non-locality. This is not just a concept or even insight it's viscerally and "physically" experienced. Sometimes emptiness is form, other times form is emptiness, while other times emptiness is emptiness and at another time form is just form! Sometimes a table is just a table. I can perceive this table and penetrate through it as a holographic projections ‘oh everything is arising out of the Godmind this is all Consciousness!’ Sure that's just a lens of perception or I can put another lens of perception on and say this is just a fucking table bro. Reality is not spiritual, Reality is not material, Adyshanti said there is more Truth to a blade of grass than the entire paradigm of spirituality and he is goddamn right and I did not realize this until very recently. I went through this phase where i was kind of like attached to this idea where oh meditation is the way meditation is the way and i can access states of consciousness as powerful as DMT trips through just meditation sure but both meditation and psychedelics are just midway stages they're both just tools see jhanas is the process of you dis-embedding every stratum of your mind that's it when the meditator is dissolved it's just this every moment samadhi like i said if you truly recognize and comprehend God you won't be able to see it, see any sense of merging (is not it) there's no separation if you still think that oh everything is God or i am God then you haven't completely transcended God, you haven't completely comprehended it you haven't completely embodied it,
  14. How do you know that?
  15. Well, after 10 years of proper practice your base line is God. PS.: Why is there such debate about this? It’s not an either or… BOTH psychedelics & manual practice serve their purpose. Push them beyond the fucking limit and see where they take you!
  16. Ken Wilber‘s models are supposed to be more accurate for the higher stages of development.
  17. @Raze not all hero’s wear capes ??❤️
  18. I‘ve had a great night with a lot of progress but my mind fixates on the one time I hesitated which MIGHT have caused me to not get laid. Regret isn’t a big problem anymore. Years ago I was mentally torturing myself after every party because I didn’t get laid. It has become MUCH better (The stuff Eckhart tolle talkes about in his books helps) but there still some pain and frustration left. Any advice?
  19. Check out the book “Brain over Binge” One of the core teachings is that This solution is not anything fancy like healing your shadows, traumas, etc. or even becoming enlightened. It’s simply about realizing that the urge or desire to binge comes from your reptilian brain which physically cannot control your actions it can only convince your conscious/human part of the brain that it’s voice is your well. It lures you in. The solution: simply disidentify from the voice and watch it go crazy trying to rationalize insane behavior. You have the power to not act on the urges. By not giving these thoughts power over you, overtime you will re-program your reptilian brain and the urges with fade away. In the book the author explains how do you program your brain to bench in the first place, which can be really useful to understand. another thing I wanted to mention is a concept I learned from the meditation book A million toughts. It explains how the mechanics of thought work. Basically all desire and emotion are a result of clinging to and identifying with thought. This means when you drop the thought instantly any desire or urge to binge will not arise. This is obviously easier said than done but meditating daily for 45 minutes or more will do wonders if you do it correctly. For that U recommend the mind illuminated. Hope this helps! Generally speaking, good advice but be careful. Any restriction and lead to a backlash and more eating disorders. This was the cause of my issues. Same, applies to this.
  20. Hey guys, my kundalini energy got ‘unlocked’ through transmissions and I’d love to try psychedelics but a friend strongly advised against doing psychedelics when working with active kundalini energy. Allegedly it can cause some problems or be overwhelming. I don’t buy that. Seems nonsensical but maybe there is something to it. What do you think? Any experiences?
  21. Here is the short of it: Solipsism is true relative to your own experience but it’s not Absolutely True because you only have one reference point but there MUST be more than one that you currently do not have access to (because of the Non-Dual/Infinite nature of reality). Therefore, you are not equipped to make Absolute claims about the validity of solipsism (yet). In the video Ethan / @Synchronicity explains why this is the case & illustrates this radical perspective with a thought experiment. If you think that solipsism is Absolutely True, let me ask you this: are you open minded and humble enough to reconsider? Make sure to watch the video from start to finish before you draw conclusions. PS.: [TRIGGER WARNING] here is my favorite quote from the video: “Solipsism is like flat earth theory” PPS.: Comment from the video by Ethan / @Synchronicity
  22. Everything is imagined! EVERYTHING! Including God imagining everything. Including God! Which is the same as saying that NOTHING is imagined. The strange loop circles in on itself and results in reality.