Spiral Wizard

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Everything posted by Spiral Wizard

  1. How did that work? Did he get permanent damage/debilitation from it or was it enough to be shivering for a day to escape the draft?
  2. @AION you're making some interesting points. I haven't thought about it like this. If I were in the Ukraine I would have probably fled as a refugee on day one because I don't feel an obligation to my country. That being said, I appreciate your perspective. It definitely adds to my understanding. You raised the US as an example. I personally don't feel safe in the US exactly because it's a super power. Same goes for the capital of Germany: Berlin. If there ever was an nuclear attack, big cities of major countries would be the first to be targeted. I feel safest in countries that are far off, which are of little interested to the global super powers, countries in South America, South East Asia, etc. for example. Note that these countries usually do not have strong militaries. Also, if everyone escaped the Ukraine, I doubt Russia would keep crusading, taking over the next country. There are particular reasons they are attacking the Ukrainian. What's your perspective on that?
  3. Feed this entire thread to GPT and brainstorm with it. It can provide great answers when you don't settle for superficial responses and keep diggings and setting a frame that fosters thoughtful responses.
  4. @Adam M You are 100% on the money. ALWAYS ASK WHY! And keep digging! I have healed from an autoimmune disease (not this one so I don’t know all the details but I bet similar principles apply). Now, the next why is, why would you EVEN have a virus stuck in your thyroid? I don’t assert to have the ultimate answer, consider contemplating and exploring answers for yourself with an open mind. In my experience, when I suffered from the autoimmune condition: Crohn’s (chronically inflamed gut). I first restricted my diet because I couldn’t eat almost anything without diarrhea, sever pain, and other symptoms. At some point I asked or was asked, why would I not be able to digest certain foods in the first place? Ah okay, because of leaky gut letting in molecules of food into the blood stream which then allegedly confuses the immune system and makes it go amok. Okay, interesting. Let’s try to heal leaky gut… but why did I even develop leaky gut?!! Ahh because of STRESS! Many doctors realize this now, that stress seems to be at the root of almost ALL CHONIC HEALTH ISSUES. But why was I stressed and not relaxed being-chilling with God? Because of dysfunctional psychological patterns I created as a response to trauma (a running away from and defense mechanism to PAIN). For example, creating a shitty advertising agency to chase money because of the pressure I got to perform and get love from one of my parents. Could be anything. This is one example to make it practical. Stress is a form of fear. Fear of what? It’s ALWAYS fear of some sort of PAIN! Why PAIN though? How does pain & suffering come to be? Contemplate… Our pain cookie has two ingredients: 1. Expectation / Wish / Want / Hope / Desire / Idea / Concept / Illusion <- All this we identify with and create a separate ego identity out of 2. Reality / Truth When these two don’t match and clash, we have pain. What is its job? Pain is the very sensation of ANNIHILATION. Pain is the white light, God,s grace to wake us up from the dream we have created for ourselves to comfort us from the truth. Its job is to ANNIHILATE our EXPECTATION/delusion/illusion and restore truth, realign us, and make us one with reality! God and pain acts through infinite pathways. Meaning, for example, through the butterfly effect, anything could make you sick or healthy. The details of toxins, heavy metals, or even diet don’t matter. Now of course, if you drink 1 liter heavy metals you will die no matter what but why did you drink it or end up in a situation where it was in your water supply? It’s a BIG dare but stay with me until the end of this post and this may sound a little bit less insane: suppressed PAIN! But hold on, who wants to feel pain?! Fuck that… that’s uncomfortable, in fact, it’s death! So fuck that, let’s resist it. What happens next? Well, if we resist our ego/identity’s annihilation, then what do we get? John Yates (Culadasa) or Shinzen Yung once gave us this formula: Pain x Resistance = Suffering Now, what is suffering? All the different emotions we don’t like: - Anger, frustration, etc. - Fear, stress, etc. - Sadness, loneliness, etc. or any of its variations and combinations with thought structures like shame, guilt (thought structures build on fear of punishment), envy, disappointment, etc. All these emotions are e-motions ENERGY IN MOTION. They have a resonance, frequency and vibration. You can tune them with a tuning fork. Each tone on the tone scale (sound wave) corresponds to a color (light wave), and an emotion (emotional wave)! See image below. When these emotions arise because we resisted pain, the white light of pain splits in a prism into all the different colors of the rainbow and we get these wonderful e-motions. You can try this by downloading a music instrument tuning app and make an AHHHH sound when you feel sad for example or fear or anger, etc. and it will give you a done like C for example. C corresponds to blue, which in turn is sadness. Red is Anger. Yellow is Fear. Now when we distract ourselves from these emotions and put our attention on something else (social media, drugs, spiritual transcendence, dogma, money, women, politics, news, power, you name it) do they disappear? No. They do not. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another.” - First Law of Thermodynamics Now, as we probably all heard: “Where focus goes energy flows” So when we distract ourselves, these emotions don’t disappear, they just LOSE ENERGY. What happens to a wave that loses energy? it slows down and lessons its amplitude. What does that correspond to in our physiology? Many things but one of them is Brain Waves. Brain waves slow down from Gamma, to Beta, to Alpha, to Theta, to Delta. What does this mean? Well Alpha is deep relaxation, Theta are usually dreams, and Delta is deep sleep (see below graphic for more details) What are dreams? A projection of our subconscious mind. What is deep sleep? Unconsciousness, basically. So the slower the brain wave, the deeper we venture into our subconscious & unconscious mind! So what does that mean for our unfelt/unprocessed/ and ignored emotions? It means as we take our attention off them, they lose energy, slow down/ lessen their amplitude, and SINK INTO OUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND from where they control our every action, desperately trying to trigger them back into the light of our consciousness through self sabotage and by attracting circumstances that reflect that pain. If we keep ignoring these emotions they sink deeper into our unconscious and guess what: GET STORES IN THE BODY!!! From wave to matter. E = mc^2 God’s Grace/white light of annihilating pain, slowed down into colorful emotions, which slowed down into matter. From light, to energy to matter. And voila, we got the gift of long ignored dis-ease that has made it into the physical plane to reflect back to us the light of God we have disowned, resisted and therefore split into many fragments of our psyche. In Chinese medicine they’ve been talking about how stuck energy is creating disease for millennia. But they haven’t figured out the root solution for how to make the energy flow again. We also don’t unify this mess through concentration meditation as commonly thought in Buddhism which TEMPORARILY & forcefully pushes these psyche fragments back together… But by simply and deeply relaxing, doing absolutely nothing, PASSIVELY allowing any and every tension/emotion without getting hung up in thought-stories, so that as we relax and lower our brainwaves into a relaxed alpha state or even theta, all the annoying things we have pushed aside or forgetting can come up. Thoughts that are nothing but leaves in the wind of emotion. As we allow ourselves to losen the grip of arguing, solving, fixing, judging, doubting, etc. etc. etc. and endlessly holding onto our thought-stories, we may realize that right underneath every thought that pops up, there is an e-motion! An energy that carries that thought like a rocket that is propelled into the space of our consciousness. So these thoughts remind us, like notification, to check in with our emotions. With our long forgotten, crying inner child’s. As to no surprise, if we lock our inner childs, in the deepest dungeon of our nervous system, shoved down deep in our subconscious and unconscious, they may start breaking things, no? To attract some attention? Yes. What does a child need? Attention. Or better yet: Awareness. No fixing, no explanation, no thing but unconditional love. What is the highest Love? Complete neutrality/equanimity. Simply put: Pure Awareness. So what do we ‘do’ with our emotions/pains or initially just numbness & tension? Nothing! We let them ‘do’ us. We ‘be’ with them. And passively allow them to do what they may with us. We sit with whatever IT is. With all the turmoil, chaos, drama, and discomfort. All the shit our monkey is throwing around at the walls. We let it have its outburst (rightfully so, because we - unwittingly - made it so) We simply sit with it. And sit with it. We experience emotion without trying to change them in any way. More deeply relaxed than ever before…. And stay with them, until we have created enough of a true, steady, and consistent safe space for our them to truly feel safe enough to open on their own. Even if that means it hurts. It always gets worse before it gets better. Now, all this may seem grimm but what the formula I mentioned earlier (Pain x Resistance = Suffering) did not tell us is that: Pain x Non-Resistance = LIBERATION!!!!! PERSONHOOD, VERY REAL & NAGGING ISSUES, AND MOST ESSENTIALLY PAIN IS NOT A HINDRANCE TO ENLIGHTENMENT BUT THE PATHWAY FREEDOM!!! When we FEEEEEL the tensions in our body, they release our unprocessed emotions, and when we stay with them, (where focus goes energy flows) our awareness recharges these slow waves with energy and therefore brings them back into conscious light. This very process RE-UNIFIES the subconscious mind with our conscious mind where we will meet the original root pain we didn’t want to feel or may not have been ready to feel as a child. This pain is the annihilation of our separate self which was nothing but an a sortation of psychological protection mechanisms we have clung to so tightly that we have mistaken them for ourselves. This annihilation means death… Again, this may sound grimm but let’s not forget our initial question. WHY?!?! THIS IS THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION!! So why TF DEATH? What purpose does death serve? REBIRTH!!! Our limited consciousness which is entangled with a limited reality based on polarity must die so we can be reborn into greater consciousness entangled with a more unlimited reality. This is what RE-UNIFIES our conscious mind, death by death, rebirth by rebirth with the ONE MIND of God. It makes us whole again. Truly holy. Truly healthy. Without the pain process we may experience God but never transform every part of our whole body-mind-spirit being into ever greater levels of wholeness, holiness, and health. If this sounds inspiring, sit down. In deep devotion and reverence. The pain will humble us. It’ll put our feet on the ground, so that we may understand the necessity to walk the walk. Every step of the way. Practically speaking, in my experience and what I’ve heard from others. It can take up to 2-3h per session multiple times per week for deep emotions to surface. May happy much quicker, even just in a few minutes, but that is not to be expected. The beauty is, either we get emotions to process or we get expectation that create more resistance & pressure aka pain. Lying down also helps a lot with relaxing much deeper. It will also stirr up more thoughts but as we have learned (I’m learning with you here) thoughts are nothing but notifications of suppressed emotions - thorns in our heart - that simply want to be taken out. The exercise I mentioned earlier can also help re-energize unconscious emotions and make them conscious again by making an AGHHHHH sound, looking at what note/tone the tuning app gives you back, seeing which color it corresponds to and then which emotion that is. When we then make that same AHHHH sound again like a Shaman, while looking at the color, it helps bring it up. Then we just relax and feel for a moment what is inside. Lastly, and for me most importantly, being in the presence of someone who has gone through this process and can hold space, reflecting light back at you, while also dismantling misunderstandings (psychological pain avoidance mechanisms) that make our mind prevent us from allowing ourselves to relax deeper than ever before, can be all the difference. When I started this feel & heal yourself / Emotional Energetic processing thing 1.5 years ago, I could not actually get down to processing emotions. It simply would not happen no matter how much I relaxed on my own. Only by working with someone who in my view is a total wizard was it possible. It’s similar to the tuning fork example, when he can see and sense my suppressed emotions, by simply being in pure awareness of these, his presence attunes to my frequency and transfers energy (like a tuning fork that can influence another tuning fork and transfer energy). This energy then raises the emotion out of the suppressed subconscious or unconscious into the conscious and can be processed especially with a mature adult space holder who dismantles our seemingly infinite running away/avoidance/deception/delusion mechanisms. The guy I’ve worked with is Detlef Rehbein. He’s not famous, has no social media, and lives in some random German village. Until recently his website was from 2006 or something like that. Just recently one of his ‘students’ updated it but I think it looks like some cheap marketing template so I may help him get that fixed. When I asked him to send me his book ‘Feel and heal yourself’ via email, he didn’t know what an email attachment was. So you get the vibe. He’s not for everyone, especially because his English is not really good. And I don’t want this to look like a promotion. Really, what I have shared in this post is my current highest understanding after 7 years of conscious trying to figure out the friggin universe is and what essentially matters. After traversing endless labyrinth in my mind, I’ve come to an interesting edge and this is my view. Also, right now Detlefs book is only available in German. I’ve decided to translate it to send it to a few of my English friends but that’s not done yet. A great English author/saint that talks about this topic (not specific to health but Pain and its role in Enlightenment) is The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer. These books will explain it extremely well but they don’t really help in actually processing the pain. Still it’s the best explanation for the mind I stumbled upon so far. So I encourage you to find your own wizard or give it your best shot on your own. I have no doubt there are other great space holders out there. In fact, I have faith & hope (let’s see if that gets annihilated ;). I may have seen a few on YouTube that seemed promising in their understanding but I didn’t mention them here because I have no direct experience with their therapy or 1-1 work. Still if you are curious I will mention a few honorable names here: True Freedom Teachings website/blog & YouTube has some interesting things to say about emotional processing as well. Teal Swan (with caution). I really don’t know her teaching well. I only visited one seminar. She seemed great, actually fantastic at parts work and she may be able to help you process emotions, she also has fascilitators but she still talks in all kinds of complex tangens and never simply gets down to the essential truth of pain which is SO SIMPLE AND TRUE! So be aware. Decent start to correct some of the spiritual bypassing we are all guilty of but I don’t think she is ready to help you understand what I’ve pointed to here today. A couple others, happy to share more if interested. I will note that not Teal, True Freedom Teachings and not even Michael Singer, talks about this feeling resonance that happens in the presence of someone that attunes to your emotional waves. This is not shakipat or a traditional spiritual transmission. The closest English would would be deep resonance/empathy/compassion. It’s complete openness, neutrality, equanimity and extremely beautiful and soft Love. Like a log of wood that is simply and completely passively touched and carried by the waves of emotion that can actually perceived by another. Anyway, this may be a good start. And if nothing works, try family constellation. Also a German invention lol but may be available in your area in English. It can at least give you a taste of similar emotional release - even if not to the point of Enlightenment - it can get you inspired and a taste of what Emotional Energetics is about. It’s real, honest & grounded. I’ll end with this: It really can be done. Don’t despair. It may look like a impenetrable wall of turmoil, fear, or whatever emotion, but if we stay with it, without any agenda, if we were willing to fully be with it forever, then, and only then, miracles may reveal themselves. Godspeed and Good Luck ✌🏽 Eric
  5. Summary & Key Takeaways: Dr. Joe Dispenza website: https://drjoedispenza.com/ Online workshop to rewire your brain: https://drjoedispenza.com/collections/the-foundation-collection/products/progressive-and-intensive-online-course-bundle-by-dr-joe-dispenza Tuning In To New Potentials Meditation: https://drjoedispenza.com/products/tuning-in-to-new-potentials-updated-version-by-dr-joe-dispenza-meditation Blessing Of The Energy Centers Meditation: https://drjoedispenza.com/collections/the-foundation-collection/products/blessing-of-the-energy-centers-i-updated-version-by-dr-joe-dispenza-meditation (Extra recommendation) Synchronizing Your Energy: To Health https://drjoedispenza.com/product-details/Synchronizing Your Energy%3A To Health Wim Hof (the iceman) website: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/ Wim Hof Method 3 rounds of Guided breathing: https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ Wim Hof Method explained: https://youtu.be/nzCaZQqAs9I Wim Hof Method (one of many healing testimonials): https://youtu.be/rlbIseil1TE Wim Hof Method Brain over Body (one of many studies): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YficBlvPwWQ Jini Patel Thompson (amazing but watch with caution): https://youtu.be/FsIN8tSWjI8 We don’t necessarily agree with everything she is advocating but her ‘get healthy or die trying’ spirit as well as her holistic view on complex health issues is amazing! Inspiring documentary trailer: HEAL https://youtu.be/Ffp-4tityDE Inspiring instagram post from Eric: instagram.com/p/Cjiiw0DjHX4/ German New Medicine website (in English): https://learninggnm.com/home.html Weston A. Price website: https://www.westonaprice.org/ KEY Takeaways (most impactful things for Eric & Adam): EXPERIMENTATION, RESEARCH & ATTITUDE Create YOUR OWN healing protocol with trial and error Be open to anecdotal evidence instead of only trusting ‘scientific’ studies Reduce stress at all cost Humbly listen to & learn from your pain teacher. FEEL YOUR PAIN. Feel all the emotions that come up. Never suppress them. Face issues directly Get clear on your priorities: What’s actually important in your life? What do you value? Act in accordance. Stop procrastinating on what is called for Understand the 4 psychological states: victimhood, fighter mindset, creator, flow/surrender (explained at 1:25:50 in the video) Rewiring your brain/mind & alter your emotions/hormonal system by correcting your thinking/false conclusions & letting go of all negativity (guilt, share, blame, etc.) until only gratitude & joy radiate from your being Receiving messages from your pain teacher with gratitude (instead of victimhood) because you recognize the grace of pain. Its purpose is to help you wake up, heal, develop, and actualize your innate potential. Ultimately, iIt’s not only about the results but about who you become. Consistent sleep schedule 9h+ (ideally go to bed before midnight) Meditation Breathwork Cold showers Dr Joe Dispenza Workshops (this will rewire your thinking) German New Medicine MOST IMPACTFUL DIET CHANGES Kefir (fermented cows or goats milk, coconut milk kefir also available for vegans) Bone broth Temporary carnivore diet (with organs to get all nutrients & vitamins) for 1-3 months Fasting (be careful with restriction, it can backfire) One meal a day to rest the gut More on diet Try fermented vegetables for more probiotics Read: How to Eat, Move and be Healthy Book by Paul Chek Read: Nutrition and physical degeneration Book by Weston A. Price Study the diet of your ancestors Whole foods Prepare foods to make them more easily digestible (soaking, sprouting, cooking with lime, etc.) Cut sugar & minimise processed food Consider drinking seawater (must be from a good source and the right dosage/concentration) Exercise/walk/mobility to move the lymphatic system Environment Time in nature Healthy, safe, and loving social life is KEY Do blood work to figure out your deficiencies Supportive groups Supplements Vitamin D3 in combination with Vitamin K2 & Magnesium Vitamin C Omega 3 Cats claw (the ‘magic’ supplement)
  6. On the hummingbird post:
  7. Hello wonderful people. I've been looking for a beautiful and expansive psychedelic music playlist. What are your favourites? I like this one: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3M53NuwdFqNHYhiWrvobId?si=nNKOfru8SU6k0D2sHjcZ2w&pi=winpMxNETiOB- Your recommendations can be in a completely different style. Appreciation your way.
  8. I hear you brother @Thetruthseeker. Relax into your disappointment and allow the disillusion. You will grow from this into greater understanding, wisdom and love. The conspiratorial lure can basically get a hold of anyone who does not either react against it or has a certain inner wisdom to understand it's discretion. Don't put people that fall into conspiratorial thinking off as lunatics. There is a pain inside of them that attracts or docks onto this delusion. As long as you have role models you are projecting your own 'positive' qualities onto them and will therefore inevitably disillusioned because you made them into something they are not. They are equal to you. Innocently avoiding pain 'ignoring' pain and therefore creating 'ignorance'. Which can express in many ways. Dis-ease, as in Leo's case, or a partly deluded mind as in the case of RFK, Rogan, Aubrey, etc. There is a truth in everyone's perspective. Once you have taken back your positive projection you will respect yourself and others as they are. I appreciate Aubrey for who he is with all the light and shadow because I know, we are all fallible. Carry any creater perspective, insight, or understanding with deep humility, motherly love, and fierce compassion.
  9. The solution lies in the problem. Allow yourself to feel your pain.
  10. Hey man. Every teaching has it's validity to whom it's relevant. If Todd is helping you, all power to you and Todd. He & the guy from 5 principles of seduction are definitely the most genuine pick up coaches I had come across.
  11. I studied Todd. His teachings are extremely technical and kept me stuck in my head. In his course 'the system' he literally presents a graph with dozens of ways to open a conversation, like what? That's no how you do it. Thinking about it all day and night, planning scheming, preparing, anticipation. That's all ego. Meaning unprocessed, unconscious pain. It's fear of rejection. Fear of pain. The whole reason why most of us think at all is fear of pain. When we think we can't feel, when we feel we can't think. It's like Yin & Yang. So constant thinking is a wonderful, subconscious, and automatic mechanism to not feel all the micro and macro traumas we have stored in our bodies. What about relaxing into the unknown present moment and letting that mold and evolve you? Alone the concept of 'why girls flake' is already so removed from genuine relating. It's a very skewed perspective. When someone doesn't show up. It doesn't need an explanation and it's 100% your creation & responsibility. Surrender to your pain and be enlightened by insight about how you attracted that situation. Then naturally this issue will solve itself. The lightning of pain can only hit that place once. Once the polarity has been discharged, the pain was processed, that part of you & the entangled reality are annihilated and a new pair / higher polarity reborn.
  12. @Yimpa thank you for sharing that hilarious Dr Phil Video!! xDDDD There is some truth to what the guy was saying about women at 2 am... xDDD
  13. Hey @Leo Gura great post! Do you mind elaborating more? I'm keen to hear your perspective, especially after publishing a series on pick up... or is it something else? It seems similar. I 100% agree. I can't articulate it pointedly yet but I'd basically say that pickup corrupts your mind on many levels. Main point: it objectifies women and puts them into a box which is to be exploited/pleasure to be extracted/milked, generally a consumer or 'me me me', getting frame of mind. It also disrespects women, as sovereign God beings, or even just sovereign human beings on equal footing. It disregards and prevents true, honest, and real emotional love connection because with the lense of pickup, you can't even see the other being as they are. Pickup also pre-assumes that there is a mind strategy to get what you want. This is mostly coming from lack and unconscious trauma. Therefore, the result will reflect the initial intention/impulse and will only create more feelings of lack even when ending up in a relationship (for example, in the form of neediness, fear of losing her, etc.) The most 'successful' guy with women I know, is a guy who doesn't follow any strategy at all. It's complete spontaneous joy, magnetism and authentic attraction. He is a natural at it, great looking guy, and he processed a lot of emotions to get to a (to me unbelievable) level of non-attachment & relaxation. In my experience, the more related uncomfortable emotions, tension in the body, and subconscious pain I've felt, the more natural and 'successful' I have become with women. Going from Scripts to > Tactics > Strategies > Magnatism > Radiant Being Nothing beats a full heart and sharing the joy to be alive in an authentic way. At least, when meeting women who are receptive to that. If you are not into women who are receptive to that, but more like the club type, then you are probably equally as traumatized as they are lol ... because, as a matter of fact, most pickup and (romantic) relationships are a subtle form of voilence and abuse of both the other and ourselves.
  14. Can someone explain what this whole crocodile thing is about? I'm genuinely curious. Does it represent survival or the ego? Is there a deeper meaning or more fun and jokes?
  15. Jamie Wheal once said 'study the shit out of Spiral Dynamics and then forget about it in your daily life' or something like that. It's a useful meta structure, most people haven't studied it enough & most people misuse it by judging themselves and others. It's a great model, suck the juice out of it and move on. Handle it lightly like a tool. Do you always run around with a tool in your hand or on your head? You are more free when you can see and experience life clearly without glasses. It's fun, it can be helpful but don't forget... life is what happens outside of your thinking.
  16. 100% agree. 5 years ago I always wanted to be stage yellow and in certain aspects you could argue that intellectually one part of me might have been there BUT we consist of many parts (psychological, emotional, spiritual, etc.). Most of which are hiding in our subconscious! After a few years of spiritual and emotional bypassing I realized that my heart first needs and wants to fully experience Green. Real embodiment of Stage Green means becoming Green as a whole being, with our heart and instinctual gut, not just the mind. This requires processing a lot of subconscious emotional pain that created all of the selfishness and self deception we see in stage Orange. It's fascinating how sneaky our subconscious mind is in even going as far as masquerading as a hippy but still fundamentally continuing the same underlying STRUCTURES of stage Orange. I didn't realize this until I become a hippy, dreadlocks, living in Thailand, etc. and then starting to work with an emotional therapist/wizard/master who helped me discover so many subconscious programs and conditionings and more importantly get in touch with the pain that lies at the root of all of them. Saying this probably won't actually point to the experiences that opened up so if this resonates, go down the rabbit hole and assume you have as little idea about emotional pain as you had about psychedelics before trying them the first time (if you have). Even if you have done psychedelics, Breathwork, therapy, and shadow work, there's a good chance there's a good chance it'll be an entirely new dimension of life to get in touch with true subconscious pain and conditionings. I consider myself lucky. I don't think I could have discovered most of this without a wise conscious and experienced pain guide as a mirror. I still don't know where I'm at with green but certainly feel far away from yellow, emotionally. And can now see clearly how I actually don't event want to be yellow yet. There is SO much juice in Green. My wanting yellow as a teen was partly genuine curiousity but also a lot of escapism. Once you've stuffed your head with all the theory in the world. Most growing up is a result of cleaning up & showing up. What an exciting journey! I'm glad I don't know shit! When I recently visited a famous guru I was deeply humbled by the magnitude of his organisation and realized how little I actually know. It felt like a relief to my true self that my arrogant ego after all that learning, still actually isn't that far and great as it thought. Wonderful reality check to go out into the world and see what people have created and their actual impact, compared to endless mental masturbation, visions, and intentions. Don't talk, show me your stage. Demonstrate your being. A rule of thumb could be: Unless and until you can't whole heartedly appreciate (+ would be willing and happy to live in integrity with that) what someone like Robin Greenfield says, you are not in Green: https://www.robingreenfield.org/mission/ "Behind every act of consumer convenience there is a burden that is placed on humanity, Earth, plants and animals elsewhere. I live simply to take responsibility for my actions and to not outsource my burdens upon others. Through globalization and industrialization, it is often impossible to know the impact of our actions. By living simply, I have much fewer needs and it is easier to meet these needs more harmoniously. Most of my needs are provided freely by my relationship with the Earth and humanity. Most of my needs come from inside of myself, such as my needs for meaning, purpose and connection. Living simply is not a sacrifice for me. It is not about decreasing my own quality of life. Rather it is a pursuit of the highest quality of life. I do not believe that financial wealth and material possessions will make me happy or content. I believe that relationships, connection, skills and internal liberation will create the good life for me." - Robin Greenfield
  17. Can you share more about your models and why this makes sense? I'm curious!
  18. It can also make you deeply curious and inspire you + deeply & humbly connect you if you are able to process your pain and go into resonance with the pain of the other that is 'doing evil' as that unfelt pain is the cause of all 'evil'. Think about it. Why would it be aggravating or depressing? Only because it triggers unprocessed pain in you and by resisting it, it turns into further emotion. Most of us, including me, take on too much and then overwhelm the nervous system, basically creating micro trauma and making it basically impossible to consciously be with your emotions and deal with external matters. Question is, how big is your nervous systems capacity to face and process pain? That's a slow growth process. Can also be instantaneous. Either way, a lot of times it's easier said than done. Politics can definitely be a huge challenge, like the end boss in healing because all ego/pain corruptions come together: money, power, fame. Still, even here, at the epicenter of the matrix, healing transformation is possible.
  19. @Leo Gura have you considered that when you can adjust to certain states over years as your nervous system adjust? Also, states can soften and integrate into deeper peace instead of crazy ecstasy and overwhelming light that makes you unable to walk and talk. I know a few yogis who had a phase of being unable to function and then later integrated in that way. Last but not least, the reason why they don't experiance an effect from psychedelics anymore might NOT be because they are in the 'highest state' but because of the following reason: I learned that the highs and lows are like an oscillation or amplitude of consciousness and enlightenment is the collapse of that. So each high or low is a pushing against the baseline/straight line, it's a pushing below it or pushing above it, the distance from the base line in the middle reflects the increasing amount of resistance which is in between the two lines and makes it more obvious the bigger it gets, which is exactly what happens as we progress on the spiritual path, the highs and lows get bigger until we see the resistance that creates them clearly and surrender all resistance. With that the oscillation of highs and lows end and the amplitude collapses. This goes hand in hand with what Frank says that tripping and bliss is just a byproduct of clearing out conditioning. Because once conditioning is cleared, there is no more resistance. Meaning, when you are enlightened you are not in a peak state like on psychedelics as that is one extreme of the polarity and actually a form of resistance to what is. So then the collapse of polarity & duality puts you in the most sober state because you are fully in touch with your reality without resisting the mundane which is actually extraordinary in comparison to the normal/average ego state. Bottom line, yes psychedelics might make you more conscious in an isolated way but it's a refusal to accept your position in the grand scheme of things. There's a reason why we were born human and not SUPER CONSCIOUS ALIEN 👽 and enlightenment is a complete surrender and alignment with what our reality is, right now, not as our identity wants it to be. Right now, if you want it or not, a part of you is a limited human. What do you do with that? Deny it, reject it? Try to get away from it? Well, if so, good luck with hitting your head against the wall of limitation because the only way out is through. Also, simply stay true to your path and experience the consequences. That's the best we can do and life will course correct us with pain and/or death in due time. So fully enjoy your creation and savour it for it is you and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let me know if that possibility and perspective resonates or makes sense at all. Not asserting it as absolute truth, just as relative wisdom.
  20. Why do you have to make that extra step of identifying? I’m genuinely curious. As I understanding the activity of identifying is what creates suffering and letting go of that is the natural state because you let nature be nature meaning you don’t entangle yourself with it and skew it in the process. Letting go of the need to be something (no matter if that’s a human, God, or formless infinity). This doesn’t meant that you aren’t it or that it doesn’t arise but simply that you let it be and go without needing to claim it as yourself because that creates clinging and aversion leading to suffering which I heard was the only thing Buddha’s teaching was or is all about. Nothing else. It doesn’t attempt to explain the universe, it simply shows the path out of suffering. Which is a nice thing and comes with some nice surprises.