First thing first, I love this answer, I needed that. I also appreciate your detailed answer!
Your abundance argument seems legit, I haven’t really considered that. But I personally never really had a problem with weirdness, I actually had a nice social life. But nowadays I am just not interested in low consciousness friends, I see no “value” or joy in spending time with them, I definitely prefer a podcast, working or high consciousness friends. I am trying to figure out why I am not capable of enjoying everyone’s company.
Do you have an idea?
What do you mean with “some mindset switch is probably the best for the next one.”?
I consider myself as an individual who
has orange attachments,
has some healthy green parts, but isn’t hippie &
loves / is passionate about yellow (is interested in turquoise)
I guess I am not ready for the no expectation approach.
Currently I am trying the discipline track, I think it is working for me but I don’t feel completely comfortable with it, because I associate spiral dynamics stage orange with it, which I currently resist. (I struggle with letting that resistance go, any advice?)
Is there another track which fits stage yellow or a track which you can imagine is worth looking into?