Spiral Wizard

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Everything posted by Spiral Wizard

  1. @Hello from Russia Yeah, I think if he continues to meditate at some point he will become full of his stage orange attachments and go through a similar transformation as we saw with Alex Becker.
  2. I literally wasn't able to stop smiling after I saw this video a few weeks ago. I watched this after I saw Leos video "Why are my videos so long" which he published on his blog. Those two videos made me feel like a little fanboy of reality haha.
  3. @Socrates Agree. He publishes great videos but I feel like he is going too far. He overreacts against gurus. Don't get me wrong, people like Dan Lok are problematic but there are others who he "exposes" as fake gurus who are great. For example, Sam Ovens IMO is one of the best business gurus, I found his teachings have literally the least bullshit to them and are really high quality as well as straight to the point. So yeah, especially in his video about Sam I noticed that he has no idea what he is talking about. The world isn't black & white, but levels of gray.
  4. Like @PlasmicProjection said, John Change is amazing. I recommend his book: https://www.amazon.de/Magus-Java-Teachings-Authentic-Immortal/dp/0892818131/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
  5. I just overcame a big rut myself which was caused by an emotional blockade and conflicting beliefs. The Videos below helped me a lot but it really depends on your situation and now I learned a lot about myself and my past through this mini life crisis. Contemplate the root of your issues/rut and then search for a tailored solution.
  6. @AlterEgo Thanks! Are their YT videos as good as their articles or why have you liked the website instead of the YouTube channel?
  7. True haven't thought about that. Would be fucking epic. He will shake society up, big time. To be honest, I think in a few decades or centuries, when SD stage yellow becomes mainstream, Leos videos will have millions of views. Yeah that's probably it haha
  8. I have a hard time introducing actualized.org to family and friends because I never know what video will resonate with them. It is just to easy to scare someone off because many videos are just too advanced or too long for newbies. Have you solved that issue? I also haven't figured out how to balance crusading and genuinely sharing actualized.org... or is sharing always crusading?
  9. Any recommendations on where to find an experienced wing men? Which online forums can you recommend? "Don't underestimate the importance of having just 1 or 2 experienced wingmen to go out with every weekend. This is HUGE! It's worth much more than a bootcamp in terms of results. You can find wingmen via online forums or by attending an RSD FreeTour in your city. Befriend everyone at the FreeTour. Get their phone numbers and start going out with them every night." - Leo Gura
  10. @Alex can you elaborate on what you mean with overwhelm? What effects can I expect?
  11. There are so many techniques and it is quite hard to prioritize them. Currently I practice concentration, meditation (trying to think of nothing) & tummo breathing. But I am also interested in many many more techniques. I am just a little bit confused and overwhelmed. Which techniques are serving which purpose? For example: Which is the “best” for enlightenment? I guess every technique is serving a different niche of results or are they all serving enlightenment equally? Some examples of techniques I found to be interesting: Meditation Self-Inquiry Mindfulness Awareness Letting go Concentration Chakra Kundalini Microcosmic orbit Tummo reverse breathing Breathing Wim Hof Shamanic Holotropic Vivation Other NLP Shadow work Contemplation Solo retreat Psychedelics Lucid Dreaming Astral Projection Hypnosis Yoga Body- / Energy Work Reichian Therapy Acupuncture Reiki Neurofeedback Training Binaural Beats Witchcraft / Occult/ Tantra Taoism Qi-gong Cha-an
  12. Do you have a good video or article where the technique is explained?
  13. Leo said you should keep your eyes open while practicing the do nothing technique. Why is that?
  14. Yes, I noticed he has the least bullshit within his content when you compare him with other business gurus. A quit SD yellow mindset mixed with orange motivations.
  15. I followed his development and it is quite interesting. Only he could truly measure this, we only project but... I definitely think that currently, his gravitational pull moves from orange to green. There are some yellow ideas but mostly orange success-driven motivations. He realized that chasing money is hallow but hasn't realized that he went from one ideology to another. Still, he is on a good track to become yellow in the next decade.
  16. It’s a difficult topic, I think one shouldn’t outsource this decision, but it would be interesting to here your thoughts on whether donating ones organs is a good idea or not.
  17. I am relatively young for self-actualization & entrepreneurship. No one in my personal reach (or environment) is as far developed as I am, which is why I feel disconnected and often times lonely. There are these rare glances or sometimes even hours where I am so connected to my vision and the big / overarching picture. In these moments I know exactly why I put so much work into personal development and my business, in these moments it is crystal clear why I sacrifice for / invest in my future. Basically: In these situations I feel like everything is going perfect, there is no need to worry and the one year I have invested into my business is not that long. But because I haven’t gotten the results I desire so much and because I fell short of many of my goals I get discouraged or depressed the next day. What is your advice? How are you staying connected to your vision? How are you handling loneliness along your journey? How are you staying patient? How are you getting this big picture view consistently?
  18. @GGG This may help you: https://youtu.be/MjKYJjCqUv4
  19. lmfao I instantly had to think of TheUnfits (Jay Alverrez friend). Anyways, thank you @undeather I truly appreciate that you took the time to answer this in detail! Keep it up! PS.: This may be projection, but I bet you are an ENTJ or something like that.
  20. I feel like I lost the trust in myself and the believe that I can hit my goals because I haven’t reached many goals / targets I have set for myself in the past few months. That’s why I am often discouraged when I work for my new project. How do I regain the believe? What are your thoughts on this topic or your advice?
  21. @Nahm I love that, but for me that is easier said than done. Is it possible to do that before an enlightenment experience, just through trying and letting go?
  22. That happened on its own a few days ago. I felt a big relive, but I also felt like there is much more to cure. Should I just dwell on the pain to provoke tears or is the emotional part fixed and now I need to find a different solution?