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Everything posted by Felli

  1. you describe certain aspects of the self-actualization journey being 'the juice of life' and 'incredible results' or something like this. What were these in your direct experience? and how did they make you feel? Can we all expect the same?
  2. is it a realistic goal or vision to meet true love with another human? have you ever had a true love and what was your experience?
  3. what traps did you fall into yourself and wished you knew about (maybe when you were late teen) do your daily errands feel ordinary
  4. what goes on in your mind? Do you consciously try to come up with theories or something along those lines?
  5. I'm curious as to how you still have so much growth left. How?
  6. who do you sympathize with the most out of all humans?
  7. https://academyofideas.com/books/ good books with topics like propaganda, jung and philosophy
  8. agreed , i love the journals too
  9. https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/76373.Majority_Report
  10. Person: George Orwell feels like he is talking about the pendulum swing from individual to collective
  11. @Leo Gura hey leo would you pursue changing th education system or political change in general if i you had a choice
  12. Having the skill of visualisation can pull you to the future. Even in bad times it includes: creativity, intuition, vision, ambition purpose and you could argue spirit
  13. There's an option in the cog section
  14. Always trust your gut but i would also say you could make your life into a real life video game with that money and actualized.org. Things like life purpose are some of the best ways to get fufillment.
  15. @mandyjw I found the holes, can fit them in the wall now.Thank you
  16. Thanks for the inspiration and wisdom @Nahm I have a larger whiteboard and its a pain in the ass to set up. What have you guys used to hang it up?