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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. If you really want to know a) weigh yourself everyday for months b) count your calories c) find out what's easiest to digest for you (for some it's keto, for others vegan, for me personally anything that aligns with this https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/food-combining#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2 works well) Likely you'll find out that the number is well within the range, maybe not. Most of the time people can't really guess how many calories they're consuming.
  2. After a few months of doing eg. 30m, 5x a week a) the body load might largely disappear b) there will be more of a consciousness increase c) it will become a useful tool for contemplation You should do a breath hold at the end of the 30m session. That's stronger than both holotropic breathing and wim Hof. If you do the breath hold sooner that wouldn't be strong enough. If you take tolerance breaks (for me, tolerance builds up) it will be getting stronger and stronger over time. You should also incorporate long sessions from time to time and maybe mix it with a small dose of a psychadelic.
  3. 3 days, all day concentration (kasina) + 2 days dry fasting, 1 day water fast. You will wish it was weaker.
  4. I have done it by using a combination of a) kasina (read Daniel Ingrams & Shannon Tates fire kasina book), do a retreat (weeks, 6 - 20 hours a day) b) The Phase book (only the techniques, his understanding is far from complete) c) Witchcraft - I created a servitor to help me with it (read Advanced Magick for Begginers by Alan Chapman) and done other techniques.
  5. Dream yoga, when taken far enough, can make you realize there is no distinction between nightly dreams and awake dreams. You can experience shared dreams (I have done that), dreams that can give you enough information to write a book in a single day (I have not done that), information you dont have access to, literally visit and verify places (I have done that), heal people (I havent done that), emulate psychadelic experiences (I have done that), once you stabilize it enough hours of extra time (I have done that). At the end of dream yoga, dreams are sometimes reported to dissapear altogether.
  6. Thanks for clarifying. It is still interesting what high doses of concentration can do to sexual identity (I'm talking hundreds of hours in weeks). I could provide a link to another meditation forum, if that wouldn't be against the rules in this specific context, for research. Whether that's could be explained as being more sensitive to the changes the chemicals causes or exploring mor of your own psychology or both is also a thing. Also, less people nowadays give a f* about reproduction whether straight or gay or whatever which might be bad for civilization but let's be real, most people care about their own life not civilization.
  7. Yeah, there might be some correlation between these chemicals and gayness. Doesn't really mean that it's bad. Bad is what has negative consequences for the individual. Gayness is neither right nor wrong. Calling it bad is completely arbitrary. Even trans suicides are mostly caused by shitty social situation with mental health playing into it depending on the specific individual. Of course if detoxing suddenly turned people heterosexual it might be worth considering. I'd still say other benefits of removing these chemicals from your system dramatically outweigh any gender identity / sexuality stuff. Interesting fact: concentration meditation in very high doses has been consistently reported to do weird gender identity stuff too.
  8. Trash, Thoughts, Emotions, You, Everything, Devilry, Meth, DMT, Jesus Christ, Nothing Now try to list all the names of not-God....
  9. I think the benefits are the same as with fasting. Both abstaining from food or sexual activity for a time period gives me the same benefits. And the rebound is the same too (with fasting it is harder to digest food for a while, giving you the food equivalent of POIS. If I abstain from sexual activity for days /weeks I get POIS too. If I have any type of sexual activity frequently I dont have ANY POIS. Same with food.) a) women get automatically attracted with both fasting and retention b) manifestation is way easier c) meditation is way easier I am almost certain that it is about self mastery (not some magic seed) and the attraction is because women can intuit it from micro behavior. That is why fasting can have the magical pussy magnet effect too. The reason why manifestation works so well after a certain period is that it builds your will. The closer your will is to Will the better it works.
  10. Chimping doesn't ever completely stop. No matter how awake or actualized a person is. A hermit working on awakening is just a very conscious lone chimp. The Saints are just piles of meat. Let's try to practice honesty about our own chimping
  11. Yeah, makes sense. More money = more money for now & more money to invest. In his country 600$ is now enough to live. Assuming it will be something like 2000$ in 30 years 160000/2000/12 means 6.66 years of retirement.
  12. Universities, at least while getting a bachelor's degree, aren't exactly real science either. If you're studying something technical just do a bunch of calculus on KhanAcademy, read a few books related to the specific thing you're studying, don't forget to turn in your homework, come to a lecture once in a while, do some modafinil when studying for an exam or writing a Bachelor thesis and that should be enough.
  13. I would recommend reading through this: https://eudoxos.github.io/cfitness/html/cfitness.html#the-progress-of-insight-map Tell me if it rings a bell.
  14. Put at least 10% of everything you make to something like S&P 500 vanguard or if you can find a better investment then do that. Don't withdraw the money for a few decades. You can spend the rest freely without worry.
  15. That sounds about right. The reason minoxidil works well for a lot of people is because there's a lot more hardly visible hairs on your face than you'd think.
  16. I like alternating between small doses psychadelics & high doses meditation / high doses psychadelics & contemplation / bare meditation / bare psychadelics high doses. Kind off like concurrent periodization when lifting. Psychadelic mainly causes permanent changes that would be proportional to permanent changes caused by intense versions of samatha jhãnas except stronger because psychadelics are like jhãnas on steroids. Doesn't mean that you couldn't get anything permanent. It's just different.
  17. No. Trying to suspend thought is bad form. Vipassana is about noticing impermanence, no self & unsatisfactory nature of experience. (nonverbal, unless you are using noting - which I would definitely reccomend) If you don't like theory you should either start with noting or fire kasina (kasina practices are like a perfect mix of Vipassana and Shamatha, fire (candle) is specifically easier for beginners but still brings as intense results as the other kasinas).
  18. Yeah, I love that feeling too. I've always wondered whether people who complain about it making them paranoid and having bad experiences are just bad at interpreting this state.
  19. Stages of insight refer only to meditation practice. Which makes sense, because basically every meditation technique is just noticing what's not you (whether you're using object as an anchor or not ). Stages of insight exist in meditation and there's a predictable sequence applicable for everybody. If meditation isn't the only technique then yes, it would be redundant to think of stages of insight.
  20. The goal of Christianity is to merge with God. The methods they use is heavy contemplation (both focused on one thing for a long time, or all day of lighter topics) along with exercises to transcend the body (eg. Fasting) and mind. Most supposed Christians aren't actually Christians. People who take it seriously can actually get a high degree of realization. Of course there's a lot of dogma even among the people who do it the right way, but that's the same with Buddhism and every other religion. True Christians (that take it far enough) might be more realized than most famous Buddhists. I'm not advocating for a religion but there's a huge difference between Christianity and Babyjesus-ism.
  21. I just wrote a copywriting, paid article with a lot of help from ChatGTP. I'm also definitely going to use it for school work, programming orders etc.
  22. Modafinil Is not a classic stimulant. It's enhancing wakefulness. It should be ok, maybe it could even make the trip better.
  23. In my case I'd say weed effect became this pronounced after experiencing very high states of consciousness outside. People who don't get this effect from it should combine it with holotropic breathing. Anyone can get psychadelic effects that way (this is based on interactions with people I recommended this to & my own experimentation). Ta daa ... Everyone who has access to weed can experience psychadelic effects. Also, both holotropic breathing & weed get stronger even seperatedly every time you do this. There may be weird cases where that doesn't work for some, but those would be the outliers.
  24. If I question things while after a single puff of weed I feel like I have extra mini-alien (it's pretty strong, I call it "mini" because I can see how there'd be many times more interesting experiences) intelligence that can answer anything I ask it. It was this potent for me even one of the first times I used when I had zero experience with other psychadelics. I can also get panaromic vision (a very strong unmistakable state) very easily on weed.
  25. I do something similar to what Alan Chapman writes in his Advanced magick for beginners book. His other books are great too, but you should start with that one. Combined with a kasina retreat and you'll know how to do it in a short time.