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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. The title is gold. You should check out the channel "siddhanta yoga" on YouTube.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation. For me it's always about finding a good system that makes you progress faster than the general population, not so much about how many hours I put into it. For example with lifting, if you choose the right program you will become advanced within a few years of training only ~200 hours a year. (Concurrent periodization) Or with spirituality if you combine retreats, psychadelics & other techniques (all day awareness, fasting etc.) you too can cut the 10 000 hours by a considerable amount. At least in theory, I'm not advanced with spirituality yet. My point is that deliberate practice should be combined with techniques that cut the learning curve. It's not enough just to do the emotionally hard thing, it must also be done in a fashion that's as smart as possible. And finding a very good teacher also removes a few thousand hours from the rule.
  3. Try to find anybody who exhausted 5 meo's full potential lol. Ofc there might be something stronger, it's just that it would be hard to find use for it.
  4. Spend it on things that create more money. Doesn't have to be stocks or the other classic investments, it can be marketing for your life purpose. Frugalism is a nice tool, but it should be temporary in my opinion, or at least combined with something else.
  5. Concentration meditation. It's way stronger than developing concentration by intellectual tasks. 1.5 hours concentration meditation ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/breath-counting-meditation_b_9698598/amp - there are 2 techniques on this link, do the breath counting one, if you manage to do the whole 1.5h, which is insanely hard on your first try, your tolerance will literally reset) I understand if you're skeptical, but why not try it.
  6. Don't decrease your intake too quickly. Let's say you have 300 mg caffeine ever morning now. Take 250 for let's say 4 days, then 200 for another 4, then 150, then 100 & then switch to black tea, after 4 days green tea and then nothing for another 4 days. After that you can resume drinking coffee again but hopefully more sensibly. Trust me within a few weeks tea will actually be strong for you. Also I noticed that garlic increases my sensitivity. And if I do 1.5hrs+ concentration practice that day it resets my tolerance. If you couple all these tips you should get rid off the addiction quite fast. I've done something similar multiple times and it worked. The addiction can of course return, but you now have a tool that allows you to go months without it if you prefer.
  7. This post deepened my understanding of what turquoise is, thanks. Funny how spiral dynamics naturally calibrate your understanding, it's literally like if you had a machine learning app in your brain.
  8. Have you already exhausted the achiever stage ? I know it's a separate model, obviously, but I have a feeling once you're well off materially you should naturally become more greenish. I've not completely exhausted the achiever stage, yet I have access to green & small percentage of yellow. Once I achieved some degree of success I became naturally way more compassionate & started taking consciousness work way more seriously.
  9. You're probably talking about dream lights, but I've recently read someone changing stuff (light switch etc) in Astral Projection & affecting real life. In Astral Projection Guidebook by Erin Pavlina. And I agree that people should find out this kind of thing for themselves.
  10. Realizing that there's no my, me etc. Doesn't mean that you will autistically point it out in every single sentence
  11. If chakras exist it might be just one chakra over active.
  12. That's insane lol. Interesting how somehow his kundalini awakening began when he was still a child. And yeah, it makes sense that awareness makes it more intense. I hope he can learn to use it to his advantage. Tbh I'm pretty sure if he went to a 10 day Vipassana retreat he would experience a cessation / first step of classical enlightenment, except with way more mystical phenomena than people normally experience. The catch is that it would obviously become even more intense than it's now. I don't really know why he's experiencing way more of this kind of phenomena than even monks do, but there has to be a way to make it useful. And what he said about his cat doesn't sound strange at all, they truly do see this kind of stuff.
  13. You kinda have all the psychadelic recommendations you'll ever need. And no, he hasn't revealed it, as far as I know. I'm pretty sure once we get to a similar experience level as Leo with psychadelics, we should discover a lot of unknown substances naturally.
  14. Try to create positive karma on purpose and see what happens / if suddenly many times the good you do to other people starts happening to you. You've got to give it enough time though.
  15. Lol these gurus somehow don't understand that nobody's claiming that a psychadelic trip / a few of them will make you permanently enlightened. Interesting that even very experienced people can miss the obvious.
  16. LOA (doesn't have to be done consciously, just the fact that they're already rich contributes) + being smart + not so high morals in some cases
  17. It's obviously connected to your Aya trip. But yeah, when you don't sleep interesting stuff happens.
  18. I'd get the apartment. Maybe you could get your own 5 meo, instead of the retreat. If you are patient enough you can always go to the retreat later. That way you have the best of both worlds. After all if you still haven't sorted your material life out, it should be higher priority. Basic material stuff -> self-actualization -> serious spirituality (Doesn't mean you can't do spirituality now, just shouldn't be the highest priority)
  19. Lol, finally someone has good taste when it comes to YouTube.
  20. Train your concentration. Memory = paying attention * healthy brain