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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. I've heard it, attempted it but still haven't been able to change the whole reality I'm in. Only parts / things ordinary magick practitioners can do. I'm 100% certain it's possible tho. It's just not something you will get easily unless you're very gifted.
  2. Depends if you talk about baseline or peak.
  3. One time when I combined weed, meditation and Kundalini transmission before sleep my dreams felt like I was gone for a week. When I woke up I had a hard time remembering where I am for like half an hour.
  4. After you build up to a month without coffee you can use it again in moderation.
  5. He only said he sees the possiblity / I think he might've experienced a little healing during one of his trips. And it's just stating the obvious - most people interested in spirituality know that psychadelics are one of the ways to siddhis (temporary & unstable,). I think everyone should try to develop siddhis naturally. It's not as hard as it sounds. You don't need to be advanced yogi for them. It's just that you have to place your effort on developing them instead of letting them unfold naturally. Ofc siddhis can be a distraction from enlightenment.
  6. Any zen monastery ever. If you however want to go hardcore meditation as your main goal go the Theravada route.
  7. Read Neuro-Wisdom. It's not exactly about this but it explains why it works.
  8. It worked for me with coffee & good music for working out. If I never drank coffee and listened to good music I wouldn't have established the habit. So yes, it would probably work. You will just build a nicotine addiction and you will have to face the consequences of that.
  9. Doesn't really matter, if it was destructive for you the plants would show you.
  10. Occult is some strong shit even for normal people. Now image what it could be like for an elite yogi. I think it's way less bullshit that it seems.
  11. Sounds like it would work & be fun. Nice plan.
  12. Gather as many health tips as possible and then slowly try to apply them & observe. The reason diet can increase/decrease consciousness is because it's connected to health. Not because of some special universal law or whatever. Experiment with adaptogens, see if they work for you. Track your antioxidants, cardio etc. Basically experiment with everything that doesn't seem unsafe / completely retarded.
  13. 2+ years. Started at TM. Experienced some states of oneness when I did 3 sessions instead of the recommended 2. 4 day fast also massively helped. Then after about half a year I started experimenting with Vipassana noting & concentration on the breath. 40m on average. Overall fucked around with many techniques. Made some progress, got some more experiences, mainly because of kundalini transmissions. During the first corona wave I upped my meditation to 1.5h to 3h everyday (concentration). (The key was 1.5h sessions, instead of splitting it up, it truly feels magical that way). One kundalini transmission a week. During the second corona wave (this) I started to do only 1h concentration a day + mindfulness during the day + kundalini transmissions here and there + some 36 / 24 h water fasts. Now I'm doing 1.5 to 3h again, but this time it's 45m concentration, 45m noting. Also I'm experimenting with IF, let's see if that makes any difference. My baseline is way higher than before. In fact, I'm surprised by how much it's different. I'm experiencing random states of oneness etc. during my waking life. Overall it has been extremely rewarding for me.
  14. Do the practices, get the psychadelic experiences, read the books & form your own opinions. No need to ask others.
  15. Write down your dreams. Everyday, even if you don't remember anything write down "I don't remember anything". If you never miss a day you will soon have way above average dream recall. Doubt it's due to porn. Even if it was you can just fix it this way, cause it should have bigger impact.
  16. Male: head awakening first, hearth second Female: hearth first, head second I've seen it irl. When women already have began awakening their kundalini without intellectual understanding of what non duality or even awakening actually means. And men usually mentally masturbate a thousand theories before even meditating seriously. Women get a head start but have to correct their course over time, men start slower but usually take more correct action when they finally begin serious work.
  17. Lol Just be more careful next time. Yeah, I've done retarded shit while not caring about ego too. But then I realized nihilism is just another layer of ego.
  18. If you don't get where stage green / vegans are coming from you likely aren't above them.
  19. From the larger picture probably yes (when you get full yellow). But in the short / medium term it can be pretty destabilizing. For example when you go from orange to green. That will definitely make you seem like you don't have your shit together at all, at least from the perspective of people who don't know spiral dynamics (the general population).
  20. Try edibles and Leo's guides excersise for realizing you're God.