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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. People who put rationality strictly above anything that seems emotional do so because they're emotional.
  2. Synchronicities are the result of being more aware of the present. They were always there, you just didn't notice.
  3. She's obviously addicted to sex. The main bad thing is what'll happen if she ever decides to have kids.
  4. Lol. Max a not overly expensive gift on her birthday or the valentine's day or whatever.
  5. Still more effective than rioting. Another good thing is to try to somehow influence the general public's opinion. Whether through gaining large social media following or whatever. My point is not to reduce yourself to the level of a rioting monkey.
  6. Yes. It's a cheat code. It's easy for it to become a crutch.
  7. Lucid dreaming. Or you could just go and do it irl.
  8. A side note: Moses was on a similar level as Jesus when it comes to mysticism.
  9. Well, if you're a good programmer then you can create a few Udemy courses now and if you get lucky you might get good income in a few months. 10 - 15 years should allow you to build a medium/large educational organization. You can milk simple e-learning now and build something better later. Your first business should be something that makes good money in the first year or two not 10 years. Which is entirely possible with your skill base. ________________ As for me (regarding your question in the title of this post) I'm a university student and do freelance work [mainly websites and I've also worked on a game (for a small company) that is now on Steam, although it's not that great yet]. What I've thought of while thinking about my life purpose: - I'll probably end up making an indie game (that I'll design on my own unlike the one I've worked on) or a few of them. Although I don't think I'll end up doing that for too long, it probably won't turn out to be my life purpose. But who knows. - I might write a book about developing siddhis because I think I'd be able to make a better guide than what's out there. Since most of the occult stuff avaible is pre-conventional it might be very refreshing if there was a less delusional way of developing powers available. I'm in the process of becoming even better at this although I already can envision how a step by step guide would look like. - I've also contemplated creating some sort of educational system since my path is very different than most people's. I've been homeschooled for the first 4 years and had bad grades in middle school and high school. Now I'm doing good at university but the main thing that helped me become more educated was Leo's booklist combined with self help. Although I'm not yet advanced enough to make a guide. I didn't take the LP course yet.
  10. Tbh I'd probably adopt a more indirect approach like donating to conscious political organizations etc. If you're directly engaged it can be bad for your survival. Joining riots won't do much good. I'd only consider joining a riot if government does something extremely heinous (as in more heinous than what's happening now in developed countries).
  11. It's not about removing the ego. It's about developing the ego while realizing that you're not the ego.
  12. They don't really teach you philosophy at school. Just philosophical history. And they might throw some logical thinking into the mix, so at least that's nice.
  13. That's not what I'm saying, although It can seem like that at the beginning levels. The impossible stuff starts happening after lots of practice. There are levels to it. If you're hyper rational it might take longer. But it should still be possible.
  14. Well, then watch a Daniel Ingram interview, go to a concentration only retreat and practice setting intention & also practice visualization. There is the receptive aspect (things like astral projection) and the "willing things into existence" aspect (concentration * visualization * intention). If you do that (train it enough) you can manifest money, cars, physical appearance, opportunities, sex appeal, skills etc. And use it for whatever selfish thing you want. Affirmations also work, but should be done either in a Jhãnic state or under the influence of drugs or during sex. Edit: when I say "use it for whatever selfish thing you want" a general rule that should apply is "don't be a dick".
  15. No, not really. If you want to start with something easy like astral projection then read "The Phase" although it's a guide by someone who's a materialist and doesn't believe in the supernatural stuff. If you want to get legit powers: You have to develop massive degrees of concentration. Daniel Ingram talked about it in a few videos. He's a good source. But still - practice is 99% of it. And another good practice is the thing @Yarco said - start with something not hard to believe (like manifest an orange ball in your garden) and build your way up.
  16. The best way to put it under the microscope is to try to for a few months. I already described how to do it in a previous post. You actually can't explain the mechanics without having enough practice with it [(concentration + intention) * visualization]. And if you explain it to an inexperienced person they can come up with billion perfectly rational reasons to disprove it. A nuanced post about witchcraft would take me about 30 - 50 pages.
  17. Concentration * imagination = witchcraft. The rituals are magical thinking. But they work, since you are actually very powerful even if you don't know it (the rituals work because you imagine they work). Try to do a concentration only retreat. You CAN develop serious siddhis in a relatively short time. Why do some left hand practicioners take drugs or have sex while trying to manifest something? Because it's a fast way to become more concentrated, therefore more powerful! The sex energy itself is less special than they think.
  18. Lots of young guys give in to their fear (you don't really stop feeling fear but you can stop giving in). Older guys have probably regretted not approaching women when they were young. It boils down to experience.
  19. Don't do that. If he knows about your channel he won't respect you more because you stop uploading. Just own it. If he doesn't like it and you consider your content good then that's his problem. Imagine how weird it would seem if you found your friends channel and he suddenly stopped uploading after you subscribed... Wouldn't you lose a bit of respect for that person? If you plan on becoming more serious about YouTube you should expect everyone to find out sooner or later.
  20. Could actually be a misinterpreted description of the dark night (a really common state you encounter when you're progressing with your meditation practice).
  21. Well, obviously healthy but KFC is delicious too. Why not have some KFC once in a while?
  22. You have to contemplate what you actually want out of life, those are just generic habits you acquired (nothing wrong with them).