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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. Yeah, but unless you are in a heightened state of consciousness while using the effects will be kinda slow. If you want real change you must be in a higher state of consciousness. Some combination of concentration excersises & weed perphaps. There´s a billion ways to make it work, some healthy and some unhealthy.
  2. Stripping away false self = going in the direction of realizing True Self.
  3. Yeah, this is a part of it. But actually advanced forms of LOA go in the direction of solipsism. They just aren't available in internet LOA communities.
  4. Sex magick. Or just train your concentration, imagination & intent. Or do both. The more you're sure it will happen the more it will happen. You already hold all the power but right now losing the money is a part of what you manifest. You can stop manifesting losing money at will.
  5. That's how online forums work. Everyone things they know the best.
  6. What do I project? I didn't mean it in any offensive sort of way, sorry it it seemed like that.
  7. Even women who completely own their whore side don't just have sex with you because you ask.
  8. Try to get her in bed without talking explicitly about sex. Then ask her if she's ok with not being in a relationship.
  9. You should still meditate. If you stopped meditating it would probably only make it harder.
  10. Read about the rope method (astral projection) and do it every time you get into sleep paralysis. You'll begin to love sleep paralysis.
  11. The depression feeling everyone has but is trying to avoid it. If you stop avoiding it, you´ll get spiritual experiences. You want God but you do everything in your power to run away from it.
  12. You´ll end up using something else to fill the void. It might even seem healthier but it won´t be anything more than a band-aid.
  13. https://eudoxos.github.io/cfitness/html/cfitness.html Read the descriptions of "dukkha nanas" and tell me if your symptoms aligns with them. If they do I can help.
  14. Being a pornstar doesn't make enlightenment less likely directly, it's just that there's a lower chance she'd be interested. Nice to see she's getting into spirituality.
  15. The thing is that those hours are not going to be boring at all because of modafinil. Besides stimulation also makes you "unable" to stop doing whatever you were doing when it was kicking in, because you find it pleasurable. (But you have to take breaks from the meditation every 1 or 2 hours, so you don't begin falling asleep) It's a bit different than other stimulants.
  16. 12 hours of concentration meditation on a low dose of modafinil.
  17. Probably depends on your country. In my country it counts as mentorship / education outside of school, which can be done with no formal qualifications.
  18. That's awesome! What came to my mind when you've talked about the downside (not developing your own confidence): this can be fixed simply by using this awesome opportunity as much as you want / he wants and then gradually start doing it on your own (once you realize why exactly he has such an easy time attracting). I'm not really in the same situation but being bisexual helped me massively because I know what seems attractive from the female perspective directly, which definitely has some similarities to your situation.
  19. If you want something something simple yet profound: Suzuki DT - Introduction to Zen Buddhism If you want an in depth practical guide: Daniel Ingram - MCTB2 If you want a nice, quick start practical guide: Kenneth Folk - Contemplative Fitness
  20. Are you high right now? I don't think it matters (even though it can feel like it does when you're stoned).
  21. It won't take you more than a year to get your business to a point where it matches your country's average salary (if you don't seriously fuck up). After that you can quit your job. It's very doable (if you drop your hobbies etc for a while and when you're short on time then work only 2h on your husin). Temporary stage blue level of discipline beats relying on NFTs anytime.
  22. Spend 2 - 4 hours after work building your business (don't do anything related to nfts, stocks etc, I mean an actual business eg. consulting or copywriting or programming etc - something that provides value). Those 2 - 4 hours MUST be completely undistracted (no phone checking, social media, anything not related shouldn't be done during this time period). Explanation: Deep works starts after ~15 minutes of undistracted work. If you check your notifications (or whatever other distraction you like) every few minutes you actually never hit that point. Since your concentration falls away every time you become distracted. Most people who think they're putting like 5 hours in are actually so distracted during that time period that they only achieve like 40 minutes of work (those numbers are rough estimates). After about an hour of work with zero distractions (don't take any breaks during the whole 2 - 4 hours, unless you're super tired) you'll be able to do way deeper work than usual.
  23. A few years ago I bought something from wish. It never came (I didn´t have much money back then, so that sucked).
  24. Not really what my post implied but whatever. Do I really have to state the obvious? The point is that many people here overestimate respectable teacher's SD stage just because they're awakened. Edit: idk if my first post about was misunderstood because of my English (I'm not from an English speaking country), but since I've clarified it here a second time already it should now be obvious.
  25. No. I'm just bringing up spiral dynamics, since you brought them up. Spiral dynamics is not an appropriate tool when talking about mental instability like Connor's case. Notice how my post didn't imply that Connor's near Suzuki's enlightenment level at all?