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Everything posted by 88888will88888

  1. This is an opportunity for us to share some resources. Many teachers have helped me along my path, including but not limited to: Bentinho Massaro Christine Breese Eckhart Tolle John Vervaeke Osho Paul Selig Sadhguru Ram Dass Ron Legarski and of course Leo I highly recommend researching any of these people if you haven't heard of them!
  2. If every human on Earth purchased only what they truly needed to survive, many of these places would not be in business.
  3. @Apparition of Jack Oh yeah, he's a great teacher. Very wise.
  4. You don't so much find yourself as you create yourself. Are you a human? I'm guessing you are. Decide what kind of human you want to be, then create that life for yourself. Yes, if you search for the True Self, then you'll find that it doesn't exist, or it's nothing, or it's everything. The only thing to "really" do at that point is be somebody. I emphasize "really" because by being somebody you make yourself "real" -- though I understand that real is a funky word especially when discussing nonduality, as everything simultaneously is real and isn't... depending on how you look at it
  5. Fact: Enlightenment gives you a broader perspective on and understanding of what the world is. Fiction: Attaining this perspective and understanding does not make you more special or more important than anybody else.
  6. Nothing is necessary, everything is optional
  7. Socializing is a very healthy activity (unless you're hanging around toxic people all the time; solitude is probably better than a toxic friend group). Socializing with interesting and healthy and intelligent people allows your mind to expand, builds your connection with the human world, grows your understanding of language and culture, gives you an opportunity to express your ideas and articulate your beliefs. I mean, the list goes on and on; socializing is a healthy activity. Ideally, balance social activities with solitude activities. I spend at a few hours everyday meditating and journaling by myself, and at least a few hours everyday hanging out with friends and family. Important to note though: You don't have to pay anyone to socialize. Just go out into the world and express yourself. Those that find you interesting will be attracted, and likely those who find you interesting will also be interesting to you
  8. Realize truth first, then build your egoic life. If you build egoic life first, you'll suffer more, and your egoic foundation will be maligned. It is possible to build a selfless ego, as a human; but the truth of nonduality must be prioritized and deeply ingrained first.
  9. Gratitude
  10. Psychology is a technology
  11. LOLOLOL. Maarten, my friend, reality is a reflection.
  12. Very interesting videos and ideas. Thanks for sharing
  13. Looking for objective wrongness is misunderstanding the teaching of nonduality
  14. America has many flaws, but it's a wonderful country in many ways too
  15. Focus on what you love about life